from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.db.models import Sum from django.http import HttpRequest from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ import compensation from compensation.forms.modalForms import NewStateModalForm, NewActionModalForm, NewDeadlineModalForm from ema.tables import EmaTable from konova.contexts import BaseContext from konova.decorators import conservation_office_group_required from ema.models import Ema, EmaDocument from konova.forms import RemoveModalForm, NewDocumentForm, SimpleGeomForm, RecordModalForm from konova.settings import DEFAULT_GROUP, ZB_GROUP, ETS_GROUP from konova.utils.documents import get_document, remove_document from konova.utils.user_checks import in_group @login_required def index_view(request: HttpRequest): """ Renders the index view for EMAs Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request Returns: """ template = "generic_index.html" emas = Ema.objects.filter( deleted=None, ).order_by( "-modified" ) table = EmaTable( request, queryset=emas ) context = { "table": table, } context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) @login_required @conservation_office_group_required def new_view(request: HttpRequest): """ Renders the form for a new EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request Returns: """ template = "generic_index.html" context = {} context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) @login_required def open_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders the detail view of an EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA id Returns: """ template = "ema/detail/view.html" ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id, deleted=None) geom_form = SimpleGeomForm(instance=ema) _user = request.user is_data_shared = ema.is_shared_with(_user) # Order states according to surface before_states = ema.before_states.all().order_by("-surface") after_states = ema.after_states.all().order_by("-surface") # Precalculate logical errors between before- and after-states # Sum() returns None in case of no states, so we catch that and replace it with 0 for easier handling sum_before_states = before_states.aggregate(Sum("surface"))["surface__sum"] or 0 sum_after_states = after_states.aggregate(Sum("surface"))["surface__sum"] or 0 diff_states = abs(sum_before_states - sum_after_states) context = { "obj": ema, "geom_form": geom_form, "has_access": is_data_shared, "before_states": before_states, "after_states": after_states, "sum_before_states": sum_before_states, "sum_after_states": sum_after_states, "diff_states": diff_states, "is_default_member": in_group(_user, DEFAULT_GROUP), "is_zb_member": in_group(_user, ZB_GROUP), "is_ets_member": in_group(_user, ETS_GROUP), "LANIS_LINK": ema.get_LANIS_link(), } context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) @login_required def log_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a log view using modal Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) template = "modal/modal_generic.html" body_template = "log.html" context = { "modal_body_template": body_template, "log": ema.log.all(), "modal_title": _("Log"), } context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) @login_required def edit_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) @login_required def remove_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a modal view for removing the EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) form = RemoveModalForm(request.POST or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request=request, msg_success=_("EMA removed"), redirect_url=reverse("ema:index"), ) @login_required def record_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a modal view for recording the EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) msg_succ = _("{} unrecorded") if ema.recorded else _("{} recorded") form = RecordModalForm(request.POST or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request=request, msg_success=msg_succ.format("EMA"), ) @login_required def state_new_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for adding new states for an EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id to which the new state will be related Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) form = NewStateModalForm(request.POST or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request, msg_success=_("State added") ) @login_required def action_new_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for adding new actions for an EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id to which the new state will be related Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) form = NewActionModalForm(request.POST or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request, msg_success=_("Action added") ) @login_required def deadline_new_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for adding new states for an EMA Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id to which the new state will be related Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) form = NewDeadlineModalForm(request.POST or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request, msg_success=_("Deadline added") ) @login_required def document_new_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for uploading new documents Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The EMA's id to which the new document will be related Returns: """ ema = get_object_or_404(Ema, id=id) form = NewDocumentForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None, instance=ema, user=request.user) return form.process_request( request, msg_success=_("Document added") ) @login_required def get_document_view(request: HttpRequest, doc_id: str): """ Returns the document as downloadable file Wraps the generic document fetcher function from konova.utils. Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request doc_id (str): The document id Returns: """ doc = get_object_or_404(EmaDocument, id=doc_id) return get_document(doc) @login_required def remove_document_view(request: HttpRequest, doc_id: str): """ Removes the document from the database and file system Wraps the generic functionality from konova.utils. Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request doc_id (str): The document id Returns: """ doc = get_object_or_404(EmaDocument, id=doc_id) return remove_document( request, doc ) @login_required def state_remove_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for removing an EMA state Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The state's id Returns: """ return compensation.views.compensation_views.state_remove_view( request, id ) @login_required def action_remove_view(request: HttpRequest, id: str): """ Renders a form for removing an EMA state Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request id (str): The state's id Returns: """ # Reuses the route logic from compensation view return compensation.views.compensation_views.action_remove_view( request, id )