""" Author: Michel Peltriaux Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de Created on: 16.11.21 """ import shutil from django.contrib import messages from user.models import User from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import QuerySet, Sum from django.http import HttpRequest from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from compensation.managers import CompensationManager from compensation.models import CompensationState, CompensationAction from compensation.utils.quality import CompensationQualityChecker from konova.models import BaseObject, AbstractDocument, Deadline, generate_document_file_upload_path, \ GeoReferencedMixin from konova.settings import DEFAULT_SRID_RLP, LANIS_LINK_TEMPLATE from konova.utils.message_templates import DATA_UNSHARED_EXPLANATION, COMPENSATION_REMOVED_TEMPLATE, \ DOCUMENT_REMOVED_TEMPLATE, COMPENSATION_EDITED_TEMPLATE, DEADLINE_REMOVED, ADDED_DEADLINE, \ COMPENSATION_ACTION_REMOVED, COMPENSATION_STATE_REMOVED from user.models import UserActionLogEntry class AbstractCompensation(BaseObject, GeoReferencedMixin): """ Abstract compensation model which holds basic attributes, shared by subclasses like the regular Compensation, EMA or EcoAccount. """ responsible = models.OneToOneField( "intervention.Responsibility", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, help_text="Holds data on responsible organizations ('Zulassungsbehörde', 'Eintragungsstelle') and handler", ) before_states = models.ManyToManyField(CompensationState, blank=True, related_name='+', help_text="Refers to 'Ausgangszustand Biotop'") after_states = models.ManyToManyField(CompensationState, blank=True, related_name='+', help_text="Refers to 'Zielzustand Biotop'") actions = models.ManyToManyField(CompensationAction, blank=True, help_text="Refers to 'Maßnahmen'") deadlines = models.ManyToManyField("konova.Deadline", blank=True, related_name="+") class Meta: abstract = True def add_deadline(self, form) -> Deadline: """ Adds a new deadline to the abstract compensation Args: form (NewDeadlineModalForm): The form holding all relevant data Returns: """ form_data = form.cleaned_data user = form.user with transaction.atomic(): created_action = UserActionLogEntry.get_created_action(user) deadline = Deadline.objects.create( type=form_data["type"], date=form_data["date"], comment=form_data["comment"], created=created_action, ) self.save() self.deadlines.add(deadline) self.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=ADDED_DEADLINE) return deadline def remove_deadline(self, form): """ Removes a deadline from the abstract compensation Args: form (DeadlineRemoveModalForm): The form holding all relevant data Returns: """ deadline = form.deadline user = form.user with transaction.atomic(): deadline.delete() self.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=DEADLINE_REMOVED) def add_action(self, form) -> CompensationAction: """ Adds a new action to the compensation Args: form (NewActionModalForm): The form holding all relevant data Returns: """ form_data = form.cleaned_data user = form.user with transaction.atomic(): user_action = UserActionLogEntry.get_created_action(user) comp_action = CompensationAction.objects.create( action_type=form_data["action_type"], amount=form_data["amount"], unit=form_data["unit"], comment=form_data["comment"], created=user_action, ) comp_action_details = form_data["action_type_details"] comp_action.action_type_details.set(comp_action_details) self.actions.add(comp_action) return comp_action def remove_action(self, form): """ Removes a CompensationAction from the abstract compensation Args: form (CompensationActionRemoveModalForm): The form holding all relevant data Returns: """ action = form.action user = form.user with transaction.atomic(): action.delete() self.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=COMPENSATION_ACTION_REMOVED) def add_state(self, form, is_before_state: bool) -> CompensationState: """ Adds a new compensation state to the compensation Args: form (NewStateModalForm): The form, holding all relevant data is_before_state (bool): Whether this is a new before_state or after_state Returns: """ form_data = form.cleaned_data with transaction.atomic(): state = CompensationState.objects.create( biotope_type=form_data["biotope_type"], surface=form_data["surface"], ) state_additional_types = form_data["biotope_extra"] state.biotope_type_details.set(state_additional_types) if is_before_state: self.before_states.add(state) else: self.after_states.add(state) return state def remove_state(self, form): """ Removes a CompensationState from the abstract compensation Args: form (CompensationStateRemoveModalForm): The form holding all relevant data Returns: """ state = form.state user = form.user with transaction.atomic(): state.delete() self.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=COMPENSATION_STATE_REMOVED) def get_surface_after_states(self) -> float: """ Calculates the compensation's/account's surface Returns: sum_surface (float) """ return self._calc_surface(self.after_states.all()) def get_surface_before_states(self) -> float: """ Calculates the compensation's/account's surface Returns: sum_surface (float) """ return self._calc_surface(self.before_states.all()) def _calc_surface(self, qs: QuerySet): """ Calculates the surface sum of a given queryset Args: qs (QuerySet): The queryset containing CompensationState entries Returns: """ return qs.aggregate(Sum("surface"))["surface__sum"] or 0 def quality_check(self) -> CompensationQualityChecker: """ Performs data quality check Returns: checker (CompensationQualityChecker): Holds validity data and error messages """ checker = CompensationQualityChecker(self) checker.run_check() return checker def set_status_messages(self, request: HttpRequest): """ Setter for different information that need to be rendered Adds messages to the given HttpRequest Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request Returns: request (HttpRequest): The modified request """ if not self.is_shared_with(request.user): messages.info(request, DATA_UNSHARED_EXPLANATION) request = self.set_geometry_conflict_message(request) return request class CEFMixin(models.Model): """ Provides CEF flag as Mixin """ is_cef = models.BooleanField( blank=True, null=True, default=False, help_text="Flag if compensation is a 'CEF-Maßnahme'" ) class Meta: abstract = True class CoherenceMixin(models.Model): """ Provides coherence keeping flag as Mixin """ is_coherence_keeping = models.BooleanField( blank=True, null=True, default=False, help_text="Flag if compensation is a 'Kohärenzsicherung'" ) class Meta: abstract = True class Compensation(AbstractCompensation, CEFMixin, CoherenceMixin): """ Regular compensation, linked to an intervention """ intervention = models.ForeignKey( "intervention.Intervention", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, related_name='compensations' ) objects = CompensationManager() def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.identifier) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.identifier is None or len(self.identifier) == 0: # Create new identifier is none was given self.identifier = self.generate_new_identifier() # Before saving, make sure a given identifier has not been taken already in the meanwhile while Compensation.objects.filter(identifier=self.identifier).exclude(id=self.id).exists(): self.identifier = self.generate_new_identifier() super().save(*args, **kwargs) def mark_as_deleted(self, user, send_mail: bool = True): super().mark_as_deleted(user, send_mail) if user is not None: self.intervention.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=COMPENSATION_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.format(self.identifier)) def is_shared_with(self, user: User): """ Access check Checks whether a given user has access to this object Args: user (User): The user to be checked Returns: """ # Compensations inherit their shared state from the interventions return self.intervention.is_shared_with(user) def share_with(self, user: User): """ Adds user to list of shared access users Args: user (User): The user to be added to the object Returns: """ if not self.intervention.is_shared_with(user): self.intervention.users.add(user) def share_with_list(self, user_list: list): """ Sets the list of shared access users Args: user_list (list): The users to be added to the object Returns: """ self.intervention.users.set(user_list) @property def shared_users(self) -> QuerySet: """ Shortcut for fetching the users which have shared access on this object Returns: users (QuerySet) """ return self.intervention.users.all() def get_LANIS_link(self) -> str: """ Generates a link for LANIS depending on the geometry Returns: """ try: geom = self.geometry.geom.transform(DEFAULT_SRID_RLP, clone=True) x = geom.centroid.x y = geom.centroid.y zoom_lvl = 16 except AttributeError: # If no geometry has been added, yet. x = 1 y = 1 zoom_lvl = 6 return LANIS_LINK_TEMPLATE.format( zoom_lvl, x, y, ) def get_documents(self) -> QuerySet: """ Getter for all documents of a compensation Returns: docs (QuerySet): The queryset of all documents """ docs = CompensationDocument.objects.filter( instance=self ) return docs def mark_as_edited(self, user: User, request: HttpRequest = None, edit_comment: str = None, reset_recorded: bool = True): """ Performs internal logic for setting the recordedd/checked state of the related intervention Args: user (User): The performing user request (HttpRequest): The performing request edit_comment (str): Additional comment for the log entry reset_recorded (bool): Whether the record-state of the object should be reset Returns: """ self.intervention.unrecord(user, request) action = super().mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=edit_comment) return action def is_ready_for_publish(self) -> bool: """ Not inherited by RecordableObjectMixin Simplifies same usage for compensations as for other datatypes Returns: is_ready (bool): True|False """ return self.intervention.is_ready_for_publish() class CompensationDocument(AbstractDocument): """ Specializes document upload for revocations with certain path """ instance = models.ForeignKey( Compensation, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="documents", ) file = models.FileField( upload_to=generate_document_file_upload_path, max_length=1000, ) def delete(self, user=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Custom delete functionality for CompensationDocuments. Removes the folder from the file system if there are no further documents for this entry. Args: *args (): **kwargs (): Returns: """ comp_docs = self.instance.get_documents() folder_path = None if comp_docs.count() == 1: # The only file left for this compensation is the one which is currently processed and will be deleted # Make sure that the compensation folder itself is deleted as well, not only the file # Therefore take the folder path from the file path folder_path = self.file.path.split("/")[:-1] folder_path = "/".join(folder_path) if user: self.instance.mark_as_edited(user, edit_comment=DOCUMENT_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.format(self.title)) # Remove the file itself super().delete(*args, **kwargs) # If a folder path has been set, we need to delete the whole folder! if folder_path is not None: try: shutil.rmtree(folder_path) except FileNotFoundError: # Folder seems to be missing already... pass