diff --git a/api/utils/serializer/v1/serializer.py b/api/utils/serializer/v1/serializer.py
index 78f8d1f6..c01746c3 100644
--- a/api/utils/serializer/v1/serializer.py
+++ b/api/utils/serializer/v1/serializer.py
@@ -297,9 +297,12 @@ class AbstractCompensationAPISerializerV1Mixin:
         deadlines = []
         for entry in deadline_data:
-            deadline_type = entry["type"]
-            date = entry["date"]
-            comment = entry["comment"]
+            try:
+                deadline_type = entry["type"]
+                date = entry["date"]
+                comment = entry["comment"]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid deadline content. Content was {entry} but should follow the specification")
             # Check on validity
             if deadline_type not in DeadlineType:
@@ -341,11 +344,14 @@ class AbstractCompensationAPISerializerV1Mixin:
         states = []
         for entry in states_data:
-            biotope_type = entry["biotope"]
-            biotope_details = [
-                self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_BIOTOPES_EXTRA_CODES_ID) for e in entry["biotope_details"]
-            ]
-            surface = float(entry["surface"])
+            try:
+                biotope_type = entry["biotope"]
+                biotope_details = [
+                    self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_BIOTOPES_EXTRA_CODES_ID) for e in entry["biotope_details"]
+                ]
+                surface = float(entry["surface"])
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid biotope content. Content was {entry} but should follow the specification ")
             # Check on validity
             if surface <= 0:
@@ -385,16 +391,19 @@ class AbstractCompensationAPISerializerV1Mixin:
         actions = []
         for entry in actions_data:
-            action_types = [
-                self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_ID) for e in entry["action_types"]
-            ]
-            action_details = [
-                self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_DETAIL_ID) for e in entry["action_details"]
-            ]
-            amount = float(entry["amount"])
-            # Mapping of old "qm" into "m²"
-            unit = UnitChoices.m2.value if entry["unit"] == "qm" else entry["unit"]
-            comment = entry["comment"]
+            try:
+                action_types = [
+                    self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_ID) for e in entry["action_types"]
+                ]
+                action_details = [
+                    self._konova_code_from_json(e, CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_DETAIL_ID) for e in entry["action_details"]
+                ]
+                amount = float(entry["amount"])
+                # Mapping of old "qm" into "m²"
+                unit = UnitChoices.m2.value if entry["unit"] == "qm" else entry["unit"]
+                comment = entry["comment"]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid action content. Content was {entry} but should follow specification")
             # Check on validity
             if amount <= 0: