""" Author: Michel Peltriaux Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de Created on: 15.11.21 """ from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db import models from api.models import APIUserToken from konova.settings import ZB_GROUP, DEFAULT_GROUP, ETS_GROUP from konova.utils.mailer import Mailer from user.enums import UserNotificationEnum class User(AbstractUser): notifications = models.ManyToManyField("user.UserNotification", related_name="+", blank=True) api_token = models.OneToOneField( "api.APIUserToken", blank=True, null=True, help_text="The user's API token", on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) def is_notification_setting_set(self, notification_enum: UserNotificationEnum): return self.notifications.filter( id=notification_enum.value ).exists() def is_zb_user(self): """ Shortcut for checking whether a user is of a special group or not Returns: bool """ return self.groups.filter( name=ZB_GROUP ).exists() def is_default_user(self): """ Shortcut for checking whether a user is of a special group or not Returns: bool """ return self.groups.filter( name=DEFAULT_GROUP ).exists() def is_ets_user(self): """ Shortcut for checking whether a user is of a special group or not Returns: bool """ return self.groups.filter( name=ETS_GROUP ).exists() def send_mail_shared_access_removed(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of removed shared access Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_REMOVED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_access_removed(obj_identifier, self) def send_mail_shared_access_given(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of given shared access Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_GAINED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_access_given(obj_identifier, self) def send_mail_shared_data_recorded(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of shared data has been recorded Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_RECORDED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_data_recorded(obj_identifier, self) def send_mail_shared_data_unrecorded(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of shared data has been unrecorded Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_RECORDED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_data_unrecorded(obj_identifier, self) def send_mail_shared_data_deleted(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of shared data has been deleted Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_DELETED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_data_deleted(obj_identifier, self) def send_mail_shared_data_checked(self, obj_identifier): """ Sends a mail to the user in case of shared data has been deleted Args: obj_identifier (): Returns: """ notification_set = self.is_notification_setting_set(UserNotificationEnum.NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_CHECKED) if notification_set: mailer = Mailer() mailer.send_mail_shared_data_checked(obj_identifier, self) def get_API_token(self): """ Getter for an API token Creates a new one if none exists, yet. Returns: token (APIUserToken) """ if self.api_token is None: token = APIUserToken.objects.create() self.api_token = token self.save() else: token = self.api_token return token