Author: Michel Peltriaux
Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de
Created on: 08.07.21

from konova.enums import BaseEnum

class UserNotificationEnum(BaseEnum):
    NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_REMOVED = "NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_REMOVED"  # notifies in case shared access to data has been removed
    NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_RECORDED = "NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_RECORDED"  # notifies in case data has been "verzeichnet"
    NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_DELETED = "NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_DELETED"  # notifies in case data has been deleted
    NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_CHECKED = "NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_DATA_CHECKED"  # notifies in case shared data has been checked
    NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_GAINED = "NOTIFY_ON_SHARED_ACCESS_GAINED"  # notifies in case new access has been gained
    NOTIFY_ON_DEDUCTION_CHANGES = "NOTIFY_ON_DEDUCTION_CHANGES"  # notifies in case any changes (edit|remove) have been performed on a deduction of the user's ecoaccounts