diff --git a/intervention/models.py b/intervention/models.py
index fb344b2e..0f4fd677 100644
--- a/intervention/models.py
+++ b/intervention/models.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import shutil
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+from django.db.models import QuerySet
 from django.utils.timezone import localtime
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
@@ -94,8 +95,39 @@ class RevocationDocument(AbstractDocument):
     def intervention(self):
+        """
+        Shortcut for opening the related intervention
+        Returns:
+            intervention (Intervention)
+        """
         return self.instance.legaldata.intervention
+    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Custom delete functionality for RevocationDocuments.
+        Removes the folder from the file system if there are no further documents for this entry.
+        Args:
+            *args ():
+            **kwargs ():
+        Returns:
+        """
+        revoc_docs, other_intervention_docs = self.intervention.get_documents()
+        # Remove the file itself
+        super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
+        # Always remove 'revocation' folder
+        folder_path = self.file.path.split("/")
+        shutil.rmtree("/".join(folder_path[:-1]))
+        if other_intervention_docs.count() == 0:
+            # If there are no further documents for the intervention, we can simply remove the whole folder as well!
+            shutil.rmtree("/".join(folder_path[:-2]))
 class LegalData(UuidModel):
@@ -326,6 +358,21 @@ class Intervention(BaseObject):
             tooltip = _("Recorded on {} by {}").format(on, self.recorded.user)
         return tooltip
+    def get_documents(self) -> (QuerySet, QuerySet):
+        """ Getter for all documents of an intervention
+        Returns:
+            revoc_docs (QuerySet): The queryset of a revocation document
+            regular_docs (QuerySet): The queryset of regular other documents
+        """
+        revoc_docs = RevocationDocument.objects.filter(
+            instance=self.legal.revocation
+        )
+        regular_docs = InterventionDocument.objects.filter(
+            instance=self
+        )
+        return revoc_docs, regular_docs
 class InterventionDocument(AbstractDocument):
@@ -353,12 +400,7 @@ class InterventionDocument(AbstractDocument):
-        revoc_docs = RevocationDocument.objects.filter(
-            instance=self.instance.legal.revocation
-        )
-        other_intervention_docs = InterventionDocument.objects.filter(
-            instance=self.instance
-        )
+        revoc_docs, other_intervention_docs = self.instance.get_documents()
         folder_path = None
         if revoc_docs.count() == 0 and other_intervention_docs.count() == 1: