(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.shp = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
function defaultDecoder(data) {
  var decoder = new StringDecoder();
  var out = decoder.write(data) + decoder.end();
  return out.replace(/\0/g, '').trim();
module.exports = createDecoder;
var regex = /^(?:ANSI\s)?(\d+)$/m;
function createDecoder(encoding, second) {
  console.log('encoding', encoding)
  if (!encoding) {
    return defaultDecoder;
  try {
    new TextDecoder(encoding.trim());
  } catch(e) {
    console.log('catch', e);
    var match = regex.exec(encoding);
    console.log('match', match);
    if (match && !second) {
      console.log('m1', match[1])
      return createDecoder('windows-' + match[1], true);
    } else {
      return defaultDecoder;
  return browserDecoder;
  function browserDecoder(buffer) {
    var decoder = new TextDecoder(encoding);
    var out = decoder.decode(buffer, {
      stream: true
    }) + decoder.decode();
    return out.replace(/\0/g, '').trim();

var createDecoder = require('./decoder');
function dbfHeader(data) {
  var out = {};
  out.lastUpdated = new Date(data.readUInt8(1) + 1900, data.readUInt8(2), data.readUInt8(3));
  out.records = data.readUInt32LE(4);
  out.headerLen = data.readUInt16LE(8);
  out.recLen = data.readUInt16LE(10);
  return out;

function dbfRowHeader(data, headerLen, decoder) {
  var out = [];
  var offset = 32;
  while (offset < headerLen) {
      name: decoder(data.slice(offset, offset + 11)),
      dataType: String.fromCharCode(data.readUInt8(offset + 11)),
      len: data.readUInt8(offset + 16),
      decimal: data.readUInt8(offset + 17)
    if (data.readUInt8(offset + 32) === 13) {
    } else {
      offset += 32;
  return out;

function rowFuncs(buffer, offset, len, type, decoder) {
  var data = buffer.slice(offset, offset + len);
  var textData = decoder(data);
  switch (type) {
    case 'N':
    case 'F':
    case 'O':
      return parseFloat(textData, 10);
    case 'D':
      return new Date(textData.slice(0, 4), parseInt(textData.slice(4, 6), 10) - 1, textData.slice(6, 8));
    case 'L':
      return textData.toLowerCase() === 'y' || textData.toLowerCase() === 't';
      return textData;

function parseRow(buffer, offset, rowHeaders, decoder) {
  var out = {};
  var i = 0;
  var len = rowHeaders.length;
  var field;
  var header;
  while (i < len) {
    header = rowHeaders[i];
    field = rowFuncs(buffer, offset, header.len, header.dataType, decoder);
    offset += header.len;
    if (typeof field !== 'undefined') {
      out[header.name] = field;
  return out;

module.exports = function(buffer, encoding) {
  var decoder = createDecoder(encoding);
  var header = dbfHeader(buffer);
  var rowHeaders = dbfRowHeader(buffer, header.headerLen - 1, decoder);

  var offset = ((rowHeaders.length + 1) << 5) + 2;
  var recLen = header.recLen;
  var records = header.records;
  var out = [];
  while (records) {
    out.push(parseRow(buffer, offset, rowHeaders, decoder));
    offset += recLen;
  return out;

// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// See LICENSE.md for more information.

module.exports = require("./lib/encoding.js");

// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// See LICENSE.md for more information.

 * @fileoverview Global |this| required for resolving indexes in node.
 * @suppress {globalThis}
(function(global) {
  'use strict';

  // If we're in node require encoding-indexes and attach it to the global.
  if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports &&
    !global["encoding-indexes"]) {

  // Utilities

   * @param {number} a The number to test.
   * @param {number} min The minimum value in the range, inclusive.
   * @param {number} max The maximum value in the range, inclusive.
   * @return {boolean} True if a >= min and a <= max.
  function inRange(a, min, max) {
    return min <= a && a <= max;

   * @param {!Array.<*>} array The array to check.
   * @param {*} item The item to look for in the array.
   * @return {boolean} True if the item appears in the array.
  function includes(array, item) {
    return array.indexOf(item) !== -1;

  var floor = Math.floor;

   * @param {*} o
   * @return {Object}
  function ToDictionary(o) {
    if (o === undefined) return {};
    if (o === Object(o)) return o;
    throw TypeError('Could not convert argument to dictionary');

   * @param {string} string Input string of UTF-16 code units.
   * @return {!Array.<number>} Code points.
  function stringToCodePoints(string) {
    // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-obtain-unicode

    // 1. Let S be the DOMString value.
    var s = String(string);

    // 2. Let n be the length of S.
    var n = s.length;

    // 3. Initialize i to 0.
    var i = 0;

    // 4. Initialize U to be an empty sequence of Unicode characters.
    var u = [];

    // 5. While i < n:
    while (i < n) {

      // 1. Let c be the code unit in S at index i.
      var c = s.charCodeAt(i);

      // 2. Depending on the value of c:

      // c < 0xD800 or c > 0xDFFF
      if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF) {
        // Append to U the Unicode character with code point c.

      // 0xDC00 ≤ c ≤ 0xDFFF
      else if (0xDC00 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF) {
        // Append to U a U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

      // 0xD800 ≤ c ≤ 0xDBFF
      else if (0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDBFF) {
        // 1. If i = n−1, then append to U a U+FFFD REPLACEMENT
        // CHARACTER.
        if (i === n - 1) {
        // 2. Otherwise, i < n−1:
        else {
          // 1. Let d be the code unit in S at index i+1.
          var d = s.charCodeAt(i + 1);

          // 2. If 0xDC00 ≤ d ≤ 0xDFFF, then:
          if (0xDC00 <= d && d <= 0xDFFF) {
            // 1. Let a be c & 0x3FF.
            var a = c & 0x3FF;

            // 2. Let b be d & 0x3FF.
            var b = d & 0x3FF;

            // 3. Append to U the Unicode character with code point
            // 2^16+2^10*a+b.
            u.push(0x10000 + (a << 10) + b);

            // 4. Set i to i+1.
            i += 1;

          // 3. Otherwise, d < 0xDC00 or d > 0xDFFF. Append to U a
          else  {

      // 3. Set i to i+1.
      i += 1;

    // 6. Return U.
    return u;

   * @param {!Array.<number>} code_points Array of code points.
   * @return {string} string String of UTF-16 code units.
  function codePointsToString(code_points) {
    var s = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < code_points.length; ++i) {
      var cp = code_points[i];
      if (cp <= 0xFFFF) {
        s += String.fromCharCode(cp);
      } else {
        cp -= 0x10000;
        s += String.fromCharCode((cp >> 10) + 0xD800,
                                 (cp & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
    return s;

  // Implementation of Encoding specification
  // https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/

  // 4. Terminology

   * An ASCII byte is a byte in the range 0x00 to 0x7F, inclusive.
   * @param {number} a The number to test.
   * @return {boolean} True if a is in the range 0x00 to 0x7F, inclusive.
  function isASCIIByte(a) {
    return 0x00 <= a && a <= 0x7F;

   * An ASCII code point is a code point in the range U+0000 to
   * U+007F, inclusive.
  var isASCIICodePoint = isASCIIByte;

   * End-of-stream is a special token that signifies no more tokens
   * are in the stream.
   * @const
   */ var end_of_stream = -1;

   * A stream represents an ordered sequence of tokens.
   * @constructor
   * @param {!(Array.<number>|Uint8Array)} tokens Array of tokens that provide
   * the stream.
  function Stream(tokens) {
    /** @type {!Array.<number>} */
    this.tokens = [].slice.call(tokens);
    // Reversed as push/pop is more efficient than shift/unshift.

  Stream.prototype = {
     * @return {boolean} True if end-of-stream has been hit.
    endOfStream: function() {
      return !this.tokens.length;

     * When a token is read from a stream, the first token in the
     * stream must be returned and subsequently removed, and
     * end-of-stream must be returned otherwise.
     * @return {number} Get the next token from the stream, or
     * end_of_stream.
     read: function() {
      if (!this.tokens.length)
        return end_of_stream;
       return this.tokens.pop();

     * When one or more tokens are prepended to a stream, those tokens
     * must be inserted, in given order, before the first token in the
     * stream.
     * @param {(number|!Array.<number>)} token The token(s) to prepend to the
     * stream.
    prepend: function(token) {
      if (Array.isArray(token)) {
        var tokens = /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(token);
        while (tokens.length)
      } else {

     * When one or more tokens are pushed to a stream, those tokens
     * must be inserted, in given order, after the last token in the
     * stream.
     * @param {(number|!Array.<number>)} token The tokens(s) to push to the
     * stream.
    push: function(token) {
      if (Array.isArray(token)) {
        var tokens = /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(token);
        while (tokens.length)
      } else {

  // 5. Encodings

  // 5.1 Encoders and decoders

  /** @const */
  var finished = -1;

   * @param {boolean} fatal If true, decoding errors raise an exception.
   * @param {number=} opt_code_point Override the standard fallback code point.
   * @return {number} The code point to insert on a decoding error.
  function decoderError(fatal, opt_code_point) {
    if (fatal)
      throw TypeError('Decoder error');
    return opt_code_point || 0xFFFD;

   * @param {number} code_point The code point that could not be encoded.
   * @return {number} Always throws, no value is actually returned.
  function encoderError(code_point) {
    throw TypeError('The code point ' + code_point + ' could not be encoded.');

  /** @interface */
  function Decoder() {}
  Decoder.prototype = {
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point, or |finished|.
    handler: function(stream, bite) {}

  /** @interface */
  function Encoder() {}
  Encoder.prototype = {
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of code points being encoded.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit, or |finished|.
    handler: function(stream, code_point) {}

  // 5.2 Names and labels

  // TODO: Define @typedef for Encoding: {name:string,labels:Array.<string>}
  // https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/issues/247

   * @param {string} label The encoding label.
   * @return {?{name:string,labels:Array.<string>}}
  function getEncoding(label) {
    // 1. Remove any leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from label.
    label = String(label).trim().toLowerCase();

    // 2. If label is an ASCII case-insensitive match for any of the
    // labels listed in the table below, return the corresponding
    // encoding, and failure otherwise.
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(label_to_encoding, label)) {
      return label_to_encoding[label];
    return null;

   * Encodings table: https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/encodings.json
   * @const
   * @type {!Array.<{
   *          heading: string,
   *          encodings: Array.<{name:string,labels:Array.<string>}>
   *        }>}
  var encodings = [
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "UTF-8"
      "heading": "The Encoding"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "IBM866"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-2"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-3"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-4"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-5"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-6"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-7"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-8"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-8-I"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-10"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-13"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-14"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-15"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-8859-16"
          "labels": [
          "name": "KOI8-R"
          "labels": [
          "name": "KOI8-U"
          "labels": [
          "name": "macintosh"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-874"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1250"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1251"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1252"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1253"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1254"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1255"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1256"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1257"
          "labels": [
          "name": "windows-1258"
          "labels": [
          "name": "x-mac-cyrillic"
      "heading": "Legacy single-byte encodings"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "GBK"
          "labels": [
          "name": "gb18030"
      "heading": "Legacy multi-byte Chinese (simplified) encodings"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "Big5"
      "heading": "Legacy multi-byte Chinese (traditional) encodings"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "EUC-JP"
          "labels": [
          "name": "ISO-2022-JP"
          "labels": [
          "name": "Shift_JIS"
      "heading": "Legacy multi-byte Japanese encodings"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "EUC-KR"
      "heading": "Legacy multi-byte Korean encodings"
      "encodings": [
          "labels": [
          "name": "replacement"
          "labels": [
          "name": "UTF-16BE"
          "labels": [
          "name": "UTF-16LE"
          "labels": [
          "name": "x-user-defined"
      "heading": "Legacy miscellaneous encodings"

  // Label to encoding registry.
  /** @type {Object.<string,{name:string,labels:Array.<string>}>} */
  var label_to_encoding = {};
  encodings.forEach(function(category) {
    category.encodings.forEach(function(encoding) {
      encoding.labels.forEach(function(label) {
        label_to_encoding[label] = encoding;

  // Registry of of encoder/decoder factories, by encoding name.
  /** @type {Object.<string, function({fatal:boolean}): Encoder>} */
  var encoders = {};
  /** @type {Object.<string, function({fatal:boolean}): Decoder>} */
  var decoders = {};

  // 6. Indexes

   * @param {number} pointer The |pointer| to search for.
   * @param {(!Array.<?number>|undefined)} index The |index| to search within.
   * @return {?number} The code point corresponding to |pointer| in |index|,
   *     or null if |code point| is not in |index|.
  function indexCodePointFor(pointer, index) {
    if (!index) return null;
    return index[pointer] || null;

   * @param {number} code_point The |code point| to search for.
   * @param {!Array.<?number>} index The |index| to search within.
   * @return {?number} The first pointer corresponding to |code point| in
   *     |index|, or null if |code point| is not in |index|.
  function indexPointerFor(code_point, index) {
    var pointer = index.indexOf(code_point);
    return pointer === -1 ? null : pointer;

   * @param {string} name Name of the index.
   * @return {(!Array.<number>|!Array.<Array.<number>>)}
   *  */
  function index(name) {
    if (!('encoding-indexes' in global)) {
      throw Error("Indexes missing." +
                  " Did you forget to include encoding-indexes.js first?");
    return global['encoding-indexes'][name];

   * @param {number} pointer The |pointer| to search for in the gb18030 index.
   * @return {?number} The code point corresponding to |pointer| in |index|,
   *     or null if |code point| is not in the gb18030 index.
  function indexGB18030RangesCodePointFor(pointer) {
    // 1. If pointer is greater than 39419 and less than 189000, or
    // pointer is greater than 1237575, return null.
    if ((pointer > 39419 && pointer < 189000) || (pointer > 1237575))
      return null;

    // 2. If pointer is 7457, return code point U+E7C7.
    if (pointer === 7457) return 0xE7C7;

    // 3. Let offset be the last pointer in index gb18030 ranges that
    // is equal to or less than pointer and let code point offset be
    // its corresponding code point.
    var offset = 0;
    var code_point_offset = 0;
    var idx = index('gb18030-ranges');
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < idx.length; ++i) {
      /** @type {!Array.<number>} */
      var entry = idx[i];
      if (entry[0] <= pointer) {
        offset = entry[0];
        code_point_offset = entry[1];
      } else {

    // 4. Return a code point whose value is code point offset +
    // pointer − offset.
    return code_point_offset + pointer - offset;

   * @param {number} code_point The |code point| to locate in the gb18030 index.
   * @return {number} The first pointer corresponding to |code point| in the
   *     gb18030 index.
  function indexGB18030RangesPointerFor(code_point) {
    // 1. If code point is U+E7C7, return pointer 7457.
    if (code_point === 0xE7C7) return 7457;

    // 2. Let offset be the last code point in index gb18030 ranges
    // that is equal to or less than code point and let pointer offset
    // be its corresponding pointer.
    var offset = 0;
    var pointer_offset = 0;
    var idx = index('gb18030-ranges');
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < idx.length; ++i) {
      /** @type {!Array.<number>} */
      var entry = idx[i];
      if (entry[1] <= code_point) {
        offset = entry[1];
        pointer_offset = entry[0];
      } else {

    // 3. Return a pointer whose value is pointer offset + code point
    // − offset.
    return pointer_offset + code_point - offset;

   * @param {number} code_point The |code_point| to search for in the Shift_JIS
   *     index.
   * @return {?number} The code point corresponding to |pointer| in |index|,
   *     or null if |code point| is not in the Shift_JIS index.
  function indexShiftJISPointerFor(code_point) {
    // 1. Let index be index jis0208 excluding all entries whose
    // pointer is in the range 8272 to 8835, inclusive.
    shift_jis_index = shift_jis_index ||
      index('jis0208').map(function(code_point, pointer) {
        return inRange(pointer, 8272, 8835) ? null : code_point;
    var index_ = shift_jis_index;

    // 2. Return the index pointer for code point in index.
    return index_.indexOf(code_point);
  var shift_jis_index;

   * @param {number} code_point The |code_point| to search for in the big5
   *     index.
   * @return {?number} The code point corresponding to |pointer| in |index|,
   *     or null if |code point| is not in the big5 index.
  function indexBig5PointerFor(code_point) {
    // 1. Let index be index Big5 excluding all entries whose pointer
    big5_index_no_hkscs = big5_index_no_hkscs ||
      index('big5').map(function(code_point, pointer) {
        return (pointer < (0xA1 - 0x81) * 157) ? null : code_point;
    var index_ = big5_index_no_hkscs;

    // 2. If code point is U+2550, U+255E, U+2561, U+256A, U+5341, or
    // U+5345, return the last pointer corresponding to code point in
    // index.
    if (code_point === 0x2550 || code_point === 0x255E ||
        code_point === 0x2561 || code_point === 0x256A ||
        code_point === 0x5341 || code_point === 0x5345) {
      return index_.lastIndexOf(code_point);

    // 3. Return the index pointer for code point in index.
    return indexPointerFor(code_point, index_);
  var big5_index_no_hkscs;

  // 8. API

  /** @const */ var DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf-8';

  // 8.1 Interface TextDecoder

   * @constructor
   * @param {string=} label The label of the encoding;
   *     defaults to 'utf-8'.
   * @param {Object=} options
  function TextDecoder(label, options) {
    // Web IDL conventions
    if (!(this instanceof TextDecoder))
      throw TypeError('Called as a function. Did you forget \'new\'?');
    label = label !== undefined ? String(label) : DEFAULT_ENCODING;
    options = ToDictionary(options);

    // A TextDecoder object has an associated encoding, decoder,
    // stream, ignore BOM flag (initially unset), BOM seen flag
    // (initially unset), error mode (initially replacement), and do
    // not flush flag (initially unset).

    /** @private */
    this._encoding = null;
    /** @private @type {?Decoder} */
    this._decoder = null;
    /** @private @type {boolean} */
    this._ignoreBOM = false;
    /** @private @type {boolean} */
    this._BOMseen = false;
    /** @private @type {string} */
    this._error_mode = 'replacement';
    /** @private @type {boolean} */
    this._do_not_flush = false;

    // 1. Let encoding be the result of getting an encoding from
    // label.
    var encoding = getEncoding(label);

    // 2. If encoding is failure or replacement, throw a RangeError.
    if (encoding === null || encoding.name === 'replacement')
      throw RangeError('Unknown encoding: ' + label);
    if (!decoders[encoding.name]) {
      throw Error('Decoder not present.' +
                  ' Did you forget to include encoding-indexes.js first?');

    // 3. Let dec be a new TextDecoder object.
    var dec = this;

    // 4. Set dec's encoding to encoding.
    dec._encoding = encoding;

    // 5. If options's fatal member is true, set dec's error mode to
    // fatal.
    if (Boolean(options['fatal']))
      dec._error_mode = 'fatal';

    // 6. If options's ignoreBOM member is true, set dec's ignore BOM
    // flag.
    if (Boolean(options['ignoreBOM']))
      dec._ignoreBOM = true;

    // For pre-ES5 runtimes:
    if (!Object.defineProperty) {
      this.encoding = dec._encoding.name.toLowerCase();
      this.fatal = dec._error_mode === 'fatal';
      this.ignoreBOM = dec._ignoreBOM;

    // 7. Return dec.
    return dec;

  if (Object.defineProperty) {
    // The encoding attribute's getter must return encoding's name.
    Object.defineProperty(TextDecoder.prototype, 'encoding', {
      /** @this {TextDecoder} */
      get: function() { return this._encoding.name.toLowerCase(); }

    // The fatal attribute's getter must return true if error mode
    // is fatal, and false otherwise.
    Object.defineProperty(TextDecoder.prototype, 'fatal', {
      /** @this {TextDecoder} */
      get: function() { return this._error_mode === 'fatal'; }

    // The ignoreBOM attribute's getter must return true if ignore
    // BOM flag is set, and false otherwise.
    Object.defineProperty(TextDecoder.prototype, 'ignoreBOM', {
      /** @this {TextDecoder} */
      get: function() { return this._ignoreBOM; }

   * @param {BufferSource=} input The buffer of bytes to decode.
   * @param {Object=} options
   * @return {string} The decoded string.
  TextDecoder.prototype.decode = function decode(input, options) {
    var bytes;
    if (typeof input === 'object' && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
      bytes = new Uint8Array(input);
    } else if (typeof input === 'object' && 'buffer' in input &&
               input.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
      bytes = new Uint8Array(input.buffer,
    } else {
      bytes = new Uint8Array(0);

    options = ToDictionary(options);

    // 1. If the do not flush flag is unset, set decoder to a new
    // encoding's decoder, set stream to a new stream, and unset the
    // BOM seen flag.
    if (!this._do_not_flush) {
      this._decoder = decoders[this._encoding.name]({
        fatal: this._error_mode === 'fatal'});
      this._BOMseen = false;

    // 2. If options's stream is true, set the do not flush flag, and
    // unset the do not flush flag otherwise.
    this._do_not_flush = Boolean(options['stream']);

    // 3. If input is given, push a copy of input to stream.
    // TODO: Align with spec algorithm - maintain stream on instance.
    var input_stream = new Stream(bytes);

    // 4. Let output be a new stream.
    var output = [];

    /** @type {?(number|!Array.<number>)} */
    var result;

    // 5. While true:
    while (true) {
      // 1. Let token be the result of reading from stream.
      var token = input_stream.read();

      // 2. If token is end-of-stream and the do not flush flag is
      // set, return output, serialized.
      // TODO: Align with spec algorithm.
      if (token === end_of_stream)

      // 3. Otherwise, run these subsubsteps:

      // 1. Let result be the result of processing token for decoder,
      // stream, output, and error mode.
      result = this._decoder.handler(input_stream, token);

      // 2. If result is finished, return output, serialized.
      if (result === finished)

      if (result !== null) {
        if (Array.isArray(result))
          output.push.apply(output, /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(result));

      // 3. Otherwise, if result is error, throw a TypeError.
      // (Thrown in handler)

      // 4. Otherwise, do nothing.
    // TODO: Align with spec algorithm.
    if (!this._do_not_flush) {
      do {
        result = this._decoder.handler(input_stream, input_stream.read());
        if (result === finished)
        if (result === null)
        if (Array.isArray(result))
          output.push.apply(output, /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(result));
      } while (!input_stream.endOfStream());
      this._decoder = null;

    // A TextDecoder object also has an associated serialize stream
    // algorithm...
     * @param {!Array.<number>} stream
     * @return {string}
     * @this {TextDecoder}
    function serializeStream(stream) {
      // 1. Let token be the result of reading from stream.
      // (Done in-place on array, rather than as a stream)

      // 2. If encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16BE, or UTF-16LE, and ignore
      // BOM flag and BOM seen flag are unset, run these subsubsteps:
      if (includes(['UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE'], this._encoding.name) &&
          !this._ignoreBOM && !this._BOMseen) {
        if (stream.length > 0 && stream[0] === 0xFEFF) {
          // 1. If token is U+FEFF, set BOM seen flag.
          this._BOMseen = true;
        } else if (stream.length > 0) {
          // 2. Otherwise, if token is not end-of-stream, set BOM seen
          // flag and append token to stream.
          this._BOMseen = true;
        } else {
          // 3. Otherwise, if token is not end-of-stream, append token
          // to output.
          // (no-op)
      // 4. Otherwise, return output.
      return codePointsToString(stream);

    return serializeStream.call(this, output);

  // 8.2 Interface TextEncoder

   * @constructor
   * @param {string=} label The label of the encoding. NONSTANDARD.
   * @param {Object=} options NONSTANDARD.
  function TextEncoder(label, options) {
    // Web IDL conventions
    if (!(this instanceof TextEncoder))
      throw TypeError('Called as a function. Did you forget \'new\'?');
    options = ToDictionary(options);

    // A TextEncoder object has an associated encoding and encoder.

    /** @private */
    this._encoding = null;
    /** @private @type {?Encoder} */
    this._encoder = null;

    // Non-standard
    /** @private @type {boolean} */
    this._do_not_flush = false;
    /** @private @type {string} */
    this._fatal = Boolean(options['fatal']) ? 'fatal' : 'replacement';

    // 1. Let enc be a new TextEncoder object.
    var enc = this;

    // 2. Set enc's encoding to UTF-8's encoder.
    if (Boolean(options['NONSTANDARD_allowLegacyEncoding'])) {
      // NONSTANDARD behavior.
      label = label !== undefined ? String(label) : DEFAULT_ENCODING;
      var encoding = getEncoding(label);
      if (encoding === null || encoding.name === 'replacement')
        throw RangeError('Unknown encoding: ' + label);
      if (!encoders[encoding.name]) {
        throw Error('Encoder not present.' +
                    ' Did you forget to include encoding-indexes.js first?');
      enc._encoding = encoding;
    } else {
      // Standard behavior.
      enc._encoding = getEncoding('utf-8');

      if (label !== undefined && 'console' in global) {
        console.warn('TextEncoder constructor called with encoding label, '
                     + 'which is ignored.');

    // For pre-ES5 runtimes:
    if (!Object.defineProperty)
      this.encoding = enc._encoding.name.toLowerCase();

    // 3. Return enc.
    return enc;

  if (Object.defineProperty) {
    // The encoding attribute's getter must return encoding's name.
    Object.defineProperty(TextEncoder.prototype, 'encoding', {
      /** @this {TextEncoder} */
      get: function() { return this._encoding.name.toLowerCase(); }

   * @param {string=} opt_string The string to encode.
   * @param {Object=} options
   * @return {!Uint8Array} Encoded bytes, as a Uint8Array.
  TextEncoder.prototype.encode = function encode(opt_string, options) {
    opt_string = opt_string === undefined ? '' : String(opt_string);
    options = ToDictionary(options);

    // NOTE: This option is nonstandard. None of the encodings
    // permitted for encoding (i.e. UTF-8, UTF-16) are stateful when
    // the input is a USVString so streaming is not necessary.
    if (!this._do_not_flush)
      this._encoder = encoders[this._encoding.name]({
        fatal: this._fatal === 'fatal'});
    this._do_not_flush = Boolean(options['stream']);

    // 1. Convert input to a stream.
    var input = new Stream(stringToCodePoints(opt_string));

    // 2. Let output be a new stream
    var output = [];

    /** @type {?(number|!Array.<number>)} */
    var result;
    // 3. While true, run these substeps:
    while (true) {
      // 1. Let token be the result of reading from input.
      var token = input.read();
      if (token === end_of_stream)
      // 2. Let result be the result of processing token for encoder,
      // input, output.
      result = this._encoder.handler(input, token);
      if (result === finished)
      if (Array.isArray(result))
        output.push.apply(output, /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(result));
    // TODO: Align with spec algorithm.
    if (!this._do_not_flush) {
      while (true) {
        result = this._encoder.handler(input, input.read());
        if (result === finished)
        if (Array.isArray(result))
          output.push.apply(output, /**@type {!Array.<number>}*/(result));
      this._encoder = null;
    // 3. If result is finished, convert output into a byte sequence,
    // and then return a Uint8Array object wrapping an ArrayBuffer
    // containing output.
    return new Uint8Array(output);

  // 9. The encoding

  // 9.1 utf-8

  // 9.1.1 utf-8 decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function UTF8Decoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;

    // utf-8's decoder's has an associated utf-8 code point, utf-8
    // bytes seen, and utf-8 bytes needed (all initially 0), a utf-8
    // lower boundary (initially 0x80), and a utf-8 upper boundary
    // (initially 0xBF).
    var /** @type {number} */ utf8_code_point = 0,
        /** @type {number} */ utf8_bytes_seen = 0,
        /** @type {number} */ utf8_bytes_needed = 0,
        /** @type {number} */ utf8_lower_boundary = 0x80,
        /** @type {number} */ utf8_upper_boundary = 0xBF;

     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and utf-8 bytes needed is not 0,
      // set utf-8 bytes needed to 0 and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && utf8_bytes_needed !== 0) {
        utf8_bytes_needed = 0;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 3. If utf-8 bytes needed is 0, based on byte:
      if (utf8_bytes_needed === 0) {

        // 0x00 to 0x7F
        if (inRange(bite, 0x00, 0x7F)) {
          // Return a code point whose value is byte.
          return bite;

        // 0xC2 to 0xDF
        else if (inRange(bite, 0xC2, 0xDF)) {
          // 1. Set utf-8 bytes needed to 1.
          utf8_bytes_needed = 1;

          // 2. Set UTF-8 code point to byte & 0x1F.
          utf8_code_point = bite & 0x1F;

        // 0xE0 to 0xEF
        else if (inRange(bite, 0xE0, 0xEF)) {
          // 1. If byte is 0xE0, set utf-8 lower boundary to 0xA0.
          if (bite === 0xE0)
            utf8_lower_boundary = 0xA0;
          // 2. If byte is 0xED, set utf-8 upper boundary to 0x9F.
          if (bite === 0xED)
            utf8_upper_boundary = 0x9F;
          // 3. Set utf-8 bytes needed to 2.
          utf8_bytes_needed = 2;
          // 4. Set UTF-8 code point to byte & 0xF.
          utf8_code_point = bite & 0xF;

        // 0xF0 to 0xF4
        else if (inRange(bite, 0xF0, 0xF4)) {
          // 1. If byte is 0xF0, set utf-8 lower boundary to 0x90.
          if (bite === 0xF0)
            utf8_lower_boundary = 0x90;
          // 2. If byte is 0xF4, set utf-8 upper boundary to 0x8F.
          if (bite === 0xF4)
            utf8_upper_boundary = 0x8F;
          // 3. Set utf-8 bytes needed to 3.
          utf8_bytes_needed = 3;
          // 4. Set UTF-8 code point to byte & 0x7.
          utf8_code_point = bite & 0x7;

        // Otherwise
        else {
          // Return error.
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // Return continue.
        return null;

      // 4. If byte is not in the range utf-8 lower boundary to utf-8
      // upper boundary, inclusive, run these substeps:
      if (!inRange(bite, utf8_lower_boundary, utf8_upper_boundary)) {

        // 1. Set utf-8 code point, utf-8 bytes needed, and utf-8
        // bytes seen to 0, set utf-8 lower boundary to 0x80, and set
        // utf-8 upper boundary to 0xBF.
        utf8_code_point = utf8_bytes_needed = utf8_bytes_seen = 0;
        utf8_lower_boundary = 0x80;
        utf8_upper_boundary = 0xBF;

        // 2. Prepend byte to stream.

        // 3. Return error.
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 5. Set utf-8 lower boundary to 0x80 and utf-8 upper boundary
      // to 0xBF.
      utf8_lower_boundary = 0x80;
      utf8_upper_boundary = 0xBF;

      // 6. Set UTF-8 code point to (UTF-8 code point << 6) | (byte &
      // 0x3F)
      utf8_code_point = (utf8_code_point << 6) | (bite & 0x3F);

      // 7. Increase utf-8 bytes seen by one.
      utf8_bytes_seen += 1;

      // 8. If utf-8 bytes seen is not equal to utf-8 bytes needed,
      // continue.
      if (utf8_bytes_seen !== utf8_bytes_needed)
        return null;

      // 9. Let code point be utf-8 code point.
      var code_point = utf8_code_point;

      // 10. Set utf-8 code point, utf-8 bytes needed, and utf-8 bytes
      // seen to 0.
      utf8_code_point = utf8_bytes_needed = utf8_bytes_seen = 0;

      // 11. Return a code point whose value is code point.
      return code_point;

  // 9.1.2 utf-8 encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function UTF8Encoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. Set count and offset based on the range code point is in:
      var count, offset;
      // U+0080 to U+07FF, inclusive:
      if (inRange(code_point, 0x0080, 0x07FF)) {
        // 1 and 0xC0
        count = 1;
        offset = 0xC0;
      // U+0800 to U+FFFF, inclusive:
      else if (inRange(code_point, 0x0800, 0xFFFF)) {
        // 2 and 0xE0
        count = 2;
        offset = 0xE0;
      // U+10000 to U+10FFFF, inclusive:
      else if (inRange(code_point, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF)) {
        // 3 and 0xF0
        count = 3;
        offset = 0xF0;

      // 4. Let bytes be a byte sequence whose first byte is (code
      // point >> (6 × count)) + offset.
      var bytes = [(code_point >> (6 * count)) + offset];

      // 5. Run these substeps while count is greater than 0:
      while (count > 0) {

        // 1. Set temp to code point >> (6 × (count − 1)).
        var temp = code_point >> (6 * (count - 1));

        // 2. Append to bytes 0x80 | (temp & 0x3F).
        bytes.push(0x80 | (temp & 0x3F));

        // 3. Decrease count by one.
        count -= 1;

      // 6. Return bytes bytes, in order.
      return bytes;

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['UTF-8'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF8Encoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['UTF-8'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF8Decoder(options);

  // 10. Legacy single-byte encodings

  // 10.1 single-byte decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {!Array.<number>} index The encoding index.
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function SingleByteDecoder(index, options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 3. Let code point be the index code point for byte − 0x80 in
      // index single-byte.
      var code_point = index[bite - 0x80];

      // 4. If code point is null, return error.
      if (code_point === null)
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 5. Return a code point whose value is code point.
      return code_point;

  // 10.2 single-byte encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {!Array.<?number>} index The encoding index.
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function SingleByteEncoder(index, options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. Let pointer be the index pointer for code point in index
      // single-byte.
      var pointer = indexPointerFor(code_point, index);

      // 4. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)

      // 5. Return a byte whose value is pointer + 0x80.
      return pointer + 0x80;

  (function() {
    if (!('encoding-indexes' in global))
    encodings.forEach(function(category) {
      if (category.heading !== 'Legacy single-byte encodings')
      category.encodings.forEach(function(encoding) {
        var name = encoding.name;
        var idx = index(name.toLowerCase());
        /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
        decoders[name] = function(options) {
          return new SingleByteDecoder(idx, options);
        /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
        encoders[name] = function(options) {
          return new SingleByteEncoder(idx, options);

  // 11. Legacy multi-byte Chinese (simplified) encodings

  // 11.1 gbk

  // 11.1.1 gbk decoder
  // gbk's decoder is gb18030's decoder.
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['GBK'] = function(options) {
    return new GB18030Decoder(options);

  // 11.1.2 gbk encoder
  // gbk's encoder is gb18030's encoder with its gbk flag set.
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['GBK'] = function(options) {
    return new GB18030Encoder(options, true);

  // 11.2 gb18030

  // 11.2.1 gb18030 decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function GB18030Decoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    // gb18030's decoder has an associated gb18030 first, gb18030
    // second, and gb18030 third (all initially 0x00).
    var /** @type {number} */ gb18030_first = 0x00,
        /** @type {number} */ gb18030_second = 0x00,
        /** @type {number} */ gb18030_third = 0x00;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and gb18030 first, gb18030
      // second, and gb18030 third are 0x00, return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && gb18030_first === 0x00 &&
          gb18030_second === 0x00 && gb18030_third === 0x00) {
        return finished;
      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream, and gb18030 first, gb18030
      // second, or gb18030 third is not 0x00, set gb18030 first,
      // gb18030 second, and gb18030 third to 0x00, and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream &&
          (gb18030_first !== 0x00 || gb18030_second !== 0x00 ||
           gb18030_third !== 0x00)) {
        gb18030_first = 0x00;
        gb18030_second = 0x00;
        gb18030_third = 0x00;
      var code_point;
      // 3. If gb18030 third is not 0x00, run these substeps:
      if (gb18030_third !== 0x00) {
        // 1. Let code point be null.
        code_point = null;
        // 2. If byte is in the range 0x30 to 0x39, inclusive, set
        // code point to the index gb18030 ranges code point for
        // (((gb18030 first − 0x81) × 10 + gb18030 second − 0x30) ×
        // 126 + gb18030 third − 0x81) × 10 + byte − 0x30.
        if (inRange(bite, 0x30, 0x39)) {
          code_point = indexGB18030RangesCodePointFor(
              (((gb18030_first - 0x81) * 10 + gb18030_second - 0x30) * 126 +
               gb18030_third - 0x81) * 10 + bite - 0x30);

        // 3. Let buffer be a byte sequence consisting of gb18030
        // second, gb18030 third, and byte, in order.
        var buffer = [gb18030_second, gb18030_third, bite];

        // 4. Set gb18030 first, gb18030 second, and gb18030 third to
        // 0x00.
        gb18030_first = 0x00;
        gb18030_second = 0x00;
        gb18030_third = 0x00;

        // 5. If code point is null, prepend buffer to stream and
        // return error.
        if (code_point === null) {
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 6. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 4. If gb18030 second is not 0x00, run these substeps:
      if (gb18030_second !== 0x00) {

        // 1. If byte is in the range 0x81 to 0xFE, inclusive, set
        // gb18030 third to byte and return continue.
        if (inRange(bite, 0x81, 0xFE)) {
          gb18030_third = bite;
          return null;

        // 2. Prepend gb18030 second followed by byte to stream, set
        // gb18030 first and gb18030 second to 0x00, and return error.
        stream.prepend([gb18030_second, bite]);
        gb18030_first = 0x00;
        gb18030_second = 0x00;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 5. If gb18030 first is not 0x00, run these substeps:
      if (gb18030_first !== 0x00) {

        // 1. If byte is in the range 0x30 to 0x39, inclusive, set
        // gb18030 second to byte and return continue.
        if (inRange(bite, 0x30, 0x39)) {
          gb18030_second = bite;
          return null;

        // 2. Let lead be gb18030 first, let pointer be null, and set
        // gb18030 first to 0x00.
        var lead = gb18030_first;
        var pointer = null;
        gb18030_first = 0x00;

        // 3. Let offset be 0x40 if byte is less than 0x7F and 0x41
        // otherwise.
        var offset = bite < 0x7F ? 0x40 : 0x41;

        // 4. If byte is in the range 0x40 to 0x7E, inclusive, or 0x80
        // to 0xFE, inclusive, set pointer to (lead − 0x81) × 190 +
        // (byte − offset).
        if (inRange(bite, 0x40, 0x7E) || inRange(bite, 0x80, 0xFE))
          pointer = (lead - 0x81) * 190 + (bite - offset);

        // 5. Let code point be null if pointer is null and the index
        // code point for pointer in index gb18030 otherwise.
        code_point = pointer === null ? null :
            indexCodePointFor(pointer, index('gb18030'));

        // 6. If code point is null and byte is an ASCII byte, prepend
        // byte to stream.
        if (code_point === null && isASCIIByte(bite))

        // 7. If code point is null, return error.
        if (code_point === null)
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 8. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 6. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 7. If byte is 0x80, return code point U+20AC.
      if (bite === 0x80)
        return 0x20AC;

      // 8. If byte is in the range 0x81 to 0xFE, inclusive, set
      // gb18030 first to byte and return continue.
      if (inRange(bite, 0x81, 0xFE)) {
        gb18030_first = bite;
        return null;

      // 9. Return error.
      return decoderError(fatal);

  // 11.2.2 gb18030 encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
   * @param {boolean=} gbk_flag
  function GB18030Encoder(options, gbk_flag) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    // gb18030's decoder has an associated gbk flag (initially unset).
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. If code point is U+E5E5, return error with code point.
      if (code_point === 0xE5E5)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 4. If the gbk flag is set and code point is U+20AC, return
      // byte 0x80.
      if (gbk_flag && code_point === 0x20AC)
        return 0x80;

      // 5. Let pointer be the index pointer for code point in index
      // gb18030.
      var pointer = indexPointerFor(code_point, index('gb18030'));

      // 6. If pointer is not null, run these substeps:
      if (pointer !== null) {

        // 1. Let lead be floor(pointer / 190) + 0x81.
        var lead = floor(pointer / 190) + 0x81;

        // 2. Let trail be pointer % 190.
        var trail = pointer % 190;

        // 3. Let offset be 0x40 if trail is less than 0x3F and 0x41 otherwise.
        var offset = trail < 0x3F ? 0x40 : 0x41;

        // 4. Return two bytes whose values are lead and trail + offset.
        return [lead, trail + offset];

      // 7. If gbk flag is set, return error with code point.
      if (gbk_flag)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 8. Set pointer to the index gb18030 ranges pointer for code
      // point.
      pointer = indexGB18030RangesPointerFor(code_point);

      // 9. Let byte1 be floor(pointer / 10 / 126 / 10).
      var byte1 = floor(pointer / 10 / 126 / 10);

      // 10. Set pointer to pointer − byte1 × 10 × 126 × 10.
      pointer = pointer - byte1 * 10 * 126 * 10;

      // 11. Let byte2 be floor(pointer / 10 / 126).
      var byte2 = floor(pointer / 10 / 126);

      // 12. Set pointer to pointer − byte2 × 10 × 126.
      pointer = pointer - byte2 * 10 * 126;

      // 13. Let byte3 be floor(pointer / 10).
      var byte3 = floor(pointer / 10);

      // 14. Let byte4 be pointer − byte3 × 10.
      var byte4 = pointer - byte3 * 10;

      // 15. Return four bytes whose values are byte1 + 0x81, byte2 +
      // 0x30, byte3 + 0x81, byte4 + 0x30.
      return [byte1 + 0x81,
              byte2 + 0x30,
              byte3 + 0x81,
              byte4 + 0x30];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['gb18030'] = function(options) {
    return new GB18030Encoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['gb18030'] = function(options) {
    return new GB18030Decoder(options);

  // 12. Legacy multi-byte Chinese (traditional) encodings

  // 12.1 Big5

  // 12.1.1 Big5 decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function Big5Decoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    // Big5's decoder has an associated Big5 lead (initially 0x00).
    var /** @type {number} */ Big5_lead = 0x00;

     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and Big5 lead is not 0x00, set
      // Big5 lead to 0x00 and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && Big5_lead !== 0x00) {
        Big5_lead = 0x00;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream and Big5 lead is 0x00, return
      // finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && Big5_lead === 0x00)
        return finished;

      // 3. If Big5 lead is not 0x00, let lead be Big5 lead, let
      // pointer be null, set Big5 lead to 0x00, and then run these
      // substeps:
      if (Big5_lead !== 0x00) {
        var lead = Big5_lead;
        var pointer = null;
        Big5_lead = 0x00;

        // 1. Let offset be 0x40 if byte is less than 0x7F and 0x62
        // otherwise.
        var offset = bite < 0x7F ? 0x40 : 0x62;

        // 2. If byte is in the range 0x40 to 0x7E, inclusive, or 0xA1
        // to 0xFE, inclusive, set pointer to (lead − 0x81) × 157 +
        // (byte − offset).
        if (inRange(bite, 0x40, 0x7E) || inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xFE))
          pointer = (lead - 0x81) * 157 + (bite - offset);

        // 3. If there is a row in the table below whose first column
        // is pointer, return the two code points listed in its second
        // column
        // Pointer | Code points
        // --------+--------------
        // 1133    | U+00CA U+0304
        // 1135    | U+00CA U+030C
        // 1164    | U+00EA U+0304
        // 1166    | U+00EA U+030C
        switch (pointer) {
          case 1133: return [0x00CA, 0x0304];
          case 1135: return [0x00CA, 0x030C];
          case 1164: return [0x00EA, 0x0304];
          case 1166: return [0x00EA, 0x030C];

        // 4. Let code point be null if pointer is null and the index
        // code point for pointer in index Big5 otherwise.
        var code_point = (pointer === null) ? null :
            indexCodePointFor(pointer, index('big5'));

        // 5. If code point is null and byte is an ASCII byte, prepend
        // byte to stream.
        if (code_point === null && isASCIIByte(bite))

        // 6. If code point is null, return error.
        if (code_point === null)
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 7. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 4. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 5. If byte is in the range 0x81 to 0xFE, inclusive, set Big5
      // lead to byte and return continue.
      if (inRange(bite, 0x81, 0xFE)) {
        Big5_lead = bite;
        return null;

      // 6. Return error.
      return decoderError(fatal);

  // 12.1.2 Big5 encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function Big5Encoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. Let pointer be the index Big5 pointer for code point.
      var pointer = indexBig5PointerFor(code_point);

      // 4. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 5. Let lead be floor(pointer / 157) + 0x81.
      var lead = floor(pointer / 157) + 0x81;

      // 6. If lead is less than 0xA1, return error with code point.
      if (lead < 0xA1)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 7. Let trail be pointer % 157.
      var trail = pointer % 157;

      // 8. Let offset be 0x40 if trail is less than 0x3F and 0x62
      // otherwise.
      var offset = trail < 0x3F ? 0x40 : 0x62;

      // Return two bytes whose values are lead and trail + offset.
      return [lead, trail + offset];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['Big5'] = function(options) {
    return new Big5Encoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['Big5'] = function(options) {
    return new Big5Decoder(options);

  // 13. Legacy multi-byte Japanese encodings

  // 13.1 euc-jp

  // 13.1.1 euc-jp decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function EUCJPDecoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;

    // euc-jp's decoder has an associated euc-jp jis0212 flag
    // (initially unset) and euc-jp lead (initially 0x00).
    var /** @type {boolean} */ eucjp_jis0212_flag = false,
        /** @type {number} */ eucjp_lead = 0x00;

     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and euc-jp lead is not 0x00, set
      // euc-jp lead to 0x00, and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && eucjp_lead !== 0x00) {
        eucjp_lead = 0x00;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream and euc-jp lead is 0x00, return
      // finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && eucjp_lead === 0x00)
        return finished;

      // 3. If euc-jp lead is 0x8E and byte is in the range 0xA1 to
      // 0xDF, inclusive, set euc-jp lead to 0x00 and return a code
      // point whose value is 0xFF61 − 0xA1 + byte.
      if (eucjp_lead === 0x8E && inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xDF)) {
        eucjp_lead = 0x00;
        return 0xFF61 - 0xA1 + bite;

      // 4. If euc-jp lead is 0x8F and byte is in the range 0xA1 to
      // 0xFE, inclusive, set the euc-jp jis0212 flag, set euc-jp lead
      // to byte, and return continue.
      if (eucjp_lead === 0x8F && inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xFE)) {
        eucjp_jis0212_flag = true;
        eucjp_lead = bite;
        return null;

      // 5. If euc-jp lead is not 0x00, let lead be euc-jp lead, set
      // euc-jp lead to 0x00, and run these substeps:
      if (eucjp_lead !== 0x00) {
        var lead = eucjp_lead;
        eucjp_lead = 0x00;

        // 1. Let code point be null.
        var code_point = null;

        // 2. If lead and byte are both in the range 0xA1 to 0xFE,
        // inclusive, set code point to the index code point for (lead
        // − 0xA1) × 94 + byte − 0xA1 in index jis0208 if the euc-jp
        // jis0212 flag is unset and in index jis0212 otherwise.
        if (inRange(lead, 0xA1, 0xFE) && inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xFE)) {
          code_point = indexCodePointFor(
            (lead - 0xA1) * 94 + (bite - 0xA1),
            index(!eucjp_jis0212_flag ? 'jis0208' : 'jis0212'));

        // 3. Unset the euc-jp jis0212 flag.
        eucjp_jis0212_flag = false;

        // 4. If byte is not in the range 0xA1 to 0xFE, inclusive,
        // prepend byte to stream.
        if (!inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xFE))

        // 5. If code point is null, return error.
        if (code_point === null)
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 6. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 6. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 7. If byte is 0x8E, 0x8F, or in the range 0xA1 to 0xFE,
      // inclusive, set euc-jp lead to byte and return continue.
      if (bite === 0x8E || bite === 0x8F || inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xFE)) {
        eucjp_lead = bite;
        return null;

      // 8. Return error.
      return decoderError(fatal);

  // 13.1.2 euc-jp encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function EUCJPEncoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. If code point is U+00A5, return byte 0x5C.
      if (code_point === 0x00A5)
        return 0x5C;

      // 4. If code point is U+203E, return byte 0x7E.
      if (code_point === 0x203E)
        return 0x7E;

      // 5. If code point is in the range U+FF61 to U+FF9F, inclusive,
      // return two bytes whose values are 0x8E and code point −
      // 0xFF61 + 0xA1.
      if (inRange(code_point, 0xFF61, 0xFF9F))
        return [0x8E, code_point - 0xFF61 + 0xA1];

      // 6. If code point is U+2212, set it to U+FF0D.
      if (code_point === 0x2212)
        code_point = 0xFF0D;

      // 7. Let pointer be the index pointer for code point in index
      // jis0208.
      var pointer = indexPointerFor(code_point, index('jis0208'));

      // 8. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 9. Let lead be floor(pointer / 94) + 0xA1.
      var lead = floor(pointer / 94) + 0xA1;

      // 10. Let trail be pointer % 94 + 0xA1.
      var trail = pointer % 94 + 0xA1;

      // 11. Return two bytes whose values are lead and trail.
      return [lead, trail];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['EUC-JP'] = function(options) {
    return new EUCJPEncoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['EUC-JP'] = function(options) {
    return new EUCJPDecoder(options);

  // 13.2 iso-2022-jp

  // 13.2.1 iso-2022-jp decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function ISO2022JPDecoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    /** @enum */
    var states = {
      ASCII: 0,
      Roman: 1,
      Katakana: 2,
      LeadByte: 3,
      TrailByte: 4,
      EscapeStart: 5,
      Escape: 6
    // iso-2022-jp's decoder has an associated iso-2022-jp decoder
    // state (initially ASCII), iso-2022-jp decoder output state
    // (initially ASCII), iso-2022-jp lead (initially 0x00), and
    // iso-2022-jp output flag (initially unset).
    var /** @type {number} */ iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.ASCII,
        /** @type {number} */ iso2022jp_decoder_output_state = states.ASCII,
        /** @type {number} */ iso2022jp_lead = 0x00,
        /** @type {boolean} */ iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // switching on iso-2022-jp decoder state:
      switch (iso2022jp_decoder_state) {
      case states.ASCII:
        // ASCII
        // Based on byte:

        // 0x1B
        if (bite === 0x1B) {
          // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape start and return
          // continue.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.EscapeStart;
          return null;

        // 0x00 to 0x7F, excluding 0x0E, 0x0F, and 0x1B
        if (inRange(bite, 0x00, 0x7F) && bite !== 0x0E
            && bite !== 0x0F && bite !== 0x1B) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return a code point
          // whose value is byte.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          return bite;

        // end-of-stream
        if (bite === end_of_stream) {
          // Return finished.
          return finished;

        // Otherwise
        // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.Roman:
        // Roman
        // Based on byte:

        // 0x1B
        if (bite === 0x1B) {
          // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape start and return
          // continue.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.EscapeStart;
          return null;

        // 0x5C
        if (bite === 0x5C) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return code point
          // U+00A5.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          return 0x00A5;

        // 0x7E
        if (bite === 0x7E) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return code point
          // U+203E.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          return 0x203E;

        // 0x00 to 0x7F, excluding 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x1B, 0x5C, and 0x7E
        if (inRange(bite, 0x00, 0x7F) && bite !== 0x0E && bite !== 0x0F
            && bite !== 0x1B && bite !== 0x5C && bite !== 0x7E) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return a code point
          // whose value is byte.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          return bite;

        // end-of-stream
        if (bite === end_of_stream) {
          // Return finished.
          return finished;

        // Otherwise
        // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.Katakana:
        // Katakana
        // Based on byte:

        // 0x1B
        if (bite === 0x1B) {
          // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape start and return
          // continue.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.EscapeStart;
          return null;

        // 0x21 to 0x5F
        if (inRange(bite, 0x21, 0x5F)) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return a code point
          // whose value is 0xFF61 − 0x21 + byte.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          return 0xFF61 - 0x21 + bite;

        // end-of-stream
        if (bite === end_of_stream) {
          // Return finished.
          return finished;

        // Otherwise
        // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.LeadByte:
        // Lead byte
        // Based on byte:

        // 0x1B
        if (bite === 0x1B) {
          // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape start and return
          // continue.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.EscapeStart;
          return null;

        // 0x21 to 0x7E
        if (inRange(bite, 0x21, 0x7E)) {
          // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag, set iso-2022-jp lead
          // to byte, iso-2022-jp decoder state to trail byte, and
          // return continue.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
          iso2022jp_lead = bite;
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.TrailByte;
          return null;

        // end-of-stream
        if (bite === end_of_stream) {
          // Return finished.
          return finished;

        // Otherwise
        // Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag and return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.TrailByte:
        // Trail byte
        // Based on byte:

        // 0x1B
        if (bite === 0x1B) {
          // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape start and return
          // continue.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.EscapeStart;
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 0x21 to 0x7E
        if (inRange(bite, 0x21, 0x7E)) {
          // 1. Set the iso-2022-jp decoder state to lead byte.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.LeadByte;

          // 2. Let pointer be (iso-2022-jp lead − 0x21) × 94 + byte − 0x21.
          var pointer = (iso2022jp_lead - 0x21) * 94 + bite - 0x21;

          // 3. Let code point be the index code point for pointer in
          // index jis0208.
          var code_point = indexCodePointFor(pointer, index('jis0208'));

          // 4. If code point is null, return error.
          if (code_point === null)
            return decoderError(fatal);

          // 5. Return a code point whose value is code point.
          return code_point;

        // end-of-stream
        if (bite === end_of_stream) {
          // Set the iso-2022-jp decoder state to lead byte, prepend
          // byte to stream, and return error.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.LeadByte;
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // Otherwise
        // Set iso-2022-jp decoder state to lead byte and return
        // error.
        iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.LeadByte;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.EscapeStart:
        // Escape start

        // 1. If byte is either 0x24 or 0x28, set iso-2022-jp lead to
        // byte, iso-2022-jp decoder state to escape, and return
        // continue.
        if (bite === 0x24 || bite === 0x28) {
          iso2022jp_lead = bite;
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = states.Escape;
          return null;

        // 2. Prepend byte to stream.

        // 3. Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag, set iso-2022-jp
        // decoder state to iso-2022-jp decoder output state, and
        // return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        iso2022jp_decoder_state = iso2022jp_decoder_output_state;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      case states.Escape:
        // Escape

        // 1. Let lead be iso-2022-jp lead and set iso-2022-jp lead to
        // 0x00.
        var lead = iso2022jp_lead;
        iso2022jp_lead = 0x00;

        // 2. Let state be null.
        var state = null;

        // 3. If lead is 0x28 and byte is 0x42, set state to ASCII.
        if (lead === 0x28 && bite === 0x42)
          state = states.ASCII;

        // 4. If lead is 0x28 and byte is 0x4A, set state to Roman.
        if (lead === 0x28 && bite === 0x4A)
          state = states.Roman;

        // 5. If lead is 0x28 and byte is 0x49, set state to Katakana.
        if (lead === 0x28 && bite === 0x49)
          state = states.Katakana;

        // 6. If lead is 0x24 and byte is either 0x40 or 0x42, set
        // state to lead byte.
        if (lead === 0x24 && (bite === 0x40 || bite === 0x42))
          state = states.LeadByte;

        // 7. If state is non-null, run these substeps:
        if (state !== null) {
          // 1. Set iso-2022-jp decoder state and iso-2022-jp decoder
          // output state to states.
          iso2022jp_decoder_state = iso2022jp_decoder_state = state;

          // 2. Let output flag be the iso-2022-jp output flag.
          var output_flag = iso2022jp_output_flag;

          // 3. Set the iso-2022-jp output flag.
          iso2022jp_output_flag = true;

          // 4. Return continue, if output flag is unset, and error
          // otherwise.
          return !output_flag ? null : decoderError(fatal);

        // 8. Prepend lead and byte to stream.
        stream.prepend([lead, bite]);

        // 9. Unset the iso-2022-jp output flag, set iso-2022-jp
        // decoder state to iso-2022-jp decoder output state and
        // return error.
        iso2022jp_output_flag = false;
        iso2022jp_decoder_state = iso2022jp_decoder_output_state;
        return decoderError(fatal);

  // 13.2.2 iso-2022-jp encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function ISO2022JPEncoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    // iso-2022-jp's encoder has an associated iso-2022-jp encoder
    // state which is one of ASCII, Roman, and jis0208 (initially
    // ASCII).
    /** @enum */
    var states = {
      ASCII: 0,
      Roman: 1,
      jis0208: 2
    var /** @type {number} */ iso2022jp_state = states.ASCII;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream and iso-2022-jp encoder
      // state is not ASCII, prepend code point to stream, set
      // iso-2022-jp encoder state to ASCII, and return three bytes
      // 0x1B 0x28 0x42.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream &&
          iso2022jp_state !== states.ASCII) {
        iso2022jp_state = states.ASCII;
        return [0x1B, 0x28, 0x42];

      // 2. If code point is end-of-stream and iso-2022-jp encoder
      // state is ASCII, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream && iso2022jp_state === states.ASCII)
        return finished;

      // 3. If ISO-2022-JP encoder state is ASCII or Roman, and code
      // point is U+000E, U+000F, or U+001B, return error with U+FFFD.
      if ((iso2022jp_state === states.ASCII ||
           iso2022jp_state === states.Roman) &&
          (code_point === 0x000E || code_point === 0x000F ||
           code_point === 0x001B)) {
        return encoderError(0xFFFD);

      // 4. If iso-2022-jp encoder state is ASCII and code point is an
      // ASCII code point, return a byte whose value is code point.
      if (iso2022jp_state === states.ASCII &&
        return code_point;

      // 5. If iso-2022-jp encoder state is Roman and code point is an
      // ASCII code point, excluding U+005C and U+007E, or is U+00A5
      // or U+203E, run these substeps:
      if (iso2022jp_state === states.Roman &&
          ((isASCIICodePoint(code_point) &&
           code_point !== 0x005C && code_point !== 0x007E) ||
          (code_point == 0x00A5 || code_point == 0x203E))) {

        // 1. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte
        // whose value is code point.
        if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
          return code_point;

        // 2. If code point is U+00A5, return byte 0x5C.
        if (code_point === 0x00A5)
          return 0x5C;

        // 3. If code point is U+203E, return byte 0x7E.
        if (code_point === 0x203E)
          return 0x7E;

      // 6. If code point is an ASCII code point, and iso-2022-jp
      // encoder state is not ASCII, prepend code point to stream, set
      // iso-2022-jp encoder state to ASCII, and return three bytes
      // 0x1B 0x28 0x42.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point) &&
          iso2022jp_state !== states.ASCII) {
        iso2022jp_state = states.ASCII;
        return [0x1B, 0x28, 0x42];

      // 7. If code point is either U+00A5 or U+203E, and iso-2022-jp
      // encoder state is not Roman, prepend code point to stream, set
      // iso-2022-jp encoder state to Roman, and return three bytes
      // 0x1B 0x28 0x4A.
      if ((code_point === 0x00A5 || code_point === 0x203E) &&
          iso2022jp_state !== states.Roman) {
        iso2022jp_state = states.Roman;
        return [0x1B, 0x28, 0x4A];

      // 8. If code point is U+2212, set it to U+FF0D.
      if (code_point === 0x2212)
        code_point = 0xFF0D;

      // 9. Let pointer be the index pointer for code point in index
      // jis0208.
      var pointer = indexPointerFor(code_point, index('jis0208'));

      // 10. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 11. If iso-2022-jp encoder state is not jis0208, prepend code
      // point to stream, set iso-2022-jp encoder state to jis0208,
      // and return three bytes 0x1B 0x24 0x42.
      if (iso2022jp_state !== states.jis0208) {
        iso2022jp_state = states.jis0208;
        return [0x1B, 0x24, 0x42];

      // 12. Let lead be floor(pointer / 94) + 0x21.
      var lead = floor(pointer / 94) + 0x21;

      // 13. Let trail be pointer % 94 + 0x21.
      var trail = pointer % 94 + 0x21;

      // 14. Return two bytes whose values are lead and trail.
      return [lead, trail];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['ISO-2022-JP'] = function(options) {
    return new ISO2022JPEncoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['ISO-2022-JP'] = function(options) {
    return new ISO2022JPDecoder(options);

  // 13.3 Shift_JIS

  // 13.3.1 Shift_JIS decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function ShiftJISDecoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    // Shift_JIS's decoder has an associated Shift_JIS lead (initially
    // 0x00).
    var /** @type {number} */ Shift_JIS_lead = 0x00;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and Shift_JIS lead is not 0x00,
      // set Shift_JIS lead to 0x00 and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && Shift_JIS_lead !== 0x00) {
        Shift_JIS_lead = 0x00;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream and Shift_JIS lead is 0x00,
      // return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && Shift_JIS_lead === 0x00)
        return finished;

      // 3. If Shift_JIS lead is not 0x00, let lead be Shift_JIS lead,
      // let pointer be null, set Shift_JIS lead to 0x00, and then run
      // these substeps:
      if (Shift_JIS_lead !== 0x00) {
        var lead = Shift_JIS_lead;
        var pointer = null;
        Shift_JIS_lead = 0x00;

        // 1. Let offset be 0x40, if byte is less than 0x7F, and 0x41
        // otherwise.
        var offset = (bite < 0x7F) ? 0x40 : 0x41;

        // 2. Let lead offset be 0x81, if lead is less than 0xA0, and
        // 0xC1 otherwise.
        var lead_offset = (lead < 0xA0) ? 0x81 : 0xC1;

        // 3. If byte is in the range 0x40 to 0x7E, inclusive, or 0x80
        // to 0xFC, inclusive, set pointer to (lead − lead offset) ×
        // 188 + byte − offset.
        if (inRange(bite, 0x40, 0x7E) || inRange(bite, 0x80, 0xFC))
          pointer = (lead - lead_offset) * 188 + bite - offset;

        // 4. If pointer is in the range 8836 to 10715, inclusive,
        // return a code point whose value is 0xE000 − 8836 + pointer.
        if (inRange(pointer, 8836, 10715))
          return 0xE000 - 8836 + pointer;

        // 5. Let code point be null, if pointer is null, and the
        // index code point for pointer in index jis0208 otherwise.
        var code_point = (pointer === null) ? null :
              indexCodePointFor(pointer, index('jis0208'));

        // 6. If code point is null and byte is an ASCII byte, prepend
        // byte to stream.
        if (code_point === null && isASCIIByte(bite))

        // 7. If code point is null, return error.
        if (code_point === null)
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 8. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 4. If byte is an ASCII byte or 0x80, return a code point
      // whose value is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite) || bite === 0x80)
        return bite;

      // 5. If byte is in the range 0xA1 to 0xDF, inclusive, return a
      // code point whose value is 0xFF61 − 0xA1 + byte.
      if (inRange(bite, 0xA1, 0xDF))
        return 0xFF61 - 0xA1 + bite;

      // 6. If byte is in the range 0x81 to 0x9F, inclusive, or 0xE0
      // to 0xFC, inclusive, set Shift_JIS lead to byte and return
      // continue.
      if (inRange(bite, 0x81, 0x9F) || inRange(bite, 0xE0, 0xFC)) {
        Shift_JIS_lead = bite;
        return null;

      // 7. Return error.
      return decoderError(fatal);

  // 13.3.2 Shift_JIS encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function ShiftJISEncoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point or U+0080, return a
      // byte whose value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point) || code_point === 0x0080)
        return code_point;

      // 3. If code point is U+00A5, return byte 0x5C.
      if (code_point === 0x00A5)
        return 0x5C;

      // 4. If code point is U+203E, return byte 0x7E.
      if (code_point === 0x203E)
        return 0x7E;

      // 5. If code point is in the range U+FF61 to U+FF9F, inclusive,
      // return a byte whose value is code point − 0xFF61 + 0xA1.
      if (inRange(code_point, 0xFF61, 0xFF9F))
        return code_point - 0xFF61 + 0xA1;

      // 6. If code point is U+2212, set it to U+FF0D.
      if (code_point === 0x2212)
        code_point = 0xFF0D;

      // 7. Let pointer be the index Shift_JIS pointer for code point.
      var pointer = indexShiftJISPointerFor(code_point);

      // 8. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 9. Let lead be floor(pointer / 188).
      var lead = floor(pointer / 188);

      // 10. Let lead offset be 0x81, if lead is less than 0x1F, and
      // 0xC1 otherwise.
      var lead_offset = (lead < 0x1F) ? 0x81 : 0xC1;

      // 11. Let trail be pointer % 188.
      var trail = pointer % 188;

      // 12. Let offset be 0x40, if trail is less than 0x3F, and 0x41
      // otherwise.
      var offset = (trail < 0x3F) ? 0x40 : 0x41;

      // 13. Return two bytes whose values are lead + lead offset and
      // trail + offset.
      return [lead + lead_offset, trail + offset];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['Shift_JIS'] = function(options) {
    return new ShiftJISEncoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['Shift_JIS'] = function(options) {
    return new ShiftJISDecoder(options);

  // 14. Legacy multi-byte Korean encodings

  // 14.1 euc-kr

  // 14.1.1 euc-kr decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function EUCKRDecoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;

    // euc-kr's decoder has an associated euc-kr lead (initially 0x00).
    var /** @type {number} */ euckr_lead = 0x00;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and euc-kr lead is not 0x00, set
      // euc-kr lead to 0x00 and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && euckr_lead !== 0) {
        euckr_lead = 0x00;
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream and euc-kr lead is 0x00, return
      // finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && euckr_lead === 0)
        return finished;

      // 3. If euc-kr lead is not 0x00, let lead be euc-kr lead, let
      // pointer be null, set euc-kr lead to 0x00, and then run these
      // substeps:
      if (euckr_lead !== 0x00) {
        var lead = euckr_lead;
        var pointer = null;
        euckr_lead = 0x00;

        // 1. If byte is in the range 0x41 to 0xFE, inclusive, set
        // pointer to (lead − 0x81) × 190 + (byte − 0x41).
        if (inRange(bite, 0x41, 0xFE))
          pointer = (lead - 0x81) * 190 + (bite - 0x41);

        // 2. Let code point be null, if pointer is null, and the
        // index code point for pointer in index euc-kr otherwise.
        var code_point = (pointer === null)
              ? null : indexCodePointFor(pointer, index('euc-kr'));

        // 3. If code point is null and byte is an ASCII byte, prepend
        // byte to stream.
        if (pointer === null && isASCIIByte(bite))

        // 4. If code point is null, return error.
        if (code_point === null)
          return decoderError(fatal);

        // 5. Return a code point whose value is code point.
        return code_point;

      // 4. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 5. If byte is in the range 0x81 to 0xFE, inclusive, set
      // euc-kr lead to byte and return continue.
      if (inRange(bite, 0x81, 0xFE)) {
        euckr_lead = bite;
        return null;

      // 6. Return error.
      return decoderError(fatal);

  // 14.1.2 euc-kr encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function EUCKREncoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. Let pointer be the index pointer for code point in index
      // euc-kr.
      var pointer = indexPointerFor(code_point, index('euc-kr'));

      // 4. If pointer is null, return error with code point.
      if (pointer === null)
        return encoderError(code_point);

      // 5. Let lead be floor(pointer / 190) + 0x81.
      var lead = floor(pointer / 190) + 0x81;

      // 6. Let trail be pointer % 190 + 0x41.
      var trail = (pointer % 190) + 0x41;

      // 7. Return two bytes whose values are lead and trail.
      return [lead, trail];

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['EUC-KR'] = function(options) {
    return new EUCKREncoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['EUC-KR'] = function(options) {
    return new EUCKRDecoder(options);

  // 15. Legacy miscellaneous encodings

  // 15.1 replacement

  // Not needed - API throws RangeError

  // 15.2 Common infrastructure for utf-16be and utf-16le

   * @param {number} code_unit
   * @param {boolean} utf16be
   * @return {!Array.<number>} bytes
  function convertCodeUnitToBytes(code_unit, utf16be) {
    // 1. Let byte1 be code unit >> 8.
    var byte1 = code_unit >> 8;

    // 2. Let byte2 be code unit & 0x00FF.
    var byte2 = code_unit & 0x00FF;

    // 3. Then return the bytes in order:
        // utf-16be flag is set: byte1, then byte2.
    if (utf16be)
      return [byte1, byte2];
    // utf-16be flag is unset: byte2, then byte1.
    return [byte2, byte1];

  // 15.2.1 shared utf-16 decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {boolean} utf16_be True if big-endian, false if little-endian.
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function UTF16Decoder(utf16_be, options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
    var /** @type {?number} */ utf16_lead_byte = null,
        /** @type {?number} */ utf16_lead_surrogate = null;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream and either utf-16 lead byte or
      // utf-16 lead surrogate is not null, set utf-16 lead byte and
      // utf-16 lead surrogate to null, and return error.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && (utf16_lead_byte !== null ||
                                utf16_lead_surrogate !== null)) {
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 2. If byte is end-of-stream and utf-16 lead byte and utf-16
      // lead surrogate are null, return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream && utf16_lead_byte === null &&
          utf16_lead_surrogate === null) {
        return finished;

      // 3. If utf-16 lead byte is null, set utf-16 lead byte to byte
      // and return continue.
      if (utf16_lead_byte === null) {
        utf16_lead_byte = bite;
        return null;

      // 4. Let code unit be the result of:
      var code_unit;
      if (utf16_be) {
        // utf-16be decoder flag is set
        //   (utf-16 lead byte << 8) + byte.
        code_unit = (utf16_lead_byte << 8) + bite;
      } else {
        // utf-16be decoder flag is unset
        //   (byte << 8) + utf-16 lead byte.
        code_unit = (bite << 8) + utf16_lead_byte;
      // Then set utf-16 lead byte to null.
      utf16_lead_byte = null;

      // 5. If utf-16 lead surrogate is not null, let lead surrogate
      // be utf-16 lead surrogate, set utf-16 lead surrogate to null,
      // and then run these substeps:
      if (utf16_lead_surrogate !== null) {
        var lead_surrogate = utf16_lead_surrogate;
        utf16_lead_surrogate = null;

        // 1. If code unit is in the range U+DC00 to U+DFFF,
        // inclusive, return a code point whose value is 0x10000 +
        // ((lead surrogate − 0xD800) << 10) + (code unit − 0xDC00).
        if (inRange(code_unit, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF)) {
          return 0x10000 + (lead_surrogate - 0xD800) * 0x400 +
              (code_unit - 0xDC00);

        // 2. Prepend the sequence resulting of converting code unit
        // to bytes using utf-16be decoder flag to stream and return
        // error.
        stream.prepend(convertCodeUnitToBytes(code_unit, utf16_be));
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 6. If code unit is in the range U+D800 to U+DBFF, inclusive,
      // set utf-16 lead surrogate to code unit and return continue.
      if (inRange(code_unit, 0xD800, 0xDBFF)) {
        utf16_lead_surrogate = code_unit;
        return null;

      // 7. If code unit is in the range U+DC00 to U+DFFF, inclusive,
      // return error.
      if (inRange(code_unit, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF))
        return decoderError(fatal);

      // 8. Return code point code unit.
      return code_unit;

  // 15.2.2 shared utf-16 encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {boolean} utf16_be True if big-endian, false if little-endian.
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function UTF16Encoder(utf16_be, options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1. If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is in the range U+0000 to U+FFFF, inclusive,
      // return the sequence resulting of converting code point to
      // bytes using utf-16be encoder flag.
      if (inRange(code_point, 0x0000, 0xFFFF))
        return convertCodeUnitToBytes(code_point, utf16_be);

      // 3. Let lead be ((code point − 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xD800,
      // converted to bytes using utf-16be encoder flag.
      var lead = convertCodeUnitToBytes(
        ((code_point - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xD800, utf16_be);

      // 4. Let trail be ((code point − 0x10000) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00,
      // converted to bytes using utf-16be encoder flag.
      var trail = convertCodeUnitToBytes(
        ((code_point - 0x10000) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00, utf16_be);

      // 5. Return a byte sequence of lead followed by trail.
      return lead.concat(trail);

  // 15.3 utf-16be
  // 15.3.1 utf-16be decoder
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['UTF-16BE'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF16Encoder(true, options);
  // 15.3.2 utf-16be encoder
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['UTF-16BE'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF16Decoder(true, options);

  // 15.4 utf-16le
  // 15.4.1 utf-16le decoder
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['UTF-16LE'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF16Encoder(false, options);
  // 15.4.2 utf-16le encoder
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['UTF-16LE'] = function(options) {
    return new UTF16Decoder(false, options);

  // 15.5 x-user-defined

  // 15.5.1 x-user-defined decoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Decoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function XUserDefinedDecoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream The stream of bytes being decoded.
     * @param {number} bite The next byte read from the stream.
     * @return {?(number|!Array.<number>)} The next code point(s)
     *     decoded, or null if not enough data exists in the input
     *     stream to decode a complete code point.
    this.handler = function(stream, bite) {
      // 1. If byte is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (bite === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If byte is an ASCII byte, return a code point whose value
      // is byte.
      if (isASCIIByte(bite))
        return bite;

      // 3. Return a code point whose value is 0xF780 + byte − 0x80.
      return 0xF780 + bite - 0x80;

  // 15.5.2 x-user-defined encoder
   * @constructor
   * @implements {Encoder}
   * @param {{fatal: boolean}} options
  function XUserDefinedEncoder(options) {
    var fatal = options.fatal;
     * @param {Stream} stream Input stream.
     * @param {number} code_point Next code point read from the stream.
     * @return {(number|!Array.<number>)} Byte(s) to emit.
    this.handler = function(stream, code_point) {
      // 1.If code point is end-of-stream, return finished.
      if (code_point === end_of_stream)
        return finished;

      // 2. If code point is an ASCII code point, return a byte whose
      // value is code point.
      if (isASCIICodePoint(code_point))
        return code_point;

      // 3. If code point is in the range U+F780 to U+F7FF, inclusive,
      // return a byte whose value is code point − 0xF780 + 0x80.
      if (inRange(code_point, 0xF780, 0xF7FF))
        return code_point - 0xF780 + 0x80;

      // 4. Return error with code point.
      return encoderError(code_point);

  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  encoders['x-user-defined'] = function(options) {
    return new XUserDefinedEncoder(options);
  /** @param {{fatal: boolean}} options */
  decoders['x-user-defined'] = function(options) {
    return new XUserDefinedDecoder(options);

  if (!global['TextEncoder'])
    global['TextEncoder'] = TextEncoder;
  if (!global['TextDecoder'])
    global['TextDecoder'] = TextDecoder;

  if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
    module.exports = {
      TextEncoder: global['TextEncoder'],
      TextDecoder: global['TextDecoder'],
      EncodingIndexes: global["encoding-indexes"]

// For strict environments where `this` inside the global scope
// is `undefined`, take a pure object instead
}(this || {}));

'use strict';
const Promise = require('lie');
const combine = require('./combine');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
module.exports = binaryAjax;
function binaryAjax (_url, type) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    const url = combine(_url, type);
    const ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
    ajax.open('GET', url, true);
    if (type !== 'prj' && type !== 'cpg') {
      ajax.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
    ajax.addEventListener('load', function () {
      if (ajax.status > 399) {
        if (type === 'prj' || type === 'cpg') {
          return resolve(false);
        } else {
          return reject(new Error(ajax.status));
      if (type !== 'prj' && type !== 'cpg') {
        return resolve(Buffer.from(ajax.response));
      } else {
        return resolve(ajax.response);
    }, false);

(function (global){(function (){
'use strict';
const fallback = require('./binaryajax-browser');
const combine = require('./combine');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
module.exports = async function binaryAjax (_url, type) {
  if (!global.fetch) {
    return fallback(_url, type);
  const url = combine(_url, type);
  const isOptionalTxt = type === 'prj' || type === 'cpg';
  try {
    const resp = await fetch(url);
    if (resp.status > 399) {
      throw new Error(resp.statusText);
    if (isOptionalTxt) {
      return resp.text();
    const parsed = await resp.arrayBuffer();
    return Buffer.from(parsed);
  } catch (e) {
    if (isOptionalTxt) {
      return false;
    throw e;

}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global){(function (){
const URL = global.URL;

module.exports = (base, type) => {
  if (!type) {
    return base;
  const url = new URL(base);
  url.pathname = `${url.pathname}.${type}`;
  return url.href;

}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
'use strict';

function isClockWise (array) {
  let sum = 0;
  let i = 1;
  const len = array.length;
  let prev, cur;
  while (i < len) {
    prev = cur || array[0];
    cur = array[i];
    sum += ((cur[0] - prev[0]) * (cur[1] + prev[1]));
  return sum > 0;

function polyReduce (a, b) {
  if (isClockWise(b) || !a.length) {
  } else {
    a[a.length - 1].push(b);
  return a;
ParseShp.prototype.parsePoint = function (data) {
  return {
    type: 'Point',
    coordinates: this.parseCoord(data, 0)
ParseShp.prototype.parseZPoint = function (data) {
  const pointXY = this.parsePoint(data);
  return pointXY;
ParseShp.prototype.parsePointArray = function (data, offset, num) {
  const out = [];
  let done = 0;
  while (done < num) {
    out.push(this.parseCoord(data, offset));
    offset += 16;
  return out;
ParseShp.prototype.parseZPointArray = function (data, zOffset, num, coordinates) {
  let i = 0;
  while (i < num) {
    zOffset += 8;
  return coordinates;
ParseShp.prototype.parseArrayGroup = function (data, offset, partOffset, num, tot) {
  const out = [];
  let done = 0;
  let curNum; let nextNum = 0;
  let pointNumber;
  while (done < num) {
    partOffset += 4;
    curNum = nextNum;
    if (done === num) {
      nextNum = tot;
    } else {
      nextNum = data.readInt32LE(partOffset);
    pointNumber = nextNum - curNum;
    if (!pointNumber) {
    out.push(this.parsePointArray(data, offset, pointNumber));
    offset += (pointNumber << 4);
  return out;
ParseShp.prototype.parseZArrayGroup = function (data, zOffset, num, coordinates) {
  let i = 0;
  while (i < num) {
    coordinates[i] = this.parseZPointArray(data, zOffset, coordinates[i].length, coordinates[i]);
    zOffset += (coordinates[i].length << 3);
  return coordinates;
ParseShp.prototype.parseMultiPoint = function (data) {
  const out = {};
  const mins = this.parseCoord(data, 0);
  const maxs = this.parseCoord(data, 16);
  out.bbox = [
  const num = data.readInt32LE(32, true);
  const offset = 36;
  if (num === 1) {
    out.type = 'Point';
    out.coordinates = this.parseCoord(data, offset);
  } else {
    out.type = 'MultiPoint';
    out.coordinates = this.parsePointArray(data, offset, num);
  return out;
ParseShp.prototype.parseZMultiPoint = function (data) {
  const geoJson = this.parseMultiPoint(data);
  let num;
  if (geoJson.type === 'Point') {
    return geoJson;
  } else {
    num = geoJson.coordinates.length;
  const zOffset = 52 + (num << 4);
  geoJson.coordinates = this.parseZPointArray(data, zOffset, num, geoJson.coordinates);
  return geoJson;
ParseShp.prototype.parsePolyline = function (data) {
  const out = {};
  const mins = this.parseCoord(data, 0);
  const maxs = this.parseCoord(data, 16);
  out.bbox = [
  const numParts = data.readInt32LE(32);
  const num = data.readInt32LE(36);
  let offset, partOffset;
  if (numParts === 1) {
    out.type = 'LineString';
    offset = 44;
    out.coordinates = this.parsePointArray(data, offset, num);
  } else {
    out.type = 'MultiLineString';
    offset = 40 + (numParts << 2);
    partOffset = 40;
    out.coordinates = this.parseArrayGroup(data, offset, partOffset, numParts, num);
  return out;
ParseShp.prototype.parseZPolyline = function (data) {
  const geoJson = this.parsePolyline(data);
  const num = geoJson.coordinates.length;
  let zOffset;
  if (geoJson.type === 'LineString') {
    zOffset = 60 + (num << 4);
    geoJson.coordinates = this.parseZPointArray(data, zOffset, num, geoJson.coordinates);
    return geoJson;
  } else {
    const totalPoints = geoJson.coordinates.reduce(function (a, v) {
      return a + v.length;
    }, 0);
    zOffset = 56 + (totalPoints << 4) + (num << 2);
    geoJson.coordinates = this.parseZArrayGroup(data, zOffset, num, geoJson.coordinates);
    return geoJson;
ParseShp.prototype.polyFuncs = function (out) {
  if (out.type === 'LineString') {
    out.type = 'Polygon';
    out.coordinates = [out.coordinates];
    return out;
  } else {
    out.coordinates = out.coordinates.reduce(polyReduce, []);
    if (out.coordinates.length === 1) {
      out.type = 'Polygon';
      out.coordinates = out.coordinates[0];
      return out;
    } else {
      out.type = 'MultiPolygon';
      return out;
ParseShp.prototype.parsePolygon = function (data) {
  return this.polyFuncs(this.parsePolyline(data));
ParseShp.prototype.parseZPolygon = function (data) {
  return this.polyFuncs(this.parseZPolyline(data));
const shpFuncObj = {
  1: 'parsePoint',
  3: 'parsePolyline',
  5: 'parsePolygon',
  8: 'parseMultiPoint',
  11: 'parseZPoint',
  13: 'parseZPolyline',
  15: 'parseZPolygon',
  18: 'parseZMultiPoint'

function makeParseCoord (trans) {
  if (trans) {
    return function (data, offset) {
      return trans.inverse([data.readDoubleLE(offset), data.readDoubleLE(offset + 8)]);
  } else {
    return function (data, offset) {
      return [data.readDoubleLE(offset), data.readDoubleLE(offset + 8)];

function ParseShp (buffer, trans) {
  if (!(this instanceof ParseShp)) {
    return new ParseShp(buffer, trans);
  this.buffer = buffer;
  this.headers = this.parseHeader();
  if (this.headers.length < this.buffer.byteLength) {
    this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(0, this.headers.length);
  this.rows = this.getRows();
ParseShp.prototype.shpFuncs = function (tran) {
  let num = this.headers.shpCode;
  if (num > 20) {
    num -= 20;
  if (!(num in shpFuncObj)) {
    throw new Error('I don\'t know that shp type');
  this.parseFunc = this[shpFuncObj[num]];
  this.parseCoord = makeParseCoord(tran);
ParseShp.prototype.getShpCode = function () {
  return this.parseHeader().shpCode;
ParseShp.prototype.parseHeader = function () {
  const view = this.buffer.slice(0, 100);
  return {
    length: view.readInt32BE(6 << 2) << 1,
    version: view.readInt32LE(7 << 2),
    shpCode: view.readInt32LE(8 << 2),
    bbox: [
      view.readDoubleLE(9 << 2),
      view.readDoubleLE(11 << 2),
      view.readDoubleLE(13 << 2),
      view.readDoubleLE(13 << 2)
ParseShp.prototype.getRows = function () {
  let offset = 100;
  const len = this.buffer.byteLength;
  const out = [];
  let current;
  while (offset < len) {
    current = this.getRow(offset);
    if (!current) {
    offset += 8;
    offset += current.len;
    if (current.type) {
    } else {
  return out;
ParseShp.prototype.getRow = function (offset) {
  const view = this.buffer.slice(offset, offset + 12);
  const len = view.readInt32BE(4) << 1;
  const id = view.readInt32BE(0);
  if (len === 0) {
    return {
      id: id,
      len: len,
      type: 0
  return {
    id: id,
    len: len,
    data: this.buffer.slice(offset + 12, offset + len + 8),
    type: view.readInt32LE(8)
module.exports = function (buffer, trans) {
  return new ParseShp(buffer, trans).rows;

'use strict';

const JSZip = require('jszip');
module.exports = async (buffer) => {
  const zip = new JSZip();
  await zip.loadAsync(buffer);
  const files = zip.file(/.+/);
  const out = {};
  await Promise.all(files.map(async (a) => {
    let result;
    if (a.name.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'shp' || a.name.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'dbf') {
      result = await a.async('nodebuffer');
    } else {
      result = await a.async('text');
    out[a.name] = result;
  return out;

'use strict'

exports.byteLength = byteLength
exports.toByteArray = toByteArray
exports.fromByteArray = fromByteArray

var lookup = []
var revLookup = []
var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array

var code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) {
  lookup[i] = code[i]
  revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i

// Support decoding URL-safe base64 strings, as Node.js does.
// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications
revLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62
revLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63

function getLens (b64) {
  var len = b64.length

  if (len % 4 > 0) {
    throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')

  // Trim off extra bytes after placeholder bytes are found
  // See: https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js/issues/42
  var validLen = b64.indexOf('=')
  if (validLen === -1) validLen = len

  var placeHoldersLen = validLen === len
    ? 0
    : 4 - (validLen % 4)

  return [validLen, placeHoldersLen]

// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data
function byteLength (b64) {
  var lens = getLens(b64)
  var validLen = lens[0]
  var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]
  return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen

function _byteLength (b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen) {
  return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen

function toByteArray (b64) {
  var tmp
  var lens = getLens(b64)
  var validLen = lens[0]
  var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]

  var arr = new Arr(_byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen))

  var curByte = 0

  // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars
  var len = placeHoldersLen > 0
    ? validLen - 4
    : validLen

  var i
  for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
    tmp =
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) |
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) |
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) |
      revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 3)]
    arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF
    arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
    arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF

  if (placeHoldersLen === 2) {
    tmp =
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) |
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)
    arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF

  if (placeHoldersLen === 1) {
    tmp =
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) |
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) |
      (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)
    arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
    arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF

  return arr

function tripletToBase64 (num) {
  return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] +
    lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] +
    lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] +
    lookup[num & 0x3F]

function encodeChunk (uint8, start, end) {
  var tmp
  var output = []
  for (var i = start; i < end; i += 3) {
    tmp =
      ((uint8[i] << 16) & 0xFF0000) +
      ((uint8[i + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00) +
      (uint8[i + 2] & 0xFF)
  return output.join('')

function fromByteArray (uint8) {
  var tmp
  var len = uint8.length
  var extraBytes = len % 3 // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes
  var parts = []
  var maxChunkLength = 16383 // must be multiple of 3

  // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later
  for (var i = 0, len2 = len - extraBytes; i < len2; i += maxChunkLength) {
    parts.push(encodeChunk(uint8, i, (i + maxChunkLength) > len2 ? len2 : (i + maxChunkLength)))

  // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes
  if (extraBytes === 1) {
    tmp = uint8[len - 1]
      lookup[tmp >> 2] +
      lookup[(tmp << 4) & 0x3F] +
  } else if (extraBytes === 2) {
    tmp = (uint8[len - 2] << 8) + uint8[len - 1]
      lookup[tmp >> 10] +
      lookup[(tmp >> 4) & 0x3F] +
      lookup[(tmp << 2) & 0x3F] +

  return parts.join('')


(function (Buffer){(function (){
 * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
 * @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org>
 * @license  MIT
/* eslint-disable no-proto */

'use strict'

var base64 = require('base64-js')
var ieee754 = require('ieee754')

exports.Buffer = Buffer
exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer
exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50

var K_MAX_LENGTH = 0x7fffffff
exports.kMaxLength = K_MAX_LENGTH

 *   === true    Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest)
 *   === false   Print warning and recommend using `buffer` v4.x which has an Object
 *               implementation (most compatible, even IE6)
 * Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+,
 * Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
 * We report that the browser does not support typed arrays if the are not subclassable
 * using __proto__. Firefox 4-29 lacks support for adding new properties to `Uint8Array`
 * (See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695438). IE 10 lacks support
 * for __proto__ and has a buggy typed array implementation.
Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = typedArraySupport()

if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
    typeof console.error === 'function') {
    'This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by ' +
    '`buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.'

function typedArraySupport () {
  // Can typed array instances can be augmented?
  try {
    var arr = new Uint8Array(1)
    arr.__proto__ = { __proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function () { return 42 } }
    return arr.foo() === 42
  } catch (e) {
    return false

Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'parent', {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function () {
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return undefined
    return this.buffer

Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'offset', {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function () {
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return undefined
    return this.byteOffset

function createBuffer (length) {
  if (length > K_MAX_LENGTH) {
    throw new RangeError('The value "' + length + '" is invalid for option "size"')
  // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
  var buf = new Uint8Array(length)
  buf.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
  return buf

 * The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that have their
 * prototype changed to `Buffer.prototype`. Furthermore, `Buffer` is a subclass of
 * `Uint8Array`, so the returned instances will have all the node `Buffer` methods
 * and the `Uint8Array` methods. Square bracket notation works as expected -- it
 * returns a single octet.
 * The `Uint8Array` prototype remains unmodified.

function Buffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
  // Common case.
  if (typeof arg === 'number') {
    if (typeof encodingOrOffset === 'string') {
      throw new TypeError(
        'The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'
    return allocUnsafe(arg)
  return from(arg, encodingOrOffset, length)

// Fix subarray() in ES2016. See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/pull/97
if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.species != null &&
    Buffer[Symbol.species] === Buffer) {
  Object.defineProperty(Buffer, Symbol.species, {
    value: null,
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    writable: false

Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation

function from (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return fromString(value, encodingOrOffset)

  if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
    return fromArrayLike(value)

  if (value == null) {
    throw TypeError(
      'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, ' +
      'or Array-like Object. Received type ' + (typeof value)

  if (isInstance(value, ArrayBuffer) ||
      (value && isInstance(value.buffer, ArrayBuffer))) {
    return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length)

  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    throw new TypeError(
      'The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'

  var valueOf = value.valueOf && value.valueOf()
  if (valueOf != null && valueOf !== value) {
    return Buffer.from(valueOf, encodingOrOffset, length)

  var b = fromObject(value)
  if (b) return b

  if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toPrimitive != null &&
      typeof value[Symbol.toPrimitive] === 'function') {
    return Buffer.from(
      value[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), encodingOrOffset, length

  throw new TypeError(
    'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, ' +
    'or Array-like Object. Received type ' + (typeof value)

 * Functionally equivalent to Buffer(arg, encoding) but throws a TypeError
 * if value is a number.
 * Buffer.from(str[, encoding])
 * Buffer.from(array)
 * Buffer.from(buffer)
 * Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])
Buffer.from = function (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
  return from(value, encodingOrOffset, length)

// Note: Change prototype *after* Buffer.from is defined to workaround Chrome bug:
// https://github.com/feross/buffer/pull/148
Buffer.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype
Buffer.__proto__ = Uint8Array

function assertSize (size) {
  if (typeof size !== 'number') {
    throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number')
  } else if (size < 0) {
    throw new RangeError('The value "' + size + '" is invalid for option "size"')

function alloc (size, fill, encoding) {
  if (size <= 0) {
    return createBuffer(size)
  if (fill !== undefined) {
    // Only pay attention to encoding if it's a string. This
    // prevents accidentally sending in a number that would
    // be interpretted as a start offset.
    return typeof encoding === 'string'
      ? createBuffer(size).fill(fill, encoding)
      : createBuffer(size).fill(fill)
  return createBuffer(size)

 * Creates a new filled Buffer instance.
 * alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])
Buffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) {
  return alloc(size, fill, encoding)

function allocUnsafe (size) {
  return createBuffer(size < 0 ? 0 : checked(size) | 0)

 * Equivalent to Buffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
 * */
Buffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) {
  return allocUnsafe(size)
 * Equivalent to SlowBuffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) {
  return allocUnsafe(size)

function fromString (string, encoding) {
  if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding === '') {
    encoding = 'utf8'

  if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
    throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)

  var length = byteLength(string, encoding) | 0
  var buf = createBuffer(length)

  var actual = buf.write(string, encoding)

  if (actual !== length) {
    // Writing a hex string, for example, that contains invalid characters will
    // cause everything after the first invalid character to be ignored. (e.g.
    // 'abxxcd' will be treated as 'ab')
    buf = buf.slice(0, actual)

  return buf

function fromArrayLike (array) {
  var length = array.length < 0 ? 0 : checked(array.length) | 0
  var buf = createBuffer(length)
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    buf[i] = array[i] & 255
  return buf

function fromArrayBuffer (array, byteOffset, length) {
  if (byteOffset < 0 || array.byteLength < byteOffset) {
    throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds')

  if (array.byteLength < byteOffset + (length || 0)) {
    throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds')

  var buf
  if (byteOffset === undefined && length === undefined) {
    buf = new Uint8Array(array)
  } else if (length === undefined) {
    buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset)
  } else {
    buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset, length)

  // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
  buf.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
  return buf

function fromObject (obj) {
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) {
    var len = checked(obj.length) | 0
    var buf = createBuffer(len)

    if (buf.length === 0) {
      return buf

    obj.copy(buf, 0, 0, len)
    return buf

  if (obj.length !== undefined) {
    if (typeof obj.length !== 'number' || numberIsNaN(obj.length)) {
      return createBuffer(0)
    return fromArrayLike(obj)

  if (obj.type === 'Buffer' && Array.isArray(obj.data)) {
    return fromArrayLike(obj.data)

function checked (length) {
  // Note: cannot use `length < K_MAX_LENGTH` here because that fails when
  // length is NaN (which is otherwise coerced to zero.)
  if (length >= K_MAX_LENGTH) {
    throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' +
                         'size: 0x' + K_MAX_LENGTH.toString(16) + ' bytes')
  return length | 0

function SlowBuffer (length) {
  if (+length != length) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
    length = 0
  return Buffer.alloc(+length)

Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer (b) {
  return b != null && b._isBuffer === true &&
    b !== Buffer.prototype // so Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.prototype) will be false

Buffer.compare = function compare (a, b) {
  if (isInstance(a, Uint8Array)) a = Buffer.from(a, a.offset, a.byteLength)
  if (isInstance(b, Uint8Array)) b = Buffer.from(b, b.offset, b.byteLength)
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {
    throw new TypeError(
      'The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'

  if (a === b) return 0

  var x = a.length
  var y = b.length

  for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len; ++i) {
    if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
      x = a[i]
      y = b[i]

  if (x < y) return -1
  if (y < x) return 1
  return 0

Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding (encoding) {
  switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
    case 'hex':
    case 'utf8':
    case 'utf-8':
    case 'ascii':
    case 'latin1':
    case 'binary':
    case 'base64':
    case 'ucs2':
    case 'ucs-2':
    case 'utf16le':
    case 'utf-16le':
      return true
      return false

Buffer.concat = function concat (list, length) {
  if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
    throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')

  if (list.length === 0) {
    return Buffer.alloc(0)

  var i
  if (length === undefined) {
    length = 0
    for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
      length += list[i].length

  var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length)
  var pos = 0
  for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
    var buf = list[i]
    if (isInstance(buf, Uint8Array)) {
      buf = Buffer.from(buf)
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) {
      throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')
    buf.copy(buffer, pos)
    pos += buf.length
  return buffer

function byteLength (string, encoding) {
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(string)) {
    return string.length
  if (ArrayBuffer.isView(string) || isInstance(string, ArrayBuffer)) {
    return string.byteLength
  if (typeof string !== 'string') {
    throw new TypeError(
      'The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. ' +
      'Received type ' + typeof string

  var len = string.length
  var mustMatch = (arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true)
  if (!mustMatch && len === 0) return 0

  // Use a for loop to avoid recursion
  var loweredCase = false
  for (;;) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'ascii':
      case 'latin1':
      case 'binary':
        return len
      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8ToBytes(string).length
      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return len * 2
      case 'hex':
        return len >>> 1
      case 'base64':
        return base64ToBytes(string).length
        if (loweredCase) {
          return mustMatch ? -1 : utf8ToBytes(string).length // assume utf8
        encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true
Buffer.byteLength = byteLength

function slowToString (encoding, start, end) {
  var loweredCase = false

  // No need to verify that "this.length <= MAX_UINT32" since it's a read-only
  // property of a typed array.

  // This behaves neither like String nor Uint8Array in that we set start/end
  // to their upper/lower bounds if the value passed is out of range.
  // undefined is handled specially as per ECMA-262 6th Edition,
  // Section Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization.
  if (start === undefined || start < 0) {
    start = 0
  // Return early if start > this.length. Done here to prevent potential uint32
  // coercion fail below.
  if (start > this.length) {
    return ''

  if (end === undefined || end > this.length) {
    end = this.length

  if (end <= 0) {
    return ''

  // Force coersion to uint32. This will also coerce falsey/NaN values to 0.
  end >>>= 0
  start >>>= 0

  if (end <= start) {
    return ''

  if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'

  while (true) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'hex':
        return hexSlice(this, start, end)

      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8Slice(this, start, end)

      case 'ascii':
        return asciiSlice(this, start, end)

      case 'latin1':
      case 'binary':
        return latin1Slice(this, start, end)

      case 'base64':
        return base64Slice(this, start, end)

      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return utf16leSlice(this, start, end)

        if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
        encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true

// This property is used by `Buffer.isBuffer` (and the `is-buffer` npm package)
// to detect a Buffer instance. It's not possible to use `instanceof Buffer`
// reliably in a browserify context because there could be multiple different
// copies of the 'buffer' package in use. This method works even for Buffer
// instances that were created from another copy of the `buffer` package.
// See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/154
Buffer.prototype._isBuffer = true

function swap (b, n, m) {
  var i = b[n]
  b[n] = b[m]
  b[m] = i

Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16 () {
  var len = this.length
  if (len % 2 !== 0) {
    throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits')
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
    swap(this, i, i + 1)
  return this

Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32 () {
  var len = this.length
  if (len % 4 !== 0) {
    throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits')
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
    swap(this, i, i + 3)
    swap(this, i + 1, i + 2)
  return this

Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64 () {
  var len = this.length
  if (len % 8 !== 0) {
    throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits')
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
    swap(this, i, i + 7)
    swap(this, i + 1, i + 6)
    swap(this, i + 2, i + 5)
    swap(this, i + 3, i + 4)
  return this

Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString () {
  var length = this.length
  if (length === 0) return ''
  if (arguments.length === 0) return utf8Slice(this, 0, length)
  return slowToString.apply(this, arguments)

Buffer.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer.prototype.toString

Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals (b) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
  if (this === b) return true
  return Buffer.compare(this, b) === 0

Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect () {
  var str = ''
  var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES
  str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim()
  if (this.length > max) str += ' ... '
  return '<Buffer ' + str + '>'

Buffer.prototype.compare = function compare (target, start, end, thisStart, thisEnd) {
  if (isInstance(target, Uint8Array)) {
    target = Buffer.from(target, target.offset, target.byteLength)
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) {
    throw new TypeError(
      'The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. ' +
      'Received type ' + (typeof target)

  if (start === undefined) {
    start = 0
  if (end === undefined) {
    end = target ? target.length : 0
  if (thisStart === undefined) {
    thisStart = 0
  if (thisEnd === undefined) {
    thisEnd = this.length

  if (start < 0 || end > target.length || thisStart < 0 || thisEnd > this.length) {
    throw new RangeError('out of range index')

  if (thisStart >= thisEnd && start >= end) {
    return 0
  if (thisStart >= thisEnd) {
    return -1
  if (start >= end) {
    return 1

  start >>>= 0
  end >>>= 0
  thisStart >>>= 0
  thisEnd >>>= 0

  if (this === target) return 0

  var x = thisEnd - thisStart
  var y = end - start
  var len = Math.min(x, y)

  var thisCopy = this.slice(thisStart, thisEnd)
  var targetCopy = target.slice(start, end)

  for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    if (thisCopy[i] !== targetCopy[i]) {
      x = thisCopy[i]
      y = targetCopy[i]

  if (x < y) return -1
  if (y < x) return 1
  return 0

// Finds either the first index of `val` in `buffer` at offset >= `byteOffset`,
// OR the last index of `val` in `buffer` at offset <= `byteOffset`.
// Arguments:
// - buffer - a Buffer to search
// - val - a string, Buffer, or number
// - byteOffset - an index into `buffer`; will be clamped to an int32
// - encoding - an optional encoding, relevant is val is a string
// - dir - true for indexOf, false for lastIndexOf
function bidirectionalIndexOf (buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
  // Empty buffer means no match
  if (buffer.length === 0) return -1

  // Normalize byteOffset
  if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') {
    encoding = byteOffset
    byteOffset = 0
  } else if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) {
    byteOffset = 0x7fffffff
  } else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) {
    byteOffset = -0x80000000
  byteOffset = +byteOffset // Coerce to Number.
  if (numberIsNaN(byteOffset)) {
    // byteOffset: it it's undefined, null, NaN, "foo", etc, search whole buffer
    byteOffset = dir ? 0 : (buffer.length - 1)

  // Normalize byteOffset: negative offsets start from the end of the buffer
  if (byteOffset < 0) byteOffset = buffer.length + byteOffset
  if (byteOffset >= buffer.length) {
    if (dir) return -1
    else byteOffset = buffer.length - 1
  } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
    if (dir) byteOffset = 0
    else return -1

  // Normalize val
  if (typeof val === 'string') {
    val = Buffer.from(val, encoding)

  // Finally, search either indexOf (if dir is true) or lastIndexOf
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
    // Special case: looking for empty string/buffer always fails
    if (val.length === 0) {
      return -1
    return arrayIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir)
  } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
    val = val & 0xFF // Search for a byte value [0-255]
    if (typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') {
      if (dir) {
        return Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(buffer, val, byteOffset)
      } else {
        return Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(buffer, val, byteOffset)
    return arrayIndexOf(buffer, [ val ], byteOffset, encoding, dir)

  throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer')

function arrayIndexOf (arr, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
  var indexSize = 1
  var arrLength = arr.length
  var valLength = val.length

  if (encoding !== undefined) {
    encoding = String(encoding).toLowerCase()
    if (encoding === 'ucs2' || encoding === 'ucs-2' ||
        encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding === 'utf-16le') {
      if (arr.length < 2 || val.length < 2) {
        return -1
      indexSize = 2
      arrLength /= 2
      valLength /= 2
      byteOffset /= 2

  function read (buf, i) {
    if (indexSize === 1) {
      return buf[i]
    } else {
      return buf.readUInt16BE(i * indexSize)

  var i
  if (dir) {
    var foundIndex = -1
    for (i = byteOffset; i < arrLength; i++) {
      if (read(arr, i) === read(val, foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex)) {
        if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i
        if (i - foundIndex + 1 === valLength) return foundIndex * indexSize
      } else {
        if (foundIndex !== -1) i -= i - foundIndex
        foundIndex = -1
  } else {
    if (byteOffset + valLength > arrLength) byteOffset = arrLength - valLength
    for (i = byteOffset; i >= 0; i--) {
      var found = true
      for (var j = 0; j < valLength; j++) {
        if (read(arr, i + j) !== read(val, j)) {
          found = false
      if (found) return i

  return -1

Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
  return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1

Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
  return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true)

Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
  return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false)

function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
  offset = Number(offset) || 0
  var remaining = buf.length - offset
  if (!length) {
    length = remaining
  } else {
    length = Number(length)
    if (length > remaining) {
      length = remaining

  var strLen = string.length

  if (length > strLen / 2) {
    length = strLen / 2
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16)
    if (numberIsNaN(parsed)) return i
    buf[offset + i] = parsed
  return i

function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)

function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)

function latin1Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length)

function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)

function ucs2Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
  return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)

Buffer.prototype.write = function write (string, offset, length, encoding) {
  // Buffer#write(string)
  if (offset === undefined) {
    encoding = 'utf8'
    length = this.length
    offset = 0
  // Buffer#write(string, encoding)
  } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') {
    encoding = offset
    length = this.length
    offset = 0
  // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding])
  } else if (isFinite(offset)) {
    offset = offset >>> 0
    if (isFinite(length)) {
      length = length >>> 0
      if (encoding === undefined) encoding = 'utf8'
    } else {
      encoding = length
      length = undefined
  } else {
    throw new Error(
      'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported'

  var remaining = this.length - offset
  if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining

  if ((string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) || offset > this.length) {
    throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds')

  if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'

  var loweredCase = false
  for (;;) {
    switch (encoding) {
      case 'hex':
        return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'ascii':
        return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'latin1':
      case 'binary':
        return latin1Write(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'base64':
        // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
        return base64Write(this, string, offset, length)

      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length)

        if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
        encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
        loweredCase = true

Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () {
  return {
    type: 'Buffer',
    data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0)

function base64Slice (buf, start, end) {
  if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) {
    return base64.fromByteArray(buf)
  } else {
    return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end))

function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) {
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
  var res = []

  var i = start
  while (i < end) {
    var firstByte = buf[i]
    var codePoint = null
    var bytesPerSequence = (firstByte > 0xEF) ? 4
      : (firstByte > 0xDF) ? 3
        : (firstByte > 0xBF) ? 2
          : 1

    if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) {
      var secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint

      switch (bytesPerSequence) {
        case 1:
          if (firstByte < 0x80) {
            codePoint = firstByte
        case 2:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0x1F) << 0x6 | (secondByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0x7F) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint
        case 3:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0xC | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (thirdByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint > 0xDFFF)) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint
        case 4:
          secondByte = buf[i + 1]
          thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
          fourthByte = buf[i + 3]
          if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (fourthByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
            tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0x12 | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0xC | (thirdByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (fourthByte & 0x3F)
            if (tempCodePoint > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint < 0x110000) {
              codePoint = tempCodePoint

    if (codePoint === null) {
      // we did not generate a valid codePoint so insert a
      // replacement char (U+FFFD) and advance only 1 byte
      codePoint = 0xFFFD
      bytesPerSequence = 1
    } else if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {
      // encode to utf16 (surrogate pair dance)
      codePoint -= 0x10000
      res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800)
      codePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF

    i += bytesPerSequence

  return decodeCodePointsArray(res)

// Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/22747272/680742, the browser with
// the lowest limit is Chrome, with 0x10000 args.
// We go 1 magnitude less, for safety

function decodeCodePointsArray (codePoints) {
  var len = codePoints.length
  if (len <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints) // avoid extra slice()

  // Decode in chunks to avoid "call stack size exceeded".
  var res = ''
  var i = 0
  while (i < len) {
    res += String.fromCharCode.apply(
      codePoints.slice(i, i += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH)
  return res

function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var ret = ''
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)

  for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
    ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i] & 0x7F)
  return ret

function latin1Slice (buf, start, end) {
  var ret = ''
  end = Math.min(buf.length, end)

  for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
    ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
  return ret

function hexSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var len = buf.length

  if (!start || start < 0) start = 0
  if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len

  var out = ''
  for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
    out += toHex(buf[i])
  return out

function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) {
  var bytes = buf.slice(start, end)
  var res = ''
  for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
    res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + (bytes[i + 1] * 256))
  return res

Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) {
  var len = this.length
  start = ~~start
  end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end

  if (start < 0) {
    start += len
    if (start < 0) start = 0
  } else if (start > len) {
    start = len

  if (end < 0) {
    end += len
    if (end < 0) end = 0
  } else if (end > len) {
    end = len

  if (end < start) end = start

  var newBuf = this.subarray(start, end)
  // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
  newBuf.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
  return newBuf

 * Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds.
function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) {
  if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint')
  if (offset + ext > length) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length')

Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset]
  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + i] * mul

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset + --byteLength]
  var mul = 1
  while (byteLength > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + --byteLength] * mul

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
  return this[offset]

Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)

Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1]

Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return ((this[offset]) |
      (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
      (this[offset + 2] << 16)) +
      (this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000)

Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) +
    ((this[offset + 1] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
    this[offset + 3])

Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var val = this[offset]
  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + i] * mul
  mul *= 0x80

  if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)

  var i = byteLength
  var mul = 1
  var val = this[offset + --i]
  while (i > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    val += this[offset + --i] * mul
  mul *= 0x80

  if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)

  return val

Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
  if (!(this[offset] & 0x80)) return (this[offset])
  return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1)

Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  var val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
  return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val

Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
  var val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8)
  return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val

Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset]) |
    (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 3] << 24)

Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)

  return (this[offset] << 24) |
    (this[offset + 1] << 16) |
    (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
    (this[offset + 3])

Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 23, 4)

Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 23, 4)

Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 52, 8)

Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE (offset, noAssert) {
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
  return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 52, 8)

function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance')
  if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds')
  if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')

Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)

  var mul = 1
  var i = 0
  this[offset] = value & 0xFF
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)

  var i = byteLength - 1
  var mul = 1
  this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
  while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0)
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 1

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
  this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
  this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
  this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
  this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
  this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var limit = Math.pow(2, (8 * byteLength) - 1)

    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)

  var i = 0
  var mul = 1
  var sub = 0
  this[offset] = value & 0xFF
  while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i - 1] !== 0) {
      sub = 1
    this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    var limit = Math.pow(2, (8 * byteLength) - 1)

    checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)

  var i = byteLength - 1
  var mul = 1
  var sub = 0
  this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
  while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
    if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i + 1] !== 0) {
      sub = 1
    this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF

  return offset + byteLength

Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80)
  if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 1

Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
  this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 2

Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
  this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
  this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
  if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
  this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
  this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
  this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
  this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
  return offset + 4

function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
  if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
  if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')

function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38)
  ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4)
  return offset + 4

Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)

Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)

function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
  value = +value
  offset = offset >>> 0
  if (!noAssert) {
    checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308)
  ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8)
  return offset + 8

Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)

Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
  return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)

// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy (target, targetStart, start, end) {
  if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) throw new TypeError('argument should be a Buffer')
  if (!start) start = 0
  if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length
  if (targetStart >= target.length) targetStart = target.length
  if (!targetStart) targetStart = 0
  if (end > 0 && end < start) end = start

  // Copy 0 bytes; we're done
  if (end === start) return 0
  if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0

  // Fatal error conditions
  if (targetStart < 0) {
    throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds')
  if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
  if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds')

  // Are we oob?
  if (end > this.length) end = this.length
  if (target.length - targetStart < end - start) {
    end = target.length - targetStart + start

  var len = end - start

  if (this === target && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin === 'function') {
    // Use built-in when available, missing from IE11
    this.copyWithin(targetStart, start, end)
  } else if (this === target && start < targetStart && targetStart < end) {
    // descending copy from end
    for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start]
  } else {
      this.subarray(start, end),

  return len

// Usage:
//    buffer.fill(number[, offset[, end]])
//    buffer.fill(buffer[, offset[, end]])
//    buffer.fill(string[, offset[, end]][, encoding])
Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill (val, start, end, encoding) {
  // Handle string cases:
  if (typeof val === 'string') {
    if (typeof start === 'string') {
      encoding = start
      start = 0
      end = this.length
    } else if (typeof end === 'string') {
      encoding = end
      end = this.length
    if (encoding !== undefined && typeof encoding !== 'string') {
      throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string')
    if (typeof encoding === 'string' && !Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
      throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
    if (val.length === 1) {
      var code = val.charCodeAt(0)
      if ((encoding === 'utf8' && code < 128) ||
          encoding === 'latin1') {
        // Fast path: If `val` fits into a single byte, use that numeric value.
        val = code
  } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
    val = val & 255

  // Invalid ranges are not set to a default, so can range check early.
  if (start < 0 || this.length < start || this.length < end) {
    throw new RangeError('Out of range index')

  if (end <= start) {
    return this

  start = start >>> 0
  end = end === undefined ? this.length : end >>> 0

  if (!val) val = 0

  var i
  if (typeof val === 'number') {
    for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
      this[i] = val
  } else {
    var bytes = Buffer.isBuffer(val)
      ? val
      : Buffer.from(val, encoding)
    var len = bytes.length
    if (len === 0) {
      throw new TypeError('The value "' + val +
        '" is invalid for argument "value"')
    for (i = 0; i < end - start; ++i) {
      this[i + start] = bytes[i % len]

  return this

// ================

var INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g

function base64clean (str) {
  // Node takes equal signs as end of the Base64 encoding
  str = str.split('=')[0]
  // Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not
  str = str.trim().replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '')
  // Node converts strings with length < 2 to ''
  if (str.length < 2) return ''
  // Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not
  while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
    str = str + '='
  return str

function toHex (n) {
  if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16)
  return n.toString(16)

function utf8ToBytes (string, units) {
  units = units || Infinity
  var codePoint
  var length = string.length
  var leadSurrogate = null
  var bytes = []

  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i)

    // is surrogate component
    if (codePoint > 0xD7FF && codePoint < 0xE000) {
      // last char was a lead
      if (!leadSurrogate) {
        // no lead yet
        if (codePoint > 0xDBFF) {
          // unexpected trail
          if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
        } else if (i + 1 === length) {
          // unpaired lead
          if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)

        // valid lead
        leadSurrogate = codePoint


      // 2 leads in a row
      if (codePoint < 0xDC00) {
        if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
        leadSurrogate = codePoint

      // valid surrogate pair
      codePoint = (leadSurrogate - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint - 0xDC00) + 0x10000
    } else if (leadSurrogate) {
      // valid bmp char, but last char was a lead
      if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)

    leadSurrogate = null

    // encode utf8
    if (codePoint < 0x80) {
      if ((units -= 1) < 0) break
    } else if (codePoint < 0x800) {
      if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0x6 | 0xC0,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
      if ((units -= 3) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0xC | 0xE0,
        codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else if (codePoint < 0x110000) {
      if ((units -= 4) < 0) break
        codePoint >> 0x12 | 0xF0,
        codePoint >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
        codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
    } else {
      throw new Error('Invalid code point')

  return bytes

function asciiToBytes (str) {
  var byteArray = []
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
    // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..
    byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF)
  return byteArray

function utf16leToBytes (str, units) {
  var c, hi, lo
  var byteArray = []
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
    if ((units -= 2) < 0) break

    c = str.charCodeAt(i)
    hi = c >> 8
    lo = c % 256

  return byteArray

function base64ToBytes (str) {
  return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str))

function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) {
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break
    dst[i + offset] = src[i]
  return i

// ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array objects from other contexts (i.e. iframes) do not pass
// the `instanceof` check but they should be treated as of that type.
// See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/166
function isInstance (obj, type) {
  return obj instanceof type ||
    (obj != null && obj.constructor != null && obj.constructor.name != null &&
      obj.constructor.name === type.name)
function numberIsNaN (obj) {
  // For IE11 support
  return obj !== obj // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare

/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */
exports.read = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
  var e, m
  var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1
  var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
  var eBias = eMax >> 1
  var nBits = -7
  var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0
  var d = isLE ? -1 : 1
  var s = buffer[offset + i]

  i += d

  e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
  s >>= (-nBits)
  nBits += eLen
  for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}

  m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
  e >>= (-nBits)
  nBits += mLen
  for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}

  if (e === 0) {
    e = 1 - eBias
  } else if (e === eMax) {
    return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity)
  } else {
    m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen)
    e = e - eBias
  return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen)

exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
  var e, m, c
  var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1
  var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
  var eBias = eMax >> 1
  var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0)
  var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1)
  var d = isLE ? 1 : -1
  var s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0

  value = Math.abs(value)

  if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
    m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0
    e = eMax
  } else {
    e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)
    if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
      c *= 2
    if (e + eBias >= 1) {
      value += rt / c
    } else {
      value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias)
    if (value * c >= 2) {
      c /= 2

    if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
      m = 0
      e = eMax
    } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
      m = ((value * c) - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
      e = e + eBias
    } else {
      m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
      e = 0

  for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {}

  e = (e << mLen) | m
  eLen += mLen
  for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {}

  buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128

(function (global){(function (){
'use strict';
var Mutation = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver;

var scheduleDrain;

  if (Mutation) {
    var called = 0;
    var observer = new Mutation(nextTick);
    var element = global.document.createTextNode('');
    observer.observe(element, {
      characterData: true
    scheduleDrain = function () {
      element.data = (called = ++called % 2);
  } else if (!global.setImmediate && typeof global.MessageChannel !== 'undefined') {
    var channel = new global.MessageChannel();
    channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick;
    scheduleDrain = function () {
  } else if ('document' in global && 'onreadystatechange' in global.document.createElement('script')) {
    scheduleDrain = function () {

      // Create a <script> element; its readystatechange event will be fired asynchronously once it is inserted
      // into the document. Do so, thus queuing up the task. Remember to clean up once it's been called.
      var scriptEl = global.document.createElement('script');
      scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function () {

        scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null;
        scriptEl = null;
  } else {
    scheduleDrain = function () {
      setTimeout(nextTick, 0);

var draining;
var queue = [];
//named nextTick for less confusing stack traces
function nextTick() {
  draining = true;
  var i, oldQueue;
  var len = queue.length;
  while (len) {
    oldQueue = queue;
    queue = [];
    i = -1;
    while (++i < len) {
    len = queue.length;
  draining = false;

module.exports = immediate;
function immediate(task) {
  if (queue.push(task) === 1 && !draining) {

}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global,Buffer,setImmediate){(function (){

JSZip v3.6.0 - A JavaScript class for generating and reading zip files

(c) 2009-2016 Stuart Knightley <stuart [at] stuartk.com>
Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/master/LICENSE.markdown.

JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license :

!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{("undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(r,e){if(!o[r]){if(!a[r]){var t="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!e&&t)return t(r,!0);if(f)return f(r,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+r+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[r]={exports:{}};a[r][0].call(i.exports,function(e){var t=a[r][1][e];return h(t||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[r].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof require&&require,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(l,t,n){(function(r){!function(e){"object"==typeof n&&void 0!==t?t.exports=e():("undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(t,e){if(!o[t]){if(!a[t]){var r="function"==typeof l&&l;if(!e&&r)return r(t,!0);if(f)return f(t,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[t]={exports:{}};a[t][0].call(i.exports,function(e){return h(a[t][1][e]||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[t].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof l&&l,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(l,t,n){(function(r){!function(e){"object"==typeof n&&void 0!==t?t.exports=e():("undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(t,e){if(!o[t]){if(!a[t]){var r="function"==typeof l&&l;if(!e&&r)return r(t,!0);if(f)return f(t,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[t]={exports:{}};a[t][0].call(i.exports,function(e){return h(a[t][1][e]||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[t].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof l&&l,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(l,t,n){(function(r){!function(e){"object"==typeof n&&void 0!==t?t.exports=e():("undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(t,e){if(!o[t]){if(!a[t]){var r="function"==typeof l&&l;if(!e&&r)return r(t,!0);if(f)return f(t,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[t]={exports:{}};a[t][0].call(i.exports,function(e){return h(a[t][1][e]||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[t].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof l&&l,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(l,t,n){(function(r){!function(e){"object"==typeof n&&void 0!==t?t.exports=e():("undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(t,e){if(!o[t]){if(!a[t]){var r="function"==typeof l&&l;if(!e&&r)return r(t,!0);if(f)return f(t,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[t]={exports:{}};a[t][0].call(i.exports,function(e){return h(a[t][1][e]||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[t].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof l&&l,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(l,t,n){(function(r){!function(e){"object"==typeof n&&void 0!==t?t.exports=e():("undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this).JSZip=e()}(function(){return function s(a,o,u){function h(t,e){if(!o[t]){if(!a[t]){var r="function"==typeof l&&l;if(!e&&r)return r(t,!0);if(f)return f(t,!0);var n=new Error("Cannot find module '"+t+"'");throw n.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",n}var i=o[t]={exports:{}};a[t][0].call(i.exports,function(e){return h(a[t][1][e]||e)},i,i.exports,s,a,o,u)}return o[t].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof l&&l,e=0;e<u.length;e++)h(u[e]);return h}({1:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var c=e("./utils"),l=e("./support"),p="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";r.encode=function(e){for(var t,r,n,i,s,a,o,u=[],h=0,f=e.length,l=f,d="string"!==c.getTypeOf(e);h<e.length;)l=f-h,n=d?(t=e[h++],r=h<f?e[h++]:0,h<f?e[h++]:0):(t=e.charCodeAt(h++),r=h<f?e.charCodeAt(h++):0,h<f?e.charCodeAt(h++):0),i=t>>2,s=(3&t)<<4|r>>4,a=1<l?(15&r)<<2|n>>6:64,o=2<l?63&n:64,u.push(p.charAt(i)+p.charAt(s)+p.charAt(a)+p.charAt(o));return u.join("")},r.decode=function(e){var t,r,n,i,s,a,o=0,u=0;if("data:"===e.substr(0,"data:".length))throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url.");var h,f=3*(e=e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g,"")).length/4;if(e.charAt(e.length-1)===p.charAt(64)&&f--,e.charAt(e.length-2)===p.charAt(64)&&f--,f%1!=0)throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length.");for(h=l.uint8array?new Uint8Array(0|f):new Array(0|f);o<e.length;)t=p.indexOf(e.charAt(o++))<<2|(i=p.indexOf(e.charAt(o++)))>>4,r=(15&i)<<4|(s=p.indexOf(e.charAt(o++)))>>2,n=(3&s)<<6|(a=p.indexOf(e.charAt(o++))),h[u++]=t,64!==s&&(h[u++]=r),64!==a&&(h[u++]=n);return h}},{"./support":30,"./utils":32}],2:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./external"),i=e("./stream/DataWorker"),s=e("./stream/Crc32Probe"),a=e("./stream/DataLengthProbe");function o(e,t,r,n,i){this.compressedSize=e,this.uncompressedSize=t,this.crc32=r,this.compression=n,this.compressedContent=i}o.prototype={getContentWorker:function(){var e=new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")),t=this;return e.on("end",function(){if(this.streamInfo.data_length!==t.uncompressedSize)throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch")}),e},getCompressedWorker:function(){return new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize",this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize",this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32",this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression",this.compression)}},o.createWorkerFrom=function(e,t,r){return e.pipe(new s).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(t.compressWorker(r)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression",t)},t.exports=o},{"./external":6,"./stream/Crc32Probe":25,"./stream/DataLengthProbe":26,"./stream/DataWorker":27}],3:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./stream/GenericWorker");r.STORE={magic:"\0\0",compressWorker:function(e){return new n("STORE compression")},uncompressWorker:function(){return new n("STORE decompression")}},r.DEFLATE=e("./flate")},{"./flate":7,"./stream/GenericWorker":28}],4:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./utils"),a=function(){for(var e,t=[],r=0;r<256;r++){e=r;for(var n=0;n<8;n++)e=1&e?3988292384^e>>>1:e>>>1;t[r]=e}return t}();t.exports=function(e,t){return void 0!==e&&e.length?"string"!==n.getTypeOf(e)?function(e,t,r){var n=a,i=0+r;e^=-1;for(var s=0;s<i;s++)e=e>>>8^n[255&(e^t[s])];return-1^e}(0|t,e,e.length):function(e,t,r){var n=a,i=0+r;e^=-1;for(var s=0;s<i;s++)e=e>>>8^n[255&(e^t.charCodeAt(s))];return-1^e}(0|t,e,e.length):0}},{"./utils":32}],5:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";r.base64=!1,r.binary=!1,r.dir=!1,r.createFolders=!0,r.date=null,r.compression=null,r.compressionOptions=null,r.comment=null,r.unixPermissions=null,r.dosPermissions=null},{}],6:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n;n="undefined"!=typeof Promise?Promise:e("lie"),t.exports={Promise:n}},{lie:37}],7:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint32Array,i=e("pako"),s=e("./utils"),a=e("./stream/GenericWorker"),o=n?"uint8array":"array";function u(e,t){a.call(this,"FlateWorker/"+e),this._pako=null,this._pakoAction=e,this._pakoOptions=t,this.meta={}}r.magic="\b\0",s.inherits(u,a),u.prototype.processChunk=function(e){this.meta=e.meta,null===this._pako&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o,e.data),!1)},u.prototype.flush=function(){a.prototype.flush.call(this),null===this._pako&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push([],!0)},u.prototype.cleanUp=function(){a.prototype.cleanUp.call(this),this._pako=null},u.prototype._createPako=function(){this._pako=new i[this._pakoAction]({raw:!0,level:this._pakoOptions.level||-1});var t=this;this._pako.onData=function(e){t.push({data:e,meta:t.meta})}},r.compressWorker=function(e){return new u("Deflate",e)},r.uncompressWorker=function(){return new u("Inflate",{})}},{"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./utils":32,pako:38}],8:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";function I(e,t){var r,n="";for(r=0;r<t;r++)n+=String.fromCharCode(255&e),e>>>=8;return n}function i(e,t,r,n,i,s){var a,o,u=e.file,h=e.compression,f=s!==B.utf8encode,l=O.transformTo("string",s(u.name)),d=O.transformTo("string",B.utf8encode(u.name)),c=u.comment,p=O.transformTo("string",s(c)),m=O.transformTo("string",B.utf8encode(c)),_=d.length!==u.name.length,g=m.length!==c.length,v="",b="",w="",y=u.dir,k=u.date,x={crc32:0,compressedSize:0,uncompressedSize:0};t&&!r||(x.crc32=e.crc32,x.compressedSize=e.compressedSize,x.uncompressedSize=e.uncompressedSize);var S=0;t&&(S|=8),f||!_&&!g||(S|=2048);var z,E=0,C=0;y&&(E|=16),"UNIX"===i?(C=798,E|=((z=u.unixPermissions)||(z=y?16893:33204),(65535&z)<<16)):(C=20,E|=63&(u.dosPermissions||0)),a=k.getUTCHours(),a<<=6,a|=k.getUTCMinutes(),a<<=5,a|=k.getUTCSeconds()/2,o=k.getUTCFullYear()-1980,o<<=4,o|=k.getUTCMonth()+1,o<<=5,o|=k.getUTCDate(),_&&(v+="up"+I((b=I(1,1)+I(T(l),4)+d).length,2)+b),g&&(v+="uc"+I((w=I(1,1)+I(T(p),4)+m).length,2)+w);var A="";return A+="\n\0",A+=I(S,2),A+=h.magic,A+=I(a,2),A+=I(o,2),A+=I(x.crc32,4),A+=I(x.compressedSize,4),A+=I(x.uncompressedSize,4),A+=I(l.length,2),A+=I(v.length,2),{fileRecord:R.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER+A+l+v,dirRecord:R.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER+I(C,2)+A+I(p.length,2)+"\0\0\0\0"+I(E,4)+I(n,4)+l+v+p}}var O=e("../utils"),s=e("../stream/GenericWorker"),B=e("../utf8"),T=e("../crc32"),R=e("../signature");function n(e,t,r,n){s.call(this,"ZipFileWorker"),this.bytesWritten=0,this.zipComment=t,this.zipPlatform=r,this.encodeFileName=n,this.streamFiles=e,this.accumulate=!1,this.contentBuffer=[],this.dirRecords=[],this.currentSourceOffset=0,this.entriesCount=0,this.currentFile=null,this._sources=[]}O.inherits(n,s),n.prototype.push=function(e){var t=e.meta.percent||0,r=this.entriesCount,n=this._sources.length;this.accumulate?this.contentBuffer.push(e):(this.bytesWritten+=e.data.length,s.prototype.push.call(this,{data:e.data,meta:{currentFile:this.currentFile,percent:r?(t+100*(r-n-1))/r:100}}))},n.prototype.openedSource=function(e){this.currentSourceOffset=this.bytesWritten,this.currentFile=e.file.name;var t=this.streamFiles&&!e.file.dir;if(t){var r=i(e,t,!1,this.currentSourceOffset,this.zipPlatform,this.encodeFileName);this.push({data:r.fileRecord,meta:{percent:0}})}else this.accumulate=!0},n.prototype.closedSource=function(e){this.accumulate=!1;var t,r=this.streamFiles&&!e.file.dir,n=i(e,r,!0,this.currentSourceOffset,this.zipPlatform,this.encodeFileName);if(this.dirRecords.push(n.dirRecord),r)this.push({data:(t=e,R.DATA_DESCRIPTOR+I(t.crc32,4)+I(t.compressedSize,4)+I(t.uncompressedSize,4)),meta:{percent:100}});else for(this.push({data:n.fileRecord,meta:{percent:0}});this.contentBuffer.length;)this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift());this.currentFile=null},n.prototype.flush=function(){for(var e=this.bytesWritten,t=0;t<this.dirRecords.length;t++)this.push({data:this.dirRecords[t],meta:{percent:100}});var r,n,i,s,a,o,u=this.bytesWritten-e,h=(r=this.dirRecords.length,n=u,i=e,s=this.zipComment,a=this.encodeFileName,o=O.transformTo("string",a(s)),R.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END+"\0\0\0\0"+I(r,2)+I(r,2)+I(n,4)+I(i,4)+I(o.length,2)+o);this.push({data:h,meta:{percent:100}})},n.prototype.prepareNextSource=function(){this.previous=this._sources.shift(),this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo),this.isPaused?this.previous.pause():this.previous.resume()},n.prototype.registerPrevious=function(e){this._sources.push(e);var t=this;return e.on("data",function(e){t.processChunk(e)}),e.on("end",function(){t.closedSource(t.previous.streamInfo),t._sources.length?t.prepareNextSource():t.end()}),e.on("error",function(e){t.error(e)}),this},n.prototype.resume=function(){return!!s.prototype.resume.call(this)&&(!this.previous&&this._sources.length?(this.prepareNextSource(),!0):this.previous||this._sources.length||this.generatedError?void 0:(this.end(),!0))},n.prototype.error=function(e){var t=this._sources;if(!s.prototype.error.call(this,e))return!1;for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++)try{t[r].error(e)}catch(e){}return!0},n.prototype.lock=function(){s.prototype.lock.call(this);for(var e=this._sources,t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t].lock()},t.exports=n},{"../crc32":4,"../signature":23,"../stream/GenericWorker":28,"../utf8":31,"../utils":32}],9:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var h=e("../compressions"),n=e("./ZipFileWorker");r.generateWorker=function(e,a,t){var o=new n(a.streamFiles,t,a.platform,a.encodeFileName),u=0;try{e.forEach(function(e,t){u++;var r=function(e,t){var r=e||t,n=h[r];if(!n)throw new Error(r+" is not a valid compression method !");return n}(t.options.compression,a.compression),n=t.options.compressionOptions||a.compressionOptions||{},i=t.dir,s=t.date;t._compressWorker(r,n).withStreamInfo("file",{name:e,dir:i,date:s,comment:t.comment||"",unixPermissions:t.unixPermissions,dosPermissions:t.dosPermissions}).pipe(o)}),o.entriesCount=u}catch(e){o.error(e)}return o}},{"../compressions":3,"./ZipFileWorker":8}],10:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";function n(){if(!(this instanceof n))return new n;if(arguments.length)throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");this.files={},this.comment=null,this.root="",this.clone=function(){var e=new n;for(var t in this)"function"!=typeof this[t]&&(e[t]=this[t]);return e}}(n.prototype=e("./object")).loadAsync=e("./load"),n.support=e("./support"),n.defaults=e("./defaults"),n.version="3.5.0",n.loadAsync=function(e,t){return(new n).loadAsync(e,t)},n.external=e("./external"),t.exports=n},{"./defaults":5,"./external":6,"./load":11,"./object":15,"./support":30}],11:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./utils"),i=e("./external"),o=e("./utf8"),u=e("./zipEntries"),s=e("./stream/Crc32Probe"),h=e("./nodejsUtils");function f(n){return new i.Promise(function(e,t){var r=n.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new s);r.on("error",function(e){t(e)}).on("end",function(){r.streamInfo.crc32!==n.decompressed.crc32?t(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")):e()}).resume()})}t.exports=function(e,s){var a=this;return s=n.extend(s||{},{base64:!1,checkCRC32:!1,optimizedBinaryString:!1,createFolders:!1,decodeFileName:o.utf8decode}),h.isNode&&h.isStream(e)?i.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")):n.prepareContent("the loaded zip file",e,!0,s.optimizedBinaryString,s.base64).then(function(e){var t=new u(s);return t.load(e),t}).then(function(e){var t=[i.Promise.resolve(e)],r=e.files;if(s.checkCRC32)for(var n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push(f(r[n]));return i.Promise.all(t)}).then(function(e){for(var t=e.shift(),r=t.files,n=0;n<r.length;n++){var i=r[n];a.file(i.fileNameStr,i.decompressed,{binary:!0,optimizedBinaryString:!0,date:i.date,dir:i.dir,comment:i.fileCommentStr.length?i.fileCommentStr:null,unixPermissions:i.unixPermissions,dosPermissions:i.dosPermissions,createFolders:s.createFolders})}return t.zipComment.length&&(a.comment=t.zipComment),a})}},{"./external":6,"./nodejsUtils":14,"./stream/Crc32Probe":25,"./utf8":31,"./utils":32,"./zipEntries":33}],12:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("../utils"),i=e("../stream/GenericWorker");function s(e,t){i.call(this,"Nodejs stream input adapter for "+e),this._upstreamEnded=!1,this._bindStream(t)}n.inherits(s,i),s.prototype._bindStream=function(e){var t=this;(this._stream=e).pause(),e.on("data",function(e){t.push({data:e,meta:{percent:0}})}).on("error",function(e){t.isPaused?this.generatedError=e:t.error(e)}).on("end",function(){t.isPaused?t._upstreamEnded=!0:t.end()})},s.prototype.pause=function(){return!!i.prototype.pause.call(this)&&(this._stream.pause(),!0)},s.prototype.resume=function(){return!!i.prototype.resume.call(this)&&(this._upstreamEnded?this.end():this._stream.resume(),!0)},t.exports=s},{"../stream/GenericWorker":28,"../utils":32}],13:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var i=e("readable-stream").Readable;function n(e,t,r){i.call(this,t),this._helper=e;var n=this;e.on("data",function(e,t){n.push(e)||n._helper.pause(),r&&r(t)}).on("error",function(e){n.emit("error",e)}).on("end",function(){n.push(null)})}e("../utils").inherits(n,i),n.prototype._read=function(){this._helper.resume()},t.exports=n},{"../utils":32,"readable-stream":16}],14:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports={isNode:"undefined"!=typeof Buffer,newBufferFrom:function(e,t){if(Buffer.from&&Buffer.from!==Uint8Array.from)return Buffer.from(e,t);if("number"==typeof e)throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number');return new Buffer(e,t)},allocBuffer:function(e){if(Buffer.alloc)return Buffer.alloc(e);var t=new Buffer(e);return t.fill(0),t},isBuffer:function(e){return Buffer.isBuffer(e)},isStream:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof e.on&&"function"==typeof e.pause&&"function"==typeof e.resume}}},{}],15:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";function s(e,t,r){var n,i=f.getTypeOf(t),s=f.extend(r||{},d);s.date=s.date||new Date,null!==s.compression&&(s.compression=s.compression.toUpperCase()),"string"==typeof s.unixPermissions&&(s.unixPermissions=parseInt(s.unixPermissions,8)),s.unixPermissions&&16384&s.unixPermissions&&(s.dir=!0),s.dosPermissions&&16&s.dosPermissions&&(s.dir=!0),s.dir&&(e=h(e)),s.createFolders&&(n=function(e){"/"===e.slice(-1)&&(e=e.substring(0,e.length-1));var t=e.lastIndexOf("/");return 0<t?e.substring(0,t):""}(e))&&g.call(this,n,!0);var a,o="string"===i&&!1===s.binary&&!1===s.base64;r&&void 0!==r.binary||(s.binary=!o),(t instanceof c&&0===t.uncompressedSize||s.dir||!t||0===t.length)&&(s.base64=!1,s.binary=!0,t="",s.compression="STORE",i="string"),a=t instanceof c||t instanceof l?t:m.isNode&&m.isStream(t)?new _(e,t):f.prepareContent(e,t,s.binary,s.optimizedBinaryString,s.base64);var u=new p(e,a,s);this.files[e]=u}function h(e){return"/"!==e.slice(-1)&&(e+="/"),e}var i=e("./utf8"),f=e("./utils"),l=e("./stream/GenericWorker"),a=e("./stream/StreamHelper"),d=e("./defaults"),c=e("./compressedObject"),p=e("./zipObject"),o=e("./generate"),m=e("./nodejsUtils"),_=e("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"),g=function(e,t){return t=void 0!==t?t:d.createFolders,e=h(e),this.files[e]||s.call(this,e,null,{dir:!0,createFolders:t}),this.files[e]};function u(e){return"[object RegExp]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}var n={load:function(){throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.")},forEach:function(e){var t,r,n;for(t in this.files)this.files.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(n=this.files[t],(r=t.slice(this.root.length,t.length))&&t.slice(0,this.root.length)===this.root&&e(r,n))},filter:function(r){var n=[];return this.forEach(function(e,t){r(e,t)&&n.push(t)}),n},file:function(e,t,r){if(1!==arguments.length)return e=this.root+e,s.call(this,e,t,r),this;if(u(e)){var n=e;return this.filter(function(e,t){return!t.dir&&n.test(e)})}var i=this.files[this.root+e];return i&&!i.dir?i:null},folder:function(r){if(!r)return this;if(u(r))return this.filter(function(e,t){return t.dir&&r.test(e)});var e=this.root+r,t=g.call(this,e),n=this.clone();return n.root=t.name,n},remove:function(r){r=this.root+r;var e=this.files[r];if(e||("/"!==r.slice(-1)&&(r+="/"),e=this.files[r]),e&&!e.dir)delete this.files[r];else for(var t=this.filter(function(e,t){return t.name.slice(0,r.length)===r}),n=0;n<t.length;n++)delete this.files[t[n].name];return this},generate:function(e){throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.")},generateInternalStream:function(e){var t,r={};try{if((r=f.extend(e||{},{streamFiles:!1,compression:"STORE",compressionOptions:null,type:"",platform:"DOS",comment:null,mimeType:"application/zip",encodeFileName:i.utf8encode})).type=r.type.toLowerCase(),r.compression=r.compression.toUpperCase(),"binarystring"===r.type&&(r.type="string"),!r.type)throw new Error("No output type specified.");f.checkSupport(r.type),"darwin"!==r.platform&&"freebsd"!==r.platform&&"linux"!==r.platform&&"sunos"!==r.platform||(r.platform="UNIX"),"win32"===r.platform&&(r.platform="DOS");var n=r.comment||this.comment||"";t=o.generateWorker(this,r,n)}catch(e){(t=new l("error")).error(e)}return new a(t,r.type||"string",r.mimeType)},generateAsync:function(e,t){return this.generateInternalStream(e).accumulate(t)},generateNodeStream:function(e,t){return(e=e||{}).type||(e.type="nodebuffer"),this.generateInternalStream(e).toNodejsStream(t)}};t.exports=n},{"./compressedObject":2,"./defaults":5,"./generate":9,"./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter":12,"./nodejsUtils":14,"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./stream/StreamHelper":29,"./utf8":31,"./utils":32,"./zipObject":35}],16:[function(e,t,r){t.exports=e("stream")},{stream:void 0}],17:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./DataReader");function i(e){n.call(this,e);for(var t=0;t<this.data.length;t++)e[t]=255&e[t]}e("../utils").inherits(i,n),i.prototype.byteAt=function(e){return this.data[this.zero+e]},i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature=function(e){for(var t=e.charCodeAt(0),r=e.charCodeAt(1),n=e.charCodeAt(2),i=e.charCodeAt(3),s=this.length-4;0<=s;--s)if(this.data[s]===t&&this.data[s+1]===r&&this.data[s+2]===n&&this.data[s+3]===i)return s-this.zero;return-1},i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature=function(e){var t=e.charCodeAt(0),r=e.charCodeAt(1),n=e.charCodeAt(2),i=e.charCodeAt(3),s=this.readData(4);return t===s[0]&&r===s[1]&&n===s[2]&&i===s[3]},i.prototype.readData=function(e){if(this.checkOffset(e),0===e)return[];var t=this.data.slice(this.zero+this.index,this.zero+this.index+e);return this.index+=e,t},t.exports=i},{"../utils":32,"./DataReader":18}],18:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("../utils");function i(e){this.data=e,this.length=e.length,this.index=0,this.zero=0}i.prototype={checkOffset:function(e){this.checkIndex(this.index+e)},checkIndex:function(e){if(this.length<this.zero+e||e<0)throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = "+this.length+", asked index = "+e+"). Corrupted zip ?")},setIndex:function(e){this.checkIndex(e),this.index=e},skip:function(e){this.setIndex(this.index+e)},byteAt:function(e){},readInt:function(e){var t,r=0;for(this.checkOffset(e),t=this.index+e-1;t>=this.index;t--)r=(r<<8)+this.byteAt(t);return this.index+=e,r},readString:function(e){return n.transformTo("string",this.readData(e))},readData:function(e){},lastIndexOfSignature:function(e){},readAndCheckSignature:function(e){},readDate:function(){var e=this.readInt(4);return new Date(Date.UTC(1980+(e>>25&127),(e>>21&15)-1,e>>16&31,e>>11&31,e>>5&63,(31&e)<<1))}},t.exports=i},{"../utils":32}],19:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./Uint8ArrayReader");function i(e){n.call(this,e)}e("../utils").inherits(i,n),i.prototype.readData=function(e){this.checkOffset(e);var t=this.data.slice(this.zero+this.index,this.zero+this.index+e);return this.index+=e,t},t.exports=i},{"../utils":32,"./Uint8ArrayReader":21}],20:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./DataReader");function i(e){n.call(this,e)}e("../utils").inherits(i,n),i.prototype.byteAt=function(e){return this.data.charCodeAt(this.zero+e)},i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature=function(e){return this.data.lastIndexOf(e)-this.zero},i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature=function(e){return e===this.readData(4)},i.prototype.readData=function(e){this.checkOffset(e);var t=this.data.slice(this.zero+this.index,this.zero+this.index+e);return this.index+=e,t},t.exports=i},{"../utils":32,"./DataReader":18}],21:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./ArrayReader");function i(e){n.call(this,e)}e("../utils").inherits(i,n),i.prototype.readData=function(e){if(this.checkOffset(e),0===e)return new Uint8Array(0);var t=this.data.subarray(this.zero+this.index,this.zero+this.index+e);return this.index+=e,t},t.exports=i},{"../utils":32,"./ArrayReader":17}],22:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var 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"+e),this.destType=e}i.inherits(s,n),s.prototype.processChunk=function(e){this.push({data:i.transformTo(this.destType,e.data),meta:e.meta})},t.exports=s},{"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],25:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./GenericWorker"),i=e("../crc32");function s(){n.call(this,"Crc32Probe"),this.withStreamInfo("crc32",0)}e("../utils").inherits(s,n),s.prototype.processChunk=function(e){this.streamInfo.crc32=i(e.data,this.streamInfo.crc32||0),this.push(e)},t.exports=s},{"../crc32":4,"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],26:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("../utils"),i=e("./GenericWorker");function s(e){i.call(this,"DataLengthProbe for "+e),this.propName=e,this.withStreamInfo(e,0)}n.inherits(s,i),s.prototype.processChunk=function(e){if(e){var t=this.streamInfo[this.propName]||0;this.streamInfo[this.propName]=t+e.data.length}i.prototype.processChunk.call(this,e)},t.exports=s},{"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],27:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("../utils"),i=e("./GenericWorker");function s(e){i.call(this,"DataWorker");var t=this;this.dataIsReady=!1,this.index=0,this.max=0,this.data=null,this.type="",this._tickScheduled=!1,e.then(function(e){t.dataIsReady=!0,t.data=e,t.max=e&&e.length||0,t.type=n.getTypeOf(e),t.isPaused||t._tickAndRepeat()},function(e){t.error(e)})}n.inherits(s,i),s.prototype.cleanUp=function(){i.prototype.cleanUp.call(this),this.data=null},s.prototype.resume=function(){return!!i.prototype.resume.call(this)&&(!this._tickScheduled&&this.dataIsReady&&(this._tickScheduled=!0,n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat,[],this)),!0)},s.prototype._tickAndRepeat=function(){this._tickScheduled=!1,this.isPaused||this.isFinished||(this._tick(),this.isFinished||(n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat,[],this),this._tickScheduled=!0))},s.prototype._tick=function(){if(this.isPaused||this.isFinished)return!1;var e=null,t=Math.min(this.max,this.index+16384);if(this.index>=this.max)return 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n(e){this.name=e||"default",this.streamInfo={},this.generatedError=null,this.extraStreamInfo={},this.isPaused=!0,this.isFinished=!1,this.isLocked=!1,this._listeners={data:[],end:[],error:[]},this.previous=null}n.prototype={push:function(e){this.emit("data",e)},end:function(){if(this.isFinished)return!1;this.flush();try{this.emit("end"),this.cleanUp(),this.isFinished=!0}catch(e){this.emit("error",e)}return!0},error:function(e){return!this.isFinished&&(this.isPaused?this.generatedError=e:(this.isFinished=!0,this.emit("error",e),this.previous&&this.previous.error(e),this.cleanUp()),!0)},on:function(e,t){return this._listeners[e].push(t),this},cleanUp:function(){this.streamInfo=this.generatedError=this.extraStreamInfo=null,this._listeners=[]},emit:function(e,t){if(this._listeners[e])for(var r=0;r<this._listeners[e].length;r++)this._listeners[e][r].call(this,t)},pipe:function(e){return e.registerPrevious(this)},registerPrevious:function(e){if(this.isLocked)throw new Error("The stream '"+this+"' has already been used.");this.streamInfo=e.streamInfo,this.mergeStreamInfo(),this.previous=e;var t=this;return e.on("data",function(e){t.processChunk(e)}),e.on("end",function(){t.end()}),e.on("error",function(e){t.error(e)}),this},pause:function(){return!this.isPaused&&!this.isFinished&&(this.isPaused=!0,this.previous&&this.previous.pause(),!0)},resume:function(){if(!this.isPaused||this.isFinished)return!1;var e=this.isPaused=!1;return this.generatedError&&(this.error(this.generatedError),e=!0),this.previous&&this.previous.resume(),!e},flush:function(){},processChunk:function(e){this.push(e)},withStreamInfo:function(e,t){return this.extraStreamInfo[e]=t,this.mergeStreamInfo(),this},mergeStreamInfo:function(){for(var e in this.extraStreamInfo)this.extraStreamInfo.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(this.streamInfo[e]=this.extraStreamInfo[e])},lock:function(){if(this.isLocked)throw new Error("The stream '"+this+"' has already been used.");this.isLocked=!0,this.previous&&this.previous.lock()},toString:function(){var e="Worker "+this.name;return this.previous?this.previous+" -> "+e:e}},t.exports=n},{}],29:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var h=e("../utils"),i=e("./ConvertWorker"),s=e("./GenericWorker"),f=e("../base64"),n=e("../support"),a=e("../external"),o=null;if(n.nodestream)try{o=e("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter")}catch(e){}function u(e,t,r){var n=t;switch(t){case"blob":case"arraybuffer":n="uint8array";break;case"base64":n="string"}try{this._internalType=n,this._outputType=t,this._mimeType=r,h.checkSupport(n),this._worker=e.pipe(new i(n)),e.lock()}catch(e){this._worker=new s("error"),this._worker.error(e)}}u.prototype={accumulate:function(e){return o=this,u=e,new a.Promise(function(t,r){var n=[],i=o._internalType,s=o._outputType,a=o._mimeType;o.on("data",function(e,t){n.push(e),u&&u(t)}).on("error",function(e){n=[],r(e)}).on("end",function(){try{var e=function(e,t,r){switch(e){case"blob":return h.newBlob(h.transformTo("arraybuffer",t),r);case"base64":return f.encode(t);default:return h.transformTo(e,t)}}(s,function(e,t){var r,n=0,i=null,s=0;for(r=0;r<t.length;r++)s+=t[r].length;switch(e){case"string":return t.join("");case"array":return Array.prototype.concat.apply([],t);case"uint8array":for(i=new Uint8Array(s),r=0;r<t.length;r++)i.set(t[r],n),n+=t[r].length;return i;case"nodebuffer":return Buffer.concat(t);default:throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '"+e+"'")}}(i,n),a);t(e)}catch(e){r(e)}n=[]}).resume()});var o,u},on:function(e,t){var r=this;return"data"===e?this._worker.on(e,function(e){t.call(r,e.data,e.meta)}):this._worker.on(e,function(){h.delay(t,arguments,r)}),this},resume:function(){return h.delay(this._worker.resume,[],this._worker),this},pause:function(){return this._worker.pause(),this},toNodejsStream:function(e){if(h.checkSupport("nodestream"),"nodebuffer"!==this._outputType)throw new Error(this._outputType+" is not supported by this method");return new o(this,{objectMode:"nodebuffer"!==this._outputType},e)}},t.exports=u},{"../base64":1,"../external":6,"../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter":13,"../support":30,"../utils":32,"./ConvertWorker":24,"./GenericWorker":28}],30:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";if(r.base64=!0,r.array=!0,r.string=!0,r.arraybuffer="undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array,r.nodebuffer="undefined"!=typeof Buffer,r.uint8array="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array,"undefined"==typeof ArrayBuffer)r.blob=!1;else{var n=new ArrayBuffer(0);try{r.blob=0===new Blob([n],{type:"application/zip"}).size}catch(e){try{var i=new(self.BlobBuilder||self.WebKitBlobBuilder||self.MozBlobBuilder||self.MSBlobBuilder);i.append(n),r.blob=0===i.getBlob("application/zip").size}catch(e){r.blob=!1}}}try{r.nodestream=!!e("readable-stream").Readable}catch(e){r.nodestream=!1}},{"readable-stream":16}],31:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";for(var o=e("./utils"),u=e("./support"),r=e("./nodejsUtils"),n=e("./stream/GenericWorker"),h=new Array(256),i=0;i<256;i++)h[i]=252<=i?6:248<=i?5:240<=i?4:224<=i?3:192<=i?2:1;function a(){n.call(this,"utf-8 decode"),this.leftOver=null}function f(){n.call(this,"utf-8 encode")}h[254]=h[254]=1,s.utf8encode=function(e){return u.nodebuffer?r.newBufferFrom(e,"utf-8"):function(e){var t,r,n,i,s,a=e.length,o=0;for(i=0;i<a;i++)55296==(64512&(r=e.charCodeAt(i)))&&i+1<a&&56320==(64512&(n=e.charCodeAt(i+1)))&&(r=65536+(r-55296<<10)+(n-56320),i++),o+=r<128?1:r<2048?2:r<65536?3:4;for(t=u.uint8array?new Uint8Array(o):new Array(o),i=s=0;s<o;i++)55296==(64512&(r=e.charCodeAt(i)))&&i+1<a&&56320==(64512&(n=e.charCodeAt(i+1)))&&(r=65536+(r-55296<<10)+(n-56320),i++),r<128?t[s++]=r:(r<2048?t[s++]=192|r>>>6:(r<65536?t[s++]=224|r>>>12:(t[s++]=240|r>>>18,t[s++]=128|r>>>12&63),t[s++]=128|r>>>6&63),t[s++]=128|63&r);return t}(e)},s.utf8decode=function(e){return u.nodebuffer?o.transformTo("nodebuffer",e).toString("utf-8"):function(e){var t,r,n,i,s=e.length,a=new Array(2*s);for(t=r=0;t<s;)if((n=e[t++])<128)a[r++]=n;else if(4<(i=h[n]))a[r++]=65533,t+=i-1;else{for(n&=2===i?31:3===i?15:7;1<i&&t<s;)n=n<<6|63&e[t++],i--;1<i?a[r++]=65533:n<65536?a[r++]=n:(n-=65536,a[r++]=55296|n>>10&1023,a[r++]=56320|1023&n)}return a.length!==r&&(a.subarray?a=a.subarray(0,r):a.length=r),o.applyFromCharCode(a)}(e=o.transformTo(u.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",e))},o.inherits(a,n),a.prototype.processChunk=function(e){var t=o.transformTo(u.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",e.data);if(this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length){if(u.uint8array){var r=t;(t=new Uint8Array(r.length+this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver,0),t.set(r,this.leftOver.length)}else t=this.leftOver.concat(t);this.leftOver=null}var n=function(e,t){var r;for((t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length),r=t-1;0<=r&&128==(192&e[r]);)r--;return r<0?t:0===r?t:r+h[e[r]]>t?r:t}(t),i=t;n!==t.length&&(u.uint8array?(i=t.subarray(0,n),this.leftOver=t.subarray(n,t.length)):(i=t.slice(0,n),this.leftOver=t.slice(n,t.length))),this.push({data:s.utf8decode(i),meta:e.meta})},a.prototype.flush=function(){this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length&&(this.push({data:s.utf8decode(this.leftOver),meta:{}}),this.leftOver=null)},s.Utf8DecodeWorker=a,o.inherits(f,n),f.prototype.processChunk=function(e){this.push({data:s.utf8encode(e.data),meta:e.meta})},s.Utf8EncodeWorker=f},{"./nodejsUtils":14,"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./support":30,"./utils":32}],32:[function(e,t,o){"use strict";var u=e("./support"),h=e("./base64"),r=e("./nodejsUtils"),n=e("set-immediate-shim"),f=e("./external");function i(e){return e}function l(e,t){for(var r=0;r<e.length;++r)t[r]=255&e.charCodeAt(r);return t}o.newBlob=function(t,r){o.checkSupport("blob");try{return new Blob([t],{type:r})}catch(e){try{var n=new(self.BlobBuilder||self.WebKitBlobBuilder||self.MozBlobBuilder||self.MSBlobBuilder);return n.append(t),n.getBlob(r)}catch(e){throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.")}}};var s={stringifyByChunk:function(e,t,r){var n=[],i=0,s=e.length;if(s<=r)return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,e);for(;i<s;)"array"===t||"nodebuffer"===t?n.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,e.slice(i,Math.min(i+r,s)))):n.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,e.subarray(i,Math.min(i+r,s)))),i+=r;return n.join("")},stringifyByChar:function(e){for(var t="",r=0;r<e.length;r++)t+=String.fromCharCode(e[r]);return t},applyCanBeUsed:{uint8array:function(){try{return u.uint8array&&1===String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(1)).length}catch(e){return!1}}(),nodebuffer:function(){try{return u.nodebuffer&&1===String.fromCharCode.apply(null,r.allocBuffer(1)).length}catch(e){return!1}}()}};function a(e){var t=65536,r=o.getTypeOf(e),n=!0;if("uint8array"===r?n=s.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array:"nodebuffer"===r&&(n=s.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer),n)for(;1<t;)try{return s.stringifyByChunk(e,r,t)}catch(e){t=Math.floor(t/2)}return s.stringifyByChar(e)}function d(e,t){for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++)t[r]=e[r];return t}o.applyFromCharCode=a;var c={};c.string={string:i,array:function(e){return l(e,new Array(e.length))},arraybuffer:function(e){return c.string.uint8array(e).buffer},uint8array:function(e){return l(e,new Uint8Array(e.length))},nodebuffer:function(e){return l(e,r.allocBuffer(e.length))}},c.array={string:a,array:i,arraybuffer:function(e){return new Uint8Array(e).buffer},uint8array:function(e){return new Uint8Array(e)},nodebuffer:function(e){return r.newBufferFrom(e)}},c.arraybuffer={string:function(e){return a(new Uint8Array(e))},array:function(e){return d(new Uint8Array(e),new Array(e.byteLength))},arraybuffer:i,uint8array:function(e){return new Uint8Array(e)},nodebuffer:function(e){return r.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(e))}},c.uint8array={string:a,array:function(e){return d(e,new Array(e.length))},arraybuffer:function(e){return e.buffer},uint8array:i,nodebuffer:function(e){return r.newBufferFrom(e)}},c.nodebuffer={string:a,array:function(e){return d(e,new Array(e.length))},arraybuffer:function(e){return c.nodebuffer.uint8array(e).buffer},uint8array:function(e){return d(e,new Uint8Array(e.length))},nodebuffer:i},o.transformTo=function(e,t){if(t=t||"",!e)return t;o.checkSupport(e);var r=o.getTypeOf(t);return c[r][e](t)},o.getTypeOf=function(e){return"string"==typeof e?"string":"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)?"array":u.nodebuffer&&r.isBuffer(e)?"nodebuffer":u.uint8array&&e instanceof Uint8Array?"uint8array":u.arraybuffer&&e instanceof ArrayBuffer?"arraybuffer":void 0},o.checkSupport=function(e){if(!u[e.toLowerCase()])throw new Error(e+" is not supported by this platform")},o.MAX_VALUE_16BITS=65535,o.MAX_VALUE_32BITS=-1,o.pretty=function(e){var t,r,n="";for(r=0;r<(e||"").length;r++)n+="\\x"+((t=e.charCodeAt(r))<16?"0":"")+t.toString(16).toUpperCase();return n},o.delay=function(e,t,r){n(function(){e.apply(r||null,t||[])})},o.inherits=function(e,t){function r(){}r.prototype=t.prototype,e.prototype=new r},o.extend=function(){var e,t,r={};for(e=0;e<arguments.length;e++)for(t in arguments[e])arguments[e].hasOwnProperty(t)&&void 0===r[t]&&(r[t]=arguments[e][t]);return r},o.prepareContent=function(n,e,i,s,a){return f.Promise.resolve(e).then(function(n){return u.blob&&(n instanceof Blob||-1!==["[object File]","[object Blob]"].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(n)))&&"undefined"!=typeof FileReader?new f.Promise(function(t,r){var e=new FileReader;e.onload=function(e){t(e.target.result)},e.onerror=function(e){r(e.target.error)},e.readAsArrayBuffer(n)}):n}).then(function(e){var t,r=o.getTypeOf(e);return r?("arraybuffer"===r?e=o.transformTo("uint8array",e):"string"===r&&(a?e=h.decode(e):i&&!0!==s&&(e=l(t=e,u.uint8array?new Uint8Array(t.length):new Array(t.length)))),e):f.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '"+n+"'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?"))})}},{"./base64":1,"./external":6,"./nodejsUtils":14,"./support":30,"set-immediate-shim":54}],33:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./reader/readerFor"),i=e("./utils"),s=e("./signature"),a=e("./zipEntry"),o=(e("./utf8"),e("./support"));function u(e){this.files=[],this.loadOptions=e}u.prototype={checkSignature:function(e){if(!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(e)){this.reader.index-=4;var t=this.reader.readString(4);throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature ("+i.pretty(t)+", expected "+i.pretty(e)+")")}},isSignature:function(e,t){var r=this.reader.index;this.reader.setIndex(e);var n=this.reader.readString(4)===t;return this.reader.setIndex(r),n},readBlockEndOfCentral:function(){this.diskNumber=this.reader.readInt(2),this.diskWithCentralDirStart=this.reader.readInt(2),this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk=this.reader.readInt(2),this.centralDirRecords=this.reader.readInt(2),this.centralDirSize=this.reader.readInt(4),this.centralDirOffset=this.reader.readInt(4),this.zipCommentLength=this.reader.readInt(2);var e=this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength),t=o.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",r=i.transformTo(t,e);this.zipComment=this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r)},readBlockZip64EndOfCentral:function(){this.zip64EndOfCentralSize=this.reader.readInt(8),this.reader.skip(4),this.diskNumber=this.reader.readInt(4),this.diskWithCentralDirStart=this.reader.readInt(4),this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk=this.reader.readInt(8),this.centralDirRecords=this.reader.readInt(8),this.centralDirSize=this.reader.readInt(8),this.centralDirOffset=this.reader.readInt(8),this.zip64ExtensibleData={};for(var e,t,r,n=this.zip64EndOfCentralSize-44;0<n;)e=this.reader.readInt(2),t=this.reader.readInt(4),r=this.reader.readData(t),this.zip64ExtensibleData[e]={id:e,length:t,value:r}},readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator:function(){if(this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart=this.reader.readInt(4),this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir=this.reader.readInt(8),this.disksCount=this.reader.readInt(4),1<this.disksCount)throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported")},readLocalFiles:function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e<this.files.length;e++)t=this.files[e],this.reader.setIndex(t.localHeaderOffset),this.checkSignature(s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER),t.readLocalPart(this.reader),t.handleUTF8(),t.processAttributes()},readCentralDir:function(){var e;for(this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset);this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER);)(e=new a({zip64:this.zip64},this.loadOptions)).readCentralPart(this.reader),this.files.push(e);if(this.centralDirRecords!==this.files.length&&0!==this.centralDirRecords&&0===this.files.length)throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected "+this.centralDirRecords+" records in central dir, got "+this.files.length)},readEndOfCentral:function(){var e=this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);if(e<0)throw this.isSignature(0,s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER)?new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory"):new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html");this.reader.setIndex(e);var t=e;if(this.checkSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END),this.readBlockEndOfCentral(),this.diskNumber===i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS||this.diskWithCentralDirStart===i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS||this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk===i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS||this.centralDirRecords===i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS||this.centralDirSize===i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS||this.centralDirOffset===i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS){if(this.zip64=!0,(e=this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR))<0)throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");if(this.reader.setIndex(e),this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR),this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(),!this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir,s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END)&&(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir=this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END),this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir<0))throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory");this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir),this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END),this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral()}var r=this.centralDirOffset+this.centralDirSize;this.zip64&&(r+=20,r+=12+this.zip64EndOfCentralSize);var n=t-r;if(0<n)this.isSignature(t,s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER)||(this.reader.zero=n);else if(n<0)throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing "+Math.abs(n)+" bytes.")},prepareReader:function(e){this.reader=n(e)},load:function(e){this.prepareReader(e),this.readEndOfCentral(),this.readCentralDir(),this.readLocalFiles()}},t.exports=u},{"./reader/readerFor":22,"./signature":23,"./support":30,"./utf8":31,"./utils":32,"./zipEntry":34}],34:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n=e("./reader/readerFor"),s=e("./utils"),i=e("./compressedObject"),a=e("./crc32"),o=e("./utf8"),u=e("./compressions"),h=e("./support");function f(e,t){this.options=e,this.loadOptions=t}f.prototype={isEncrypted:function(){return 1==(1&this.bitFlag)},useUTF8:function(){return 2048==(2048&this.bitFlag)},readLocalPart:function(e){var t,r;if(e.skip(22),this.fileNameLength=e.readInt(2),r=e.readInt(2),this.fileName=e.readData(this.fileNameLength),e.skip(r),-1===this.compressedSize||-1===this.uncompressedSize)throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)");if(null===(t=function(e){for(var t in u)if(u.hasOwnProperty(t)&&u[t].magic===e)return u[t];return null}(this.compressionMethod)))throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression "+s.pretty(this.compressionMethod)+" unknown (inner file : "+s.transformTo("string",this.fileName)+")");this.decompressed=new i(this.compressedSize,this.uncompressedSize,this.crc32,t,e.readData(this.compressedSize))},readCentralPart:function(e){this.versionMadeBy=e.readInt(2),e.skip(2),this.bitFlag=e.readInt(2),this.compressionMethod=e.readString(2),this.date=e.readDate(),this.crc32=e.readInt(4),this.compressedSize=e.readInt(4),this.uncompressedSize=e.readInt(4);var t=e.readInt(2);if(this.extraFieldsLength=e.readInt(2),this.fileCommentLength=e.readInt(2),this.diskNumberStart=e.readInt(2),this.internalFileAttributes=e.readInt(2),this.externalFileAttributes=e.readInt(4),this.localHeaderOffset=e.readInt(4),this.isEncrypted())throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");e.skip(t),this.readExtraFields(e),this.parseZIP64ExtraField(e),this.fileComment=e.readData(this.fileCommentLength)},processAttributes:function(){this.unixPermissions=null,this.dosPermissions=null;var e=this.versionMadeBy>>8;this.dir=!!(16&this.externalFileAttributes),0==e&&(this.dosPermissions=63&this.externalFileAttributes),3==e&&(this.unixPermissions=this.externalFileAttributes>>16&65535),this.dir||"/"!==this.fileNameStr.slice(-1)||(this.dir=!0)},parseZIP64ExtraField:function(e){if(this.extraFields[1]){var t=n(this.extraFields[1].value);this.uncompressedSize===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.uncompressedSize=t.readInt(8)),this.compressedSize===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.compressedSize=t.readInt(8)),this.localHeaderOffset===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.localHeaderOffset=t.readInt(8)),this.diskNumberStart===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.diskNumberStart=t.readInt(4))}},readExtraFields:function(e){var t,r,n,i=e.index+this.extraFieldsLength;for(this.extraFields||(this.extraFields={});e.index+4<i;)t=e.readInt(2),r=e.readInt(2),n=e.readData(r),this.extraFields[t]={id:t,length:r,value:n};e.setIndex(i)},handleUTF8:function(){var e=h.uint8array?"uint8array":"array";if(this.useUTF8())this.fileNameStr=o.utf8decode(this.fileName),this.fileCommentStr=o.utf8decode(this.fileComment);else{var t=this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath();if(null!==t)this.fileNameStr=t;else{var r=s.transformTo(e,this.fileName);this.fileNameStr=this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r)}var n=this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment();if(null!==n)this.fileCommentStr=n;else{var i=s.transformTo(e,this.fileComment);this.fileCommentStr=this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i)}}},findExtraFieldUnicodePath:function(){var e=this.extraFields[28789];if(e){var t=n(e.value);return 1!==t.readInt(1)?null:a(this.fileName)!==t.readInt(4)?null:o.utf8decode(t.readData(e.length-5))}return null},findExtraFieldUnicodeComment:function(){var e=this.extraFields[25461];if(e){var t=n(e.value);return 1!==t.readInt(1)?null:a(this.fileComment)!==t.readInt(4)?null:o.utf8decode(t.readData(e.length-5))}return null}},t.exports=f},{"./compressedObject":2,"./compressions":3,"./crc32":4,"./reader/readerFor":22,"./support":30,"./utf8":31,"./utils":32}],35:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";function n(e,t,r){this.name=e,this.dir=r.dir,this.date=r.date,this.comment=r.comment,this.unixPermissions=r.unixPermissions,this.dosPermissions=r.dosPermissions,this._data=t,this._dataBinary=r.binary,this.options={compression:r.compression,compressionOptions:r.compressionOptions}}var s=e("./stream/StreamHelper"),i=e("./stream/DataWorker"),a=e("./utf8"),o=e("./compressedObject"),u=e("./stream/GenericWorker");n.prototype={internalStream:function(e){var t=null,r="string";try{if(!e)throw new Error("No output type specified.");var n="string"===(r=e.toLowerCase())||"text"===r;"binarystring"!==r&&"text"!==r||(r="string"),t=this._decompressWorker();var i=!this._dataBinary;i&&!n&&(t=t.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker)),!i&&n&&(t=t.pipe(new a.Utf8DecodeWorker))}catch(e){(t=new u("error")).error(e)}return new s(t,r,"")},async:function(e,t){return this.internalStream(e).accumulate(t)},nodeStream:function(e,t){return this.internalStream(e||"nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(t)},_compressWorker:function(e,t){if(this._data instanceof o&&this._data.compression.magic===e.magic)return this._data.getCompressedWorker();var r=this._decompressWorker();return this._dataBinary||(r=r.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker)),o.createWorkerFrom(r,e,t)},_decompressWorker:function(){return this._data instanceof o?this._data.getContentWorker():this._data instanceof u?this._data:new i(this._data)}};for(var h=["asText","asBinary","asNodeBuffer","asUint8Array","asArrayBuffer"],f=function(){throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.")},l=0;l<h.length;l++)n.prototype[h[l]]=f;t.exports=n},{"./compressedObject":2,"./stream/DataWorker":27,"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./stream/StreamHelper":29,"./utf8":31}],36:[function(e,f,t){(function(t){"use strict";var r,n,e=t.MutationObserver||t.WebKitMutationObserver;if(e){var i=0,s=new e(h),a=t.document.createTextNode("");s.observe(a,{characterData:!0}),r=function(){a.data=i=++i%2}}else if(t.setImmediate||void 0===t.MessageChannel)r="document"in t&&"onreadystatechange"in t.document.createElement("script")?function(){var e=t.document.createElement("script");e.onreadystatechange=function(){h(),e.onreadystatechange=null,e.parentNode.removeChild(e),e=null},t.document.documentElement.appendChild(e)}:function(){setTimeout(h,0)};else{var o=new t.MessageChannel;o.port1.onmessage=h,r=function(){o.port2.postMessage(0)}}var u=[];function h(){var e,t;n=!0;for(var r=u.length;r;){for(t=u,u=[],e=-1;++e<r;)t[e]();r=u.length}n=!1}f.exports=function(e){1!==u.push(e)||n||r()}}).call(this,void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}],37:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var i=e("immediate");function h(){}var f={},s=["REJECTED"],a=["FULFILLED"],n=["PENDING"];function o(e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");this.state=n,this.queue=[],this.outcome=void 0,e!==h&&c(this,e)}function u(e,t,r){this.promise=e,"function"==typeof t&&(this.onFulfilled=t,this.callFulfilled=this.otherCallFulfilled),"function"==typeof r&&(this.onRejected=r,this.callRejected=this.otherCallRejected)}function l(t,r,n){i(function(){var e;try{e=r(n)}catch(e){return f.reject(t,e)}e===t?f.reject(t,new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")):f.resolve(t,e)})}function d(e){var t=e&&e.then;if(e&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e)&&"function"==typeof t)return function(){t.apply(e,arguments)}}function 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c.Buf8(h),u.next_out=0,u.avail_out=h),(r=d.inflate(u,m.Z_NO_FLUSH))===m.Z_NEED_DICT&&f&&(o="string"==typeof f?p.string2buf(f):"[object ArrayBuffer]"===_.call(f)?new Uint8Array(f):f,r=d.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm,o)),r===m.Z_BUF_ERROR&&!0===l&&(r=m.Z_OK,l=!1),r!==m.Z_STREAM_END&&r!==m.Z_OK)return this.onEnd(r),!(this.ended=!0);u.next_out&&(0!==u.avail_out&&r!==m.Z_STREAM_END&&(0!==u.avail_in||n!==m.Z_FINISH&&n!==m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)||("string"===this.options.to?(i=p.utf8border(u.output,u.next_out),s=u.next_out-i,a=p.buf2string(u.output,i),u.next_out=s,u.avail_out=h-s,s&&c.arraySet(u.output,u.output,i,s,0),this.onData(a)):this.onData(c.shrinkBuf(u.output,u.next_out)))),0===u.avail_in&&0===u.avail_out&&(l=!0)}while((0<u.avail_in||0===u.avail_out)&&r!==m.Z_STREAM_END);return r===m.Z_STREAM_END&&(n=m.Z_FINISH),n===m.Z_FINISH?(r=d.inflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(r),this.ended=!0,r===m.Z_OK):n!==m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH||(this.onEnd(m.Z_OK),!(u.avail_out=0))},a.prototype.onData=function(e){this.chunks.push(e)},a.prototype.onEnd=function(e){e===m.Z_OK&&("string"===this.options.to?this.result=this.chunks.join(""):this.result=c.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=e,this.msg=this.strm.msg},r.Inflate=a,r.inflate=o,r.inflateRaw=function(e,t){return(t=t||{}).raw=!0,o(e,t)},r.ungzip=o},{"./utils/common":41,"./utils/strings":42,"./zlib/constants":44,"./zlib/gzheader":47,"./zlib/inflate":49,"./zlib/messages":51,"./zlib/zstream":53}],41:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var n="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Int32Array;r.assign=function(e){for(var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);t.length;){var r=t.shift();if(r){if("object"!=typeof r)throw new TypeError(r+"must be non-object");for(var n in r)r.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(e[n]=r[n])}}return e},r.shrinkBuf=function(e,t){return e.length===t?e:e.subarray?e.subarray(0,t):(e.length=t,e)};var i={arraySet:function(e,t,r,n,i){if(t.subarray&&e.subarray)e.set(t.subarray(r,r+n),i);else for(var s=0;s<n;s++)e[i+s]=t[r+s]},flattenChunks:function(e){var t,r,n,i,s,a;for(t=n=0,r=e.length;t<r;t++)n+=e[t].length;for(a=new Uint8Array(n),t=i=0,r=e.length;t<r;t++)s=e[t],a.set(s,i),i+=s.length;return a}},s={arraySet:function(e,t,r,n,i){for(var s=0;s<n;s++)e[i+s]=t[r+s]},flattenChunks:function(e){return[].concat.apply([],e)}};r.setTyped=function(e){e?(r.Buf8=Uint8Array,r.Buf16=Uint16Array,r.Buf32=Int32Array,r.assign(r,i)):(r.Buf8=Array,r.Buf16=Array,r.Buf32=Array,r.assign(r,s))},r.setTyped(n)},{}],42:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var u=e("./common"),i=!0,s=!0;try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,[0])}catch(e){i=!1}try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(1))}catch(e){s=!1}for(var h=new u.Buf8(256),n=0;n<256;n++)h[n]=252<=n?6:248<=n?5:240<=n?4:224<=n?3:192<=n?2:1;function f(e,t){if(t<65537&&(e.subarray&&s||!e.subarray&&i))return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,u.shrinkBuf(e,t));for(var r="",n=0;n<t;n++)r+=String.fromCharCode(e[n]);return r}h[254]=h[254]=1,r.string2buf=function(e){var t,r,n,i,s,a=e.length,o=0;for(i=0;i<a;i++)55296==(64512&(r=e.charCodeAt(i)))&&i+1<a&&56320==(64512&(n=e.charCodeAt(i+1)))&&(r=65536+(r-55296<<10)+(n-56320),i++),o+=r<128?1:r<2048?2:r<65536?3:4;for(t=new u.Buf8(o),i=s=0;s<o;i++)55296==(64512&(r=e.charCodeAt(i)))&&i+1<a&&56320==(64512&(n=e.charCodeAt(i+1)))&&(r=65536+(r-55296<<10)+(n-56320),i++),r<128?t[s++]=r:(r<2048?t[s++]=192|r>>>6:(r<65536?t[s++]=224|r>>>12:(t[s++]=240|r>>>18,t[s++]=128|r>>>12&63),t[s++]=128|r>>>6&63),t[s++]=128|63&r);return t},r.buf2binstring=function(e){return f(e,e.length)},r.binstring2buf=function(e){for(var t=new u.Buf8(e.length),r=0,n=t.length;r<n;r++)t[r]=e.charCodeAt(r);return t},r.buf2string=function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a=t||e.length,o=new Array(2*a);for(r=n=0;r<a;)if((i=e[r++])<128)o[n++]=i;else if(4<(s=h[i]))o[n++]=65533,r+=s-1;else{for(i&=2===s?31:3===s?15:7;1<s&&r<a;)i=i<<6|63&e[r++],s--;1<s?o[n++]=65533:i<65536?o[n++]=i:(i-=65536,o[n++]=55296|i>>10&1023,o[n++]=56320|1023&i)}return f(o,n)},r.utf8border=function(e,t){var r;for((t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length),r=t-1;0<=r&&128==(192&e[r]);)r--;return r<0?t:0===r?t:r+h[e[r]]>t?r:t}},{"./common":41}],43:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports=function(e,t,r,n){for(var i=65535&e|0,s=e>>>16&65535|0,a=0;0!==r;){for(r-=a=2e3<r?2e3:r;s=s+(i=i+t[n++]|0)|0,--a;);i%=65521,s%=65521}return i|s<<16|0}},{}],44:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8}},{}],45:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var o=function(){for(var e,t=[],r=0;r<256;r++){e=r;for(var n=0;n<8;n++)e=1&e?3988292384^e>>>1:e>>>1;t[r]=e}return t}();t.exports=function(e,t,r,n){var i=o,s=n+r;e^=-1;for(var a=n;a<s;a++)e=e>>>8^i[255&(e^t[a])];return-1^e}},{}],46:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var u,d=e("../utils/common"),h=e("./trees"),c=e("./adler32"),p=e("./crc32"),n=e("./messages"),f=0,l=0,m=-2,i=2,_=8,s=286,a=30,o=19,g=2*s+1,v=15,b=3,w=258,y=w+b+1,k=42,x=113;function S(e,t){return e.msg=n[t],t}function z(e){return(e<<1)-(4<e?9:0)}function E(e){for(var t=e.length;0<=--t;)e[t]=0}function C(e){var t=e.state,r=t.pending;r>e.avail_out&&(r=e.avail_out),0!==r&&(d.arraySet(e.output,t.pending_buf,t.pending_out,r,e.next_out),e.next_out+=r,t.pending_out+=r,e.total_out+=r,e.avail_out-=r,t.pending-=r,0===t.pending&&(t.pending_out=0))}function A(e,t){h._tr_flush_block(e,0<=e.block_start?e.block_start:-1,e.strstart-e.block_start,t),e.block_start=e.strstart,C(e.strm)}function I(e,t){e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=t}function O(e,t){e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=t>>>8&255,e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=255&t}function B(e,t){var r,n,i=e.max_chain_length,s=e.strstart,a=e.prev_length,o=e.nice_match,u=e.strstart>e.w_size-y?e.strstart-(e.w_size-y):0,h=e.window,f=e.w_mask,l=e.prev,d=e.strstart+w,c=h[s+a-1],p=h[s+a];e.prev_length>=e.good_match&&(i>>=2),o>e.lookahead&&(o=e.lookahead);do{if(h[(r=t)+a]===p&&h[r+a-1]===c&&h[r]===h[s]&&h[++r]===h[s+1]){s+=2,r++;do{}while(h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&h[++s]===h[++r]&&s<d);if(n=w-(d-s),s=d-w,a<n){if(e.match_start=t,o<=(a=n))break;c=h[s+a-1],p=h[s+a]}}}while((t=l[t&f])>u&&0!=--i);return a<=e.lookahead?a:e.lookahead}function T(e){var t,r,n,i,s,a,o,u,h,f,l=e.w_size;do{if(i=e.window_size-e.lookahead-e.strstart,e.strstart>=l+(l-y)){for(d.arraySet(e.window,e.window,l,l,0),e.match_start-=l,e.strstart-=l,e.block_start-=l,t=r=e.hash_size;n=e.head[--t],e.head[t]=l<=n?n-l:0,--r;);for(t=r=l;n=e.prev[--t],e.prev[t]=l<=n?n-l:0,--r;);i+=l}if(0===e.strm.avail_in)break;if(a=e.strm,o=e.window,u=e.strstart+e.lookahead,f=void 0,(h=i)<(f=a.avail_in)&&(f=h),r=0===f?0:(a.avail_in-=f,d.arraySet(o,a.input,a.next_in,f,u),1===a.state.wrap?a.adler=c(a.adler,o,f,u):2===a.state.wrap&&(a.adler=p(a.adler,o,f,u)),a.next_in+=f,a.total_in+=f,f),e.lookahead+=r,e.lookahead+e.insert>=b)for(s=e.strstart-e.insert,e.ins_h=e.window[s],e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[s+1])&e.hash_mask;e.insert&&(e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[s+b-1])&e.hash_mask,e.prev[s&e.w_mask]=e.head[e.ins_h],e.head[e.ins_h]=s,s++,e.insert--,!(e.lookahead+e.insert<b)););}while(e.lookahead<y&&0!==e.strm.avail_in)}function R(e,t){for(var r,n;;){if(e.lookahead<y){if(T(e),e.lookahead<y&&t===f)return 1;if(0===e.lookahead)break}if(r=0,e.lookahead>=b&&(e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[e.strstart+b-1])&e.hash_mask,r=e.prev[e.strstart&e.w_mask]=e.head[e.ins_h],e.head[e.ins_h]=e.strstart),0!==r&&e.strstart-r<=e.w_size-y&&(e.match_length=B(e,r)),e.match_length>=b)if(n=h._tr_tally(e,e.strstart-e.match_start,e.match_length-b),e.lookahead-=e.match_length,e.match_length<=e.max_lazy_match&&e.lookahead>=b){for(e.match_length--;e.strstart++,e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[e.strstart+b-1])&e.hash_mask,r=e.prev[e.strstart&e.w_mask]=e.head[e.ins_h],e.head[e.ins_h]=e.strstart,0!=--e.match_length;);e.strstart++}else e.strstart+=e.match_length,e.match_length=0,e.ins_h=e.window[e.strstart],e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[e.strstart+1])&e.hash_mask;else n=h._tr_tally(e,0,e.window[e.strstart]),e.lookahead--,e.strstart++;if(n&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1}return e.insert=e.strstart<b-1?e.strstart:b-1,4===t?(A(e,!0),0===e.strm.avail_out?3:4):e.last_lit&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out)?1:2}function D(e,t){for(var r,n,i;;){if(e.lookahead<y){if(T(e),e.lookahead<y&&t===f)return 1;if(0===e.lookahead)break}if(r=0,e.lookahead>=b&&(e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[e.strstart+b-1])&e.hash_mask,r=e.prev[e.strstart&e.w_mask]=e.head[e.ins_h],e.head[e.ins_h]=e.strstart),e.prev_length=e.match_length,e.prev_match=e.match_start,e.match_length=b-1,0!==r&&e.prev_length<e.max_lazy_match&&e.strstart-r<=e.w_size-y&&(e.match_length=B(e,r),e.match_length<=5&&(1===e.strategy||e.match_length===b&&4096<e.strstart-e.match_start)&&(e.match_length=b-1)),e.prev_length>=b&&e.match_length<=e.prev_length){for(i=e.strstart+e.lookahead-b,n=h._tr_tally(e,e.strstart-1-e.prev_match,e.prev_length-b),e.lookahead-=e.prev_length-1,e.prev_length-=2;++e.strstart<=i&&(e.ins_h=(e.ins_h<<e.hash_shift^e.window[e.strstart+b-1])&e.hash_mask,r=e.prev[e.strstart&e.w_mask]=e.head[e.ins_h],e.head[e.ins_h]=e.strstart),0!=--e.prev_length;);if(e.match_available=0,e.match_length=b-1,e.strstart++,n&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1}else if(e.match_available){if((n=h._tr_tally(e,0,e.window[e.strstart-1]))&&A(e,!1),e.strstart++,e.lookahead--,0===e.strm.avail_out)return 1}else e.match_available=1,e.strstart++,e.lookahead--}return e.match_available&&(n=h._tr_tally(e,0,e.window[e.strstart-1]),e.match_available=0),e.insert=e.strstart<b-1?e.strstart:b-1,4===t?(A(e,!0),0===e.strm.avail_out?3:4):e.last_lit&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out)?1:2}function F(e,t,r,n,i){this.good_length=e,this.max_lazy=t,this.nice_length=r,this.max_chain=n,this.func=i}function N(){this.strm=null,this.status=0,this.pending_buf=null,this.pending_buf_size=0,this.pending_out=0,this.pending=0,this.wrap=0,this.gzhead=null,this.gzindex=0,this.method=_,this.last_flush=-1,this.w_size=0,this.w_bits=0,this.w_mask=0,this.window=null,this.window_size=0,this.prev=null,this.head=null,this.ins_h=0,this.hash_size=0,this.hash_bits=0,this.hash_mask=0,this.hash_shift=0,this.block_start=0,this.match_length=0,this.prev_match=0,this.match_available=0,this.strstart=0,this.match_start=0,this.lookahead=0,this.prev_length=0,this.max_chain_length=0,this.max_lazy_match=0,this.level=0,this.strategy=0,this.good_match=0,this.nice_match=0,this.dyn_ltree=new d.Buf16(2*g),this.dyn_dtree=new d.Buf16(2*(2*a+1)),this.bl_tree=new d.Buf16(2*(2*o+1)),E(this.dyn_ltree),E(this.dyn_dtree),E(this.bl_tree),this.l_desc=null,this.d_desc=null,this.bl_desc=null,this.bl_count=new d.Buf16(v+1),this.heap=new d.Buf16(2*s+1),E(this.heap),this.heap_len=0,this.heap_max=0,this.depth=new d.Buf16(2*s+1),E(this.depth),this.l_buf=0,this.lit_bufsize=0,this.last_lit=0,this.d_buf=0,this.opt_len=0,this.static_len=0,this.matches=0,this.insert=0,this.bi_buf=0,this.bi_valid=0}function U(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(e.total_in=e.total_out=0,e.data_type=i,(t=e.state).pending=0,t.pending_out=0,t.wrap<0&&(t.wrap=-t.wrap),t.status=t.wrap?k:x,e.adler=2===t.wrap?0:1,t.last_flush=f,h._tr_init(t),l):S(e,m)}function P(e){var t,r=U(e);return r===l&&((t=e.state).window_size=2*t.w_size,E(t.head),t.max_lazy_match=u[t.level].max_lazy,t.good_match=u[t.level].good_length,t.nice_match=u[t.level].nice_length,t.max_chain_length=u[t.level].max_chain,t.strstart=0,t.block_start=0,t.lookahead=0,t.insert=0,t.match_length=t.prev_length=b-1,t.match_available=0,t.ins_h=0),r}function L(e,t,r,n,i,s){if(!e)return m;var a=1;if(-1===t&&(t=6),n<0?(a=0,n=-n):15<n&&(a=2,n-=16),i<1||9<i||r!==_||n<8||15<n||t<0||9<t||s<0||4<s)return S(e,m);8===n&&(n=9);var o=new N;return(e.state=o).strm=e,o.wrap=a,o.gzhead=null,o.w_bits=n,o.w_size=1<<o.w_bits,o.w_mask=o.w_size-1,o.hash_bits=i+7,o.hash_size=1<<o.hash_bits,o.hash_mask=o.hash_size-1,o.hash_shift=~~((o.hash_bits+b-1)/b),o.window=new d.Buf8(2*o.w_size),o.head=new d.Buf16(o.hash_size),o.prev=new d.Buf16(o.w_size),o.lit_bufsize=1<<i+6,o.pending_buf_size=4*o.lit_bufsize,o.pending_buf=new d.Buf8(o.pending_buf_size),o.d_buf=1*o.lit_bufsize,o.l_buf=3*o.lit_bufsize,o.level=t,o.strategy=s,o.method=r,P(e)}u=[new F(0,0,0,0,function(e,t){var r=65535;for(r>e.pending_buf_size-5&&(r=e.pending_buf_size-5);;){if(e.lookahead<=1){if(T(e),0===e.lookahead&&t===f)return 1;if(0===e.lookahead)break}e.strstart+=e.lookahead,e.lookahead=0;var n=e.block_start+r;if((0===e.strstart||e.strstart>=n)&&(e.lookahead=e.strstart-n,e.strstart=n,A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1;if(e.strstart-e.block_start>=e.w_size-y&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1}return e.insert=0,4===t?(A(e,!0),0===e.strm.avail_out?3:4):(e.strstart>e.block_start&&(A(e,!1),e.strm.avail_out),1)}),new F(4,4,8,4,R),new F(4,5,16,8,R),new F(4,6,32,32,R),new F(4,4,16,16,D),new F(8,16,32,32,D),new F(8,16,128,128,D),new F(8,32,128,256,D),new F(32,128,258,1024,D),new F(32,258,258,4096,D)],r.deflateInit=function(e,t){return L(e,t,_,15,8,0)},r.deflateInit2=L,r.deflateReset=P,r.deflateResetKeep=U,r.deflateSetHeader=function(e,t){return e&&e.state?2!==e.state.wrap?m:(e.state.gzhead=t,l):m},r.deflate=function(e,t){var r,n,i,s;if(!e||!e.state||5<t||t<0)return e?S(e,m):m;if(n=e.state,!e.output||!e.input&&0!==e.avail_in||666===n.status&&4!==t)return S(e,0===e.avail_out?-5:m);if(n.strm=e,r=n.last_flush,n.last_flush=t,n.status===k)if(2===n.wrap)e.adler=0,I(n,31),I(n,139),I(n,8),n.gzhead?(I(n,(n.gzhead.text?1:0)+(n.gzhead.hcrc?2:0)+(n.gzhead.extra?4:0)+(n.gzhead.name?8:0)+(n.gzhead.comment?16:0)),I(n,255&n.gzhead.time),I(n,n.gzhead.time>>8&255),I(n,n.gzhead.time>>16&255),I(n,n.gzhead.time>>24&255),I(n,9===n.level?2:2<=n.strategy||n.level<2?4:0),I(n,255&n.gzhead.os),n.gzhead.extra&&n.gzhead.extra.length&&(I(n,255&n.gzhead.extra.length),I(n,n.gzhead.extra.length>>8&255)),n.gzhead.hcrc&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending,0)),n.gzindex=0,n.status=69):(I(n,0),I(n,0),I(n,0),I(n,0),I(n,0),I(n,9===n.level?2:2<=n.strategy||n.level<2?4:0),I(n,3),n.status=x);else{var a=_+(n.w_bits-8<<4)<<8;a|=(2<=n.strategy||n.level<2?0:n.level<6?1:6===n.level?2:3)<<6,0!==n.strstart&&(a|=32),a+=31-a%31,n.status=x,O(n,a),0!==n.strstart&&(O(n,e.adler>>>16),O(n,65535&e.adler)),e.adler=1}if(69===n.status)if(n.gzhead.extra){for(i=n.pending;n.gzindex<(65535&n.gzhead.extra.length)&&(n.pending!==n.pending_buf_size||(n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),C(e),i=n.pending,n.pending!==n.pending_buf_size));)I(n,255&n.gzhead.extra[n.gzindex]),n.gzindex++;n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),n.gzindex===n.gzhead.extra.length&&(n.gzindex=0,n.status=73)}else n.status=73;if(73===n.status)if(n.gzhead.name){i=n.pending;do{if(n.pending===n.pending_buf_size&&(n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),C(e),i=n.pending,n.pending===n.pending_buf_size)){s=1;break}s=n.gzindex<n.gzhead.name.length?255&n.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(n.gzindex++):0,I(n,s)}while(0!==s);n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),0===s&&(n.gzindex=0,n.status=91)}else n.status=91;if(91===n.status)if(n.gzhead.comment){i=n.pending;do{if(n.pending===n.pending_buf_size&&(n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),C(e),i=n.pending,n.pending===n.pending_buf_size)){s=1;break}s=n.gzindex<n.gzhead.comment.length?255&n.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n.gzindex++):0,I(n,s)}while(0!==s);n.gzhead.hcrc&&n.pending>i&&(e.adler=p(e.adler,n.pending_buf,n.pending-i,i)),0===s&&(n.status=103)}else n.status=103;if(103===n.status&&(n.gzhead.hcrc?(n.pending+2>n.pending_buf_size&&C(e),n.pending+2<=n.pending_buf_size&&(I(n,255&e.adler),I(n,e.adler>>8&255),e.adler=0,n.status=x)):n.status=x),0!==n.pending){if(C(e),0===e.avail_out)return n.last_flush=-1,l}else if(0===e.avail_in&&z(t)<=z(r)&&4!==t)return S(e,-5);if(666===n.status&&0!==e.avail_in)return S(e,-5);if(0!==e.avail_in||0!==n.lookahead||t!==f&&666!==n.status){var o=2===n.strategy?function(e,t){for(var r;;){if(0===e.lookahead&&(T(e),0===e.lookahead)){if(t===f)return 1;break}if(e.match_length=0,r=h._tr_tally(e,0,e.window[e.strstart]),e.lookahead--,e.strstart++,r&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1}return e.insert=0,4===t?(A(e,!0),0===e.strm.avail_out?3:4):e.last_lit&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out)?1:2}(n,t):3===n.strategy?function(e,t){for(var r,n,i,s,a=e.window;;){if(e.lookahead<=w){if(T(e),e.lookahead<=w&&t===f)return 1;if(0===e.lookahead)break}if(e.match_length=0,e.lookahead>=b&&0<e.strstart&&(n=a[i=e.strstart-1])===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]){s=e.strstart+w;do{}while(n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&n===a[++i]&&i<s);e.match_length=w-(s-i),e.match_length>e.lookahead&&(e.match_length=e.lookahead)}if(e.match_length>=b?(r=h._tr_tally(e,1,e.match_length-b),e.lookahead-=e.match_length,e.strstart+=e.match_length,e.match_length=0):(r=h._tr_tally(e,0,e.window[e.strstart]),e.lookahead--,e.strstart++),r&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out))return 1}return e.insert=0,4===t?(A(e,!0),0===e.strm.avail_out?3:4):e.last_lit&&(A(e,!1),0===e.strm.avail_out)?1:2}(n,t):u[n.level].func(n,t);if(3!==o&&4!==o||(n.status=666),1===o||3===o)return 0===e.avail_out&&(n.last_flush=-1),l;if(2===o&&(1===t?h._tr_align(n):5!==t&&(h._tr_stored_block(n,0,0,!1),3===t&&(E(n.head),0===n.lookahead&&(n.strstart=0,n.block_start=0,n.insert=0))),C(e),0===e.avail_out))return n.last_flush=-1,l}return 4!==t?l:n.wrap<=0?1:(2===n.wrap?(I(n,255&e.adler),I(n,e.adler>>8&255),I(n,e.adler>>16&255),I(n,e.adler>>24&255),I(n,255&e.total_in),I(n,e.total_in>>8&255),I(n,e.total_in>>16&255),I(n,e.total_in>>24&255)):(O(n,e.adler>>>16),O(n,65535&e.adler)),C(e),0<n.wrap&&(n.wrap=-n.wrap),0!==n.pending?l:1)},r.deflateEnd=function(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(t=e.state.status)!==k&&69!==t&&73!==t&&91!==t&&103!==t&&t!==x&&666!==t?S(e,m):(e.state=null,t===x?S(e,-3):l):m},r.deflateSetDictionary=function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a,o,u,h,f=t.length;if(!e||!e.state)return m;if(2===(s=(r=e.state).wrap)||1===s&&r.status!==k||r.lookahead)return m;for(1===s&&(e.adler=c(e.adler,t,f,0)),r.wrap=0,f>=r.w_size&&(0===s&&(E(r.head),r.strstart=0,r.block_start=0,r.insert=0),h=new d.Buf8(r.w_size),d.arraySet(h,t,f-r.w_size,r.w_size,0),t=h,f=r.w_size),a=e.avail_in,o=e.next_in,u=e.input,e.avail_in=f,e.next_in=0,e.input=t,T(r);r.lookahead>=b;){for(n=r.strstart,i=r.lookahead-(b-1);r.ins_h=(r.ins_h<<r.hash_shift^r.window[n+b-1])&r.hash_mask,r.prev[n&r.w_mask]=r.head[r.ins_h],r.head[r.ins_h]=n,n++,--i;);r.strstart=n,r.lookahead=b-1,T(r)}return r.strstart+=r.lookahead,r.block_start=r.strstart,r.insert=r.lookahead,r.lookahead=0,r.match_length=r.prev_length=b-1,r.match_available=0,e.next_in=o,e.input=u,e.avail_in=a,r.wrap=s,l},r.deflateInfo="pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"},{"../utils/common":41,"./adler32":43,"./crc32":45,"./messages":51,"./trees":52}],47:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,this.name="",this.comment="",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}},{}],48:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports=function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a,o,u,h,f,l,d,c,p,m,_,g,v,b,w,y,k,x,S,z,E;r=e.state,n=e.next_in,z=e.input,i=n+(e.avail_in-5),s=e.next_out,E=e.output,a=s-(t-e.avail_out),o=s+(e.avail_out-257),u=r.dmax,h=r.wsize,f=r.whave,l=r.wnext,d=r.window,c=r.hold,p=r.bits,m=r.lencode,_=r.distcode,g=(1<<r.lenbits)-1,v=(1<<r.distbits)-1;e:do{p<15&&(c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8,c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8),b=m[c&g];t:for(;;){if(c>>>=w=b>>>24,p-=w,0==(w=b>>>16&255))E[s++]=65535&b;else{if(!(16&w)){if(0==(64&w)){b=m[(65535&b)+(c&(1<<w)-1)];continue t}if(32&w){r.mode=12;break e}e.msg="invalid literal/length code",r.mode=30;break e}y=65535&b,(w&=15)&&(p<w&&(c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8),y+=c&(1<<w)-1,c>>>=w,p-=w),p<15&&(c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8,c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8),b=_[c&v];r:for(;;){if(c>>>=w=b>>>24,p-=w,!(16&(w=b>>>16&255))){if(0==(64&w)){b=_[(65535&b)+(c&(1<<w)-1)];continue r}e.msg="invalid distance code",r.mode=30;break e}if(k=65535&b,p<(w&=15)&&(c+=z[n++]<<p,(p+=8)<w&&(c+=z[n++]<<p,p+=8)),u<(k+=c&(1<<w)-1)){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break e}if(c>>>=w,p-=w,(w=s-a)<k){if(f<(w=k-w)&&r.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break e}if(S=d,(x=0)===l){if(x+=h-w,w<y){for(y-=w;E[s++]=d[x++],--w;);x=s-k,S=E}}else if(l<w){if(x+=h+l-w,(w-=l)<y){for(y-=w;E[s++]=d[x++],--w;);if(x=0,l<y){for(y-=w=l;E[s++]=d[x++],--w;);x=s-k,S=E}}}else if(x+=l-w,w<y){for(y-=w;E[s++]=d[x++],--w;);x=s-k,S=E}for(;2<y;)E[s++]=S[x++],E[s++]=S[x++],E[s++]=S[x++],y-=3;y&&(E[s++]=S[x++],1<y&&(E[s++]=S[x++]))}else{for(x=s-k;E[s++]=E[x++],E[s++]=E[x++],E[s++]=E[x++],2<(y-=3););y&&(E[s++]=E[x++],1<y&&(E[s++]=E[x++]))}break}}break}}while(n<i&&s<o);n-=y=p>>3,c&=(1<<(p-=y<<3))-1,e.next_in=n,e.next_out=s,e.avail_in=n<i?i-n+5:5-(n-i),e.avail_out=s<o?o-s+257:257-(s-o),r.hold=c,r.bits=p}},{}],49:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var I=e("../utils/common"),O=e("./adler32"),B=e("./crc32"),T=e("./inffast"),R=e("./inftrees"),D=1,F=2,N=0,U=-2,P=1,n=852,i=592;function L(e){return(e>>>24&255)+(e>>>8&65280)+((65280&e)<<8)+((255&e)<<24)}function s(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new I.Buf16(320),this.work=new I.Buf16(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function a(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(t=e.state,e.total_in=e.total_out=t.total=0,e.msg="",t.wrap&&(e.adler=1&t.wrap),t.mode=P,t.last=0,t.havedict=0,t.dmax=32768,t.head=null,t.hold=0,t.bits=0,t.lencode=t.lendyn=new I.Buf32(n),t.distcode=t.distdyn=new I.Buf32(i),t.sane=1,t.back=-1,N):U}function o(e){var t;return e&&e.state?((t=e.state).wsize=0,t.whave=0,t.wnext=0,a(e)):U}function u(e,t){var r,n;return e&&e.state?(n=e.state,t<0?(r=0,t=-t):(r=1+(t>>4),t<48&&(t&=15)),t&&(t<8||15<t)?U:(null!==n.window&&n.wbits!==t&&(n.window=null),n.wrap=r,n.wbits=t,o(e))):U}function h(e,t){var r,n;return e?(n=new s,(e.state=n).window=null,(r=u(e,t))!==N&&(e.state=null),r):U}var f,l,d=!0;function j(e){if(d){var t;for(f=new I.Buf32(512),l=new I.Buf32(32),t=0;t<144;)e.lens[t++]=8;for(;t<256;)e.lens[t++]=9;for(;t<280;)e.lens[t++]=7;for(;t<288;)e.lens[t++]=8;for(R(D,e.lens,0,288,f,0,e.work,{bits:9}),t=0;t<32;)e.lens[t++]=5;R(F,e.lens,0,32,l,0,e.work,{bits:5}),d=!1}e.lencode=f,e.lenbits=9,e.distcode=l,e.distbits=5}function Z(e,t,r,n){var i,s=e.state;return null===s.window&&(s.wsize=1<<s.wbits,s.wnext=0,s.whave=0,s.window=new I.Buf8(s.wsize)),n>=s.wsize?(I.arraySet(s.window,t,r-s.wsize,s.wsize,0),s.wnext=0,s.whave=s.wsize):(n<(i=s.wsize-s.wnext)&&(i=n),I.arraySet(s.window,t,r-n,i,s.wnext),(n-=i)?(I.arraySet(s.window,t,r-n,n,0),s.wnext=n,s.whave=s.wsize):(s.wnext+=i,s.wnext===s.wsize&&(s.wnext=0),s.whave<s.wsize&&(s.whave+=i))),0}r.inflateReset=o,r.inflateReset2=u,r.inflateResetKeep=a,r.inflateInit=function(e){return h(e,15)},r.inflateInit2=h,r.inflate=function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a,o,u,h,f,l,d,c,p,m,_,g,v,b,w,y,k,x,S,z,E=0,C=new I.Buf8(4),A=[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15];if(!e||!e.state||!e.output||!e.input&&0!==e.avail_in)return U;12===(r=e.state).mode&&(r.mode=13),a=e.next_out,i=e.output,u=e.avail_out,s=e.next_in,n=e.input,o=e.avail_in,h=r.hold,f=r.bits,l=o,d=u,x=N;e:for(;;)switch(r.mode){case P:if(0===r.wrap){r.mode=13;break}for(;f<16;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(2&r.wrap&&35615===h){C[r.check=0]=255&h,C[1]=h>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,C,2,0),f=h=0,r.mode=2;break}if(r.flags=0,r.head&&(r.head.done=!1),!(1&r.wrap)||(((255&h)<<8)+(h>>8))%31){e.msg="incorrect header check",r.mode=30;break}if(8!=(15&h)){e.msg="unknown compression method",r.mode=30;break}if(f-=4,k=8+(15&(h>>>=4)),0===r.wbits)r.wbits=k;else if(k>r.wbits){e.msg="invalid window size",r.mode=30;break}r.dmax=1<<k,e.adler=r.check=1,r.mode=512&h?10:12,f=h=0;break;case 2:for(;f<16;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(r.flags=h,8!=(255&r.flags)){e.msg="unknown compression method",r.mode=30;break}if(57344&r.flags){e.msg="unknown header flags set",r.mode=30;break}r.head&&(r.head.text=h>>8&1),512&r.flags&&(C[0]=255&h,C[1]=h>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,C,2,0)),f=h=0,r.mode=3;case 3:for(;f<32;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.head&&(r.head.time=h),512&r.flags&&(C[0]=255&h,C[1]=h>>>8&255,C[2]=h>>>16&255,C[3]=h>>>24&255,r.check=B(r.check,C,4,0)),f=h=0,r.mode=4;case 4:for(;f<16;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.head&&(r.head.xflags=255&h,r.head.os=h>>8),512&r.flags&&(C[0]=255&h,C[1]=h>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,C,2,0)),f=h=0,r.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&r.flags){for(;f<16;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.length=h,r.head&&(r.head.extra_len=h),512&r.flags&&(C[0]=255&h,C[1]=h>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,C,2,0)),f=h=0}else r.head&&(r.head.extra=null);r.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&r.flags&&(o<(c=r.length)&&(c=o),c&&(r.head&&(k=r.head.extra_len-r.length,r.head.extra||(r.head.extra=new Array(r.head.extra_len)),I.arraySet(r.head.extra,n,s,c,k)),512&r.flags&&(r.check=B(r.check,n,c,s)),o-=c,s+=c,r.length-=c),r.length))break e;r.length=0,r.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&r.flags){if(0===o)break e;for(c=0;k=n[s+c++],r.head&&k&&r.length<65536&&(r.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(k)),k&&c<o;);if(512&r.flags&&(r.check=B(r.check,n,c,s)),o-=c,s+=c,k)break e}else r.head&&(r.head.name=null);r.length=0,r.mode=8;case 8:if(4096&r.flags){if(0===o)break e;for(c=0;k=n[s+c++],r.head&&k&&r.length<65536&&(r.head.comment+=String.fromCharCode(k)),k&&c<o;);if(512&r.flags&&(r.check=B(r.check,n,c,s)),o-=c,s+=c,k)break e}else r.head&&(r.head.comment=null);r.mode=9;case 9:if(512&r.flags){for(;f<16;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(h!==(65535&r.check)){e.msg="header crc mismatch",r.mode=30;break}f=h=0}r.head&&(r.head.hcrc=r.flags>>9&1,r.head.done=!0),e.adler=r.check=0,r.mode=12;break;case 10:for(;f<32;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}e.adler=r.check=L(h),f=h=0,r.mode=11;case 11:if(0===r.havedict)return e.next_out=a,e.avail_out=u,e.next_in=s,e.avail_in=o,r.hold=h,r.bits=f,2;e.adler=r.check=1,r.mode=12;case 12:if(5===t||6===t)break e;case 13:if(r.last){h>>>=7&f,f-=7&f,r.mode=27;break}for(;f<3;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}switch(r.last=1&h,f-=1,3&(h>>>=1)){case 0:r.mode=14;break;case 1:if(j(r),r.mode=20,6!==t)break;h>>>=2,f-=2;break e;case 2:r.mode=17;break;case 3:e.msg="invalid block type",r.mode=30}h>>>=2,f-=2;break;case 14:for(h>>>=7&f,f-=7&f;f<32;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if((65535&h)!=(h>>>16^65535)){e.msg="invalid stored block lengths",r.mode=30;break}if(r.length=65535&h,f=h=0,r.mode=15,6===t)break e;case 15:r.mode=16;case 16:if(c=r.length){if(o<c&&(c=o),u<c&&(c=u),0===c)break e;I.arraySet(i,n,s,c,a),o-=c,s+=c,u-=c,a+=c,r.length-=c;break}r.mode=12;break;case 17:for(;f<14;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(r.nlen=257+(31&h),h>>>=5,f-=5,r.ndist=1+(31&h),h>>>=5,f-=5,r.ncode=4+(15&h),h>>>=4,f-=4,286<r.nlen||30<r.ndist){e.msg="too many length or distance symbols",r.mode=30;break}r.have=0,r.mode=18;case 18:for(;r.have<r.ncode;){for(;f<3;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.lens[A[r.have++]]=7&h,h>>>=3,f-=3}for(;r.have<19;)r.lens[A[r.have++]]=0;if(r.lencode=r.lendyn,r.lenbits=7,S={bits:r.lenbits},x=R(0,r.lens,0,19,r.lencode,0,r.work,S),r.lenbits=S.bits,x){e.msg="invalid code lengths set",r.mode=30;break}r.have=0,r.mode=19;case 19:for(;r.have<r.nlen+r.ndist;){for(;g=(E=r.lencode[h&(1<<r.lenbits)-1])>>>16&255,v=65535&E,!((_=E>>>24)<=f);){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(v<16)h>>>=_,f-=_,r.lens[r.have++]=v;else{if(16===v){for(z=_+2;f<z;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(h>>>=_,f-=_,0===r.have){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",r.mode=30;break}k=r.lens[r.have-1],c=3+(3&h),h>>>=2,f-=2}else if(17===v){for(z=_+3;f<z;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}f-=_,k=0,c=3+(7&(h>>>=_)),h>>>=3,f-=3}else{for(z=_+7;f<z;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}f-=_,k=0,c=11+(127&(h>>>=_)),h>>>=7,f-=7}if(r.have+c>r.nlen+r.ndist){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",r.mode=30;break}for(;c--;)r.lens[r.have++]=k}}if(30===r.mode)break;if(0===r.lens[256]){e.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",r.mode=30;break}if(r.lenbits=9,S={bits:r.lenbits},x=R(D,r.lens,0,r.nlen,r.lencode,0,r.work,S),r.lenbits=S.bits,x){e.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",r.mode=30;break}if(r.distbits=6,r.distcode=r.distdyn,S={bits:r.distbits},x=R(F,r.lens,r.nlen,r.ndist,r.distcode,0,r.work,S),r.distbits=S.bits,x){e.msg="invalid distances set",r.mode=30;break}if(r.mode=20,6===t)break e;case 20:r.mode=21;case 21:if(6<=o&&258<=u){e.next_out=a,e.avail_out=u,e.next_in=s,e.avail_in=o,r.hold=h,r.bits=f,T(e,d),a=e.next_out,i=e.output,u=e.avail_out,s=e.next_in,n=e.input,o=e.avail_in,h=r.hold,f=r.bits,12===r.mode&&(r.back=-1);break}for(r.back=0;g=(E=r.lencode[h&(1<<r.lenbits)-1])>>>16&255,v=65535&E,!((_=E>>>24)<=f);){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(g&&0==(240&g)){for(b=_,w=g,y=v;g=(E=r.lencode[y+((h&(1<<b+w)-1)>>b)])>>>16&255,v=65535&E,!(b+(_=E>>>24)<=f);){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}h>>>=b,f-=b,r.back+=b}if(h>>>=_,f-=_,r.back+=_,r.length=v,0===g){r.mode=26;break}if(32&g){r.back=-1,r.mode=12;break}if(64&g){e.msg="invalid literal/length code",r.mode=30;break}r.extra=15&g,r.mode=22;case 22:if(r.extra){for(z=r.extra;f<z;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.length+=h&(1<<r.extra)-1,h>>>=r.extra,f-=r.extra,r.back+=r.extra}r.was=r.length,r.mode=23;case 23:for(;g=(E=r.distcode[h&(1<<r.distbits)-1])>>>16&255,v=65535&E,!((_=E>>>24)<=f);){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(0==(240&g)){for(b=_,w=g,y=v;g=(E=r.distcode[y+((h&(1<<b+w)-1)>>b)])>>>16&255,v=65535&E,!(b+(_=E>>>24)<=f);){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}h>>>=b,f-=b,r.back+=b}if(h>>>=_,f-=_,r.back+=_,64&g){e.msg="invalid distance code",r.mode=30;break}r.offset=v,r.extra=15&g,r.mode=24;case 24:if(r.extra){for(z=r.extra;f<z;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}r.offset+=h&(1<<r.extra)-1,h>>>=r.extra,f-=r.extra,r.back+=r.extra}if(r.offset>r.dmax){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break}r.mode=25;case 25:if(0===u)break e;if(c=d-u,r.offset>c){if((c=r.offset-c)>r.whave&&r.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break}p=c>r.wnext?(c-=r.wnext,r.wsize-c):r.wnext-c,c>r.length&&(c=r.length),m=r.window}else m=i,p=a-r.offset,c=r.length;for(u<c&&(c=u),u-=c,r.length-=c;i[a++]=m[p++],--c;);0===r.length&&(r.mode=21);break;case 26:if(0===u)break e;i[a++]=r.length,u--,r.mode=21;break;case 27:if(r.wrap){for(;f<32;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h|=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(d-=u,e.total_out+=d,r.total+=d,d&&(e.adler=r.check=r.flags?B(r.check,i,d,a-d):O(r.check,i,d,a-d)),d=u,(r.flags?h:L(h))!==r.check){e.msg="incorrect data check",r.mode=30;break}f=h=0}r.mode=28;case 28:if(r.wrap&&r.flags){for(;f<32;){if(0===o)break e;o--,h+=n[s++]<<f,f+=8}if(h!==(4294967295&r.total)){e.msg="incorrect length check",r.mode=30;break}f=h=0}r.mode=29;case 29:x=1;break e;case 30:x=-3;break e;case 31:return-4;case 32:default:return U}return e.next_out=a,e.avail_out=u,e.next_in=s,e.avail_in=o,r.hold=h,r.bits=f,(r.wsize||d!==e.avail_out&&r.mode<30&&(r.mode<27||4!==t))&&Z(e,e.output,e.next_out,d-e.avail_out)?(r.mode=31,-4):(l-=e.avail_in,d-=e.avail_out,e.total_in+=l,e.total_out+=d,r.total+=d,r.wrap&&d&&(e.adler=r.check=r.flags?B(r.check,i,d,e.next_out-d):O(r.check,i,d,e.next_out-d)),e.data_type=r.bits+(r.last?64:0)+(12===r.mode?128:0)+(20===r.mode||15===r.mode?256:0),(0==l&&0===d||4===t)&&x===N&&(x=-5),x)},r.inflateEnd=function(e){if(!e||!e.state)return U;var t=e.state;return t.window&&(t.window=null),e.state=null,N},r.inflateGetHeader=function(e,t){var r;return e&&e.state?0==(2&(r=e.state).wrap)?U:((r.head=t).done=!1,N):U},r.inflateSetDictionary=function(e,t){var r,n=t.length;return e&&e.state?0!==(r=e.state).wrap&&11!==r.mode?U:11===r.mode&&O(1,t,n,0)!==r.check?-3:Z(e,t,n,n)?(r.mode=31,-4):(r.havedict=1,N):U},r.inflateInfo="pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"},{"../utils/common":41,"./adler32":43,"./crc32":45,"./inffast":48,"./inftrees":50}],50:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var D=e("../utils/common"),F=[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,0,0],N=[16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,16,72,78],U=[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,0,0],P=[16,16,16,16,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25,25,26,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,64,64];t.exports=function(e,t,r,n,i,s,a,o){var u,h,f,l,d,c,p,m,_,g=o.bits,v=0,b=0,w=0,y=0,k=0,x=0,S=0,z=0,E=0,C=0,A=null,I=0,O=new D.Buf16(16),B=new D.Buf16(16),T=null,R=0;for(v=0;v<=15;v++)O[v]=0;for(b=0;b<n;b++)O[t[r+b]]++;for(k=g,y=15;1<=y&&0===O[y];y--);if(y<k&&(k=y),0===y)return i[s++]=20971520,i[s++]=20971520,o.bits=1,0;for(w=1;w<y&&0===O[w];w++);for(k<w&&(k=w),v=z=1;v<=15;v++)if(z<<=1,(z-=O[v])<0)return-1;if(0<z&&(0===e||1!==y))return-1;for(B[1]=0,v=1;v<15;v++)B[v+1]=B[v]+O[v];for(b=0;b<n;b++)0!==t[r+b]&&(a[B[t[r+b]]++]=b);if(c=0===e?(A=T=a,19):1===e?(A=F,I-=257,T=N,R-=257,256):(A=U,T=P,-1),v=w,d=s,S=b=C=0,f=-1,l=(E=1<<(x=k))-1,1===e&&852<E||2===e&&592<E)return 1;for(;;){for(p=v-S,_=a[b]<c?(m=0,a[b]):a[b]>c?(m=T[R+a[b]],A[I+a[b]]):(m=96,0),u=1<<v-S,w=h=1<<x;i[d+(C>>S)+(h-=u)]=p<<24|m<<16|_|0,0!==h;);for(u=1<<v-1;C&u;)u>>=1;if(0!==u?(C&=u-1,C+=u):C=0,b++,0==--O[v]){if(v===y)break;v=t[r+a[b]]}if(k<v&&(C&l)!==f){for(0===S&&(S=k),d+=w,z=1<<(x=v-S);x+S<y&&!((z-=O[x+S])<=0);)x++,z<<=1;if(E+=1<<x,1===e&&852<E||2===e&&592<E)return 1;i[f=C&l]=k<<24|x<<16|d-s|0}}return 0!==C&&(i[d+C]=v-S<<24|64<<16|0),o.bits=k,0}},{"../utils/common":41}],51:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports={2:"need dictionary",1:"stream end",0:"","-1":"file error","-2":"stream error","-3":"data error","-4":"insufficient memory","-5":"buffer error","-6":"incompatible version"}},{}],52:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";var o=e("../utils/common");function n(e){for(var t=e.length;0<=--t;)e[t]=0}var _=15,i=16,u=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0],h=[0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13],a=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7],f=[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15],l=new Array(576);n(l);var d=new Array(60);n(d);var c=new Array(512);n(c);var p=new Array(256);n(p);var m=new Array(29);n(m);var g,v,b,w=new Array(30);function y(e,t,r,n,i){this.static_tree=e,this.extra_bits=t,this.extra_base=r,this.elems=n,this.max_length=i,this.has_stree=e&&e.length}function s(e,t){this.dyn_tree=e,this.max_code=0,this.stat_desc=t}function k(e){return e<256?c[e]:c[256+(e>>>7)]}function x(e,t){e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=255&t,e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=t>>>8&255}function S(e,t,r){e.bi_valid>i-r?(e.bi_buf|=t<<e.bi_valid&65535,x(e,e.bi_buf),e.bi_buf=t>>i-e.bi_valid,e.bi_valid+=r-i):(e.bi_buf|=t<<e.bi_valid&65535,e.bi_valid+=r)}function z(e,t,r){S(e,r[2*t],r[2*t+1])}function E(e,t){for(var r=0;r|=1&e,e>>>=1,r<<=1,0<--t;);return r>>>1}function C(e,t,r){var n,i,s=new Array(_+1),a=0;for(n=1;n<=_;n++)s[n]=a=a+r[n-1]<<1;for(i=0;i<=t;i++){var o=e[2*i+1];0!==o&&(e[2*i]=E(s[o]++,o))}}function A(e){var t;for(t=0;t<286;t++)e.dyn_ltree[2*t]=0;for(t=0;t<30;t++)e.dyn_dtree[2*t]=0;for(t=0;t<19;t++)e.bl_tree[2*t]=0;e.dyn_ltree[512]=1,e.opt_len=e.static_len=0,e.last_lit=e.matches=0}function I(e){8<e.bi_valid?x(e,e.bi_buf):0<e.bi_valid&&(e.pending_buf[e.pending++]=e.bi_buf),e.bi_buf=0,e.bi_valid=0}function O(e,t,r,n){var i=2*t,s=2*r;return e[i]<e[s]||e[i]===e[s]&&n[t]<=n[r]}function B(e,t,r){for(var n=e.heap[r],i=r<<1;i<=e.heap_len&&(i<e.heap_len&&O(t,e.heap[i+1],e.heap[i],e.depth)&&i++,!O(t,n,e.heap[i],e.depth));)e.heap[r]=e.heap[i],r=i,i<<=1;e.heap[r]=n}function T(e,t,r){var n,i,s,a,o=0;if(0!==e.last_lit)for(;n=e.pending_buf[e.d_buf+2*o]<<8|e.pending_buf[e.d_buf+2*o+1],i=e.pending_buf[e.l_buf+o],o++,0===n?z(e,i,t):(z(e,(s=p[i])+256+1,t),0!==(a=u[s])&&S(e,i-=m[s],a),z(e,s=k(--n),r),0!==(a=h[s])&&S(e,n-=w[s],a)),o<e.last_lit;);z(e,256,t)}function R(e,t){var r,n,i,s=t.dyn_tree,a=t.stat_desc.static_tree,o=t.stat_desc.has_stree,u=t.stat_desc.elems,h=-1;for(e.heap_len=0,e.heap_max=573,r=0;r<u;r++)0!==s[2*r]?(e.heap[++e.heap_len]=h=r,e.depth[r]=0):s[2*r+1]=0;for(;e.heap_len<2;)s[2*(i=e.heap[++e.heap_len]=h<2?++h:0)]=1,e.depth[i]=0,e.opt_len--,o&&(e.static_len-=a[2*i+1]);for(t.max_code=h,r=e.heap_len>>1;1<=r;r--)B(e,s,r);for(i=u;r=e.heap[1],e.heap[1]=e.heap[e.heap_len--],B(e,s,1),n=e.heap[1],e.heap[--e.heap_max]=r,e.heap[--e.heap_max]=n,s[2*i]=s[2*r]+s[2*n],e.depth[i]=(e.depth[r]>=e.depth[n]?e.depth[r]:e.depth[n])+1,s[2*r+1]=s[2*n+1]=i,e.heap[1]=i++,B(e,s,1),2<=e.heap_len;);e.heap[--e.heap_max]=e.heap[1],function(e,t){var r,n,i,s,a,o,u=t.dyn_tree,h=t.max_code,f=t.stat_desc.static_tree,l=t.stat_desc.has_stree,d=t.stat_desc.extra_bits,c=t.stat_desc.extra_base,p=t.stat_desc.max_length,m=0;for(s=0;s<=_;s++)e.bl_count[s]=0;for(u[2*e.heap[e.heap_max]+1]=0,r=e.heap_max+1;r<573;r++)p<(s=u[2*u[2*(n=e.heap[r])+1]+1]+1)&&(s=p,m++),u[2*n+1]=s,h<n||(e.bl_count[s]++,a=0,c<=n&&(a=d[n-c]),o=u[2*n],e.opt_len+=o*(s+a),l&&(e.static_len+=o*(f[2*n+1]+a)));if(0!==m){do{for(s=p-1;0===e.bl_count[s];)s--;e.bl_count[s]--,e.bl_count[s+1]+=2,e.bl_count[p]--,m-=2}while(0<m);for(s=p;0!==s;s--)for(n=e.bl_count[s];0!==n;)h<(i=e.heap[--r])||(u[2*i+1]!==s&&(e.opt_len+=(s-u[2*i+1])*u[2*i],u[2*i+1]=s),n--)}}(e,t),C(s,h,e.bl_count)}function D(e,t,r){var n,i,s=-1,a=t[1],o=0,u=7,h=4;for(0===a&&(u=138,h=3),t[2*(r+1)+1]=65535,n=0;n<=r;n++)i=a,a=t[2*(n+1)+1],++o<u&&i===a||(o<h?e.bl_tree[2*i]+=o:0!==i?(i!==s&&e.bl_tree[2*i]++,e.bl_tree[32]++):o<=10?e.bl_tree[34]++:e.bl_tree[36]++,s=i,h=(o=0)===a?(u=138,3):i===a?(u=6,3):(u=7,4))}function F(e,t,r){var n,i,s=-1,a=t[1],o=0,u=7,h=4;for(0===a&&(u=138,h=3),n=0;n<=r;n++)if(i=a,a=t[2*(n+1)+1],!(++o<u&&i===a)){if(o<h)for(;z(e,i,e.bl_tree),0!=--o;);else 0!==i?(i!==s&&(z(e,i,e.bl_tree),o--),z(e,16,e.bl_tree),S(e,o-3,2)):o<=10?(z(e,17,e.bl_tree),S(e,o-3,3)):(z(e,18,e.bl_tree),S(e,o-11,7));s=i,h=(o=0)===a?(u=138,3):i===a?(u=6,3):(u=7,4)}}n(w);var N=!1;function U(e,t,r,n){var i,s,a;S(e,0+(n?1:0),3),s=t,a=r,I(i=e),x(i,a),x(i,~a),o.arraySet(i.pending_buf,i.window,s,a,i.pending),i.pending+=a}r._tr_init=function(e){N||(function(){var e,t,r,n,i,s=new Array(_+1);for(n=r=0;n<28;n++)for(m[n]=r,e=0;e<1<<u[n];e++)p[r++]=n;for(p[r-1]=n,n=i=0;n<16;n++)for(w[n]=i,e=0;e<1<<h[n];e++)c[i++]=n;for(i>>=7;n<30;n++)for(w[n]=i<<7,e=0;e<1<<h[n]-7;e++)c[256+i++]=n;for(t=0;t<=_;t++)s[t]=0;for(e=0;e<=143;)l[2*e+1]=8,e++,s[8]++;for(;e<=255;)l[2*e+1]=9,e++,s[9]++;for(;e<=279;)l[2*e+1]=7,e++,s[7]++;for(;e<=287;)l[2*e+1]=8,e++,s[8]++;for(C(l,287,s),e=0;e<30;e++)d[2*e+1]=5,d[2*e]=E(e,5);g=new y(l,u,257,286,_),v=new y(d,h,0,30,_),b=new y(new Array(0),a,0,19,7)}(),N=!0),e.l_desc=new s(e.dyn_ltree,g),e.d_desc=new s(e.dyn_dtree,v),e.bl_desc=new s(e.bl_tree,b),e.bi_buf=0,e.bi_valid=0,A(e)},r._tr_stored_block=U,r._tr_flush_block=function(e,t,r,n){var i,s,a=0;0<e.level?(2===e.strm.data_type&&(e.strm.data_type=function(e){var t,r=4093624447;for(t=0;t<=31;t++,r>>>=1)if(1&r&&0!==e.dyn_ltree[2*t])return 0;if(0!==e.dyn_ltree[18]||0!==e.dyn_ltree[20]||0!==e.dyn_ltree[26])return 1;for(t=32;t<256;t++)if(0!==e.dyn_ltree[2*t])return 1;return 0}(e)),R(e,e.l_desc),R(e,e.d_desc),a=function(e){var t;for(D(e,e.dyn_ltree,e.l_desc.max_code),D(e,e.dyn_dtree,e.d_desc.max_code),R(e,e.bl_desc),t=18;3<=t&&0===e.bl_tree[2*f[t]+1];t--);return e.opt_len+=3*(t+1)+5+5+4,t}(e),i=e.opt_len+3+7>>>3,(s=e.static_len+3+7>>>3)<=i&&(i=s)):i=s=r+5,r+4<=i&&-1!==t?U(e,t,r,n):4===e.strategy||s===i?(S(e,2+(n?1:0),3),T(e,l,d)):(S(e,4+(n?1:0),3),function(e,t,r,n){var i;for(S(e,t-257,5),S(e,r-1,5),S(e,n-4,4),i=0;i<n;i++)S(e,e.bl_tree[2*f[i]+1],3);F(e,e.dyn_ltree,t-1),F(e,e.dyn_dtree,r-1)}(e,e.l_desc.max_code+1,e.d_desc.max_code+1,a+1),T(e,e.dyn_ltree,e.dyn_dtree)),A(e),n&&I(e)},r._tr_tally=function(e,t,r){return e.pending_buf[e.d_buf+2*e.last_lit]=t>>>8&255,e.pending_buf[e.d_buf+2*e.last_lit+1]=255&t,e.pending_buf[e.l_buf+e.last_lit]=255&r,e.last_lit++,0===t?e.dyn_ltree[2*r]++:(e.matches++,t--,e.dyn_ltree[2*(p[r]+256+1)]++,e.dyn_dtree[2*k(t)]++),e.last_lit===e.lit_bufsize-1},r._tr_align=function(e){var t;S(e,2,3),z(e,256,l),16===(t=e).bi_valid?(x(t,t.bi_buf),t.bi_buf=0,t.bi_valid=0):8<=t.bi_valid&&(t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=255&t.bi_buf,t.bi_buf>>=8,t.bi_valid-=8)}},{"../utils/common":41}],53:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}},{}],54:[function(e,t,r){"use strict";t.exports="function"==typeof setImmediate?setImmediate:function(){var e=[].slice.apply(arguments);e.splice(1,0,0),setTimeout.apply(null,e)}},{}]},{},[10])(10)})}).call(this,void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)})}).call(this,void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)})}).call(this,void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)})}).call(this,void 0!==r?r:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)})}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{}]},{},[1])(1)});
}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {},require("buffer").Buffer,require("timers").setImmediate)
'use strict';
var immediate = require('immediate');

/* istanbul ignore next */
function INTERNAL() {}

var handlers = {};


module.exports = Promise;

function Promise(resolver) {
  if (typeof resolver !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('resolver must be a function');
  this.state = PENDING;
  this.queue = [];
  this.outcome = void 0;
  if (resolver !== INTERNAL) {
    safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);

Promise.prototype["finally"] = function (callback) {
  if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
    return this;
  var p = this.constructor;
  return this.then(resolve, reject);

  function resolve(value) {
    function yes () {
      return value;
    return p.resolve(callback()).then(yes);
  function reject(reason) {
    function no () {
      throw reason;
    return p.resolve(callback()).then(no);
Promise.prototype["catch"] = function (onRejected) {
  return this.then(null, onRejected);
Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  if (typeof onFulfilled !== 'function' && this.state === FULFILLED ||
    typeof onRejected !== 'function' && this.state === REJECTED) {
    return this;
  var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);
  if (this.state !== PENDING) {
    var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
    unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
  } else {
    this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));

  return promise;
function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  this.promise = promise;
  if (typeof onFulfilled === 'function') {
    this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
    this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled;
  if (typeof onRejected === 'function') {
    this.onRejected = onRejected;
    this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected;
QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function (value) {
  handlers.resolve(this.promise, value);
QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function (value) {
  unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);
QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function (value) {
  handlers.reject(this.promise, value);
QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function (value) {
  unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);

function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
  immediate(function () {
    var returnValue;
    try {
      returnValue = func(value);
    } catch (e) {
      return handlers.reject(promise, e);
    if (returnValue === promise) {
      handlers.reject(promise, new TypeError('Cannot resolve promise with itself'));
    } else {
      handlers.resolve(promise, returnValue);

handlers.resolve = function (self, value) {
  var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);
  if (result.status === 'error') {
    return handlers.reject(self, result.value);
  var thenable = result.value;

  if (thenable) {
    safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable);
  } else {
    self.state = FULFILLED;
    self.outcome = value;
    var i = -1;
    var len = self.queue.length;
    while (++i < len) {
  return self;
handlers.reject = function (self, error) {
  self.state = REJECTED;
  self.outcome = error;
  var i = -1;
  var len = self.queue.length;
  while (++i < len) {
  return self;

function getThen(obj) {
  // Make sure we only access the accessor once as required by the spec
  var then = obj && obj.then;
  if (obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof then === 'function') {
    return function appyThen() {
      then.apply(obj, arguments);

function safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable) {
  // Either fulfill, reject or reject with error
  var called = false;
  function onError(value) {
    if (called) {
    called = true;
    handlers.reject(self, value);

  function onSuccess(value) {
    if (called) {
    called = true;
    handlers.resolve(self, value);

  function tryToUnwrap() {
    thenable(onSuccess, onError);

  var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);
  if (result.status === 'error') {

function tryCatch(func, value) {
  var out = {};
  try {
    out.value = func(value);
    out.status = 'success';
  } catch (e) {
    out.status = 'error';
    out.value = e;
  return out;

Promise.resolve = resolve;
function resolve(value) {
  if (value instanceof this) {
    return value;
  return handlers.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);

Promise.reject = reject;
function reject(reason) {
  var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
  return handlers.reject(promise, reason);

Promise.all = all;
function all(iterable) {
  var self = this;
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== '[object Array]') {
    return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));

  var len = iterable.length;
  var called = false;
  if (!len) {
    return this.resolve([]);

  var values = new Array(len);
  var resolved = 0;
  var i = -1;
  var promise = new this(INTERNAL);

  while (++i < len) {
    allResolver(iterable[i], i);
  return promise;
  function allResolver(value, i) {
    self.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function (error) {
      if (!called) {
        called = true;
        handlers.reject(promise, error);
    function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
      values[i] = outValue;
      if (++resolved === len && !called) {
        called = true;
        handlers.resolve(promise, values);

Promise.race = race;
function race(iterable) {
  var self = this;
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== '[object Array]') {
    return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));

  var len = iterable.length;
  var called = false;
  if (!len) {
    return this.resolve([]);

  var i = -1;
  var promise = new this(INTERNAL);

  while (++i < len) {
  return promise;
  function resolver(value) {
    self.resolve(value).then(function (response) {
      if (!called) {
        called = true;
        handlers.resolve(promise, response);
    }, function (error) {
      if (!called) {
        called = true;
        handlers.reject(promise, error);

;(function () { // closure for web browsers

if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
  module.exports = LRUCache
} else {
  // just set the global for non-node platforms.
  this.LRUCache = LRUCache

function hOP (obj, key) {
  return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)

function naiveLength () { return 1 }

var didTypeWarning = false
function typeCheckKey(key) {
  if (!didTypeWarning && typeof key !== 'string' && typeof key !== 'number') {
    didTypeWarning = true
    console.error(new TypeError("LRU: key must be a string or number. Almost certainly a bug! " + typeof key).stack)

function LRUCache (options) {
  if (!(this instanceof LRUCache))
    return new LRUCache(options)

  if (typeof options === 'number')
    options = { max: options }

  if (!options)
    options = {}

  this._max = options.max
  // Kind of weird to have a default max of Infinity, but oh well.
  if (!this._max || !(typeof this._max === "number") || this._max <= 0 )
    this._max = Infinity

  this._lengthCalculator = options.length || naiveLength
  if (typeof this._lengthCalculator !== "function")
    this._lengthCalculator = naiveLength

  this._allowStale = options.stale || false
  this._maxAge = options.maxAge || null
  this._dispose = options.dispose

// resize the cache when the max changes.
Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "max",
  { set : function (mL) {
      if (!mL || !(typeof mL === "number") || mL <= 0 ) mL = Infinity
      this._max = mL
      if (this._length > this._max) trim(this)
  , get : function () { return this._max }
  , enumerable : true

// resize the cache when the lengthCalculator changes.
Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "lengthCalculator",
  { set : function (lC) {
      if (typeof lC !== "function") {
        this._lengthCalculator = naiveLength
        this._length = this._itemCount
        for (var key in this._cache) {
          this._cache[key].length = 1
      } else {
        this._lengthCalculator = lC
        this._length = 0
        for (var key in this._cache) {
          this._cache[key].length = this._lengthCalculator(this._cache[key].value)
          this._length += this._cache[key].length

      if (this._length > this._max) trim(this)
  , get : function () { return this._lengthCalculator }
  , enumerable : true

Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "length",
  { get : function () { return this._length }
  , enumerable : true

Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "itemCount",
  { get : function () { return this._itemCount }
  , enumerable : true

LRUCache.prototype.forEach = function (fn, thisp) {
  thisp = thisp || this
  var i = 0
  var itemCount = this._itemCount

  for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
    var hit = this._lruList[k]
    if (isStale(this, hit)) {
      del(this, hit)
      if (!this._allowStale) hit = undefined
    if (hit) {
      fn.call(thisp, hit.value, hit.key, this)

LRUCache.prototype.keys = function () {
  var keys = new Array(this._itemCount)
  var i = 0
  for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
    var hit = this._lruList[k]
    keys[i++] = hit.key
  return keys

LRUCache.prototype.values = function () {
  var values = new Array(this._itemCount)
  var i = 0
  for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
    var hit = this._lruList[k]
    values[i++] = hit.value
  return values

LRUCache.prototype.reset = function () {
  if (this._dispose && this._cache) {
    for (var k in this._cache) {
      this._dispose(k, this._cache[k].value)

  this._cache = Object.create(null) // hash of items by key
  this._lruList = Object.create(null) // list of items in order of use recency
  this._mru = 0 // most recently used
  this._lru = 0 // least recently used
  this._length = 0 // number of items in the list
  this._itemCount = 0

LRUCache.prototype.dump = function () {
  var arr = []
  var i = 0

  for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
    var hit = this._lruList[k]
    if (!isStale(this, hit)) {
      //Do not store staled hits
        k: hit.key,
        v: hit.value,
        e: hit.now + (hit.maxAge || 0)
  //arr has the most read first
  return arr

LRUCache.prototype.dumpLru = function () {
  return this._lruList

LRUCache.prototype.set = function (key, value, maxAge) {
  maxAge = maxAge || this._maxAge

  var now = maxAge ? Date.now() : 0
  var len = this._lengthCalculator(value)

  if (hOP(this._cache, key)) {
    if (len > this._max) {
      del(this, this._cache[key])
      return false
    // dispose of the old one before overwriting
    if (this._dispose)
      this._dispose(key, this._cache[key].value)

    this._cache[key].now = now
    this._cache[key].maxAge = maxAge
    this._cache[key].value = value
    this._length += (len - this._cache[key].length)
    this._cache[key].length = len

    if (this._length > this._max)

    return true

  var hit = new Entry(key, value, this._mru++, len, now, maxAge)

  // oversized objects fall out of cache automatically.
  if (hit.length > this._max) {
    if (this._dispose) this._dispose(key, value)
    return false

  this._length += hit.length
  this._lruList[hit.lu] = this._cache[key] = hit
  this._itemCount ++

  if (this._length > this._max)

  return true

LRUCache.prototype.has = function (key) {
  if (!hOP(this._cache, key)) return false
  var hit = this._cache[key]
  if (isStale(this, hit)) {
    return false
  return true

LRUCache.prototype.get = function (key) {
  return get(this, key, true)

LRUCache.prototype.peek = function (key) {
  return get(this, key, false)

LRUCache.prototype.pop = function () {
  var hit = this._lruList[this._lru]
  del(this, hit)
  return hit || null

LRUCache.prototype.del = function (key) {
  del(this, this._cache[key])

LRUCache.prototype.load = function (arr) {
  //reset the cache

  var now = Date.now()
  //A previous serialized cache has the most recent items first
  for (var l = arr.length - 1; l >= 0; l-- ) {
    var hit = arr[l]
    var expiresAt = hit.e || 0
    if (expiresAt === 0) {
      //the item was created without expiration in a non aged cache
      this.set(hit.k, hit.v)
    } else {
      var maxAge = expiresAt - now
      //dont add already expired items
      if (maxAge > 0) this.set(hit.k, hit.v, maxAge)

function get (self, key, doUse) {
  var hit = self._cache[key]
  if (hit) {
    if (isStale(self, hit)) {
      del(self, hit)
      if (!self._allowStale) hit = undefined
    } else {
      if (doUse) use(self, hit)
    if (hit) hit = hit.value
  return hit

function isStale(self, hit) {
  if (!hit || (!hit.maxAge && !self._maxAge)) return false
  var stale = false;
  var diff = Date.now() - hit.now
  if (hit.maxAge) {
    stale = diff > hit.maxAge
  } else {
    stale = self._maxAge && (diff > self._maxAge)
  return stale;

function use (self, hit) {
  shiftLU(self, hit)
  hit.lu = self._mru ++
  self._lruList[hit.lu] = hit

function trim (self) {
  while (self._lru < self._mru && self._length > self._max)
    del(self, self._lruList[self._lru])

function shiftLU (self, hit) {
  delete self._lruList[ hit.lu ]
  while (self._lru < self._mru && !self._lruList[self._lru]) self._lru ++

function del (self, hit) {
  if (hit) {
    if (self._dispose) self._dispose(hit.key, hit.value)
    self._length -= hit.length
    self._itemCount --
    delete self._cache[ hit.key ]
    shiftLU(self, hit)

// classy, since V8 prefers predictable objects.
function Entry (key, value, lu, length, now, maxAge) {
  this.key = key
  this.value = value
  this.lu = lu
  this.length = length
  this.now = now
  if (maxAge) this.maxAge = maxAge


// shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {};

// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it
// don't break things.  But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is
// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals.  It's inside a
// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.

var cachedSetTimeout;
var cachedClearTimeout;

function defaultSetTimout() {
    throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');
function defaultClearTimeout () {
    throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');
(function () {
    try {
        if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {
            cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
        } else {
            cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
    } catch (e) {
        cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
    try {
        if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {
            cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
        } else {
            cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
    } catch (e) {
        cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
} ())
function runTimeout(fun) {
    if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
        //normal enviroments in sane situations
        return setTimeout(fun, 0);
    // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
    if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
        cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
        return setTimeout(fun, 0);
    try {
        // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
        return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
    } catch(e){
        try {
            // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
            return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);
        } catch(e){
            // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error
            return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);

function runClearTimeout(marker) {
    if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
        //normal enviroments in sane situations
        return clearTimeout(marker);
    // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
    if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
        cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
        return clearTimeout(marker);
    try {
        // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
        return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
    } catch (e){
        try {
            // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't  trust the global object when called normally
            return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);
        } catch (e){
            // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.
            // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout
            return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);

var queue = [];
var draining = false;
var currentQueue;
var queueIndex = -1;

function cleanUpNextTick() {
    if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
    draining = false;
    if (currentQueue.length) {
        queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
    } else {
        queueIndex = -1;
    if (queue.length) {

function drainQueue() {
    if (draining) {
    var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
    draining = true;

    var len = queue.length;
    while(len) {
        currentQueue = queue;
        queue = [];
        while (++queueIndex < len) {
            if (currentQueue) {
        queueIndex = -1;
        len = queue.length;
    currentQueue = null;
    draining = false;

process.nextTick = function (fun) {
    var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
    if (arguments.length > 1) {
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
    queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
    if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {

// v8 likes predictible objects
function Item(fun, array) {
    this.fun = fun;
    this.array = array;
Item.prototype.run = function () {
    this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
process.versions = {};

function noop() {}

process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop;
process.off = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.prependListener = noop;
process.prependOnceListener = noop;

process.listeners = function (name) { return [] }

process.binding = function (name) {
    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');

process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
process.umask = function() { return 0; };

(function (global, factory) {
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
    typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
    (global.proj4 = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

    var globals = function(defs) {
      defs('EPSG:4326', "+title=WGS 84 (long/lat) +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=degrees");
      defs('EPSG:4269', "+title=NAD83 (long/lat) +proj=longlat +a=6378137.0 +b=6356752.31414036 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=degrees");
      defs('EPSG:3857', "+title=WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs");

      defs.WGS84 = defs['EPSG:4326'];
      defs['EPSG:3785'] = defs['EPSG:3857']; // maintain backward compat, official code is 3857
      defs.GOOGLE = defs['EPSG:3857'];
      defs['EPSG:900913'] = defs['EPSG:3857'];
      defs['EPSG:102113'] = defs['EPSG:3857'];

    var PJD_3PARAM = 1;
    var PJD_7PARAM = 2;
    var PJD_GRIDSHIFT = 3;
    var PJD_WGS84 = 4; // WGS84 or equivalent
    var PJD_NODATUM = 5; // WGS84 or equivalent
    var SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR = 6378137.0;  // only used in grid shift transforms
    var SRS_WGS84_SEMIMINOR = 6356752.314;  // only used in grid shift transforms
    var SRS_WGS84_ESQUARED = 0.0066943799901413165; // only used in grid shift transforms
    var SEC_TO_RAD = 4.84813681109535993589914102357e-6;
    var HALF_PI = Math.PI/2;
    // ellipoid pj_set_ell.c
    var SIXTH = 0.1666666666666666667;
    /* 1/6 */
    var RA4 = 0.04722222222222222222;
    /* 17/360 */
    var RA6 = 0.02215608465608465608;
    var EPSLN = 1.0e-10;
    // you'd think you could use Number.EPSILON above but that makes
    // Mollweide get into an infinate loop.

    var D2R = 0.01745329251994329577;
    var R2D = 57.29577951308232088;
    var FORTPI = Math.PI/4;
    var TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;
    // SPI is slightly greater than Math.PI, so values that exceed the -180..180
    // degree range by a tiny amount don't get wrapped. This prevents points that
    // have drifted from their original location along the 180th meridian (due to
    // floating point error) from changing their sign.
    var SPI = 3.14159265359;

    var exports$1 = {};
    exports$1.greenwich = 0.0; //"0dE",
    exports$1.lisbon = -9.131906111111; //"9d07'54.862\"W",
    exports$1.paris = 2.337229166667; //"2d20'14.025\"E",
    exports$1.bogota = -74.080916666667; //"74d04'51.3\"W",
    exports$1.madrid = -3.687938888889; //"3d41'16.58\"W",
    exports$1.rome = 12.452333333333; //"12d27'8.4\"E",
    exports$1.bern = 7.439583333333; //"7d26'22.5\"E",
    exports$1.jakarta = 106.807719444444; //"106d48'27.79\"E",
    exports$1.ferro = -17.666666666667; //"17d40'W",
    exports$1.brussels = 4.367975; //"4d22'4.71\"E",
    exports$1.stockholm = 18.058277777778; //"18d3'29.8\"E",
    exports$1.athens = 23.7163375; //"23d42'58.815\"E",
    exports$1.oslo = 10.722916666667; //"10d43'22.5\"E"

    var units = {
      ft: {to_meter: 0.3048},
      'us-ft': {to_meter: 1200 / 3937}

    var ignoredChar = /[\s_\-\/\(\)]/g;
    function match(obj, key) {
      if (obj[key]) {
        return obj[key];
      var keys = Object.keys(obj);
      var lkey = key.toLowerCase().replace(ignoredChar, '');
      var i = -1;
      var testkey, processedKey;
      while (++i < keys.length) {
        testkey = keys[i];
        processedKey = testkey.toLowerCase().replace(ignoredChar, '');
        if (processedKey === lkey) {
          return obj[testkey];

    var parseProj = function(defData) {
      var self = {};
      var paramObj = defData.split('+').map(function(v) {
        return v.trim();
      }).filter(function(a) {
        return a;
      }).reduce(function(p, a) {
        var split = a.split('=');
        p[split[0].toLowerCase()] = split[1];
        return p;
      }, {});
      var paramName, paramVal, paramOutname;
      var params = {
        proj: 'projName',
        datum: 'datumCode',
        rf: function(v) {
          self.rf = parseFloat(v);
        lat_0: function(v) {
          self.lat0 = v * D2R;
        lat_1: function(v) {
          self.lat1 = v * D2R;
        lat_2: function(v) {
          self.lat2 = v * D2R;
        lat_ts: function(v) {
          self.lat_ts = v * D2R;
        lon_0: function(v) {
          self.long0 = v * D2R;
        lon_1: function(v) {
          self.long1 = v * D2R;
        lon_2: function(v) {
          self.long2 = v * D2R;
        alpha: function(v) {
          self.alpha = parseFloat(v) * D2R;
        gamma: function(v) {
          self.rectified_grid_angle = parseFloat(v);
        lonc: function(v) {
          self.longc = v * D2R;
        x_0: function(v) {
          self.x0 = parseFloat(v);
        y_0: function(v) {
          self.y0 = parseFloat(v);
        k_0: function(v) {
          self.k0 = parseFloat(v);
        k: function(v) {
          self.k0 = parseFloat(v);
        a: function(v) {
          self.a = parseFloat(v);
        b: function(v) {
          self.b = parseFloat(v);
        r_a: function() {
          self.R_A = true;
        zone: function(v) {
          self.zone = parseInt(v, 10);
        south: function() {
          self.utmSouth = true;
        towgs84: function(v) {
          self.datum_params = v.split(",").map(function(a) {
            return parseFloat(a);
        to_meter: function(v) {
          self.to_meter = parseFloat(v);
        units: function(v) {
          self.units = v;
          var unit = match(units, v);
          if (unit) {
            self.to_meter = unit.to_meter;
        from_greenwich: function(v) {
          self.from_greenwich = v * D2R;
        pm: function(v) {
          var pm = match(exports$1, v);
          self.from_greenwich = (pm ? pm : parseFloat(v)) * D2R;
        nadgrids: function(v) {
          if (v === '@null') {
            self.datumCode = 'none';
          else {
            self.nadgrids = v;
        axis: function(v) {
          var legalAxis = "ewnsud";
          if (v.length === 3 && legalAxis.indexOf(v.substr(0, 1)) !== -1 && legalAxis.indexOf(v.substr(1, 1)) !== -1 && legalAxis.indexOf(v.substr(2, 1)) !== -1) {
            self.axis = v;
        approx: function() {
          self.approx = true;
      for (paramName in paramObj) {
        paramVal = paramObj[paramName];
        if (paramName in params) {
          paramOutname = params[paramName];
          if (typeof paramOutname === 'function') {
          else {
            self[paramOutname] = paramVal;
        else {
          self[paramName] = paramVal;
      if(typeof self.datumCode === 'string' && self.datumCode !== "WGS84"){
        self.datumCode = self.datumCode.toLowerCase();
      return self;

    var NEUTRAL = 1;
    var KEYWORD = 2;
    var NUMBER = 3;
    var QUOTED = 4;
    var AFTERQUOTE = 5;
    var ENDED = -1;
    var whitespace = /\s/;
    var latin = /[A-Za-z]/;
    var keyword = /[A-Za-z84]/;
    var endThings = /[,\]]/;
    var digets = /[\d\.E\-\+]/;
    // const ignoredChar = /[\s_\-\/\(\)]/g;
    function Parser(text) {
      if (typeof text !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('not a string');
      this.text = text.trim();
      this.level = 0;
      this.place = 0;
      this.root = null;
      this.stack = [];
      this.currentObject = null;
      this.state = NEUTRAL;
    Parser.prototype.readCharicter = function() {
      var char = this.text[this.place++];
      if (this.state !== QUOTED) {
        while (whitespace.test(char)) {
          if (this.place >= this.text.length) {
          char = this.text[this.place++];
      switch (this.state) {
        case NEUTRAL:
          return this.neutral(char);
        case KEYWORD:
          return this.keyword(char)
        case QUOTED:
          return this.quoted(char);
        case AFTERQUOTE:
          return this.afterquote(char);
        case NUMBER:
          return this.number(char);
        case ENDED:
    Parser.prototype.afterquote = function(char) {
      if (char === '"') {
        this.word += '"';
        this.state = QUOTED;
      if (endThings.test(char)) {
        this.word = this.word.trim();
      throw new Error('havn\'t handled "' +char + '" in afterquote yet, index ' + this.place);
    Parser.prototype.afterItem = function(char) {
      if (char === ',') {
        if (this.word !== null) {
        this.word = null;
        this.state = NEUTRAL;
      if (char === ']') {
        if (this.word !== null) {
          this.word = null;
        this.state = NEUTRAL;
        this.currentObject = this.stack.pop();
        if (!this.currentObject) {
          this.state = ENDED;

    Parser.prototype.number = function(char) {
      if (digets.test(char)) {
        this.word += char;
      if (endThings.test(char)) {
        this.word = parseFloat(this.word);
      throw new Error('havn\'t handled "' +char + '" in number yet, index ' + this.place);
    Parser.prototype.quoted = function(char) {
      if (char === '"') {
        this.state = AFTERQUOTE;
      this.word += char;
    Parser.prototype.keyword = function(char) {
      if (keyword.test(char)) {
        this.word += char;
      if (char === '[') {
        var newObjects = [];
        if (this.root === null) {
          this.root = newObjects;
        } else {
        this.currentObject = newObjects;
        this.state = NEUTRAL;
      if (endThings.test(char)) {
      throw new Error('havn\'t handled "' +char + '" in keyword yet, index ' + this.place);
    Parser.prototype.neutral = function(char) {
      if (latin.test(char)) {
        this.word = char;
        this.state = KEYWORD;
      if (char === '"') {
        this.word = '';
        this.state = QUOTED;
      if (digets.test(char)) {
        this.word = char;
        this.state = NUMBER;
      if (endThings.test(char)) {
      throw new Error('havn\'t handled "' +char + '" in neutral yet, index ' + this.place);
    Parser.prototype.output = function() {
      while (this.place < this.text.length) {
      if (this.state === ENDED) {
        return this.root;
      throw new Error('unable to parse string "' +this.text + '". State is ' + this.state);

    function parseString(txt) {
      var parser = new Parser(txt);
      return parser.output();

    function mapit(obj, key, value) {
      if (Array.isArray(key)) {
        key = null;
      var thing = key ? {} : obj;

      var out = value.reduce(function(newObj, item) {
        sExpr(item, newObj);
        return newObj
      }, thing);
      if (key) {
        obj[key] = out;

    function sExpr(v, obj) {
      if (!Array.isArray(v)) {
        obj[v] = true;
      var key = v.shift();
      if (key === 'PARAMETER') {
        key = v.shift();
      if (v.length === 1) {
        if (Array.isArray(v[0])) {
          obj[key] = {};
          sExpr(v[0], obj[key]);
        obj[key] = v[0];
      if (!v.length) {
        obj[key] = true;
      if (key === 'TOWGS84') {
        obj[key] = v;
      if (key === 'AXIS') {
        if (!(key in obj)) {
          obj[key] = [];
      if (!Array.isArray(key)) {
        obj[key] = {};

      var i;
      switch (key) {
        case 'UNIT':
        case 'PRIMEM':
        case 'VERT_DATUM':
          obj[key] = {
            name: v[0].toLowerCase(),
            convert: v[1]
          if (v.length === 3) {
            sExpr(v[2], obj[key]);
        case 'SPHEROID':
        case 'ELLIPSOID':
          obj[key] = {
            name: v[0],
            a: v[1],
            rf: v[2]
          if (v.length === 4) {
            sExpr(v[3], obj[key]);
        case 'PROJECTEDCRS':
        case 'PROJCRS':
        case 'GEOGCS':
        case 'GEOCCS':
        case 'PROJCS':
        case 'LOCAL_CS':
        case 'GEODCRS':
        case 'GEODETICCRS':
        case 'GEODETICDATUM':
        case 'EDATUM':
        case 'ENGINEERINGDATUM':
        case 'VERT_CS':
        case 'VERTCRS':
        case 'VERTICALCRS':
        case 'COMPD_CS':
        case 'COMPOUNDCRS':
        case 'ENGINEERINGCRS':
        case 'ENGCRS':
        case 'FITTED_CS':
        case 'LOCAL_DATUM':
        case 'DATUM':
          v[0] = ['name', v[0]];
          mapit(obj, key, v);
          i = -1;
          while (++i < v.length) {
            if (!Array.isArray(v[i])) {
              return sExpr(v, obj[key]);
          return mapit(obj, key, v);

    var D2R$1 = 0.01745329251994329577;
    function rename(obj, params) {
      var outName = params[0];
      var inName = params[1];
      if (!(outName in obj) && (inName in obj)) {
        obj[outName] = obj[inName];
        if (params.length === 3) {
          obj[outName] = params[2](obj[outName]);

    function d2r(input) {
      return input * D2R$1;

    function cleanWKT(wkt) {
      if (wkt.type === 'GEOGCS') {
        wkt.projName = 'longlat';
      } else if (wkt.type === 'LOCAL_CS') {
        wkt.projName = 'identity';
        wkt.local = true;
      } else {
        if (typeof wkt.PROJECTION === 'object') {
          wkt.projName = Object.keys(wkt.PROJECTION)[0];
        } else {
          wkt.projName = wkt.PROJECTION;
      if (wkt.AXIS) {
        var axisOrder = '';
        for (var i = 0, ii = wkt.AXIS.length; i < ii; ++i) {
          var axis = [wkt.AXIS[i][0].toLowerCase(), wkt.AXIS[i][1].toLowerCase()];
          if (axis[0].indexOf('north') !== -1 || ((axis[0] === 'y' || axis[0] === 'lat') && axis[1] === 'north')) {
            axisOrder += 'n';
          } else if (axis[0].indexOf('south') !== -1 || ((axis[0] === 'y' || axis[0] === 'lat') && axis[1] === 'south')) {
            axisOrder += 's';
          } else if (axis[0].indexOf('east') !== -1 || ((axis[0] === 'x' || axis[0] === 'lon') && axis[1] === 'east')) {
            axisOrder += 'e';
          } else if (axis[0].indexOf('west') !== -1 || ((axis[0] === 'x' || axis[0] === 'lon') && axis[1] === 'west')) {
            axisOrder += 'w';
        if (axisOrder.length === 2) {
          axisOrder += 'u';
        if (axisOrder.length === 3) {
          wkt.axis = axisOrder;
      if (wkt.UNIT) {
        wkt.units = wkt.UNIT.name.toLowerCase();
        if (wkt.units === 'metre') {
          wkt.units = 'meter';
        if (wkt.UNIT.convert) {
          if (wkt.type === 'GEOGCS') {
            if (wkt.DATUM && wkt.DATUM.SPHEROID) {
              wkt.to_meter = wkt.UNIT.convert*wkt.DATUM.SPHEROID.a;
          } else {
            wkt.to_meter = wkt.UNIT.convert;
      var geogcs = wkt.GEOGCS;
      if (wkt.type === 'GEOGCS') {
        geogcs = wkt;
      if (geogcs) {
        //  wkt.from_greenwich=wkt.GEOGCS.PRIMEM.convert*D2R;
        if (geogcs.DATUM) {
          wkt.datumCode = geogcs.DATUM.name.toLowerCase();
        } else {
          wkt.datumCode = geogcs.name.toLowerCase();
        if (wkt.datumCode.slice(0, 2) === 'd_') {
          wkt.datumCode = wkt.datumCode.slice(2);
        if (wkt.datumCode === 'new_zealand_geodetic_datum_1949' || wkt.datumCode === 'new_zealand_1949') {
          wkt.datumCode = 'nzgd49';
        if (wkt.datumCode === 'wgs_1984' || wkt.datumCode === 'world_geodetic_system_1984') {
          if (wkt.PROJECTION === 'Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere') {
            wkt.sphere = true;
          wkt.datumCode = 'wgs84';
        if (wkt.datumCode.slice(-6) === '_ferro') {
          wkt.datumCode = wkt.datumCode.slice(0, - 6);
        if (wkt.datumCode.slice(-8) === '_jakarta') {
          wkt.datumCode = wkt.datumCode.slice(0, - 8);
        if (~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('belge')) {
          wkt.datumCode = 'rnb72';
        if (geogcs.DATUM && geogcs.DATUM.SPHEROID) {
          wkt.ellps = geogcs.DATUM.SPHEROID.name.replace('_19', '').replace(/[Cc]larke\_18/, 'clrk');
          if (wkt.ellps.toLowerCase().slice(0, 13) === 'international') {
            wkt.ellps = 'intl';

          wkt.a = geogcs.DATUM.SPHEROID.a;
          wkt.rf = parseFloat(geogcs.DATUM.SPHEROID.rf, 10);

        if (geogcs.DATUM && geogcs.DATUM.TOWGS84) {
          wkt.datum_params = geogcs.DATUM.TOWGS84;
        if (~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('osgb_1936')) {
          wkt.datumCode = 'osgb36';
        if (~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('osni_1952')) {
          wkt.datumCode = 'osni52';
        if (~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('tm65')
          || ~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('geodetic_datum_of_1965')) {
          wkt.datumCode = 'ire65';
        if (wkt.datumCode === 'ch1903+') {
          wkt.datumCode = 'ch1903';
        if (~wkt.datumCode.indexOf('israel')) {
          wkt.datumCode = 'isr93';
      if (wkt.b && !isFinite(wkt.b)) {
        wkt.b = wkt.a;

      function toMeter(input) {
        var ratio = wkt.to_meter || 1;
        return input * ratio;
      var renamer = function(a) {
        return rename(wkt, a);
      var list = [
        ['standard_parallel_1', 'Standard_Parallel_1'],
        ['standard_parallel_1', 'Latitude of 1st standard parallel'],
        ['standard_parallel_2', 'Standard_Parallel_2'],
        ['standard_parallel_2', 'Latitude of 2nd standard parallel'],
        ['false_easting', 'False_Easting'],
        ['false_easting', 'False easting'],
        ['false-easting', 'Easting at false origin'],
        ['false_northing', 'False_Northing'],
        ['false_northing', 'False northing'],
        ['false_northing', 'Northing at false origin'],
        ['central_meridian', 'Central_Meridian'],
        ['central_meridian', 'Longitude of natural origin'],
        ['central_meridian', 'Longitude of false origin'],
        ['latitude_of_origin', 'Latitude_Of_Origin'],
        ['latitude_of_origin', 'Central_Parallel'],
        ['latitude_of_origin', 'Latitude of natural origin'],
        ['latitude_of_origin', 'Latitude of false origin'],
        ['scale_factor', 'Scale_Factor'],
        ['k0', 'scale_factor'],
        ['latitude_of_center', 'Latitude_Of_Center'],
        ['latitude_of_center', 'Latitude_of_center'],
        ['lat0', 'latitude_of_center', d2r],
        ['longitude_of_center', 'Longitude_Of_Center'],
        ['longitude_of_center', 'Longitude_of_center'],
        ['longc', 'longitude_of_center', d2r],
        ['x0', 'false_easting', toMeter],
        ['y0', 'false_northing', toMeter],
        ['long0', 'central_meridian', d2r],
        ['lat0', 'latitude_of_origin', d2r],
        ['lat0', 'standard_parallel_1', d2r],
        ['lat1', 'standard_parallel_1', d2r],
        ['lat2', 'standard_parallel_2', d2r],
        ['azimuth', 'Azimuth'],
        ['alpha', 'azimuth', d2r],
        ['srsCode', 'name']
      if (!wkt.long0 && wkt.longc && (wkt.projName === 'Albers_Conic_Equal_Area' || wkt.projName === 'Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area')) {
        wkt.long0 = wkt.longc;
      if (!wkt.lat_ts && wkt.lat1 && (wkt.projName === 'Stereographic_South_Pole' || wkt.projName === 'Polar Stereographic (variant B)')) {
        wkt.lat0 = d2r(wkt.lat1 > 0 ? 90 : -90);
        wkt.lat_ts = wkt.lat1;
    var wkt = function(wkt) {
      var lisp = parseString(wkt);
      var type = lisp.shift();
      var name = lisp.shift();
      lisp.unshift(['name', name]);
      lisp.unshift(['type', type]);
      var obj = {};
      sExpr(lisp, obj);
      return obj;

    function defs(name) {
      /*global console*/
      var that = this;
      if (arguments.length === 2) {
        var def = arguments[1];
        if (typeof def === 'string') {
          if (def.charAt(0) === '+') {
            defs[name] = parseProj(arguments[1]);
          else {
            defs[name] = wkt(arguments[1]);
        } else {
          defs[name] = def;
      else if (arguments.length === 1) {
        if (Array.isArray(name)) {
          return name.map(function(v) {
            if (Array.isArray(v)) {
              defs.apply(that, v);
            else {
        else if (typeof name === 'string') {
          if (name in defs) {
            return defs[name];
        else if ('EPSG' in name) {
          defs['EPSG:' + name.EPSG] = name;
        else if ('ESRI' in name) {
          defs['ESRI:' + name.ESRI] = name;
        else if ('IAU2000' in name) {
          defs['IAU2000:' + name.IAU2000] = name;
        else {


    function testObj(code){
      return typeof code === 'string';
    function testDef(code){
      return code in defs;
    function testWKT(code){
      return codeWords.some(function (word) {
        return code.indexOf(word) > -1;
    var codes = ['3857', '900913', '3785', '102113'];
    function checkMercator(item) {
      var auth = match(item, 'authority');
      if (!auth) {
      var code = match(auth, 'epsg');
      return code && codes.indexOf(code) > -1;
    function checkProjStr(item) {
      var ext = match(item, 'extension');
      if (!ext) {
      return match(ext, 'proj4');
    function testProj(code){
      return code[0] === '+';
    function parse(code){
      if (testObj(code)) {
        //check to see if this is a WKT string
        if (testDef(code)) {
          return defs[code];
        if (testWKT(code)) {
          var out = wkt(code);
          // test of spetial case, due to this being a very common and often malformed
          if (checkMercator(out)) {
            return defs['EPSG:3857'];
          var maybeProjStr = checkProjStr(out);
          if (maybeProjStr) {
            return parseProj(maybeProjStr);
          return out;
        if (testProj(code)) {
          return parseProj(code);
        return code;

    var extend = function(destination, source) {
      destination = destination || {};
      var value, property;
      if (!source) {
        return destination;
      for (property in source) {
        value = source[property];
        if (value !== undefined) {
          destination[property] = value;
      return destination;

    var msfnz = function(eccent, sinphi, cosphi) {
      var con = eccent * sinphi;
      return cosphi / (Math.sqrt(1 - con * con));

    var sign = function(x) {
      return x<0 ? -1 : 1;

    var adjust_lon = function(x) {
      return (Math.abs(x) <= SPI) ? x : (x - (sign(x) * TWO_PI));

    var tsfnz = function(eccent, phi, sinphi) {
      var con = eccent * sinphi;
      var com = 0.5 * eccent;
      con = Math.pow(((1 - con) / (1 + con)), com);
      return (Math.tan(0.5 * (HALF_PI - phi)) / con);

    var phi2z = function(eccent, ts) {
      var eccnth = 0.5 * eccent;
      var con, dphi;
      var phi = HALF_PI - 2 * Math.atan(ts);
      for (var i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
        con = eccent * Math.sin(phi);
        dphi = HALF_PI - 2 * Math.atan(ts * (Math.pow(((1 - con) / (1 + con)), eccnth))) - phi;
        phi += dphi;
        if (Math.abs(dphi) <= 0.0000000001) {
          return phi;
      //console.log("phi2z has NoConvergence");
      return -9999;

    function init() {
      var con = this.b / this.a;
      this.es = 1 - con * con;
      if(!('x0' in this)){
        this.x0 = 0;
      if(!('y0' in this)){
        this.y0 = 0;
      this.e = Math.sqrt(this.es);
      if (this.lat_ts) {
        if (this.sphere) {
          this.k0 = Math.cos(this.lat_ts);
        else {
          this.k0 = msfnz(this.e, Math.sin(this.lat_ts), Math.cos(this.lat_ts));
      else {
        if (!this.k0) {
          if (this.k) {
            this.k0 = this.k;
          else {
            this.k0 = 1;

    /* Mercator forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y

    function forward(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      // convert to radians
      if (lat * R2D > 90 && lat * R2D < -90 && lon * R2D > 180 && lon * R2D < -180) {
        return null;

      var x, y;
      if (Math.abs(Math.abs(lat) - HALF_PI) <= EPSLN) {
        return null;
      else {
        if (this.sphere) {
          x = this.x0 + this.a * this.k0 * adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
          y = this.y0 + this.a * this.k0 * Math.log(Math.tan(FORTPI + 0.5 * lat));
        else {
          var sinphi = Math.sin(lat);
          var ts = tsfnz(this.e, lat, sinphi);
          x = this.x0 + this.a * this.k0 * adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
          y = this.y0 - this.a * this.k0 * Math.log(ts);
        p.x = x;
        p.y = y;
        return p;

    /* Mercator inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    function inverse(p) {

      var x = p.x - this.x0;
      var y = p.y - this.y0;
      var lon, lat;

      if (this.sphere) {
        lat = HALF_PI - 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-y / (this.a * this.k0)));
      else {
        var ts = Math.exp(-y / (this.a * this.k0));
        lat = phi2z(this.e, ts);
        if (lat === -9999) {
          return null;
      lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + x / (this.a * this.k0));

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$1 = ["Mercator", "Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator", "Mercator_1SP", "Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "merc"];
    var merc = {
      init: init,
      forward: forward,
      inverse: inverse,
      names: names$1

    function init$1() {
      //no-op for longlat

    function identity(pt) {
      return pt;
    var names$2 = ["longlat", "identity"];
    var longlat = {
      init: init$1,
      forward: identity,
      inverse: identity,
      names: names$2

    var projs = [merc, longlat];
    var names = {};
    var projStore = [];

    function add(proj, i) {
      var len = projStore.length;
      if (!proj.names) {
        return true;
      projStore[len] = proj;
      proj.names.forEach(function(n) {
        names[n.toLowerCase()] = len;
      return this;

    function get(name) {
      if (!name) {
        return false;
      var n = name.toLowerCase();
      if (typeof names[n] !== 'undefined' && projStore[names[n]]) {
        return projStore[names[n]];

    function start() {
    var projections = {
      start: start,
      add: add,
      get: get

    var exports$2 = {};
    exports$2.MERIT = {
      a: 6378137.0,
      rf: 298.257,
      ellipseName: "MERIT 1983"

    exports$2.SGS85 = {
      a: 6378136.0,
      rf: 298.257,
      ellipseName: "Soviet Geodetic System 85"

    exports$2.GRS80 = {
      a: 6378137.0,
      rf: 298.257222101,
      ellipseName: "GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)"

    exports$2.IAU76 = {
      a: 6378140.0,
      rf: 298.257,
      ellipseName: "IAU 1976"

    exports$2.airy = {
      a: 6377563.396,
      b: 6356256.910,
      ellipseName: "Airy 1830"

    exports$2.APL4 = {
      a: 6378137,
      rf: 298.25,
      ellipseName: "Appl. Physics. 1965"

    exports$2.NWL9D = {
      a: 6378145.0,
      rf: 298.25,
      ellipseName: "Naval Weapons Lab., 1965"

    exports$2.mod_airy = {
      a: 6377340.189,
      b: 6356034.446,
      ellipseName: "Modified Airy"

    exports$2.andrae = {
      a: 6377104.43,
      rf: 300.0,
      ellipseName: "Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.)"

    exports$2.aust_SA = {
      a: 6378160.0,
      rf: 298.25,
      ellipseName: "Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969"

    exports$2.GRS67 = {
      a: 6378160.0,
      rf: 298.2471674270,
      ellipseName: "GRS 67(IUGG 1967)"

    exports$2.bessel = {
      a: 6377397.155,
      rf: 299.1528128,
      ellipseName: "Bessel 1841"

    exports$2.bess_nam = {
      a: 6377483.865,
      rf: 299.1528128,
      ellipseName: "Bessel 1841 (Namibia)"

    exports$2.clrk66 = {
      a: 6378206.4,
      b: 6356583.8,
      ellipseName: "Clarke 1866"

    exports$2.clrk80 = {
      a: 6378249.145,
      rf: 293.4663,
      ellipseName: "Clarke 1880 mod."

    exports$2.clrk58 = {
      a: 6378293.645208759,
      rf: 294.2606763692654,
      ellipseName: "Clarke 1858"

    exports$2.CPM = {
      a: 6375738.7,
      rf: 334.29,
      ellipseName: "Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799"

    exports$2.delmbr = {
      a: 6376428.0,
      rf: 311.5,
      ellipseName: "Delambre 1810 (Belgium)"

    exports$2.engelis = {
      a: 6378136.05,
      rf: 298.2566,
      ellipseName: "Engelis 1985"

    exports$2.evrst30 = {
      a: 6377276.345,
      rf: 300.8017,
      ellipseName: "Everest 1830"

    exports$2.evrst48 = {
      a: 6377304.063,
      rf: 300.8017,
      ellipseName: "Everest 1948"

    exports$2.evrst56 = {
      a: 6377301.243,
      rf: 300.8017,
      ellipseName: "Everest 1956"

    exports$2.evrst69 = {
      a: 6377295.664,
      rf: 300.8017,
      ellipseName: "Everest 1969"

    exports$2.evrstSS = {
      a: 6377298.556,
      rf: 300.8017,
      ellipseName: "Everest (Sabah & Sarawak)"

    exports$2.fschr60 = {
      a: 6378166.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960"

    exports$2.fschr60m = {
      a: 6378155.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "Fischer 1960"

    exports$2.fschr68 = {
      a: 6378150.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "Fischer 1968"

    exports$2.helmert = {
      a: 6378200.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "Helmert 1906"

    exports$2.hough = {
      a: 6378270.0,
      rf: 297.0,
      ellipseName: "Hough"

    exports$2.intl = {
      a: 6378388.0,
      rf: 297.0,
      ellipseName: "International 1909 (Hayford)"

    exports$2.kaula = {
      a: 6378163.0,
      rf: 298.24,
      ellipseName: "Kaula 1961"

    exports$2.lerch = {
      a: 6378139.0,
      rf: 298.257,
      ellipseName: "Lerch 1979"

    exports$2.mprts = {
      a: 6397300.0,
      rf: 191.0,
      ellipseName: "Maupertius 1738"

    exports$2.new_intl = {
      a: 6378157.5,
      b: 6356772.2,
      ellipseName: "New International 1967"

    exports$2.plessis = {
      a: 6376523.0,
      rf: 6355863.0,
      ellipseName: "Plessis 1817 (France)"

    exports$2.krass = {
      a: 6378245.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "Krassovsky, 1942"

    exports$2.SEasia = {
      a: 6378155.0,
      b: 6356773.3205,
      ellipseName: "Southeast Asia"

    exports$2.walbeck = {
      a: 6376896.0,
      b: 6355834.8467,
      ellipseName: "Walbeck"

    exports$2.WGS60 = {
      a: 6378165.0,
      rf: 298.3,
      ellipseName: "WGS 60"

    exports$2.WGS66 = {
      a: 6378145.0,
      rf: 298.25,
      ellipseName: "WGS 66"

    exports$2.WGS7 = {
      a: 6378135.0,
      rf: 298.26,
      ellipseName: "WGS 72"

    var WGS84 = exports$2.WGS84 = {
      a: 6378137.0,
      rf: 298.257223563,
      ellipseName: "WGS 84"

    exports$2.sphere = {
      a: 6370997.0,
      b: 6370997.0,
      ellipseName: "Normal Sphere (r=6370997)"

    function eccentricity(a, b, rf, R_A) {
      var a2 = a * a; // used in geocentric
      var b2 = b * b; // used in geocentric
      var es = (a2 - b2) / a2; // e ^ 2
      var e = 0;
      if (R_A) {
        a *= 1 - es * (SIXTH + es * (RA4 + es * RA6));
        a2 = a * a;
        es = 0;
      } else {
        e = Math.sqrt(es); // eccentricity
      var ep2 = (a2 - b2) / b2; // used in geocentric
      return {
        es: es,
        e: e,
        ep2: ep2
    function sphere(a, b, rf, ellps, sphere) {
      if (!a) { // do we have an ellipsoid?
        var ellipse = match(exports$2, ellps);
        if (!ellipse) {
          ellipse = WGS84;
        a = ellipse.a;
        b = ellipse.b;
        rf = ellipse.rf;

      if (rf && !b) {
        b = (1.0 - 1.0 / rf) * a;
      if (rf === 0 || Math.abs(a - b) < EPSLN) {
        sphere = true;
        b = a;
      return {
        a: a,
        b: b,
        rf: rf,
        sphere: sphere

    var exports$3 = {};
    exports$3.wgs84 = {
      towgs84: "0,0,0",
      ellipse: "WGS84",
      datumName: "WGS84"

    exports$3.ch1903 = {
      towgs84: "674.374,15.056,405.346",
      ellipse: "bessel",
      datumName: "swiss"

    exports$3.ggrs87 = {
      towgs84: "-199.87,74.79,246.62",
      ellipse: "GRS80",
      datumName: "Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987"

    exports$3.nad83 = {
      towgs84: "0,0,0",
      ellipse: "GRS80",
      datumName: "North_American_Datum_1983"

    exports$3.nad27 = {
      nadgrids: "@conus,@alaska,@ntv2_0.gsb,@ntv1_can.dat",
      ellipse: "clrk66",
      datumName: "North_American_Datum_1927"

    exports$3.potsdam = {
      towgs84: "598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-2.455,6.7",
      ellipse: "bessel",
      datumName: "Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN"

    exports$3.carthage = {
      towgs84: "-263.0,6.0,431.0",
      ellipse: "clark80",
      datumName: "Carthage 1934 Tunisia"

    exports$3.hermannskogel = {
      towgs84: "577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232",
      ellipse: "bessel",
      datumName: "Hermannskogel"

    exports$3.osni52 = {
      towgs84: "482.530,-130.596,564.557,-1.042,-0.214,-0.631,8.15",
      ellipse: "airy",
      datumName: "Irish National"

    exports$3.ire65 = {
      towgs84: "482.530,-130.596,564.557,-1.042,-0.214,-0.631,8.15",
      ellipse: "mod_airy",
      datumName: "Ireland 1965"

    exports$3.rassadiran = {
      towgs84: "-133.63,-157.5,-158.62",
      ellipse: "intl",
      datumName: "Rassadiran"

    exports$3.nzgd49 = {
      towgs84: "59.47,-5.04,187.44,0.47,-0.1,1.024,-4.5993",
      ellipse: "intl",
      datumName: "New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949"

    exports$3.osgb36 = {
      towgs84: "446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894",
      ellipse: "airy",
      datumName: "Airy 1830"

    exports$3.s_jtsk = {
      towgs84: "589,76,480",
      ellipse: 'bessel',
      datumName: 'S-JTSK (Ferro)'

    exports$3.beduaram = {
      towgs84: '-106,-87,188',
      ellipse: 'clrk80',
      datumName: 'Beduaram'

    exports$3.gunung_segara = {
      towgs84: '-403,684,41',
      ellipse: 'bessel',
      datumName: 'Gunung Segara Jakarta'

    exports$3.rnb72 = {
      towgs84: "106.869,-52.2978,103.724,-0.33657,0.456955,-1.84218,1",
      ellipse: "intl",
      datumName: "Reseau National Belge 1972"

    function datum(datumCode, datum_params, a, b, es, ep2, nadgrids) {
      var out = {};

      if (datumCode === undefined || datumCode === 'none') {
        out.datum_type = PJD_NODATUM;
      } else {
        out.datum_type = PJD_WGS84;

      if (datum_params) {
        out.datum_params = datum_params.map(parseFloat);
        if (out.datum_params[0] !== 0 || out.datum_params[1] !== 0 || out.datum_params[2] !== 0) {
          out.datum_type = PJD_3PARAM;
        if (out.datum_params.length > 3) {
          if (out.datum_params[3] !== 0 || out.datum_params[4] !== 0 || out.datum_params[5] !== 0 || out.datum_params[6] !== 0) {
            out.datum_type = PJD_7PARAM;
            out.datum_params[3] *= SEC_TO_RAD;
            out.datum_params[4] *= SEC_TO_RAD;
            out.datum_params[5] *= SEC_TO_RAD;
            out.datum_params[6] = (out.datum_params[6] / 1000000.0) + 1.0;

      if (nadgrids) {
        out.datum_type = PJD_GRIDSHIFT;
        out.grids = nadgrids;
      out.a = a; //datum object also uses these values
      out.b = b;
      out.es = es;
      out.ep2 = ep2;
      return out;

     * Resources for details of NTv2 file formats:
     * - https://web.archive.org/web/20140127204822if_/http://www.mgs.gov.on.ca:80/stdprodconsume/groups/content/@mgs/@iandit/documents/resourcelist/stel02_047447.pdf
     * - http://mimaka.com/help/gs/html/004_NTV2%20Data%20Format.htm

    var loadedNadgrids = {};

     * Load a binary NTv2 file (.gsb) to a key that can be used in a proj string like +nadgrids=<key>. Pass the NTv2 file
     * as an ArrayBuffer.
    function nadgrid(key, data) {
      var view = new DataView(data);
      var isLittleEndian = detectLittleEndian(view);
      var header = readHeader(view, isLittleEndian);
      if (header.nSubgrids > 1) {
        console.log('Only single NTv2 subgrids are currently supported, subsequent sub grids are ignored');
      var subgrids = readSubgrids(view, header, isLittleEndian);
      var nadgrid = {header: header, subgrids: subgrids};
      loadedNadgrids[key] = nadgrid;
      return nadgrid;

     * Given a proj4 value for nadgrids, return an array of loaded grids
    function getNadgrids(nadgrids) {
      // Format details: http://proj.maptools.org/gen_parms.html
      if (nadgrids === undefined) { return null; }
      var grids = nadgrids.split(',');
      return grids.map(parseNadgridString);

    function parseNadgridString(value) {
      if (value.length === 0) {
        return null;
      var optional = value[0] === '@';
      if (optional) {
        value = value.slice(1);
      if (value === 'null') {
        return {name: 'null', mandatory: !optional, grid: null, isNull: true};
      return {
        name: value,
        mandatory: !optional,
        grid: loadedNadgrids[value] || null,
        isNull: false

    function secondsToRadians(seconds) {
      return (seconds / 3600) * Math.PI / 180;

    function detectLittleEndian(view) {
      var nFields = view.getInt32(8, false);
      if (nFields === 11) {
        return false;
      nFields = view.getInt32(8, true);
      if (nFields !== 11) {
        console.warn('Failed to detect nadgrid endian-ness, defaulting to little-endian');
      return true;

    function readHeader(view, isLittleEndian) {
      return {
        nFields: view.getInt32(8, isLittleEndian),
        nSubgridFields: view.getInt32(24, isLittleEndian),
        nSubgrids: view.getInt32(40, isLittleEndian),
        shiftType: decodeString(view, 56, 56 + 8).trim(),
        fromSemiMajorAxis: view.getFloat64(120, isLittleEndian),
        fromSemiMinorAxis: view.getFloat64(136, isLittleEndian),
        toSemiMajorAxis: view.getFloat64(152, isLittleEndian),
        toSemiMinorAxis: view.getFloat64(168, isLittleEndian),

    function decodeString(view, start, end) {
      return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(start, end)));

    function readSubgrids(view, header, isLittleEndian) {
      var gridOffset = 176;
      var grids = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < header.nSubgrids; i++) {
        var subHeader = readGridHeader(view, gridOffset, isLittleEndian);
        var nodes = readGridNodes(view, gridOffset, subHeader, isLittleEndian);
        var lngColumnCount = Math.round(
          1 + (subHeader.upperLongitude - subHeader.lowerLongitude) / subHeader.longitudeInterval);
        var latColumnCount = Math.round(
          1 + (subHeader.upperLatitude - subHeader.lowerLatitude) / subHeader.latitudeInterval);
        // Proj4 operates on radians whereas the coordinates are in seconds in the grid
          ll: [secondsToRadians(subHeader.lowerLongitude), secondsToRadians(subHeader.lowerLatitude)],
          del: [secondsToRadians(subHeader.longitudeInterval), secondsToRadians(subHeader.latitudeInterval)],
          lim: [lngColumnCount, latColumnCount],
          count: subHeader.gridNodeCount,
          cvs: mapNodes(nodes)
      return grids;

    function mapNodes(nodes) {
      return nodes.map(function (r) {return [secondsToRadians(r.longitudeShift), secondsToRadians(r.latitudeShift)];});

    function readGridHeader(view, offset, isLittleEndian) {
      return {
        name: decodeString(view, offset + 8, offset + 16).trim(),
        parent: decodeString(view, offset + 24, offset + 24 + 8).trim(),
        lowerLatitude: view.getFloat64(offset + 72, isLittleEndian),
        upperLatitude: view.getFloat64(offset + 88, isLittleEndian),
        lowerLongitude: view.getFloat64(offset + 104, isLittleEndian),
        upperLongitude: view.getFloat64(offset + 120, isLittleEndian),
        latitudeInterval: view.getFloat64(offset + 136, isLittleEndian),
        longitudeInterval: view.getFloat64(offset + 152, isLittleEndian),
        gridNodeCount: view.getInt32(offset + 168, isLittleEndian)

    function readGridNodes(view, offset, gridHeader, isLittleEndian) {
      var nodesOffset = offset + 176;
      var gridRecordLength = 16;
      var gridShiftRecords = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < gridHeader.gridNodeCount; i++) {
        var record = {
          latitudeShift: view.getFloat32(nodesOffset + i * gridRecordLength, isLittleEndian),
          longitudeShift: view.getFloat32(nodesOffset + i * gridRecordLength + 4, isLittleEndian),
          latitudeAccuracy: view.getFloat32(nodesOffset + i * gridRecordLength + 8, isLittleEndian),
          longitudeAccuracy: view.getFloat32(nodesOffset + i * gridRecordLength + 12, isLittleEndian),
      return gridShiftRecords;

    function Projection(srsCode,callback) {
      if (!(this instanceof Projection)) {
        return new Projection(srsCode);
      callback = callback || function(error){
          throw error;
      var json = parse(srsCode);
      if(typeof json !== 'object'){
      var ourProj = Projection.projections.get(json.projName);
      if (json.datumCode && json.datumCode !== 'none') {
        var datumDef = match(exports$3, json.datumCode);
        if (datumDef) {
          json.datum_params = json.datum_params || (datumDef.towgs84 ? datumDef.towgs84.split(',') : null);
          json.ellps = datumDef.ellipse;
          json.datumName = datumDef.datumName ? datumDef.datumName : json.datumCode;
      json.k0 = json.k0 || 1.0;
      json.axis = json.axis || 'enu';
      json.ellps = json.ellps || 'wgs84';
      json.lat1 = json.lat1 || json.lat0; // Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP, for example, needs this

      var sphere_ = sphere(json.a, json.b, json.rf, json.ellps, json.sphere);
      var ecc = eccentricity(sphere_.a, sphere_.b, sphere_.rf, json.R_A);
      var nadgrids = getNadgrids(json.nadgrids);
      var datumObj = json.datum || datum(json.datumCode, json.datum_params, sphere_.a, sphere_.b, ecc.es, ecc.ep2,

      extend(this, json); // transfer everything over from the projection because we don't know what we'll need
      extend(this, ourProj); // transfer all the methods from the projection

      // copy the 4 things over we calulated in deriveConstants.sphere
      this.a = sphere_.a;
      this.b = sphere_.b;
      this.rf = sphere_.rf;
      this.sphere = sphere_.sphere;

      // copy the 3 things we calculated in deriveConstants.eccentricity
      this.es = ecc.es;
      this.e = ecc.e;
      this.ep2 = ecc.ep2;

      // add in the datum object
      this.datum = datumObj;

      // init the projection

      // legecy callback from back in the day when it went to spatialreference.org
      callback(null, this);

    Projection.projections = projections;

    'use strict';
    function compareDatums(source, dest) {
      if (source.datum_type !== dest.datum_type) {
        return false; // false, datums are not equal
      } else if (source.a !== dest.a || Math.abs(source.es - dest.es) > 0.000000000050) {
        // the tolerance for es is to ensure that GRS80 and WGS84
        // are considered identical
        return false;
      } else if (source.datum_type === PJD_3PARAM) {
        return (source.datum_params[0] === dest.datum_params[0] && source.datum_params[1] === dest.datum_params[1] && source.datum_params[2] === dest.datum_params[2]);
      } else if (source.datum_type === PJD_7PARAM) {
        return (source.datum_params[0] === dest.datum_params[0] && source.datum_params[1] === dest.datum_params[1] && source.datum_params[2] === dest.datum_params[2] && source.datum_params[3] === dest.datum_params[3] && source.datum_params[4] === dest.datum_params[4] && source.datum_params[5] === dest.datum_params[5] && source.datum_params[6] === dest.datum_params[6]);
      } else {
        return true; // datums are equal
    } // cs_compare_datums()

     * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Geocentric converts geodetic coordinates
     * (latitude, longitude, and height) to geocentric coordinates (X, Y, Z),
     * according to the current ellipsoid parameters.
     *    Latitude  : Geodetic latitude in radians                     (input)
     *    Longitude : Geodetic longitude in radians                    (input)
     *    Height    : Geodetic height, in meters                       (input)
     *    X         : Calculated Geocentric X coordinate, in meters    (output)
     *    Y         : Calculated Geocentric Y coordinate, in meters    (output)
     *    Z         : Calculated Geocentric Z coordinate, in meters    (output)
    function geodeticToGeocentric(p, es, a) {
      var Longitude = p.x;
      var Latitude = p.y;
      var Height = p.z ? p.z : 0; //Z value not always supplied

      var Rn; /*  Earth radius at location  */
      var Sin_Lat; /*  Math.sin(Latitude)  */
      var Sin2_Lat; /*  Square of Math.sin(Latitude)  */
      var Cos_Lat; /*  Math.cos(Latitude)  */

       ** Don't blow up if Latitude is just a little out of the value
       ** range as it may just be a rounding issue.  Also removed longitude
       ** test, it should be wrapped by Math.cos() and Math.sin().  NFW for PROJ.4, Sep/2001.
      if (Latitude < -HALF_PI && Latitude > -1.001 * HALF_PI) {
        Latitude = -HALF_PI;
      } else if (Latitude > HALF_PI && Latitude < 1.001 * HALF_PI) {
        Latitude = HALF_PI;
      } else if (Latitude < -HALF_PI) {
        /* Latitude out of range */
        //..reportError('geocent:lat out of range:' + Latitude);
        return { x: -Infinity, y: -Infinity, z: p.z };
      } else if (Latitude > HALF_PI) {
        /* Latitude out of range */
        return { x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: p.z };

      if (Longitude > Math.PI) {
        Longitude -= (2 * Math.PI);
      Sin_Lat = Math.sin(Latitude);
      Cos_Lat = Math.cos(Latitude);
      Sin2_Lat = Sin_Lat * Sin_Lat;
      Rn = a / (Math.sqrt(1.0e0 - es * Sin2_Lat));
      return {
        x: (Rn + Height) * Cos_Lat * Math.cos(Longitude),
        y: (Rn + Height) * Cos_Lat * Math.sin(Longitude),
        z: ((Rn * (1 - es)) + Height) * Sin_Lat
    } // cs_geodetic_to_geocentric()

    function geocentricToGeodetic(p, es, a, b) {
      /* local defintions and variables */
      /* end-criterium of loop, accuracy of sin(Latitude) */
      var genau = 1e-12;
      var genau2 = (genau * genau);
      var maxiter = 30;

      var P; /* distance between semi-minor axis and location */
      var RR; /* distance between center and location */
      var CT; /* sin of geocentric latitude */
      var ST; /* cos of geocentric latitude */
      var RX;
      var RK;
      var RN; /* Earth radius at location */
      var CPHI0; /* cos of start or old geodetic latitude in iterations */
      var SPHI0; /* sin of start or old geodetic latitude in iterations */
      var CPHI; /* cos of searched geodetic latitude */
      var SPHI; /* sin of searched geodetic latitude */
      var SDPHI; /* end-criterium: addition-theorem of sin(Latitude(iter)-Latitude(iter-1)) */
      var iter; /* # of continous iteration, max. 30 is always enough (s.a.) */

      var X = p.x;
      var Y = p.y;
      var Z = p.z ? p.z : 0.0; //Z value not always supplied
      var Longitude;
      var Latitude;
      var Height;

      P = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);
      RR = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);

      /*      special cases for latitude and longitude */
      if (P / a < genau) {

        /*  special case, if P=0. (X=0., Y=0.) */
        Longitude = 0.0;

        /*  if (X,Y,Z)=(0.,0.,0.) then Height becomes semi-minor axis
         *  of ellipsoid (=center of mass), Latitude becomes PI/2 */
        if (RR / a < genau) {
          Latitude = HALF_PI;
          Height = -b;
          return {
            x: p.x,
            y: p.y,
            z: p.z
      } else {
        /*  ellipsoidal (geodetic) longitude
         *  interval: -PI < Longitude <= +PI */
        Longitude = Math.atan2(Y, X);

      /* --------------------------------------------------------------
       * Following iterative algorithm was developped by
       * "Institut for Erdmessung", University of Hannover, July 1988.
       * Internet: www.ife.uni-hannover.de
       * Iterative computation of CPHI,SPHI and Height.
       * Iteration of CPHI and SPHI to 10**-12 radian resp.
       * 2*10**-7 arcsec.
       * --------------------------------------------------------------
      CT = Z / RR;
      ST = P / RR;
      RX = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 - es * (2.0 - es) * ST * ST);
      CPHI0 = ST * (1.0 - es) * RX;
      SPHI0 = CT * RX;
      iter = 0;

      /* loop to find sin(Latitude) resp. Latitude
       * until |sin(Latitude(iter)-Latitude(iter-1))| < genau */
      do {
        RN = a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - es * SPHI0 * SPHI0);

        /*  ellipsoidal (geodetic) height */
        Height = P * CPHI0 + Z * SPHI0 - RN * (1.0 - es * SPHI0 * SPHI0);

        RK = es * RN / (RN + Height);
        RX = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 - RK * (2.0 - RK) * ST * ST);
        CPHI = ST * (1.0 - RK) * RX;
        SPHI = CT * RX;
        SDPHI = SPHI * CPHI0 - CPHI * SPHI0;
        CPHI0 = CPHI;
        SPHI0 = SPHI;
      while (SDPHI * SDPHI > genau2 && iter < maxiter);

      /*      ellipsoidal (geodetic) latitude */
      Latitude = Math.atan(SPHI / Math.abs(CPHI));
      return {
        x: Longitude,
        y: Latitude,
        z: Height
    } // cs_geocentric_to_geodetic()

    // pj_geocentic_to_wgs84( p )
    //  p = point to transform in geocentric coordinates (x,y,z)

    /** point object, nothing fancy, just allows values to be
        passed back and forth by reference rather than by value.
        Other point classes may be used as long as they have
        x and y properties, which will get modified in the transform method.
    function geocentricToWgs84(p, datum_type, datum_params) {

      if (datum_type === PJD_3PARAM) {
        // if( x[io] === HUGE_VAL )
        //    continue;
        return {
          x: p.x + datum_params[0],
          y: p.y + datum_params[1],
          z: p.z + datum_params[2],
      } else if (datum_type === PJD_7PARAM) {
        var Dx_BF = datum_params[0];
        var Dy_BF = datum_params[1];
        var Dz_BF = datum_params[2];
        var Rx_BF = datum_params[3];
        var Ry_BF = datum_params[4];
        var Rz_BF = datum_params[5];
        var M_BF = datum_params[6];
        // if( x[io] === HUGE_VAL )
        //    continue;
        return {
          x: M_BF * (p.x - Rz_BF * p.y + Ry_BF * p.z) + Dx_BF,
          y: M_BF * (Rz_BF * p.x + p.y - Rx_BF * p.z) + Dy_BF,
          z: M_BF * (-Ry_BF * p.x + Rx_BF * p.y + p.z) + Dz_BF
    } // cs_geocentric_to_wgs84

    // pj_geocentic_from_wgs84()
    //  coordinate system definition,
    //  point to transform in geocentric coordinates (x,y,z)
    function geocentricFromWgs84(p, datum_type, datum_params) {

      if (datum_type === PJD_3PARAM) {
        //if( x[io] === HUGE_VAL )
        //    continue;
        return {
          x: p.x - datum_params[0],
          y: p.y - datum_params[1],
          z: p.z - datum_params[2],

      } else if (datum_type === PJD_7PARAM) {
        var Dx_BF = datum_params[0];
        var Dy_BF = datum_params[1];
        var Dz_BF = datum_params[2];
        var Rx_BF = datum_params[3];
        var Ry_BF = datum_params[4];
        var Rz_BF = datum_params[5];
        var M_BF = datum_params[6];
        var x_tmp = (p.x - Dx_BF) / M_BF;
        var y_tmp = (p.y - Dy_BF) / M_BF;
        var z_tmp = (p.z - Dz_BF) / M_BF;
        //if( x[io] === HUGE_VAL )
        //    continue;

        return {
          x: x_tmp + Rz_BF * y_tmp - Ry_BF * z_tmp,
          y: -Rz_BF * x_tmp + y_tmp + Rx_BF * z_tmp,
          z: Ry_BF * x_tmp - Rx_BF * y_tmp + z_tmp
      } //cs_geocentric_from_wgs84()

    function checkParams(type) {
      return (type === PJD_3PARAM || type === PJD_7PARAM);

    var datum_transform = function(source, dest, point) {
      // Short cut if the datums are identical.
      if (compareDatums(source, dest)) {
        return point; // in this case, zero is sucess,
        // whereas cs_compare_datums returns 1 to indicate TRUE
        // confusing, should fix this

      // Explicitly skip datum transform by setting 'datum=none' as parameter for either source or dest
      if (source.datum_type === PJD_NODATUM || dest.datum_type === PJD_NODATUM) {
        return point;

      // If this datum requires grid shifts, then apply it to geodetic coordinates.
      var source_a = source.a;
      var source_es = source.es;
      if (source.datum_type === PJD_GRIDSHIFT) {
        var gridShiftCode = applyGridShift(source, false, point);
        if (gridShiftCode !== 0) {
          return undefined;
        source_a = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
        source_es = SRS_WGS84_ESQUARED;

      var dest_a = dest.a;
      var dest_b = dest.b;
      var dest_es = dest.es;
      if (dest.datum_type === PJD_GRIDSHIFT) {
        dest_a = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
        dest_b = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMINOR;
        dest_es = SRS_WGS84_ESQUARED;

      // Do we need to go through geocentric coordinates?
      if (source_es === dest_es && source_a === dest_a && !checkParams(source.datum_type) &&  !checkParams(dest.datum_type)) {
        return point;

      // Convert to geocentric coordinates.
      point = geodeticToGeocentric(point, source_es, source_a);
      // Convert between datums
      if (checkParams(source.datum_type)) {
        point = geocentricToWgs84(point, source.datum_type, source.datum_params);
      if (checkParams(dest.datum_type)) {
        point = geocentricFromWgs84(point, dest.datum_type, dest.datum_params);
      point = geocentricToGeodetic(point, dest_es, dest_a, dest_b);

      if (dest.datum_type === PJD_GRIDSHIFT) {
        var destGridShiftResult = applyGridShift(dest, true, point);
        if (destGridShiftResult !== 0) {
          return undefined;

      return point;

    function applyGridShift(source, inverse, point) {
      if (source.grids === null || source.grids.length === 0) {
        console.log('Grid shift grids not found');
        return -1;
      var input = {x: -point.x, y: point.y};
      var output = {x: Number.NaN, y: Number.NaN};
      var attemptedGrids = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < source.grids.length; i++) {
        var grid = source.grids[i];
        if (grid.isNull) {
          output = input;
        if (grid.grid === null) {
          if (grid.mandatory) {
            console.log("Unable to find mandatory grid '" + grid.name + "'");
            return -1;
        var subgrid = grid.grid.subgrids[0];
        // skip tables that don't match our point at all
        var epsilon = (Math.abs(subgrid.del[1]) + Math.abs(subgrid.del[0])) / 10000.0;
        var minX = subgrid.ll[0] - epsilon;
        var minY = subgrid.ll[1] - epsilon;
        var maxX = subgrid.ll[0] + (subgrid.lim[0] - 1) * subgrid.del[0] + epsilon;
        var maxY = subgrid.ll[1] + (subgrid.lim[1] - 1) * subgrid.del[1] + epsilon;
        if (minY > input.y || minX > input.x || maxY < input.y || maxX < input.x ) {
        output = applySubgridShift(input, inverse, subgrid);
        if (!isNaN(output.x)) {
      if (isNaN(output.x)) {
        console.log("Failed to find a grid shift table for location '"+
          -input.x * R2D + " " + input.y * R2D + " tried: '" + attemptedGrids + "'");
        return -1;
      point.x = -output.x;
      point.y = output.y;
      return 0;

    function applySubgridShift(pin, inverse, ct) {
      var val = {x: Number.NaN, y: Number.NaN};
      if (isNaN(pin.x)) { return val; }
      var tb = {x: pin.x, y: pin.y};
      tb.x -= ct.ll[0];
      tb.y -= ct.ll[1];
      tb.x = adjust_lon(tb.x - Math.PI) + Math.PI;
      var t = nadInterpolate(tb, ct);
      if (inverse) {
        if (isNaN(t.x)) {
          return val;
        t.x = tb.x - t.x;
        t.y = tb.y - t.y;
        var i = 9, tol = 1e-12;
        var dif, del;
        do {
          del = nadInterpolate(t, ct);
          if (isNaN(del.x)) {
            console.log("Inverse grid shift iteration failed, presumably at grid edge.  Using first approximation.");
          dif = {x: tb.x - (del.x + t.x), y: tb.y - (del.y + t.y)};
          t.x += dif.x;
          t.y += dif.y;
        } while (i-- && Math.abs(dif.x) > tol && Math.abs(dif.y) > tol);
        if (i < 0) {
          console.log("Inverse grid shift iterator failed to converge.");
          return val;
        val.x = adjust_lon(t.x + ct.ll[0]);
        val.y = t.y + ct.ll[1];
      } else {
        if (!isNaN(t.x)) {
          val.x = pin.x + t.x;
          val.y = pin.y + t.y;
      return val;

    function nadInterpolate(pin, ct) {
      var t = {x: pin.x / ct.del[0], y: pin.y / ct.del[1]};
      var indx = {x: Math.floor(t.x), y: Math.floor(t.y)};
      var frct = {x: t.x - 1.0 * indx.x, y: t.y - 1.0 * indx.y};
      var val= {x: Number.NaN, y: Number.NaN};
      var inx;
      if (indx.x < 0 || indx.x >= ct.lim[0]) {
        return val;
      if (indx.y < 0 || indx.y >= ct.lim[1]) {
        return val;
      inx = (indx.y * ct.lim[0]) + indx.x;
      var f00 = {x: ct.cvs[inx][0], y: ct.cvs[inx][1]};
      var f10= {x: ct.cvs[inx][0], y: ct.cvs[inx][1]};
      inx += ct.lim[0];
      var f11 = {x: ct.cvs[inx][0], y: ct.cvs[inx][1]};
      var f01 = {x: ct.cvs[inx][0], y: ct.cvs[inx][1]};
      var m11 = frct.x * frct.y, m10 = frct.x * (1.0 - frct.y),
        m00 = (1.0 - frct.x) * (1.0 - frct.y), m01 = (1.0 - frct.x) * frct.y;
      val.x = (m00 * f00.x + m10 * f10.x + m01 * f01.x + m11 * f11.x);
      val.y = (m00 * f00.y + m10 * f10.y + m01 * f01.y + m11 * f11.y);
      return val;

    var adjust_axis = function(crs, denorm, point) {
      var xin = point.x,
        yin = point.y,
        zin = point.z || 0.0;
      var v, t, i;
      var out = {};
      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (denorm && i === 2 && point.z === undefined) {
        if (i === 0) {
          v = xin;
          if ("ew".indexOf(crs.axis[i]) !== -1) {
            t = 'x';
          } else {
            t = 'y';

        else if (i === 1) {
          v = yin;
          if ("ns".indexOf(crs.axis[i]) !== -1) {
            t = 'y';
          } else {
            t = 'x';
        else {
          v = zin;
          t = 'z';
        switch (crs.axis[i]) {
        case 'e':
          out[t] = v;
        case 'w':
          out[t] = -v;
        case 'n':
          out[t] = v;
        case 's':
          out[t] = -v;
        case 'u':
          if (point[t] !== undefined) {
            out.z = v;
        case 'd':
          if (point[t] !== undefined) {
            out.z = -v;
          //console.log("ERROR: unknow axis ("+crs.axis[i]+") - check definition of "+crs.projName);
          return null;
      return out;

    var toPoint = function (array){
      var out = {
        x: array[0],
        y: array[1]
      if (array.length>2) {
        out.z = array[2];
      if (array.length>3) {
        out.m = array[3];
      return out;

    var checkSanity = function (point) {
    function checkCoord(num) {
      if (typeof Number.isFinite === 'function') {
        if (Number.isFinite(num)) {
        throw new TypeError('coordinates must be finite numbers');
      if (typeof num !== 'number' || num !== num || !isFinite(num)) {
        throw new TypeError('coordinates must be finite numbers');

    function checkNotWGS(source, dest) {
      return ((source.datum.datum_type === PJD_3PARAM || source.datum.datum_type === PJD_7PARAM) && dest.datumCode !== 'WGS84') || ((dest.datum.datum_type === PJD_3PARAM || dest.datum.datum_type === PJD_7PARAM) && source.datumCode !== 'WGS84');

    function transform(source, dest, point) {
      var wgs84;
      if (Array.isArray(point)) {
        point = toPoint(point);
      // Workaround for datum shifts towgs84, if either source or destination projection is not wgs84
      if (source.datum && dest.datum && checkNotWGS(source, dest)) {
        wgs84 = new Projection('WGS84');
        point = transform(source, wgs84, point);
        source = wgs84;
      // DGR, 2010/11/12
      if (source.axis !== 'enu') {
        point = adjust_axis(source, false, point);
      // Transform source points to long/lat, if they aren't already.
      if (source.projName === 'longlat') {
        point = {
          x: point.x * D2R,
          y: point.y * D2R,
          z: point.z || 0
      } else {
        if (source.to_meter) {
          point = {
            x: point.x * source.to_meter,
            y: point.y * source.to_meter,
            z: point.z || 0
        point = source.inverse(point); // Convert Cartesian to longlat
        if (!point) {
      // Adjust for the prime meridian if necessary
      if (source.from_greenwich) {
        point.x += source.from_greenwich;

      // Convert datums if needed, and if possible.
      point = datum_transform(source.datum, dest.datum, point);
      if (!point) {

      // Adjust for the prime meridian if necessary
      if (dest.from_greenwich) {
        point = {
          x: point.x - dest.from_greenwich,
          y: point.y,
          z: point.z || 0

      if (dest.projName === 'longlat') {
        // convert radians to decimal degrees
        point = {
          x: point.x * R2D,
          y: point.y * R2D,
          z: point.z || 0
      } else { // else project
        point = dest.forward(point);
        if (dest.to_meter) {
          point = {
            x: point.x / dest.to_meter,
            y: point.y / dest.to_meter,
            z: point.z || 0

      // DGR, 2010/11/12
      if (dest.axis !== 'enu') {
        return adjust_axis(dest, true, point);

      return point;

    var wgs84 = Projection('WGS84');

    function transformer(from, to, coords) {
      var transformedArray, out, keys;
      if (Array.isArray(coords)) {
        transformedArray = transform(from, to, coords) || {x: NaN, y: NaN};
        if (coords.length > 2) {
          if ((typeof from.name !== 'undefined' && from.name === 'geocent') || (typeof to.name !== 'undefined' && to.name === 'geocent')) {
            if (typeof transformedArray.z === 'number') {
              return [transformedArray.x, transformedArray.y, transformedArray.z].concat(coords.splice(3));
            } else {
              return [transformedArray.x, transformedArray.y, coords[2]].concat(coords.splice(3));
          } else {
            return [transformedArray.x, transformedArray.y].concat(coords.splice(2));
        } else {
          return [transformedArray.x, transformedArray.y];
      } else {
        out = transform(from, to, coords);
        keys = Object.keys(coords);
        if (keys.length === 2) {
          return out;
        keys.forEach(function (key) {
          if ((typeof from.name !== 'undefined' && from.name === 'geocent') || (typeof to.name !== 'undefined' && to.name === 'geocent')) {
            if (key === 'x' || key === 'y' || key === 'z') {
          } else {
            if (key === 'x' || key === 'y') {
          out[key] = coords[key];
        return out;

    function checkProj(item) {
      if (item instanceof Projection) {
        return item;
      if (item.oProj) {
        return item.oProj;
      return Projection(item);

    function proj4$1(fromProj, toProj, coord) {
      fromProj = checkProj(fromProj);
      var single = false;
      var obj;
      if (typeof toProj === 'undefined') {
        toProj = fromProj;
        fromProj = wgs84;
        single = true;
      } else if (typeof toProj.x !== 'undefined' || Array.isArray(toProj)) {
        coord = toProj;
        toProj = fromProj;
        fromProj = wgs84;
        single = true;
      toProj = checkProj(toProj);
      if (coord) {
        return transformer(fromProj, toProj, coord);
      } else {
        obj = {
          forward: function (coords) {
            return transformer(fromProj, toProj, coords);
          inverse: function (coords) {
            return transformer(toProj, fromProj, coords);
        if (single) {
          obj.oProj = toProj;
        return obj;

     * UTM zones are grouped, and assigned to one of a group of 6
     * sets.
     * {int} @private
    var NUM_100K_SETS = 6;

     * The column letters (for easting) of the lower left value, per
     * set.
     * {string} @private

     * The row letters (for northing) of the lower left value, per
     * set.
     * {string} @private

    var A = 65; // A
    var I = 73; // I
    var O = 79; // O
    var V = 86; // V
    var Z = 90; // Z
    var mgrs = {
      forward: forward$1,
      inverse: inverse$1,
      toPoint: toPoint$1
     * Conversion of lat/lon to MGRS.
     * @param {object} ll Object literal with lat and lon properties on a
     *     WGS84 ellipsoid.
     * @param {int} accuracy Accuracy in digits (5 for 1 m, 4 for 10 m, 3 for
     *      100 m, 2 for 1000 m or 1 for 10000 m). Optional, default is 5.
     * @return {string} the MGRS string for the given location and accuracy.
    function forward$1(ll, accuracy) {
      accuracy = accuracy || 5; // default accuracy 1m
      return encode(LLtoUTM({
        lat: ll[1],
        lon: ll[0]
      }), accuracy);

     * Conversion of MGRS to lat/lon.
     * @param {string} mgrs MGRS string.
     * @return {array} An array with left (longitude), bottom (latitude), right
     *     (longitude) and top (latitude) values in WGS84, representing the
     *     bounding box for the provided MGRS reference.
    function inverse$1(mgrs) {
      var bbox = UTMtoLL(decode(mgrs.toUpperCase()));
      if (bbox.lat && bbox.lon) {
        return [bbox.lon, bbox.lat, bbox.lon, bbox.lat];
      return [bbox.left, bbox.bottom, bbox.right, bbox.top];

    function toPoint$1(mgrs) {
      var bbox = UTMtoLL(decode(mgrs.toUpperCase()));
      if (bbox.lat && bbox.lon) {
        return [bbox.lon, bbox.lat];
      return [(bbox.left + bbox.right) / 2, (bbox.top + bbox.bottom) / 2];
     * Conversion from degrees to radians.
     * @private
     * @param {number} deg the angle in degrees.
     * @return {number} the angle in radians.
    function degToRad(deg) {
      return (deg * (Math.PI / 180.0));

     * Conversion from radians to degrees.
     * @private
     * @param {number} rad the angle in radians.
     * @return {number} the angle in degrees.
    function radToDeg(rad) {
      return (180.0 * (rad / Math.PI));

     * Converts a set of Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates to UTM
     * using the WGS84 ellipsoid.
     * @private
     * @param {object} ll Object literal with lat and lon properties
     *     representing the WGS84 coordinate to be converted.
     * @return {object} Object literal containing the UTM value with easting,
     *     northing, zoneNumber and zoneLetter properties, and an optional
     *     accuracy property in digits. Returns null if the conversion failed.
    function LLtoUTM(ll) {
      var Lat = ll.lat;
      var Long = ll.lon;
      var a = 6378137.0; //ellip.radius;
      var eccSquared = 0.00669438; //ellip.eccsq;
      var k0 = 0.9996;
      var LongOrigin;
      var eccPrimeSquared;
      var N, T, C, A, M;
      var LatRad = degToRad(Lat);
      var LongRad = degToRad(Long);
      var LongOriginRad;
      var ZoneNumber;
      // (int)
      ZoneNumber = Math.floor((Long + 180) / 6) + 1;

      //Make sure the longitude 180.00 is in Zone 60
      if (Long === 180) {
        ZoneNumber = 60;

      // Special zone for Norway
      if (Lat >= 56.0 && Lat < 64.0 && Long >= 3.0 && Long < 12.0) {
        ZoneNumber = 32;

      // Special zones for Svalbard
      if (Lat >= 72.0 && Lat < 84.0) {
        if (Long >= 0.0 && Long < 9.0) {
          ZoneNumber = 31;
        else if (Long >= 9.0 && Long < 21.0) {
          ZoneNumber = 33;
        else if (Long >= 21.0 && Long < 33.0) {
          ZoneNumber = 35;
        else if (Long >= 33.0 && Long < 42.0) {
          ZoneNumber = 37;

      LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; //+3 puts origin
      // in middle of
      // zone
      LongOriginRad = degToRad(LongOrigin);

      eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared) / (1 - eccSquared);

      N = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eccSquared * Math.sin(LatRad) * Math.sin(LatRad));
      T = Math.tan(LatRad) * Math.tan(LatRad);
      C = eccPrimeSquared * Math.cos(LatRad) * Math.cos(LatRad);
      A = Math.cos(LatRad) * (LongRad - LongOriginRad);

      M = a * ((1 - eccSquared / 4 - 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 64 - 5 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256) * LatRad - (3 * eccSquared / 8 + 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 32 + 45 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 1024) * Math.sin(2 * LatRad) + (15 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256 + 45 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 1024) * Math.sin(4 * LatRad) - (35 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 3072) * Math.sin(6 * LatRad));

      var UTMEasting = (k0 * N * (A + (1 - T + C) * A * A * A / 6.0 + (5 - 18 * T + T * T + 72 * C - 58 * eccPrimeSquared) * A * A * A * A * A / 120.0) + 500000.0);

      var UTMNorthing = (k0 * (M + N * Math.tan(LatRad) * (A * A / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C * C) * A * A * A * A / 24.0 + (61 - 58 * T + T * T + 600 * C - 330 * eccPrimeSquared) * A * A * A * A * A * A / 720.0)));
      if (Lat < 0.0) {
        UTMNorthing += 10000000.0; //10000000 meter offset for
        // southern hemisphere

      return {
        northing: Math.round(UTMNorthing),
        easting: Math.round(UTMEasting),
        zoneNumber: ZoneNumber,
        zoneLetter: getLetterDesignator(Lat)

     * Converts UTM coords to lat/long, using the WGS84 ellipsoid. This is a convenience
     * class where the Zone can be specified as a single string eg."60N" which
     * is then broken down into the ZoneNumber and ZoneLetter.
     * @private
     * @param {object} utm An object literal with northing, easting, zoneNumber
     *     and zoneLetter properties. If an optional accuracy property is
     *     provided (in meters), a bounding box will be returned instead of
     *     latitude and longitude.
     * @return {object} An object literal containing either lat and lon values
     *     (if no accuracy was provided), or top, right, bottom and left values
     *     for the bounding box calculated according to the provided accuracy.
     *     Returns null if the conversion failed.
    function UTMtoLL(utm) {

      var UTMNorthing = utm.northing;
      var UTMEasting = utm.easting;
      var zoneLetter = utm.zoneLetter;
      var zoneNumber = utm.zoneNumber;
      // check the ZoneNummber is valid
      if (zoneNumber < 0 || zoneNumber > 60) {
        return null;

      var k0 = 0.9996;
      var a = 6378137.0; //ellip.radius;
      var eccSquared = 0.00669438; //ellip.eccsq;
      var eccPrimeSquared;
      var e1 = (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - eccSquared)) / (1 + Math.sqrt(1 - eccSquared));
      var N1, T1, C1, R1, D, M;
      var LongOrigin;
      var mu, phi1Rad;

      // remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude
      var x = UTMEasting - 500000.0;
      var y = UTMNorthing;

      // We must know somehow if we are in the Northern or Southern
      // hemisphere, this is the only time we use the letter So even
      // if the Zone letter isn't exactly correct it should indicate
      // the hemisphere correctly
      if (zoneLetter < 'N') {
        y -= 10000000.0; // remove 10,000,000 meter offset used
        // for southern hemisphere

      // There are 60 zones with zone 1 being at West -180 to -174
      LongOrigin = (zoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; // +3 puts origin
      // in middle of
      // zone

      eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared) / (1 - eccSquared);

      M = y / k0;
      mu = M / (a * (1 - eccSquared / 4 - 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 64 - 5 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256));

      phi1Rad = mu + (3 * e1 / 2 - 27 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 32) * Math.sin(2 * mu) + (21 * e1 * e1 / 16 - 55 * e1 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 32) * Math.sin(4 * mu) + (151 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 96) * Math.sin(6 * mu);
      // double phi1 = ProjMath.radToDeg(phi1Rad);

      N1 = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eccSquared * Math.sin(phi1Rad) * Math.sin(phi1Rad));
      T1 = Math.tan(phi1Rad) * Math.tan(phi1Rad);
      C1 = eccPrimeSquared * Math.cos(phi1Rad) * Math.cos(phi1Rad);
      R1 = a * (1 - eccSquared) / Math.pow(1 - eccSquared * Math.sin(phi1Rad) * Math.sin(phi1Rad), 1.5);
      D = x / (N1 * k0);

      var lat = phi1Rad - (N1 * Math.tan(phi1Rad) / R1) * (D * D / 2 - (5 + 3 * T1 + 10 * C1 - 4 * C1 * C1 - 9 * eccPrimeSquared) * D * D * D * D / 24 + (61 + 90 * T1 + 298 * C1 + 45 * T1 * T1 - 252 * eccPrimeSquared - 3 * C1 * C1) * D * D * D * D * D * D / 720);
      lat = radToDeg(lat);

      var lon = (D - (1 + 2 * T1 + C1) * D * D * D / 6 + (5 - 2 * C1 + 28 * T1 - 3 * C1 * C1 + 8 * eccPrimeSquared + 24 * T1 * T1) * D * D * D * D * D / 120) / Math.cos(phi1Rad);
      lon = LongOrigin + radToDeg(lon);

      var result;
      if (utm.accuracy) {
        var topRight = UTMtoLL({
          northing: utm.northing + utm.accuracy,
          easting: utm.easting + utm.accuracy,
          zoneLetter: utm.zoneLetter,
          zoneNumber: utm.zoneNumber
        result = {
          top: topRight.lat,
          right: topRight.lon,
          bottom: lat,
          left: lon
      else {
        result = {
          lat: lat,
          lon: lon
      return result;

     * Calculates the MGRS letter designator for the given latitude.
     * @private
     * @param {number} lat The latitude in WGS84 to get the letter designator
     *     for.
     * @return {char} The letter designator.
    function getLetterDesignator(lat) {
      //This is here as an error flag to show that the Latitude is
      //outside MGRS limits
      var LetterDesignator = 'Z';

      if ((84 >= lat) && (lat >= 72)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'X';
      else if ((72 > lat) && (lat >= 64)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'W';
      else if ((64 > lat) && (lat >= 56)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'V';
      else if ((56 > lat) && (lat >= 48)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'U';
      else if ((48 > lat) && (lat >= 40)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'T';
      else if ((40 > lat) && (lat >= 32)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'S';
      else if ((32 > lat) && (lat >= 24)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'R';
      else if ((24 > lat) && (lat >= 16)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'Q';
      else if ((16 > lat) && (lat >= 8)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'P';
      else if ((8 > lat) && (lat >= 0)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'N';
      else if ((0 > lat) && (lat >= -8)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'M';
      else if ((-8 > lat) && (lat >= -16)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'L';
      else if ((-16 > lat) && (lat >= -24)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'K';
      else if ((-24 > lat) && (lat >= -32)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'J';
      else if ((-32 > lat) && (lat >= -40)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'H';
      else if ((-40 > lat) && (lat >= -48)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'G';
      else if ((-48 > lat) && (lat >= -56)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'F';
      else if ((-56 > lat) && (lat >= -64)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'E';
      else if ((-64 > lat) && (lat >= -72)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'D';
      else if ((-72 > lat) && (lat >= -80)) {
        LetterDesignator = 'C';
      return LetterDesignator;

     * Encodes a UTM location as MGRS string.
     * @private
     * @param {object} utm An object literal with easting, northing,
     *     zoneLetter, zoneNumber
     * @param {number} accuracy Accuracy in digits (1-5).
     * @return {string} MGRS string for the given UTM location.
    function encode(utm, accuracy) {
      // prepend with leading zeroes
      var seasting = "00000" + utm.easting,
        snorthing = "00000" + utm.northing;

      return utm.zoneNumber + utm.zoneLetter + get100kID(utm.easting, utm.northing, utm.zoneNumber) + seasting.substr(seasting.length - 5, accuracy) + snorthing.substr(snorthing.length - 5, accuracy);

     * Get the two letter 100k designator for a given UTM easting,
     * northing and zone number value.
     * @private
     * @param {number} easting
     * @param {number} northing
     * @param {number} zoneNumber
     * @return the two letter 100k designator for the given UTM location.
    function get100kID(easting, northing, zoneNumber) {
      var setParm = get100kSetForZone(zoneNumber);
      var setColumn = Math.floor(easting / 100000);
      var setRow = Math.floor(northing / 100000) % 20;
      return getLetter100kID(setColumn, setRow, setParm);

     * Given a UTM zone number, figure out the MGRS 100K set it is in.
     * @private
     * @param {number} i An UTM zone number.
     * @return {number} the 100k set the UTM zone is in.
    function get100kSetForZone(i) {
      var setParm = i % NUM_100K_SETS;
      if (setParm === 0) {
        setParm = NUM_100K_SETS;

      return setParm;

     * Get the two-letter MGRS 100k designator given information
     * translated from the UTM northing, easting and zone number.
     * @private
     * @param {number} column the column index as it relates to the MGRS
     *        100k set spreadsheet, created from the UTM easting.
     *        Values are 1-8.
     * @param {number} row the row index as it relates to the MGRS 100k set
     *        spreadsheet, created from the UTM northing value. Values
     *        are from 0-19.
     * @param {number} parm the set block, as it relates to the MGRS 100k set
     *        spreadsheet, created from the UTM zone. Values are from
     *        1-60.
     * @return two letter MGRS 100k code.
    function getLetter100kID(column, row, parm) {
      // colOrigin and rowOrigin are the letters at the origin of the set
      var index = parm - 1;
      var colOrigin = SET_ORIGIN_COLUMN_LETTERS.charCodeAt(index);
      var rowOrigin = SET_ORIGIN_ROW_LETTERS.charCodeAt(index);

      // colInt and rowInt are the letters to build to return
      var colInt = colOrigin + column - 1;
      var rowInt = rowOrigin + row;
      var rollover = false;

      if (colInt > Z) {
        colInt = colInt - Z + A - 1;
        rollover = true;

      if (colInt === I || (colOrigin < I && colInt > I) || ((colInt > I || colOrigin < I) && rollover)) {

      if (colInt === O || (colOrigin < O && colInt > O) || ((colInt > O || colOrigin < O) && rollover)) {

        if (colInt === I) {

      if (colInt > Z) {
        colInt = colInt - Z + A - 1;

      if (rowInt > V) {
        rowInt = rowInt - V + A - 1;
        rollover = true;
      else {
        rollover = false;

      if (((rowInt === I) || ((rowOrigin < I) && (rowInt > I))) || (((rowInt > I) || (rowOrigin < I)) && rollover)) {

      if (((rowInt === O) || ((rowOrigin < O) && (rowInt > O))) || (((rowInt > O) || (rowOrigin < O)) && rollover)) {

        if (rowInt === I) {

      if (rowInt > V) {
        rowInt = rowInt - V + A - 1;

      var twoLetter = String.fromCharCode(colInt) + String.fromCharCode(rowInt);
      return twoLetter;

     * Decode the UTM parameters from a MGRS string.
     * @private
     * @param {string} mgrsString an UPPERCASE coordinate string is expected.
     * @return {object} An object literal with easting, northing, zoneLetter,
     *     zoneNumber and accuracy (in meters) properties.
    function decode(mgrsString) {

      if (mgrsString && mgrsString.length === 0) {
        throw ("MGRSPoint coverting from nothing");

      var length = mgrsString.length;

      var hunK = null;
      var sb = "";
      var testChar;
      var i = 0;

      // get Zone number
      while (!(/[A-Z]/).test(testChar = mgrsString.charAt(i))) {
        if (i >= 2) {
          throw ("MGRSPoint bad conversion from: " + mgrsString);
        sb += testChar;

      var zoneNumber = parseInt(sb, 10);

      if (i === 0 || i + 3 > length) {
        // A good MGRS string has to be 4-5 digits long,
        // ##AAA/#AAA at least.
        throw ("MGRSPoint bad conversion from: " + mgrsString);

      var zoneLetter = mgrsString.charAt(i++);

      // Should we check the zone letter here? Why not.
      if (zoneLetter <= 'A' || zoneLetter === 'B' || zoneLetter === 'Y' || zoneLetter >= 'Z' || zoneLetter === 'I' || zoneLetter === 'O') {
        throw ("MGRSPoint zone letter " + zoneLetter + " not handled: " + mgrsString);

      hunK = mgrsString.substring(i, i += 2);

      var set = get100kSetForZone(zoneNumber);

      var east100k = getEastingFromChar(hunK.charAt(0), set);
      var north100k = getNorthingFromChar(hunK.charAt(1), set);

      // We have a bug where the northing may be 2000000 too low.
      // How
      // do we know when to roll over?

      while (north100k < getMinNorthing(zoneLetter)) {
        north100k += 2000000;

      // calculate the char index for easting/northing separator
      var remainder = length - i;

      if (remainder % 2 !== 0) {
        throw ("MGRSPoint has to have an even number \nof digits after the zone letter and two 100km letters - front \nhalf for easting meters, second half for \nnorthing meters" + mgrsString);

      var sep = remainder / 2;

      var sepEasting = 0.0;
      var sepNorthing = 0.0;
      var accuracyBonus, sepEastingString, sepNorthingString, easting, northing;
      if (sep > 0) {
        accuracyBonus = 100000.0 / Math.pow(10, sep);
        sepEastingString = mgrsString.substring(i, i + sep);
        sepEasting = parseFloat(sepEastingString) * accuracyBonus;
        sepNorthingString = mgrsString.substring(i + sep);
        sepNorthing = parseFloat(sepNorthingString) * accuracyBonus;

      easting = sepEasting + east100k;
      northing = sepNorthing + north100k;

      return {
        easting: easting,
        northing: northing,
        zoneLetter: zoneLetter,
        zoneNumber: zoneNumber,
        accuracy: accuracyBonus

     * Given the first letter from a two-letter MGRS 100k zone, and given the
     * MGRS table set for the zone number, figure out the easting value that
     * should be added to the other, secondary easting value.
     * @private
     * @param {char} e The first letter from a two-letter MGRS 100´k zone.
     * @param {number} set The MGRS table set for the zone number.
     * @return {number} The easting value for the given letter and set.
    function getEastingFromChar(e, set) {
      // colOrigin is the letter at the origin of the set for the
      // column
      var curCol = SET_ORIGIN_COLUMN_LETTERS.charCodeAt(set - 1);
      var eastingValue = 100000.0;
      var rewindMarker = false;

      while (curCol !== e.charCodeAt(0)) {
        if (curCol === I) {
        if (curCol === O) {
        if (curCol > Z) {
          if (rewindMarker) {
            throw ("Bad character: " + e);
          curCol = A;
          rewindMarker = true;
        eastingValue += 100000.0;

      return eastingValue;

     * Given the second letter from a two-letter MGRS 100k zone, and given the
     * MGRS table set for the zone number, figure out the northing value that
     * should be added to the other, secondary northing value. You have to
     * remember that Northings are determined from the equator, and the vertical
     * cycle of letters mean a 2000000 additional northing meters. This happens
     * approx. every 18 degrees of latitude. This method does *NOT* count any
     * additional northings. You have to figure out how many 2000000 meters need
     * to be added for the zone letter of the MGRS coordinate.
     * @private
     * @param {char} n Second letter of the MGRS 100k zone
     * @param {number} set The MGRS table set number, which is dependent on the
     *     UTM zone number.
     * @return {number} The northing value for the given letter and set.
    function getNorthingFromChar(n, set) {

      if (n > 'V') {
        throw ("MGRSPoint given invalid Northing " + n);

      // rowOrigin is the letter at the origin of the set for the
      // column
      var curRow = SET_ORIGIN_ROW_LETTERS.charCodeAt(set - 1);
      var northingValue = 0.0;
      var rewindMarker = false;

      while (curRow !== n.charCodeAt(0)) {
        if (curRow === I) {
        if (curRow === O) {
        // fixing a bug making whole application hang in this loop
        // when 'n' is a wrong character
        if (curRow > V) {
          if (rewindMarker) { // making sure that this loop ends
            throw ("Bad character: " + n);
          curRow = A;
          rewindMarker = true;
        northingValue += 100000.0;

      return northingValue;

     * The function getMinNorthing returns the minimum northing value of a MGRS
     * zone.
     * Ported from Geotrans' c Lattitude_Band_Value structure table.
     * @private
     * @param {char} zoneLetter The MGRS zone to get the min northing for.
     * @return {number}
    function getMinNorthing(zoneLetter) {
      var northing;
      switch (zoneLetter) {
      case 'C':
        northing = 1100000.0;
      case 'D':
        northing = 2000000.0;
      case 'E':
        northing = 2800000.0;
      case 'F':
        northing = 3700000.0;
      case 'G':
        northing = 4600000.0;
      case 'H':
        northing = 5500000.0;
      case 'J':
        northing = 6400000.0;
      case 'K':
        northing = 7300000.0;
      case 'L':
        northing = 8200000.0;
      case 'M':
        northing = 9100000.0;
      case 'N':
        northing = 0.0;
      case 'P':
        northing = 800000.0;
      case 'Q':
        northing = 1700000.0;
      case 'R':
        northing = 2600000.0;
      case 'S':
        northing = 3500000.0;
      case 'T':
        northing = 4400000.0;
      case 'U':
        northing = 5300000.0;
      case 'V':
        northing = 6200000.0;
      case 'W':
        northing = 7000000.0;
      case 'X':
        northing = 7900000.0;
        northing = -1.0;
      if (northing >= 0.0) {
        return northing;
      else {
        throw ("Invalid zone letter: " + zoneLetter);


    function Point(x, y, z) {
      if (!(this instanceof Point)) {
        return new Point(x, y, z);
      if (Array.isArray(x)) {
        this.x = x[0];
        this.y = x[1];
        this.z = x[2] || 0.0;
      } else if(typeof x === 'object') {
        this.x = x.x;
        this.y = x.y;
        this.z = x.z || 0.0;
      } else if (typeof x === 'string' && typeof y === 'undefined') {
        var coords = x.split(',');
        this.x = parseFloat(coords[0], 10);
        this.y = parseFloat(coords[1], 10);
        this.z = parseFloat(coords[2], 10) || 0.0;
      } else {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z || 0.0;
      console.warn('proj4.Point will be removed in version 3, use proj4.toPoint');

    Point.fromMGRS = function(mgrsStr) {
      return new Point(toPoint$1(mgrsStr));
    Point.prototype.toMGRS = function(accuracy) {
      return forward$1([this.x, this.y], accuracy);

    var C00 = 1;
    var C02 = 0.25;
    var C04 = 0.046875;
    var C06 = 0.01953125;
    var C08 = 0.01068115234375;
    var C22 = 0.75;
    var C44 = 0.46875;
    var C46 = 0.01302083333333333333;
    var C48 = 0.00712076822916666666;
    var C66 = 0.36458333333333333333;
    var C68 = 0.00569661458333333333;
    var C88 = 0.3076171875;

    var pj_enfn = function(es) {
      var en = [];
      en[0] = C00 - es * (C02 + es * (C04 + es * (C06 + es * C08)));
      en[1] = es * (C22 - es * (C04 + es * (C06 + es * C08)));
      var t = es * es;
      en[2] = t * (C44 - es * (C46 + es * C48));
      t *= es;
      en[3] = t * (C66 - es * C68);
      en[4] = t * es * C88;
      return en;

    var pj_mlfn = function(phi, sphi, cphi, en) {
      cphi *= sphi;
      sphi *= sphi;
      return (en[0] * phi - cphi * (en[1] + sphi * (en[2] + sphi * (en[3] + sphi * en[4]))));

    var MAX_ITER = 20;

    var pj_inv_mlfn = function(arg, es, en) {
      var k = 1 / (1 - es);
      var phi = arg;
      for (var i = MAX_ITER; i; --i) { /* rarely goes over 2 iterations */
        var s = Math.sin(phi);
        var t = 1 - es * s * s;
        //t = this.pj_mlfn(phi, s, Math.cos(phi), en) - arg;
        //phi -= t * (t * Math.sqrt(t)) * k;
        t = (pj_mlfn(phi, s, Math.cos(phi), en) - arg) * (t * Math.sqrt(t)) * k;
        phi -= t;
        if (Math.abs(t) < EPSLN) {
          return phi;
      //..reportError("cass:pj_inv_mlfn: Convergence error");
      return phi;

    // Heavily based on this tmerc projection implementation
    // https://github.com/mbloch/mapshaper-proj/blob/master/src/projections/tmerc.js

    function init$2() {
      this.x0 = this.x0 !== undefined ? this.x0 : 0;
      this.y0 = this.y0 !== undefined ? this.y0 : 0;
      this.long0 = this.long0 !== undefined ? this.long0 : 0;
      this.lat0 = this.lat0 !== undefined ? this.lat0 : 0;

      if (this.es) {
        this.en = pj_enfn(this.es);
        this.ml0 = pj_mlfn(this.lat0, Math.sin(this.lat0), Math.cos(this.lat0), this.en);

        Transverse Mercator Forward  - long/lat to x/y
        long/lat in radians
    function forward$2(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      var delta_lon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var con;
      var x, y;
      var sin_phi = Math.sin(lat);
      var cos_phi = Math.cos(lat);

      if (!this.es) {
        var b = cos_phi * Math.sin(delta_lon);

        if ((Math.abs(Math.abs(b) - 1)) < EPSLN) {
          return (93);
        else {
          x = 0.5 * this.a * this.k0 * Math.log((1 + b) / (1 - b)) + this.x0;
          y = cos_phi * Math.cos(delta_lon) / Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(b, 2));
          b = Math.abs(y);

          if (b >= 1) {
            if ((b - 1) > EPSLN) {
              return (93);
            else {
              y = 0;
          else {
            y = Math.acos(y);

          if (lat < 0) {
            y = -y;

          y = this.a * this.k0 * (y - this.lat0) + this.y0;
      else {
        var al = cos_phi * delta_lon;
        var als = Math.pow(al, 2);
        var c = this.ep2 * Math.pow(cos_phi, 2);
        var cs = Math.pow(c, 2);
        var tq = Math.abs(cos_phi) > EPSLN ? Math.tan(lat) : 0;
        var t = Math.pow(tq, 2);
        var ts = Math.pow(t, 2);
        con = 1 - this.es * Math.pow(sin_phi, 2);
        al = al / Math.sqrt(con);
        var ml = pj_mlfn(lat, sin_phi, cos_phi, this.en);

        x = this.a * (this.k0 * al * (1 +
          als / 6 * (1 - t + c +
          als / 20 * (5 - 18 * t + ts + 14 * c - 58 * t * c +
          als / 42 * (61 + 179 * ts - ts * t - 479 * t))))) +

        y = this.a * (this.k0 * (ml - this.ml0 +
          sin_phi * delta_lon * al / 2 * (1 +
          als / 12 * (5 - t + 9 * c + 4 * cs +
          als / 30 * (61 + ts - 58 * t + 270 * c - 330 * t * c +
          als / 56 * (1385 + 543 * ts - ts * t - 3111 * t)))))) +

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;

      return p;

        Transverse Mercator Inverse  -  x/y to long/lat
    function inverse$2(p) {
      var con, phi;
      var lat, lon;
      var x = (p.x - this.x0) * (1 / this.a);
      var y = (p.y - this.y0) * (1 / this.a);

      if (!this.es) {
        var f = Math.exp(x / this.k0);
        var g = 0.5 * (f - 1 / f);
        var temp = this.lat0 + y / this.k0;
        var h = Math.cos(temp);
        con = Math.sqrt((1 - Math.pow(h, 2)) / (1 + Math.pow(g, 2)));
        lat = Math.asin(con);

        if (y < 0) {
          lat = -lat;

        if ((g === 0) && (h === 0)) {
          lon = 0;
        else {
          lon = adjust_lon(Math.atan2(g, h) + this.long0);
      else { // ellipsoidal form
        con = this.ml0 + y / this.k0;
        phi = pj_inv_mlfn(con, this.es, this.en);

        if (Math.abs(phi) < HALF_PI) {
          var sin_phi = Math.sin(phi);
          var cos_phi = Math.cos(phi);
          var tan_phi = Math.abs(cos_phi) > EPSLN ? Math.tan(phi) : 0;
          var c = this.ep2 * Math.pow(cos_phi, 2);
          var cs = Math.pow(c, 2);
          var t = Math.pow(tan_phi, 2);
          var ts = Math.pow(t, 2);
          con = 1 - this.es * Math.pow(sin_phi, 2);
          var d = x * Math.sqrt(con) / this.k0;
          var ds = Math.pow(d, 2);
          con = con * tan_phi;

          lat = phi - (con * ds / (1 - this.es)) * 0.5 * (1 -
            ds / 12 * (5 + 3 * t - 9 * c * t + c - 4 * cs -
            ds / 30 * (61 + 90 * t - 252 * c * t + 45 * ts + 46 * c -
            ds / 56 * (1385 + 3633 * t + 4095 * ts + 1574 * ts * t))));

          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + (d * (1 -
            ds / 6 * (1 + 2 * t + c -
            ds / 20 * (5 + 28 * t + 24 * ts + 8 * c * t + 6 * c -
            ds / 42 * (61 + 662 * t + 1320 * ts + 720 * ts * t)))) / cos_phi));
        else {
          lat = HALF_PI * sign(y);
          lon = 0;

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;

      return p;

    var names$3 = ["Fast_Transverse_Mercator", "Fast Transverse Mercator"];
    var tmerc = {
      init: init$2,
      forward: forward$2,
      inverse: inverse$2,
      names: names$3

    var sinh = function(x) {
      var r = Math.exp(x);
      r = (r - 1 / r) / 2;
      return r;

    var hypot = function(x, y) {
      x = Math.abs(x);
      y = Math.abs(y);
      var a = Math.max(x, y);
      var b = Math.min(x, y) / (a ? a : 1);

      return a * Math.sqrt(1 + Math.pow(b, 2));

    var log1py = function(x) {
      var y = 1 + x;
      var z = y - 1;

      return z === 0 ? x : x * Math.log(y) / z;

    var asinhy = function(x) {
      var y = Math.abs(x);
      y = log1py(y * (1 + y / (hypot(1, y) + 1)));

      return x < 0 ? -y : y;

    var gatg = function(pp, B) {
      var cos_2B = 2 * Math.cos(2 * B);
      var i = pp.length - 1;
      var h1 = pp[i];
      var h2 = 0;
      var h;

      while (--i >= 0) {
        h = -h2 + cos_2B * h1 + pp[i];
        h2 = h1;
        h1 = h;

      return (B + h * Math.sin(2 * B));

    var clens = function(pp, arg_r) {
      var r = 2 * Math.cos(arg_r);
      var i = pp.length - 1;
      var hr1 = pp[i];
      var hr2 = 0;
      var hr;

      while (--i >= 0) {
        hr = -hr2 + r * hr1 + pp[i];
        hr2 = hr1;
        hr1 = hr;

      return Math.sin(arg_r) * hr;

    var cosh = function(x) {
      var r = Math.exp(x);
      r = (r + 1 / r) / 2;
      return r;

    var clens_cmplx = function(pp, arg_r, arg_i) {
      var sin_arg_r = Math.sin(arg_r);
      var cos_arg_r = Math.cos(arg_r);
      var sinh_arg_i = sinh(arg_i);
      var cosh_arg_i = cosh(arg_i);
      var r = 2 * cos_arg_r * cosh_arg_i;
      var i = -2 * sin_arg_r * sinh_arg_i;
      var j = pp.length - 1;
      var hr = pp[j];
      var hi1 = 0;
      var hr1 = 0;
      var hi = 0;
      var hr2;
      var hi2;

      while (--j >= 0) {
        hr2 = hr1;
        hi2 = hi1;
        hr1 = hr;
        hi1 = hi;
        hr = -hr2 + r * hr1 - i * hi1 + pp[j];
        hi = -hi2 + i * hr1 + r * hi1;

      r = sin_arg_r * cosh_arg_i;
      i = cos_arg_r * sinh_arg_i;

      return [r * hr - i * hi, r * hi + i * hr];

    // Heavily based on this etmerc projection implementation
    // https://github.com/mbloch/mapshaper-proj/blob/master/src/projections/etmerc.js

    function init$3() {
      if (!this.approx && (isNaN(this.es) || this.es <= 0)) {
        throw new Error('Incorrect elliptical usage. Try using the +approx option in the proj string, or PROJECTION["Fast_Transverse_Mercator"] in the WKT.');
      if (this.approx) {
        // When '+approx' is set, use tmerc instead
        this.forward = tmerc.forward;
        this.inverse = tmerc.inverse;

      this.x0 = this.x0 !== undefined ? this.x0 : 0;
      this.y0 = this.y0 !== undefined ? this.y0 : 0;
      this.long0 = this.long0 !== undefined ? this.long0 : 0;
      this.lat0 = this.lat0 !== undefined ? this.lat0 : 0;

      this.cgb = [];
      this.cbg = [];
      this.utg = [];
      this.gtu = [];

      var f = this.es / (1 + Math.sqrt(1 - this.es));
      var n = f / (2 - f);
      var np = n;

      this.cgb[0] = n * (2 + n * (-2 / 3 + n * (-2 + n * (116 / 45 + n * (26 / 45 + n * (-2854 / 675 ))))));
      this.cbg[0] = n * (-2 + n * ( 2 / 3 + n * ( 4 / 3 + n * (-82 / 45 + n * (32 / 45 + n * (4642 / 4725))))));

      np = np * n;
      this.cgb[1] = np * (7 / 3 + n * (-8 / 5 + n * (-227 / 45 + n * (2704 / 315 + n * (2323 / 945)))));
      this.cbg[1] = np * (5 / 3 + n * (-16 / 15 + n * ( -13 / 9 + n * (904 / 315 + n * (-1522 / 945)))));

      np = np * n;
      this.cgb[2] = np * (56 / 15 + n * (-136 / 35 + n * (-1262 / 105 + n * (73814 / 2835))));
      this.cbg[2] = np * (-26 / 15 + n * (34 / 21 + n * (8 / 5 + n * (-12686 / 2835))));

      np = np * n;
      this.cgb[3] = np * (4279 / 630 + n * (-332 / 35 + n * (-399572 / 14175)));
      this.cbg[3] = np * (1237 / 630 + n * (-12 / 5 + n * ( -24832 / 14175)));

      np = np * n;
      this.cgb[4] = np * (4174 / 315 + n * (-144838 / 6237));
      this.cbg[4] = np * (-734 / 315 + n * (109598 / 31185));

      np = np * n;
      this.cgb[5] = np * (601676 / 22275);
      this.cbg[5] = np * (444337 / 155925);

      np = Math.pow(n, 2);
      this.Qn = this.k0 / (1 + n) * (1 + np * (1 / 4 + np * (1 / 64 + np / 256)));

      this.utg[0] = n * (-0.5 + n * ( 2 / 3 + n * (-37 / 96 + n * ( 1 / 360 + n * (81 / 512 + n * (-96199 / 604800))))));
      this.gtu[0] = n * (0.5 + n * (-2 / 3 + n * (5 / 16 + n * (41 / 180 + n * (-127 / 288 + n * (7891 / 37800))))));

      this.utg[1] = np * (-1 / 48 + n * (-1 / 15 + n * (437 / 1440 + n * (-46 / 105 + n * (1118711 / 3870720)))));
      this.gtu[1] = np * (13 / 48 + n * (-3 / 5 + n * (557 / 1440 + n * (281 / 630 + n * (-1983433 / 1935360)))));

      np = np * n;
      this.utg[2] = np * (-17 / 480 + n * (37 / 840 + n * (209 / 4480 + n * (-5569 / 90720 ))));
      this.gtu[2] = np * (61 / 240 + n * (-103 / 140 + n * (15061 / 26880 + n * (167603 / 181440))));

      np = np * n;
      this.utg[3] = np * (-4397 / 161280 + n * (11 / 504 + n * (830251 / 7257600)));
      this.gtu[3] = np * (49561 / 161280 + n * (-179 / 168 + n * (6601661 / 7257600)));

      np = np * n;
      this.utg[4] = np * (-4583 / 161280 + n * (108847 / 3991680));
      this.gtu[4] = np * (34729 / 80640 + n * (-3418889 / 1995840));

      np = np * n;
      this.utg[5] = np * (-20648693 / 638668800);
      this.gtu[5] = np * (212378941 / 319334400);

      var Z = gatg(this.cbg, this.lat0);
      this.Zb = -this.Qn * (Z + clens(this.gtu, 2 * Z));

    function forward$3(p) {
      var Ce = adjust_lon(p.x - this.long0);
      var Cn = p.y;

      Cn = gatg(this.cbg, Cn);
      var sin_Cn = Math.sin(Cn);
      var cos_Cn = Math.cos(Cn);
      var sin_Ce = Math.sin(Ce);
      var cos_Ce = Math.cos(Ce);

      Cn = Math.atan2(sin_Cn, cos_Ce * cos_Cn);
      Ce = Math.atan2(sin_Ce * cos_Cn, hypot(sin_Cn, cos_Cn * cos_Ce));
      Ce = asinhy(Math.tan(Ce));

      var tmp = clens_cmplx(this.gtu, 2 * Cn, 2 * Ce);

      Cn = Cn + tmp[0];
      Ce = Ce + tmp[1];

      var x;
      var y;

      if (Math.abs(Ce) <= 2.623395162778) {
        x = this.a * (this.Qn * Ce) + this.x0;
        y = this.a * (this.Qn * Cn + this.Zb) + this.y0;
      else {
        x = Infinity;
        y = Infinity;

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;

      return p;

    function inverse$3(p) {
      var Ce = (p.x - this.x0) * (1 / this.a);
      var Cn = (p.y - this.y0) * (1 / this.a);

      Cn = (Cn - this.Zb) / this.Qn;
      Ce = Ce / this.Qn;

      var lon;
      var lat;

      if (Math.abs(Ce) <= 2.623395162778) {
        var tmp = clens_cmplx(this.utg, 2 * Cn, 2 * Ce);

        Cn = Cn + tmp[0];
        Ce = Ce + tmp[1];
        Ce = Math.atan(sinh(Ce));

        var sin_Cn = Math.sin(Cn);
        var cos_Cn = Math.cos(Cn);
        var sin_Ce = Math.sin(Ce);
        var cos_Ce = Math.cos(Ce);

        Cn = Math.atan2(sin_Cn * cos_Ce, hypot(sin_Ce, cos_Ce * cos_Cn));
        Ce = Math.atan2(sin_Ce, cos_Ce * cos_Cn);

        lon = adjust_lon(Ce + this.long0);
        lat = gatg(this.cgb, Cn);
      else {
        lon = Infinity;
        lat = Infinity;

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;

      return p;

    var names$4 = ["Extended_Transverse_Mercator", "Extended Transverse Mercator", "etmerc", "Transverse_Mercator", "Transverse Mercator", "tmerc"];
    var etmerc = {
      init: init$3,
      forward: forward$3,
      inverse: inverse$3,
      names: names$4

    var adjust_zone = function(zone, lon) {
      if (zone === undefined) {
        zone = Math.floor((adjust_lon(lon) + Math.PI) * 30 / Math.PI) + 1;

        if (zone < 0) {
          return 0;
        } else if (zone > 60) {
          return 60;
      return zone;

    var dependsOn = 'etmerc';
    function init$4() {
      var zone = adjust_zone(this.zone, this.long0);
      if (zone === undefined) {
        throw new Error('unknown utm zone');
      this.lat0 = 0;
      this.long0 =  ((6 * Math.abs(zone)) - 183) * D2R;
      this.x0 = 500000;
      this.y0 = this.utmSouth ? 10000000 : 0;
      this.k0 = 0.9996;

      this.forward = etmerc.forward;
      this.inverse = etmerc.inverse;

    var names$5 = ["Universal Transverse Mercator System", "utm"];
    var utm = {
      init: init$4,
      names: names$5,
      dependsOn: dependsOn

    var srat = function(esinp, exp) {
      return (Math.pow((1 - esinp) / (1 + esinp), exp));

    var MAX_ITER$1 = 20;
    function init$6() {
      var sphi = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      var cphi = Math.cos(this.lat0);
      cphi *= cphi;
      this.rc = Math.sqrt(1 - this.es) / (1 - this.es * sphi * sphi);
      this.C = Math.sqrt(1 + this.es * cphi * cphi / (1 - this.es));
      this.phic0 = Math.asin(sphi / this.C);
      this.ratexp = 0.5 * this.C * this.e;
      this.K = Math.tan(0.5 * this.phic0 + FORTPI) / (Math.pow(Math.tan(0.5 * this.lat0 + FORTPI), this.C) * srat(this.e * sphi, this.ratexp));

    function forward$5(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      p.y = 2 * Math.atan(this.K * Math.pow(Math.tan(0.5 * lat + FORTPI), this.C) * srat(this.e * Math.sin(lat), this.ratexp)) - HALF_PI;
      p.x = this.C * lon;
      return p;

    function inverse$5(p) {
      var DEL_TOL = 1e-14;
      var lon = p.x / this.C;
      var lat = p.y;
      var num = Math.pow(Math.tan(0.5 * lat + FORTPI) / this.K, 1 / this.C);
      for (var i = MAX_ITER$1; i > 0; --i) {
        lat = 2 * Math.atan(num * srat(this.e * Math.sin(p.y), - 0.5 * this.e)) - HALF_PI;
        if (Math.abs(lat - p.y) < DEL_TOL) {
        p.y = lat;
      /* convergence failed */
      if (!i) {
        return null;
      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$7 = ["gauss"];
    var gauss = {
      init: init$6,
      forward: forward$5,
      inverse: inverse$5,
      names: names$7

    function init$5() {
      if (!this.rc) {
      this.sinc0 = Math.sin(this.phic0);
      this.cosc0 = Math.cos(this.phic0);
      this.R2 = 2 * this.rc;
      if (!this.title) {
        this.title = "Oblique Stereographic Alternative";

    function forward$4(p) {
      var sinc, cosc, cosl, k;
      p.x = adjust_lon(p.x - this.long0);
      gauss.forward.apply(this, [p]);
      sinc = Math.sin(p.y);
      cosc = Math.cos(p.y);
      cosl = Math.cos(p.x);
      k = this.k0 * this.R2 / (1 + this.sinc0 * sinc + this.cosc0 * cosc * cosl);
      p.x = k * cosc * Math.sin(p.x);
      p.y = k * (this.cosc0 * sinc - this.sinc0 * cosc * cosl);
      p.x = this.a * p.x + this.x0;
      p.y = this.a * p.y + this.y0;
      return p;

    function inverse$4(p) {
      var sinc, cosc, lon, lat, rho;
      p.x = (p.x - this.x0) / this.a;
      p.y = (p.y - this.y0) / this.a;

      p.x /= this.k0;
      p.y /= this.k0;
      if ((rho = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y))) {
        var c = 2 * Math.atan2(rho, this.R2);
        sinc = Math.sin(c);
        cosc = Math.cos(c);
        lat = Math.asin(cosc * this.sinc0 + p.y * sinc * this.cosc0 / rho);
        lon = Math.atan2(p.x * sinc, rho * this.cosc0 * cosc - p.y * this.sinc0 * sinc);
      else {
        lat = this.phic0;
        lon = 0;

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      gauss.inverse.apply(this, [p]);
      p.x = adjust_lon(p.x + this.long0);
      return p;

    var names$6 = ["Stereographic_North_Pole", "Oblique_Stereographic", "Polar_Stereographic", "sterea","Oblique Stereographic Alternative","Double_Stereographic"];
    var sterea = {
      init: init$5,
      forward: forward$4,
      inverse: inverse$4,
      names: names$6

    function ssfn_(phit, sinphi, eccen) {
      sinphi *= eccen;
      return (Math.tan(0.5 * (HALF_PI + phit)) * Math.pow((1 - sinphi) / (1 + sinphi), 0.5 * eccen));

    function init$7() {
      this.coslat0 = Math.cos(this.lat0);
      this.sinlat0 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      if (this.sphere) {
        if (this.k0 === 1 && !isNaN(this.lat_ts) && Math.abs(this.coslat0) <= EPSLN) {
          this.k0 = 0.5 * (1 + sign(this.lat0) * Math.sin(this.lat_ts));
      else {
        if (Math.abs(this.coslat0) <= EPSLN) {
          if (this.lat0 > 0) {
            //North pole
            //trace('stere:north pole');
            this.con = 1;
          else {
            //South pole
            //trace('stere:south pole');
            this.con = -1;
        this.cons = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(1 + this.e, 1 + this.e) * Math.pow(1 - this.e, 1 - this.e));
        if (this.k0 === 1 && !isNaN(this.lat_ts) && Math.abs(this.coslat0) <= EPSLN) {
          this.k0 = 0.5 * this.cons * msfnz(this.e, Math.sin(this.lat_ts), Math.cos(this.lat_ts)) / tsfnz(this.e, this.con * this.lat_ts, this.con * Math.sin(this.lat_ts));
        this.ms1 = msfnz(this.e, this.sinlat0, this.coslat0);
        this.X0 = 2 * Math.atan(this.ssfn_(this.lat0, this.sinlat0, this.e)) - HALF_PI;
        this.cosX0 = Math.cos(this.X0);
        this.sinX0 = Math.sin(this.X0);

    // Stereographic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$6(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var sinlat = Math.sin(lat);
      var coslat = Math.cos(lat);
      var A, X, sinX, cosX, ts, rh;
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);

      if (Math.abs(Math.abs(lon - this.long0) - Math.PI) <= EPSLN && Math.abs(lat + this.lat0) <= EPSLN) {
        //case of the origine point
        //trace('stere:this is the origin point');
        p.x = NaN;
        p.y = NaN;
        return p;
      if (this.sphere) {
        //trace('stere:sphere case');
        A = 2 * this.k0 / (1 + this.sinlat0 * sinlat + this.coslat0 * coslat * Math.cos(dlon));
        p.x = this.a * A * coslat * Math.sin(dlon) + this.x0;
        p.y = this.a * A * (this.coslat0 * sinlat - this.sinlat0 * coslat * Math.cos(dlon)) + this.y0;
        return p;
      else {
        X = 2 * Math.atan(this.ssfn_(lat, sinlat, this.e)) - HALF_PI;
        cosX = Math.cos(X);
        sinX = Math.sin(X);
        if (Math.abs(this.coslat0) <= EPSLN) {
          ts = tsfnz(this.e, lat * this.con, this.con * sinlat);
          rh = 2 * this.a * this.k0 * ts / this.cons;
          p.x = this.x0 + rh * Math.sin(lon - this.long0);
          p.y = this.y0 - this.con * rh * Math.cos(lon - this.long0);
          return p;
        else if (Math.abs(this.sinlat0) < EPSLN) {
          A = 2 * this.a * this.k0 / (1 + cosX * Math.cos(dlon));
          p.y = A * sinX;
        else {
          //other case
          //trace('stere:normal case');
          A = 2 * this.a * this.k0 * this.ms1 / (this.cosX0 * (1 + this.sinX0 * sinX + this.cosX0 * cosX * Math.cos(dlon)));
          p.y = A * (this.cosX0 * sinX - this.sinX0 * cosX * Math.cos(dlon)) + this.y0;
        p.x = A * cosX * Math.sin(dlon) + this.x0;
      return p;

    //* Stereographic inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    function inverse$6(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      var lon, lat, ts, ce, Chi;
      var rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
      if (this.sphere) {
        var c = 2 * Math.atan(rh / (2 * this.a * this.k0));
        lon = this.long0;
        lat = this.lat0;
        if (rh <= EPSLN) {
          p.x = lon;
          p.y = lat;
          return p;
        lat = Math.asin(Math.cos(c) * this.sinlat0 + p.y * Math.sin(c) * this.coslat0 / rh);
        if (Math.abs(this.coslat0) < EPSLN) {
          if (this.lat0 > 0) {
            lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, - 1 * p.y));
          else {
            lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, p.y));
        else {
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x * Math.sin(c), rh * this.coslat0 * Math.cos(c) - p.y * this.sinlat0 * Math.sin(c)));
        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;
      else {
        if (Math.abs(this.coslat0) <= EPSLN) {
          if (rh <= EPSLN) {
            lat = this.lat0;
            lon = this.long0;
            p.x = lon;
            p.y = lat;
            return p;
          p.x *= this.con;
          p.y *= this.con;
          ts = rh * this.cons / (2 * this.a * this.k0);
          lat = this.con * phi2z(this.e, ts);
          lon = this.con * adjust_lon(this.con * this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, - 1 * p.y));
        else {
          ce = 2 * Math.atan(rh * this.cosX0 / (2 * this.a * this.k0 * this.ms1));
          lon = this.long0;
          if (rh <= EPSLN) {
            Chi = this.X0;
          else {
            Chi = Math.asin(Math.cos(ce) * this.sinX0 + p.y * Math.sin(ce) * this.cosX0 / rh);
            lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x * Math.sin(ce), rh * this.cosX0 * Math.cos(ce) - p.y * this.sinX0 * Math.sin(ce)));
          lat = -1 * phi2z(this.e, Math.tan(0.5 * (HALF_PI + Chi)));
      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;

      return p;


    var names$8 = ["stere", "Stereographic_South_Pole", "Polar Stereographic (variant B)"];
    var stere = {
      init: init$7,
      forward: forward$6,
      inverse: inverse$6,
      names: names$8,
      ssfn_: ssfn_

        Formules et constantes pour le Calcul pour la
        projection cylindrique conforme à axe oblique et pour la transformation entre
        des systèmes de référence.

    function init$8() {
      var phy0 = this.lat0;
      this.lambda0 = this.long0;
      var sinPhy0 = Math.sin(phy0);
      var semiMajorAxis = this.a;
      var invF = this.rf;
      var flattening = 1 / invF;
      var e2 = 2 * flattening - Math.pow(flattening, 2);
      var e = this.e = Math.sqrt(e2);
      this.R = this.k0 * semiMajorAxis * Math.sqrt(1 - e2) / (1 - e2 * Math.pow(sinPhy0, 2));
      this.alpha = Math.sqrt(1 + e2 / (1 - e2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(phy0), 4));
      this.b0 = Math.asin(sinPhy0 / this.alpha);
      var k1 = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + this.b0 / 2));
      var k2 = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + phy0 / 2));
      var k3 = Math.log((1 + e * sinPhy0) / (1 - e * sinPhy0));
      this.K = k1 - this.alpha * k2 + this.alpha * e / 2 * k3;

    function forward$7(p) {
      var Sa1 = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 - p.y / 2));
      var Sa2 = this.e / 2 * Math.log((1 + this.e * Math.sin(p.y)) / (1 - this.e * Math.sin(p.y)));
      var S = -this.alpha * (Sa1 + Sa2) + this.K;

      // spheric latitude
      var b = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.exp(S)) - Math.PI / 4);

      // spheric longitude
      var I = this.alpha * (p.x - this.lambda0);

      // psoeudo equatorial rotation
      var rotI = Math.atan(Math.sin(I) / (Math.sin(this.b0) * Math.tan(b) + Math.cos(this.b0) * Math.cos(I)));

      var rotB = Math.asin(Math.cos(this.b0) * Math.sin(b) - Math.sin(this.b0) * Math.cos(b) * Math.cos(I));

      p.y = this.R / 2 * Math.log((1 + Math.sin(rotB)) / (1 - Math.sin(rotB))) + this.y0;
      p.x = this.R * rotI + this.x0;
      return p;

    function inverse$7(p) {
      var Y = p.x - this.x0;
      var X = p.y - this.y0;

      var rotI = Y / this.R;
      var rotB = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.exp(X / this.R)) - Math.PI / 4);

      var b = Math.asin(Math.cos(this.b0) * Math.sin(rotB) + Math.sin(this.b0) * Math.cos(rotB) * Math.cos(rotI));
      var I = Math.atan(Math.sin(rotI) / (Math.cos(this.b0) * Math.cos(rotI) - Math.sin(this.b0) * Math.tan(rotB)));

      var lambda = this.lambda0 + I / this.alpha;

      var S = 0;
      var phy = b;
      var prevPhy = -1000;
      var iteration = 0;
      while (Math.abs(phy - prevPhy) > 0.0000001) {
        if (++iteration > 20) {
        //S = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + phy / 2));
        S = 1 / this.alpha * (Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + b / 2)) - this.K) + this.e * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + Math.asin(this.e * Math.sin(phy)) / 2));
        prevPhy = phy;
        phy = 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(S)) - Math.PI / 2;

      p.x = lambda;
      p.y = phy;
      return p;

    var names$9 = ["somerc"];
    var somerc = {
      init: init$8,
      forward: forward$7,
      inverse: inverse$7,
      names: names$9

    var TOL = 1e-7;

    function isTypeA(P) {
      var typeAProjections = ['Hotine_Oblique_Mercator','Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Natural_Origin'];
      var projectionName = typeof P.PROJECTION === "object" ? Object.keys(P.PROJECTION)[0] : P.PROJECTION;
      return 'no_uoff' in P || 'no_off' in P || typeAProjections.indexOf(projectionName) !== -1;

    /* Initialize the Oblique Mercator  projection
    function init$9() {  
      var con, com, cosph0, D, F, H, L, sinph0, p, J, gamma = 0,
        gamma0, lamc = 0, lam1 = 0, lam2 = 0, phi1 = 0, phi2 = 0, alpha_c = 0;
      // only Type A uses the no_off or no_uoff property
      // https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/issues/104
      this.no_off = isTypeA(this);
      this.no_rot = 'no_rot' in this;
      var alp = false;
      if ("alpha" in this) {
        alp = true;

      var gam = false;
      if ("rectified_grid_angle" in this) {
        gam = true;

      if (alp) {
        alpha_c = this.alpha;
      if (gam) {
        gamma = (this.rectified_grid_angle * D2R);
      if (alp || gam) {
        lamc = this.longc;
      } else {
        lam1 = this.long1;
        phi1 = this.lat1;
        lam2 = this.long2;
        phi2 = this.lat2;
        if (Math.abs(phi1 - phi2) <= TOL || (con = Math.abs(phi1)) <= TOL ||
            Math.abs(con - HALF_PI) <= TOL || Math.abs(Math.abs(this.lat0) - HALF_PI) <= TOL ||
            Math.abs(Math.abs(phi2) - HALF_PI) <= TOL) {
          throw new Error();
      var one_es = 1.0 - this.es;
      com = Math.sqrt(one_es);
      if (Math.abs(this.lat0) > EPSLN) {
        sinph0 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
        cosph0 = Math.cos(this.lat0);
        con = 1 - this.es * sinph0 * sinph0;
        this.B = cosph0 * cosph0;
        this.B = Math.sqrt(1 + this.es * this.B * this.B / one_es);
        this.A = this.B * this.k0 * com / con;
        D = this.B * com / (cosph0 * Math.sqrt(con));
        F = D * D -1;
        if (F <= 0) {
          F = 0;
        } else {
          F = Math.sqrt(F);
          if (this.lat0 < 0) {
            F = -F;
        this.E = F += D;
        this.E *= Math.pow(tsfnz(this.e, this.lat0, sinph0), this.B);
      } else {
        this.B = 1 / com;
        this.A = this.k0;
        this.E = D = F = 1;
      if (alp || gam) {
        if (alp) {
          gamma0 = Math.asin(Math.sin(alpha_c) / D);
          if (!gam) {
            gamma = alpha_c;
        } else {
          gamma0 = gamma;
          alpha_c = Math.asin(D * Math.sin(gamma0));
        this.lam0 = lamc - Math.asin(0.5 * (F - 1 / F) * Math.tan(gamma0)) / this.B;
      } else {
        H = Math.pow(tsfnz(this.e, phi1, Math.sin(phi1)), this.B);
        L = Math.pow(tsfnz(this.e, phi2, Math.sin(phi2)), this.B);
        F = this.E / H;
        p = (L - H) / (L + H);
        J = this.E * this.E;
        J = (J - L * H) / (J + L * H);
        con = lam1 - lam2;
        if (con < -Math.pi) {
          lam2 -=TWO_PI;
        } else if (con > Math.pi) {
          lam2 += TWO_PI;
        this.lam0 = adjust_lon(0.5 * (lam1 + lam2) - Math.atan(J * Math.tan(0.5 * this.B * (lam1 - lam2)) / p) / this.B);
        gamma0 = Math.atan(2 * Math.sin(this.B * adjust_lon(lam1 - this.lam0)) / (F - 1 / F));
        gamma = alpha_c = Math.asin(D * Math.sin(gamma0));
      this.singam = Math.sin(gamma0);
      this.cosgam = Math.cos(gamma0);
      this.sinrot = Math.sin(gamma);
      this.cosrot = Math.cos(gamma);
      this.rB = 1 / this.B;
      this.ArB = this.A * this.rB;
      this.BrA = 1 / this.ArB;
      if (this.no_off) {
        this.u_0 = 0;
      } else {
        this.u_0 = Math.abs(this.ArB * Math.atan(Math.sqrt(D * D - 1) / Math.cos(alpha_c)));
        if (this.lat0 < 0) {
          this.u_0 = - this.u_0;
      F = 0.5 * gamma0;
      this.v_pole_n = this.ArB * Math.log(Math.tan(FORTPI - F));
      this.v_pole_s = this.ArB * Math.log(Math.tan(FORTPI + F));

    /* Oblique Mercator forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$8(p) {
      var coords = {};
      var S, T, U, V, W, temp, u, v;
      p.x = p.x - this.lam0;
      if (Math.abs(Math.abs(p.y) - HALF_PI) > EPSLN) {
        W = this.E / Math.pow(tsfnz(this.e, p.y, Math.sin(p.y)), this.B);
        temp = 1 / W;
        S = 0.5 * (W - temp);
        T = 0.5 * (W + temp);
        V = Math.sin(this.B * p.x);
        U = (S * this.singam - V * this.cosgam) / T;
        if (Math.abs(Math.abs(U) - 1.0) < EPSLN) {
          throw new Error();
        v = 0.5 * this.ArB * Math.log((1 - U)/(1 + U));
        temp = Math.cos(this.B * p.x);
        if (Math.abs(temp) < TOL) {
          u = this.A * p.x;
        } else {
          u = this.ArB * Math.atan2((S * this.cosgam + V * this.singam), temp);
      } else {
        v = p.y > 0 ? this.v_pole_n : this.v_pole_s;
        u = this.ArB * p.y;
      if (this.no_rot) {
        coords.x = u;
        coords.y = v;
      } else {
        u -= this.u_0;
        coords.x = v * this.cosrot + u * this.sinrot;
        coords.y = u * this.cosrot - v * this.sinrot;
      coords.x = (this.a * coords.x + this.x0);
      coords.y = (this.a * coords.y + this.y0);
      return coords;

    function inverse$8(p) {
      var u, v, Qp, Sp, Tp, Vp, Up;
      var coords = {};
      p.x = (p.x - this.x0) * (1.0 / this.a);
      p.y = (p.y - this.y0) * (1.0 / this.a);

      if (this.no_rot) {
        v = p.y;
        u = p.x;
      } else {
        v = p.x * this.cosrot - p.y * this.sinrot;
        u = p.y * this.cosrot + p.x * this.sinrot + this.u_0;
      Qp = Math.exp(-this.BrA * v);
      Sp = 0.5 * (Qp - 1 / Qp);
      Tp = 0.5 * (Qp + 1 / Qp);
      Vp = Math.sin(this.BrA * u);
      Up = (Vp * this.cosgam + Sp * this.singam) / Tp;
      if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Up) - 1) < EPSLN) {
        coords.x = 0;
        coords.y = Up < 0 ? -HALF_PI : HALF_PI;
      } else {
        coords.y = this.E / Math.sqrt((1 + Up) / (1 - Up));
        coords.y = phi2z(this.e, Math.pow(coords.y, 1 / this.B));
        if (coords.y === Infinity) {
          throw new Error();
        coords.x = -this.rB * Math.atan2((Sp * this.cosgam - Vp * this.singam), Math.cos(this.BrA * u));
      coords.x += this.lam0;
      return coords;

    var names$10 = ["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator", "Hotine Oblique Mercator", "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Natural_Origin", "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Two_Point_Natural_Origin", "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Center", "Oblique_Mercator", "omerc"];
    var omerc = {
      init: init$9,
      forward: forward$8,
      inverse: inverse$8,
      names: names$10

    function init$10() {
      //double lat0;                    /* the reference latitude               */
      //double long0;                   /* the reference longitude              */
      //double lat1;                    /* first standard parallel              */
      //double lat2;                    /* second standard parallel             */
      //double r_maj;                   /* major axis                           */
      //double r_min;                   /* minor axis                           */
      //double false_east;              /* x offset in meters                   */
      //double false_north;             /* y offset in meters                   */
      //the above value can be set with proj4.defs
      //example: proj4.defs("EPSG:2154","+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs");

      if (!this.lat2) {
        this.lat2 = this.lat1;
      } //if lat2 is not defined
      if (!this.k0) {
        this.k0 = 1;
      this.x0 = this.x0 || 0;
      this.y0 = this.y0 || 0;
      // Standard Parallels cannot be equal and on opposite sides of the equator
      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 + this.lat2) < EPSLN) {

      var temp = this.b / this.a;
      this.e = Math.sqrt(1 - temp * temp);

      var sin1 = Math.sin(this.lat1);
      var cos1 = Math.cos(this.lat1);
      var ms1 = msfnz(this.e, sin1, cos1);
      var ts1 = tsfnz(this.e, this.lat1, sin1);

      var sin2 = Math.sin(this.lat2);
      var cos2 = Math.cos(this.lat2);
      var ms2 = msfnz(this.e, sin2, cos2);
      var ts2 = tsfnz(this.e, this.lat2, sin2);

      var ts0 = tsfnz(this.e, this.lat0, Math.sin(this.lat0));

      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 - this.lat2) > EPSLN) {
        this.ns = Math.log(ms1 / ms2) / Math.log(ts1 / ts2);
      else {
        this.ns = sin1;
      if (isNaN(this.ns)) {
        this.ns = sin1;
      this.f0 = ms1 / (this.ns * Math.pow(ts1, this.ns));
      this.rh = this.a * this.f0 * Math.pow(ts0, this.ns);
      if (!this.title) {
        this.title = "Lambert Conformal Conic";

    // Lambert Conformal conic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function forward$9(p) {

      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      // singular cases :
      if (Math.abs(2 * Math.abs(lat) - Math.PI) <= EPSLN) {
        lat = sign(lat) * (HALF_PI - 2 * EPSLN);

      var con = Math.abs(Math.abs(lat) - HALF_PI);
      var ts, rh1;
      if (con > EPSLN) {
        ts = tsfnz(this.e, lat, Math.sin(lat));
        rh1 = this.a * this.f0 * Math.pow(ts, this.ns);
      else {
        con = lat * this.ns;
        if (con <= 0) {
          return null;
        rh1 = 0;
      var theta = this.ns * adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      p.x = this.k0 * (rh1 * Math.sin(theta)) + this.x0;
      p.y = this.k0 * (this.rh - rh1 * Math.cos(theta)) + this.y0;

      return p;

    // Lambert Conformal Conic inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function inverse$9(p) {

      var rh1, con, ts;
      var lat, lon;
      var x = (p.x - this.x0) / this.k0;
      var y = (this.rh - (p.y - this.y0) / this.k0);
      if (this.ns > 0) {
        rh1 = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        con = 1;
      else {
        rh1 = -Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        con = -1;
      var theta = 0;
      if (rh1 !== 0) {
        theta = Math.atan2((con * x), (con * y));
      if ((rh1 !== 0) || (this.ns > 0)) {
        con = 1 / this.ns;
        ts = Math.pow((rh1 / (this.a * this.f0)), con);
        lat = phi2z(this.e, ts);
        if (lat === -9999) {
          return null;
      else {
        lat = -HALF_PI;
      lon = adjust_lon(theta / this.ns + this.long0);

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$11 = [
      "Lambert Tangential Conformal Conic Projection",

    var lcc = {
      init: init$10,
      forward: forward$9,
      inverse: inverse$9,
      names: names$11

    function init$11() {
      this.a = 6377397.155;
      this.es = 0.006674372230614;
      this.e = Math.sqrt(this.es);
      if (!this.lat0) {
        this.lat0 = 0.863937979737193;
      if (!this.long0) {
        this.long0 = 0.7417649320975901 - 0.308341501185665;
      /* if scale not set default to 0.9999 */
      if (!this.k0) {
        this.k0 = 0.9999;
      this.s45 = 0.785398163397448; /* 45 */
      this.s90 = 2 * this.s45;
      this.fi0 = this.lat0;
      this.e2 = this.es;
      this.e = Math.sqrt(this.e2);
      this.alfa = Math.sqrt(1 + (this.e2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(this.fi0), 4)) / (1 - this.e2));
      this.uq = 1.04216856380474;
      this.u0 = Math.asin(Math.sin(this.fi0) / this.alfa);
      this.g = Math.pow((1 + this.e * Math.sin(this.fi0)) / (1 - this.e * Math.sin(this.fi0)), this.alfa * this.e / 2);
      this.k = Math.tan(this.u0 / 2 + this.s45) / Math.pow(Math.tan(this.fi0 / 2 + this.s45), this.alfa) * this.g;
      this.k1 = this.k0;
      this.n0 = this.a * Math.sqrt(1 - this.e2) / (1 - this.e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(this.fi0), 2));
      this.s0 = 1.37008346281555;
      this.n = Math.sin(this.s0);
      this.ro0 = this.k1 * this.n0 / Math.tan(this.s0);
      this.ad = this.s90 - this.uq;

    /* ellipsoid */
    /* calculate xy from lat/lon */
    /* Constants, identical to inverse transform function */
    function forward$10(p) {
      var gfi, u, deltav, s, d, eps, ro;
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var delta_lon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      /* Transformation */
      gfi = Math.pow(((1 + this.e * Math.sin(lat)) / (1 - this.e * Math.sin(lat))), (this.alfa * this.e / 2));
      u = 2 * (Math.atan(this.k * Math.pow(Math.tan(lat / 2 + this.s45), this.alfa) / gfi) - this.s45);
      deltav = -delta_lon * this.alfa;
      s = Math.asin(Math.cos(this.ad) * Math.sin(u) + Math.sin(this.ad) * Math.cos(u) * Math.cos(deltav));
      d = Math.asin(Math.cos(u) * Math.sin(deltav) / Math.cos(s));
      eps = this.n * d;
      ro = this.ro0 * Math.pow(Math.tan(this.s0 / 2 + this.s45), this.n) / Math.pow(Math.tan(s / 2 + this.s45), this.n);
      p.y = ro * Math.cos(eps) / 1;
      p.x = ro * Math.sin(eps) / 1;

      if (!this.czech) {
        p.y *= -1;
        p.x *= -1;
      return (p);

    /* calculate lat/lon from xy */
    function inverse$10(p) {
      var u, deltav, s, d, eps, ro, fi1;
      var ok;

      /* Transformation */
      /* revert y, x*/
      var tmp = p.x;
      p.x = p.y;
      p.y = tmp;
      if (!this.czech) {
        p.y *= -1;
        p.x *= -1;
      ro = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
      eps = Math.atan2(p.y, p.x);
      d = eps / Math.sin(this.s0);
      s = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.pow(this.ro0 / ro, 1 / this.n) * Math.tan(this.s0 / 2 + this.s45)) - this.s45);
      u = Math.asin(Math.cos(this.ad) * Math.sin(s) - Math.sin(this.ad) * Math.cos(s) * Math.cos(d));
      deltav = Math.asin(Math.cos(s) * Math.sin(d) / Math.cos(u));
      p.x = this.long0 - deltav / this.alfa;
      fi1 = u;
      ok = 0;
      var iter = 0;
      do {
        p.y = 2 * (Math.atan(Math.pow(this.k, - 1 / this.alfa) * Math.pow(Math.tan(u / 2 + this.s45), 1 / this.alfa) * Math.pow((1 + this.e * Math.sin(fi1)) / (1 - this.e * Math.sin(fi1)), this.e / 2)) - this.s45);
        if (Math.abs(fi1 - p.y) < 0.0000000001) {
          ok = 1;
        fi1 = p.y;
        iter += 1;
      } while (ok === 0 && iter < 15);
      if (iter >= 15) {
        return null;

      return (p);

    var names$12 = ["Krovak", "krovak"];
    var krovak = {
      init: init$11,
      forward: forward$10,
      inverse: inverse$10,
      names: names$12

    var mlfn = function(e0, e1, e2, e3, phi) {
      return (e0 * phi - e1 * Math.sin(2 * phi) + e2 * Math.sin(4 * phi) - e3 * Math.sin(6 * phi));

    var e0fn = function(x) {
      return (1 - 0.25 * x * (1 + x / 16 * (3 + 1.25 * x)));

    var e1fn = function(x) {
      return (0.375 * x * (1 + 0.25 * x * (1 + 0.46875 * x)));

    var e2fn = function(x) {
      return (0.05859375 * x * x * (1 + 0.75 * x));

    var e3fn = function(x) {
      return (x * x * x * (35 / 3072));

    var gN = function(a, e, sinphi) {
      var temp = e * sinphi;
      return a / Math.sqrt(1 - temp * temp);

    var adjust_lat = function(x) {
      return (Math.abs(x) < HALF_PI) ? x : (x - (sign(x) * Math.PI));

    var imlfn = function(ml, e0, e1, e2, e3) {
      var phi;
      var dphi;

      phi = ml / e0;
      for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        dphi = (ml - (e0 * phi - e1 * Math.sin(2 * phi) + e2 * Math.sin(4 * phi) - e3 * Math.sin(6 * phi))) / (e0 - 2 * e1 * Math.cos(2 * phi) + 4 * e2 * Math.cos(4 * phi) - 6 * e3 * Math.cos(6 * phi));
        phi += dphi;
        if (Math.abs(dphi) <= 0.0000000001) {
          return phi;

      //..reportError("IMLFN-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 15 iterations");
      return NaN;

    function init$12() {
      if (!this.sphere) {
        this.e0 = e0fn(this.es);
        this.e1 = e1fn(this.es);
        this.e2 = e2fn(this.es);
        this.e3 = e3fn(this.es);
        this.ml0 = this.a * mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat0);

    /* Cassini forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$11(p) {

      /* Forward equations
      var x, y;
      var lam = p.x;
      var phi = p.y;
      lam = adjust_lon(lam - this.long0);

      if (this.sphere) {
        x = this.a * Math.asin(Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(lam));
        y = this.a * (Math.atan2(Math.tan(phi), Math.cos(lam)) - this.lat0);
      else {
        var sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
        var cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
        var nl = gN(this.a, this.e, sinphi);
        var tl = Math.tan(phi) * Math.tan(phi);
        var al = lam * Math.cos(phi);
        var asq = al * al;
        var cl = this.es * cosphi * cosphi / (1 - this.es);
        var ml = this.a * mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, phi);

        x = nl * al * (1 - asq * tl * (1 / 6 - (8 - tl + 8 * cl) * asq / 120));
        y = ml - this.ml0 + nl * sinphi / cosphi * asq * (0.5 + (5 - tl + 6 * cl) * asq / 24);


      p.x = x + this.x0;
      p.y = y + this.y0;
      return p;

    /* Inverse equations
    function inverse$11(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      var x = p.x / this.a;
      var y = p.y / this.a;
      var phi, lam;

      if (this.sphere) {
        var dd = y + this.lat0;
        phi = Math.asin(Math.sin(dd) * Math.cos(x));
        lam = Math.atan2(Math.tan(x), Math.cos(dd));
      else {
        /* ellipsoid */
        var ml1 = this.ml0 / this.a + y;
        var phi1 = imlfn(ml1, this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3);
        if (Math.abs(Math.abs(phi1) - HALF_PI) <= EPSLN) {
          p.x = this.long0;
          p.y = HALF_PI;
          if (y < 0) {
            p.y *= -1;
          return p;
        var nl1 = gN(this.a, this.e, Math.sin(phi1));

        var rl1 = nl1 * nl1 * nl1 / this.a / this.a * (1 - this.es);
        var tl1 = Math.pow(Math.tan(phi1), 2);
        var dl = x * this.a / nl1;
        var dsq = dl * dl;
        phi = phi1 - nl1 * Math.tan(phi1) / rl1 * dl * dl * (0.5 - (1 + 3 * tl1) * dl * dl / 24);
        lam = dl * (1 - dsq * (tl1 / 3 + (1 + 3 * tl1) * tl1 * dsq / 15)) / Math.cos(phi1);


      p.x = adjust_lon(lam + this.long0);
      p.y = adjust_lat(phi);
      return p;


    var names$13 = ["Cassini", "Cassini_Soldner", "cass"];
    var cass = {
      init: init$12,
      forward: forward$11,
      inverse: inverse$11,
      names: names$13

    var qsfnz = function(eccent, sinphi) {
      var con;
      if (eccent > 1.0e-7) {
        con = eccent * sinphi;
        return ((1 - eccent * eccent) * (sinphi / (1 - con * con) - (0.5 / eccent) * Math.log((1 - con) / (1 + con))));
      else {
        return (2 * sinphi);

        "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", John P. Snyder,
        The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No. 4, October 1988, pp. 341-355.

    var S_POLE = 1;

    var N_POLE = 2;
    var EQUIT = 3;
    var OBLIQ = 4;

    /* Initialize the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection
    function init$13() {
      var t = Math.abs(this.lat0);
      if (Math.abs(t - HALF_PI) < EPSLN) {
        this.mode = this.lat0 < 0 ? this.S_POLE : this.N_POLE;
      else if (Math.abs(t) < EPSLN) {
        this.mode = this.EQUIT;
      else {
        this.mode = this.OBLIQ;
      if (this.es > 0) {
        var sinphi;

        this.qp = qsfnz(this.e, 1);
        this.mmf = 0.5 / (1 - this.es);
        this.apa = authset(this.es);
        switch (this.mode) {
        case this.N_POLE:
          this.dd = 1;
        case this.S_POLE:
          this.dd = 1;
        case this.EQUIT:
          this.rq = Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.qp);
          this.dd = 1 / this.rq;
          this.xmf = 1;
          this.ymf = 0.5 * this.qp;
        case this.OBLIQ:
          this.rq = Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.qp);
          sinphi = Math.sin(this.lat0);
          this.sinb1 = qsfnz(this.e, sinphi) / this.qp;
          this.cosb1 = Math.sqrt(1 - this.sinb1 * this.sinb1);
          this.dd = Math.cos(this.lat0) / (Math.sqrt(1 - this.es * sinphi * sinphi) * this.rq * this.cosb1);
          this.ymf = (this.xmf = this.rq) / this.dd;
          this.xmf *= this.dd;
      else {
        if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ) {
          this.sinph0 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
          this.cosph0 = Math.cos(this.lat0);

    /* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$12(p) {

      /* Forward equations
      var x, y, coslam, sinlam, sinphi, q, sinb, cosb, b, cosphi;
      var lam = p.x;
      var phi = p.y;

      lam = adjust_lon(lam - this.long0);
      if (this.sphere) {
        sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
        cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
        coslam = Math.cos(lam);
        if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ || this.mode === this.EQUIT) {
          y = (this.mode === this.EQUIT) ? 1 + cosphi * coslam : 1 + this.sinph0 * sinphi + this.cosph0 * cosphi * coslam;
          if (y <= EPSLN) {
            return null;
          y = Math.sqrt(2 / y);
          x = y * cosphi * Math.sin(lam);
          y *= (this.mode === this.EQUIT) ? sinphi : this.cosph0 * sinphi - this.sinph0 * cosphi * coslam;
        else if (this.mode === this.N_POLE || this.mode === this.S_POLE) {
          if (this.mode === this.N_POLE) {
            coslam = -coslam;
          if (Math.abs(phi + this.lat0) < EPSLN) {
            return null;
          y = FORTPI - phi * 0.5;
          y = 2 * ((this.mode === this.S_POLE) ? Math.cos(y) : Math.sin(y));
          x = y * Math.sin(lam);
          y *= coslam;
      else {
        sinb = 0;
        cosb = 0;
        b = 0;
        coslam = Math.cos(lam);
        sinlam = Math.sin(lam);
        sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
        q = qsfnz(this.e, sinphi);
        if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ || this.mode === this.EQUIT) {
          sinb = q / this.qp;
          cosb = Math.sqrt(1 - sinb * sinb);
        switch (this.mode) {
        case this.OBLIQ:
          b = 1 + this.sinb1 * sinb + this.cosb1 * cosb * coslam;
        case this.EQUIT:
          b = 1 + cosb * coslam;
        case this.N_POLE:
          b = HALF_PI + phi;
          q = this.qp - q;
        case this.S_POLE:
          b = phi - HALF_PI;
          q = this.qp + q;
        if (Math.abs(b) < EPSLN) {
          return null;
        switch (this.mode) {
        case this.OBLIQ:
        case this.EQUIT:
          b = Math.sqrt(2 / b);
          if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ) {
            y = this.ymf * b * (this.cosb1 * sinb - this.sinb1 * cosb * coslam);
          else {
            y = (b = Math.sqrt(2 / (1 + cosb * coslam))) * sinb * this.ymf;
          x = this.xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;
        case this.N_POLE:
        case this.S_POLE:
          if (q >= 0) {
            x = (b = Math.sqrt(q)) * sinlam;
            y = coslam * ((this.mode === this.S_POLE) ? b : -b);
          else {
            x = y = 0;

      p.x = this.a * x + this.x0;
      p.y = this.a * y + this.y0;
      return p;

    /* Inverse equations
    function inverse$12(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      var x = p.x / this.a;
      var y = p.y / this.a;
      var lam, phi, cCe, sCe, q, rho, ab;
      if (this.sphere) {
        var cosz = 0,
          rh, sinz = 0;

        rh = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        phi = rh * 0.5;
        if (phi > 1) {
          return null;
        phi = 2 * Math.asin(phi);
        if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ || this.mode === this.EQUIT) {
          sinz = Math.sin(phi);
          cosz = Math.cos(phi);
        switch (this.mode) {
        case this.EQUIT:
          phi = (Math.abs(rh) <= EPSLN) ? 0 : Math.asin(y * sinz / rh);
          x *= sinz;
          y = cosz * rh;
        case this.OBLIQ:
          phi = (Math.abs(rh) <= EPSLN) ? this.lat0 : Math.asin(cosz * this.sinph0 + y * sinz * this.cosph0 / rh);
          x *= sinz * this.cosph0;
          y = (cosz - Math.sin(phi) * this.sinph0) * rh;
        case this.N_POLE:
          y = -y;
          phi = HALF_PI - phi;
        case this.S_POLE:
          phi -= HALF_PI;
        lam = (y === 0 && (this.mode === this.EQUIT || this.mode === this.OBLIQ)) ? 0 : Math.atan2(x, y);
      else {
        ab = 0;
        if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ || this.mode === this.EQUIT) {
          x /= this.dd;
          y *= this.dd;
          rho = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
          if (rho < EPSLN) {
            p.x = this.long0;
            p.y = this.lat0;
            return p;
          sCe = 2 * Math.asin(0.5 * rho / this.rq);
          cCe = Math.cos(sCe);
          x *= (sCe = Math.sin(sCe));
          if (this.mode === this.OBLIQ) {
            ab = cCe * this.sinb1 + y * sCe * this.cosb1 / rho;
            q = this.qp * ab;
            y = rho * this.cosb1 * cCe - y * this.sinb1 * sCe;
          else {
            ab = y * sCe / rho;
            q = this.qp * ab;
            y = rho * cCe;
        else if (this.mode === this.N_POLE || this.mode === this.S_POLE) {
          if (this.mode === this.N_POLE) {
            y = -y;
          q = (x * x + y * y);
          if (!q) {
            p.x = this.long0;
            p.y = this.lat0;
            return p;
          ab = 1 - q / this.qp;
          if (this.mode === this.S_POLE) {
            ab = -ab;
        lam = Math.atan2(x, y);
        phi = authlat(Math.asin(ab), this.apa);

      p.x = adjust_lon(this.long0 + lam);
      p.y = phi;
      return p;

    /* determine latitude from authalic latitude */
    var P00 = 0.33333333333333333333;

    var P01 = 0.17222222222222222222;
    var P02 = 0.10257936507936507936;
    var P10 = 0.06388888888888888888;
    var P11 = 0.06640211640211640211;
    var P20 = 0.01641501294219154443;

    function authset(es) {
      var t;
      var APA = [];
      APA[0] = es * P00;
      t = es * es;
      APA[0] += t * P01;
      APA[1] = t * P10;
      t *= es;
      APA[0] += t * P02;
      APA[1] += t * P11;
      APA[2] = t * P20;
      return APA;

    function authlat(beta, APA) {
      var t = beta + beta;
      return (beta + APA[0] * Math.sin(t) + APA[1] * Math.sin(t + t) + APA[2] * Math.sin(t + t + t));

    var names$14 = ["Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area", "Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area", "laea"];
    var laea = {
      init: init$13,
      forward: forward$12,
      inverse: inverse$12,
      names: names$14,
      S_POLE: S_POLE,
      N_POLE: N_POLE,

    var asinz = function(x) {
      if (Math.abs(x) > 1) {
        x = (x > 1) ? 1 : -1;
      return Math.asin(x);

    function init$14() {

      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 + this.lat2) < EPSLN) {
      this.temp = this.b / this.a;
      this.es = 1 - Math.pow(this.temp, 2);
      this.e3 = Math.sqrt(this.es);

      this.sin_po = Math.sin(this.lat1);
      this.cos_po = Math.cos(this.lat1);
      this.t1 = this.sin_po;
      this.con = this.sin_po;
      this.ms1 = msfnz(this.e3, this.sin_po, this.cos_po);
      this.qs1 = qsfnz(this.e3, this.sin_po, this.cos_po);

      this.sin_po = Math.sin(this.lat2);
      this.cos_po = Math.cos(this.lat2);
      this.t2 = this.sin_po;
      this.ms2 = msfnz(this.e3, this.sin_po, this.cos_po);
      this.qs2 = qsfnz(this.e3, this.sin_po, this.cos_po);

      this.sin_po = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      this.cos_po = Math.cos(this.lat0);
      this.t3 = this.sin_po;
      this.qs0 = qsfnz(this.e3, this.sin_po, this.cos_po);

      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 - this.lat2) > EPSLN) {
        this.ns0 = (this.ms1 * this.ms1 - this.ms2 * this.ms2) / (this.qs2 - this.qs1);
      else {
        this.ns0 = this.con;
      this.c = this.ms1 * this.ms1 + this.ns0 * this.qs1;
      this.rh = this.a * Math.sqrt(this.c - this.ns0 * this.qs0) / this.ns0;

    /* Albers Conical Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$13(p) {

      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      this.sin_phi = Math.sin(lat);
      this.cos_phi = Math.cos(lat);

      var qs = qsfnz(this.e3, this.sin_phi, this.cos_phi);
      var rh1 = this.a * Math.sqrt(this.c - this.ns0 * qs) / this.ns0;
      var theta = this.ns0 * adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var x = rh1 * Math.sin(theta) + this.x0;
      var y = this.rh - rh1 * Math.cos(theta) + this.y0;

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    function inverse$13(p) {
      var rh1, qs, con, theta, lon, lat;

      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y = this.rh - p.y + this.y0;
      if (this.ns0 >= 0) {
        rh1 = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
        con = 1;
      else {
        rh1 = -Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
        con = -1;
      theta = 0;
      if (rh1 !== 0) {
        theta = Math.atan2(con * p.x, con * p.y);
      con = rh1 * this.ns0 / this.a;
      if (this.sphere) {
        lat = Math.asin((this.c - con * con) / (2 * this.ns0));
      else {
        qs = (this.c - con * con) / this.ns0;
        lat = this.phi1z(this.e3, qs);

      lon = adjust_lon(theta / this.ns0 + this.long0);
      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    /* Function to compute phi1, the latitude for the inverse of the
       Albers Conical Equal-Area projection.
    function phi1z(eccent, qs) {
      var sinphi, cosphi, con, com, dphi;
      var phi = asinz(0.5 * qs);
      if (eccent < EPSLN) {
        return phi;

      var eccnts = eccent * eccent;
      for (var i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
        sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
        cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
        con = eccent * sinphi;
        com = 1 - con * con;
        dphi = 0.5 * com * com / cosphi * (qs / (1 - eccnts) - sinphi / com + 0.5 / eccent * Math.log((1 - con) / (1 + con)));
        phi = phi + dphi;
        if (Math.abs(dphi) <= 1e-7) {
          return phi;
      return null;

    var names$15 = ["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area", "Albers", "aea"];
    var aea = {
      init: init$14,
      forward: forward$13,
      inverse: inverse$13,
      names: names$15,
      phi1z: phi1z

        Wolfram Mathworld "Gnomonic Projection"
        Accessed: 12th November 2009
    function init$15() {

      /* Place parameters in static storage for common use
      this.sin_p14 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      this.cos_p14 = Math.cos(this.lat0);
      // Approximation for projecting points to the horizon (infinity)
      this.infinity_dist = 1000 * this.a;
      this.rc = 1;

    /* Gnomonic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$14(p) {
      var sinphi, cosphi; /* sin and cos value        */
      var dlon; /* delta longitude value      */
      var coslon; /* cos of longitude        */
      var ksp; /* scale factor          */
      var g;
      var x, y;
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      /* Forward equations
      dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);

      sinphi = Math.sin(lat);
      cosphi = Math.cos(lat);

      coslon = Math.cos(dlon);
      g = this.sin_p14 * sinphi + this.cos_p14 * cosphi * coslon;
      ksp = 1;
      if ((g > 0) || (Math.abs(g) <= EPSLN)) {
        x = this.x0 + this.a * ksp * cosphi * Math.sin(dlon) / g;
        y = this.y0 + this.a * ksp * (this.cos_p14 * sinphi - this.sin_p14 * cosphi * coslon) / g;
      else {

        // Point is in the opposing hemisphere and is unprojectable
        // We still need to return a reasonable point, so we project
        // to infinity, on a bearing
        // equivalent to the northern hemisphere equivalent
        // This is a reasonable approximation for short shapes and lines that
        // straddle the horizon.

        x = this.x0 + this.infinity_dist * cosphi * Math.sin(dlon);
        y = this.y0 + this.infinity_dist * (this.cos_p14 * sinphi - this.sin_p14 * cosphi * coslon);

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    function inverse$14(p) {
      var rh; /* Rho */
      var sinc, cosc;
      var c;
      var lon, lat;

      /* Inverse equations
      p.x = (p.x - this.x0) / this.a;
      p.y = (p.y - this.y0) / this.a;

      p.x /= this.k0;
      p.y /= this.k0;

      if ((rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y))) {
        c = Math.atan2(rh, this.rc);
        sinc = Math.sin(c);
        cosc = Math.cos(c);

        lat = asinz(cosc * this.sin_p14 + (p.y * sinc * this.cos_p14) / rh);
        lon = Math.atan2(p.x * sinc, rh * this.cos_p14 * cosc - p.y * this.sin_p14 * sinc);
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + lon);
      else {
        lat = this.phic0;
        lon = 0;

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$16 = ["gnom"];
    var gnom = {
      init: init$15,
      forward: forward$14,
      inverse: inverse$14,
      names: names$16

    var iqsfnz = function(eccent, q) {
      var temp = 1 - (1 - eccent * eccent) / (2 * eccent) * Math.log((1 - eccent) / (1 + eccent));
      if (Math.abs(Math.abs(q) - temp) < 1.0E-6) {
        if (q < 0) {
          return (-1 * HALF_PI);
        else {
          return HALF_PI;
      //var phi = 0.5* q/(1-eccent*eccent);
      var phi = Math.asin(0.5 * q);
      var dphi;
      var sin_phi;
      var cos_phi;
      var con;
      for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
        sin_phi = Math.sin(phi);
        cos_phi = Math.cos(phi);
        con = eccent * sin_phi;
        dphi = Math.pow(1 - con * con, 2) / (2 * cos_phi) * (q / (1 - eccent * eccent) - sin_phi / (1 - con * con) + 0.5 / eccent * Math.log((1 - con) / (1 + con)));
        phi += dphi;
        if (Math.abs(dphi) <= 0.0000000001) {
          return phi;

      //console.log("IQSFN-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 30 iterations");
      return NaN;

        "Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment-
        A User's Manual" by Gerald I. Evenden,
        USGS Open File Report 90-284and Release 4 Interim Reports (2003)
    function init$16() {
      if (!this.sphere) {
        this.k0 = msfnz(this.e, Math.sin(this.lat_ts), Math.cos(this.lat_ts));

    /* Cylindrical Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$15(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var x, y;
      /* Forward equations
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      if (this.sphere) {
        x = this.x0 + this.a * dlon * Math.cos(this.lat_ts);
        y = this.y0 + this.a * Math.sin(lat) / Math.cos(this.lat_ts);
      else {
        var qs = qsfnz(this.e, Math.sin(lat));
        x = this.x0 + this.a * this.k0 * dlon;
        y = this.y0 + this.a * qs * 0.5 / this.k0;

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    /* Cylindrical Equal Area inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    function inverse$15(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      var lon, lat;

      if (this.sphere) {
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + (p.x / this.a) / Math.cos(this.lat_ts));
        lat = Math.asin((p.y / this.a) * Math.cos(this.lat_ts));
      else {
        lat = iqsfnz(this.e, 2 * p.y * this.k0 / this.a);
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + p.x / (this.a * this.k0));

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$17 = ["cea"];
    var cea = {
      init: init$16,
      forward: forward$15,
      inverse: inverse$15,
      names: names$17

    function init$17() {

      this.x0 = this.x0 || 0;
      this.y0 = this.y0 || 0;
      this.lat0 = this.lat0 || 0;
      this.long0 = this.long0 || 0;
      this.lat_ts = this.lat_ts || 0;
      this.title = this.title || "Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carre)";

      this.rc = Math.cos(this.lat_ts);

    // forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function forward$16(p) {

      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var dlat = adjust_lat(lat - this.lat0);
      p.x = this.x0 + (this.a * dlon * this.rc);
      p.y = this.y0 + (this.a * dlat);
      return p;

    // inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function inverse$16(p) {

      var x = p.x;
      var y = p.y;

      p.x = adjust_lon(this.long0 + ((x - this.x0) / (this.a * this.rc)));
      p.y = adjust_lat(this.lat0 + ((y - this.y0) / (this.a)));
      return p;

    var names$18 = ["Equirectangular", "Equidistant_Cylindrical", "eqc"];
    var eqc = {
      init: init$17,
      forward: forward$16,
      inverse: inverse$16,
      names: names$18

    var MAX_ITER$2 = 20;

    function init$18() {
      /* Place parameters in static storage for common use
      this.temp = this.b / this.a;
      this.es = 1 - Math.pow(this.temp, 2); // devait etre dans tmerc.js mais n y est pas donc je commente sinon retour de valeurs nulles
      this.e = Math.sqrt(this.es);
      this.e0 = e0fn(this.es);
      this.e1 = e1fn(this.es);
      this.e2 = e2fn(this.es);
      this.e3 = e3fn(this.es);
      this.ml0 = this.a * mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat0); //si que des zeros le calcul ne se fait pas

    /* Polyconic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$17(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var x, y, el;
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      el = dlon * Math.sin(lat);
      if (this.sphere) {
        if (Math.abs(lat) <= EPSLN) {
          x = this.a * dlon;
          y = -1 * this.a * this.lat0;
        else {
          x = this.a * Math.sin(el) / Math.tan(lat);
          y = this.a * (adjust_lat(lat - this.lat0) + (1 - Math.cos(el)) / Math.tan(lat));
      else {
        if (Math.abs(lat) <= EPSLN) {
          x = this.a * dlon;
          y = -1 * this.ml0;
        else {
          var nl = gN(this.a, this.e, Math.sin(lat)) / Math.tan(lat);
          x = nl * Math.sin(el);
          y = this.a * mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, lat) - this.ml0 + nl * (1 - Math.cos(el));

      p.x = x + this.x0;
      p.y = y + this.y0;
      return p;

    /* Inverse equations
    function inverse$17(p) {
      var lon, lat, x, y, i;
      var al, bl;
      var phi, dphi;
      x = p.x - this.x0;
      y = p.y - this.y0;

      if (this.sphere) {
        if (Math.abs(y + this.a * this.lat0) <= EPSLN) {
          lon = adjust_lon(x / this.a + this.long0);
          lat = 0;
        else {
          al = this.lat0 + y / this.a;
          bl = x * x / this.a / this.a + al * al;
          phi = al;
          var tanphi;
          for (i = MAX_ITER$2; i; --i) {
            tanphi = Math.tan(phi);
            dphi = -1 * (al * (phi * tanphi + 1) - phi - 0.5 * (phi * phi + bl) * tanphi) / ((phi - al) / tanphi - 1);
            phi += dphi;
            if (Math.abs(dphi) <= EPSLN) {
              lat = phi;
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + (Math.asin(x * Math.tan(phi) / this.a)) / Math.sin(lat));
      else {
        if (Math.abs(y + this.ml0) <= EPSLN) {
          lat = 0;
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + x / this.a);
        else {

          al = (this.ml0 + y) / this.a;
          bl = x * x / this.a / this.a + al * al;
          phi = al;
          var cl, mln, mlnp, ma;
          var con;
          for (i = MAX_ITER$2; i; --i) {
            con = this.e * Math.sin(phi);
            cl = Math.sqrt(1 - con * con) * Math.tan(phi);
            mln = this.a * mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, phi);
            mlnp = this.e0 - 2 * this.e1 * Math.cos(2 * phi) + 4 * this.e2 * Math.cos(4 * phi) - 6 * this.e3 * Math.cos(6 * phi);
            ma = mln / this.a;
            dphi = (al * (cl * ma + 1) - ma - 0.5 * cl * (ma * ma + bl)) / (this.es * Math.sin(2 * phi) * (ma * ma + bl - 2 * al * ma) / (4 * cl) + (al - ma) * (cl * mlnp - 2 / Math.sin(2 * phi)) - mlnp);
            phi -= dphi;
            if (Math.abs(dphi) <= EPSLN) {
              lat = phi;

          cl = Math.sqrt(1 - this.es * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat), 2)) * Math.tan(lat);
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.asin(x * cl / this.a) / Math.sin(lat));

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$19 = ["Polyconic", "poly"];
    var poly = {
      init: init$18,
      forward: forward$17,
      inverse: inverse$17,
      names: names$19

        Department of Land and Survey Technical Circular 1973/32
        OSG Technical Report 4.1

     * iterations: Number of iterations to refine inverse transform.
     *     0 -> km accuracy
     *     1 -> m accuracy -- suitable for most mapping applications
     *     2 -> mm accuracy

    function init$19() {
      this.A = [];
      this.A[1] = 0.6399175073;
      this.A[2] = -0.1358797613;
      this.A[3] = 0.063294409;
      this.A[4] = -0.02526853;
      this.A[5] = 0.0117879;
      this.A[6] = -0.0055161;
      this.A[7] = 0.0026906;
      this.A[8] = -0.001333;
      this.A[9] = 0.00067;
      this.A[10] = -0.00034;

      this.B_re = [];
      this.B_im = [];
      this.B_re[1] = 0.7557853228;
      this.B_im[1] = 0;
      this.B_re[2] = 0.249204646;
      this.B_im[2] = 0.003371507;
      this.B_re[3] = -0.001541739;
      this.B_im[3] = 0.041058560;
      this.B_re[4] = -0.10162907;
      this.B_im[4] = 0.01727609;
      this.B_re[5] = -0.26623489;
      this.B_im[5] = -0.36249218;
      this.B_re[6] = -0.6870983;
      this.B_im[6] = -1.1651967;

      this.C_re = [];
      this.C_im = [];
      this.C_re[1] = 1.3231270439;
      this.C_im[1] = 0;
      this.C_re[2] = -0.577245789;
      this.C_im[2] = -0.007809598;
      this.C_re[3] = 0.508307513;
      this.C_im[3] = -0.112208952;
      this.C_re[4] = -0.15094762;
      this.C_im[4] = 0.18200602;
      this.C_re[5] = 1.01418179;
      this.C_im[5] = 1.64497696;
      this.C_re[6] = 1.9660549;
      this.C_im[6] = 2.5127645;

      this.D = [];
      this.D[1] = 1.5627014243;
      this.D[2] = 0.5185406398;
      this.D[3] = -0.03333098;
      this.D[4] = -0.1052906;
      this.D[5] = -0.0368594;
      this.D[6] = 0.007317;
      this.D[7] = 0.01220;
      this.D[8] = 0.00394;
      this.D[9] = -0.0013;

        New Zealand Map Grid Forward  - long/lat to x/y
        long/lat in radians
    function forward$18(p) {
      var n;
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      var delta_lat = lat - this.lat0;
      var delta_lon = lon - this.long0;

      // 1. Calculate d_phi and d_psi    ...                          // and d_lambda
      // For this algorithm, delta_latitude is in seconds of arc x 10-5, so we need to scale to those units. Longitude is radians.
      var d_phi = delta_lat / SEC_TO_RAD * 1E-5;
      var d_lambda = delta_lon;
      var d_phi_n = 1; // d_phi^0

      var d_psi = 0;
      for (n = 1; n <= 10; n++) {
        d_phi_n = d_phi_n * d_phi;
        d_psi = d_psi + this.A[n] * d_phi_n;

      // 2. Calculate theta
      var th_re = d_psi;
      var th_im = d_lambda;

      // 3. Calculate z
      var th_n_re = 1;
      var th_n_im = 0; // theta^0
      var th_n_re1;
      var th_n_im1;

      var z_re = 0;
      var z_im = 0;
      for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) {
        th_n_re1 = th_n_re * th_re - th_n_im * th_im;
        th_n_im1 = th_n_im * th_re + th_n_re * th_im;
        th_n_re = th_n_re1;
        th_n_im = th_n_im1;
        z_re = z_re + this.B_re[n] * th_n_re - this.B_im[n] * th_n_im;
        z_im = z_im + this.B_im[n] * th_n_re + this.B_re[n] * th_n_im;

      // 4. Calculate easting and northing
      p.x = (z_im * this.a) + this.x0;
      p.y = (z_re * this.a) + this.y0;

      return p;

        New Zealand Map Grid Inverse  -  x/y to long/lat
    function inverse$18(p) {
      var n;
      var x = p.x;
      var y = p.y;

      var delta_x = x - this.x0;
      var delta_y = y - this.y0;

      // 1. Calculate z
      var z_re = delta_y / this.a;
      var z_im = delta_x / this.a;

      // 2a. Calculate theta - first approximation gives km accuracy
      var z_n_re = 1;
      var z_n_im = 0; // z^0
      var z_n_re1;
      var z_n_im1;

      var th_re = 0;
      var th_im = 0;
      for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) {
        z_n_re1 = z_n_re * z_re - z_n_im * z_im;
        z_n_im1 = z_n_im * z_re + z_n_re * z_im;
        z_n_re = z_n_re1;
        z_n_im = z_n_im1;
        th_re = th_re + this.C_re[n] * z_n_re - this.C_im[n] * z_n_im;
        th_im = th_im + this.C_im[n] * z_n_re + this.C_re[n] * z_n_im;

      // 2b. Iterate to refine the accuracy of the calculation
      //        0 iterations gives km accuracy
      //        1 iteration gives m accuracy -- good enough for most mapping applications
      //        2 iterations bives mm accuracy
      for (var i = 0; i < this.iterations; i++) {
        var th_n_re = th_re;
        var th_n_im = th_im;
        var th_n_re1;
        var th_n_im1;

        var num_re = z_re;
        var num_im = z_im;
        for (n = 2; n <= 6; n++) {
          th_n_re1 = th_n_re * th_re - th_n_im * th_im;
          th_n_im1 = th_n_im * th_re + th_n_re * th_im;
          th_n_re = th_n_re1;
          th_n_im = th_n_im1;
          num_re = num_re + (n - 1) * (this.B_re[n] * th_n_re - this.B_im[n] * th_n_im);
          num_im = num_im + (n - 1) * (this.B_im[n] * th_n_re + this.B_re[n] * th_n_im);

        th_n_re = 1;
        th_n_im = 0;
        var den_re = this.B_re[1];
        var den_im = this.B_im[1];
        for (n = 2; n <= 6; n++) {
          th_n_re1 = th_n_re * th_re - th_n_im * th_im;
          th_n_im1 = th_n_im * th_re + th_n_re * th_im;
          th_n_re = th_n_re1;
          th_n_im = th_n_im1;
          den_re = den_re + n * (this.B_re[n] * th_n_re - this.B_im[n] * th_n_im);
          den_im = den_im + n * (this.B_im[n] * th_n_re + this.B_re[n] * th_n_im);

        // Complex division
        var den2 = den_re * den_re + den_im * den_im;
        th_re = (num_re * den_re + num_im * den_im) / den2;
        th_im = (num_im * den_re - num_re * den_im) / den2;

      // 3. Calculate d_phi              ...                                    // and d_lambda
      var d_psi = th_re;
      var d_lambda = th_im;
      var d_psi_n = 1; // d_psi^0

      var d_phi = 0;
      for (n = 1; n <= 9; n++) {
        d_psi_n = d_psi_n * d_psi;
        d_phi = d_phi + this.D[n] * d_psi_n;

      // 4. Calculate latitude and longitude
      // d_phi is calcuated in second of arc * 10^-5, so we need to scale back to radians. d_lambda is in radians.
      var lat = this.lat0 + (d_phi * SEC_TO_RAD * 1E5);
      var lon = this.long0 + d_lambda;

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;

      return p;

    var names$20 = ["New_Zealand_Map_Grid", "nzmg"];
    var nzmg = {
      init: init$19,
      forward: forward$18,
      inverse: inverse$18,
      names: names$20

        "New Equal-Area Map Projections for Noncircular Regions", John P. Snyder,
        The American Cartographer, Vol 15, No. 4, October 1988, pp. 341-355.

    /* Initialize the Miller Cylindrical projection
    function init$20() {

    /* Miller Cylindrical forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$19(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      /* Forward equations
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var x = this.x0 + this.a * dlon;
      var y = this.y0 + this.a * Math.log(Math.tan((Math.PI / 4) + (lat / 2.5))) * 1.25;

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    /* Miller Cylindrical inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    function inverse$19(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;

      var lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + p.x / this.a);
      var lat = 2.5 * (Math.atan(Math.exp(0.8 * p.y / this.a)) - Math.PI / 4);

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$21 = ["Miller_Cylindrical", "mill"];
    var mill = {
      init: init$20,
      forward: forward$19,
      inverse: inverse$19,
      names: names$21

    var MAX_ITER$3 = 20;
    function init$21() {
      /* Place parameters in static storage for common use

      if (!this.sphere) {
        this.en = pj_enfn(this.es);
      else {
        this.n = 1;
        this.m = 0;
        this.es = 0;
        this.C_y = Math.sqrt((this.m + 1) / this.n);
        this.C_x = this.C_y / (this.m + 1);


    /* Sinusoidal forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$20(p) {
      var x, y;
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      /* Forward equations
      lon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);

      if (this.sphere) {
        if (!this.m) {
          lat = this.n !== 1 ? Math.asin(this.n * Math.sin(lat)) : lat;
        else {
          var k = this.n * Math.sin(lat);
          for (var i = MAX_ITER$3; i; --i) {
            var V = (this.m * lat + Math.sin(lat) - k) / (this.m + Math.cos(lat));
            lat -= V;
            if (Math.abs(V) < EPSLN) {
        x = this.a * this.C_x * lon * (this.m + Math.cos(lat));
        y = this.a * this.C_y * lat;

      else {

        var s = Math.sin(lat);
        var c = Math.cos(lat);
        y = this.a * pj_mlfn(lat, s, c, this.en);
        x = this.a * lon * c / Math.sqrt(1 - this.es * s * s);

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    function inverse$20(p) {
      var lat, temp, lon, s;

      p.x -= this.x0;
      lon = p.x / this.a;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      lat = p.y / this.a;

      if (this.sphere) {
        lat /= this.C_y;
        lon = lon / (this.C_x * (this.m + Math.cos(lat)));
        if (this.m) {
          lat = asinz((this.m * lat + Math.sin(lat)) / this.n);
        else if (this.n !== 1) {
          lat = asinz(Math.sin(lat) / this.n);
        lon = adjust_lon(lon + this.long0);
        lat = adjust_lat(lat);
      else {
        lat = pj_inv_mlfn(p.y / this.a, this.es, this.en);
        s = Math.abs(lat);
        if (s < HALF_PI) {
          s = Math.sin(lat);
          temp = this.long0 + p.x * Math.sqrt(1 - this.es * s * s) / (this.a * Math.cos(lat));
          //temp = this.long0 + p.x / (this.a * Math.cos(lat));
          lon = adjust_lon(temp);
        else if ((s - EPSLN) < HALF_PI) {
          lon = this.long0;
      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$22 = ["Sinusoidal", "sinu"];
    var sinu = {
      init: init$21,
      forward: forward$20,
      inverse: inverse$20,
      names: names$22

    function init$22() {}
    /* Mollweide forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$21(p) {

      /* Forward equations
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      var delta_lon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var theta = lat;
      var con = Math.PI * Math.sin(lat);

      /* Iterate using the Newton-Raphson method to find theta
      while (true) {
        var delta_theta = -(theta + Math.sin(theta) - con) / (1 + Math.cos(theta));
        theta += delta_theta;
        if (Math.abs(delta_theta) < EPSLN) {
      theta /= 2;

      /* If the latitude is 90 deg, force the x coordinate to be "0 + false easting"
           this is done here because of precision problems with "cos(theta)"
      if (Math.PI / 2 - Math.abs(lat) < EPSLN) {
        delta_lon = 0;
      var x = 0.900316316158 * this.a * delta_lon * Math.cos(theta) + this.x0;
      var y = 1.4142135623731 * this.a * Math.sin(theta) + this.y0;

      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    function inverse$21(p) {
      var theta;
      var arg;

      /* Inverse equations
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      arg = p.y / (1.4142135623731 * this.a);

      /* Because of division by zero problems, 'arg' can not be 1.  Therefore
           a number very close to one is used instead.
      if (Math.abs(arg) > 0.999999999999) {
        arg = 0.999999999999;
      theta = Math.asin(arg);
      var lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + (p.x / (0.900316316158 * this.a * Math.cos(theta))));
      if (lon < (-Math.PI)) {
        lon = -Math.PI;
      if (lon > Math.PI) {
        lon = Math.PI;
      arg = (2 * theta + Math.sin(2 * theta)) / Math.PI;
      if (Math.abs(arg) > 1) {
        arg = 1;
      var lat = Math.asin(arg);

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$23 = ["Mollweide", "moll"];
    var moll = {
      init: init$22,
      forward: forward$21,
      inverse: inverse$21,
      names: names$23

    function init$23() {

      /* Place parameters in static storage for common use
      // Standard Parallels cannot be equal and on opposite sides of the equator
      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 + this.lat2) < EPSLN) {
      this.lat2 = this.lat2 || this.lat1;
      this.temp = this.b / this.a;
      this.es = 1 - Math.pow(this.temp, 2);
      this.e = Math.sqrt(this.es);
      this.e0 = e0fn(this.es);
      this.e1 = e1fn(this.es);
      this.e2 = e2fn(this.es);
      this.e3 = e3fn(this.es);

      this.sinphi = Math.sin(this.lat1);
      this.cosphi = Math.cos(this.lat1);

      this.ms1 = msfnz(this.e, this.sinphi, this.cosphi);
      this.ml1 = mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat1);

      if (Math.abs(this.lat1 - this.lat2) < EPSLN) {
        this.ns = this.sinphi;
      else {
        this.sinphi = Math.sin(this.lat2);
        this.cosphi = Math.cos(this.lat2);
        this.ms2 = msfnz(this.e, this.sinphi, this.cosphi);
        this.ml2 = mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat2);
        this.ns = (this.ms1 - this.ms2) / (this.ml2 - this.ml1);
      this.g = this.ml1 + this.ms1 / this.ns;
      this.ml0 = mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, this.lat0);
      this.rh = this.a * (this.g - this.ml0);

    /* Equidistant Conic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$22(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var rh1;

      /* Forward equations
      if (this.sphere) {
        rh1 = this.a * (this.g - lat);
      else {
        var ml = mlfn(this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3, lat);
        rh1 = this.a * (this.g - ml);
      var theta = this.ns * adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var x = this.x0 + rh1 * Math.sin(theta);
      var y = this.y0 + this.rh - rh1 * Math.cos(theta);
      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    /* Inverse equations
    function inverse$22(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y = this.rh - p.y + this.y0;
      var con, rh1, lat, lon;
      if (this.ns >= 0) {
        rh1 = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
        con = 1;
      else {
        rh1 = -Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
        con = -1;
      var theta = 0;
      if (rh1 !== 0) {
        theta = Math.atan2(con * p.x, con * p.y);

      if (this.sphere) {
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + theta / this.ns);
        lat = adjust_lat(this.g - rh1 / this.a);
        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;
      else {
        var ml = this.g - rh1 / this.a;
        lat = imlfn(ml, this.e0, this.e1, this.e2, this.e3);
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + theta / this.ns);
        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;


    var names$24 = ["Equidistant_Conic", "eqdc"];
    var eqdc = {
      init: init$23,
      forward: forward$22,
      inverse: inverse$22,
      names: names$24

    /* Initialize the Van Der Grinten projection
    function init$24() {
      //this.R = 6370997; //Radius of earth
      this.R = this.a;

    function forward$23(p) {

      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;

      /* Forward equations
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var x, y;

      if (Math.abs(lat) <= EPSLN) {
        x = this.x0 + this.R * dlon;
        y = this.y0;
      var theta = asinz(2 * Math.abs(lat / Math.PI));
      if ((Math.abs(dlon) <= EPSLN) || (Math.abs(Math.abs(lat) - HALF_PI) <= EPSLN)) {
        x = this.x0;
        if (lat >= 0) {
          y = this.y0 + Math.PI * this.R * Math.tan(0.5 * theta);
        else {
          y = this.y0 + Math.PI * this.R * -Math.tan(0.5 * theta);
        //  return(OK);
      var al = 0.5 * Math.abs((Math.PI / dlon) - (dlon / Math.PI));
      var asq = al * al;
      var sinth = Math.sin(theta);
      var costh = Math.cos(theta);

      var g = costh / (sinth + costh - 1);
      var gsq = g * g;
      var m = g * (2 / sinth - 1);
      var msq = m * m;
      var con = Math.PI * this.R * (al * (g - msq) + Math.sqrt(asq * (g - msq) * (g - msq) - (msq + asq) * (gsq - msq))) / (msq + asq);
      if (dlon < 0) {
        con = -con;
      x = this.x0 + con;
      //con = Math.abs(con / (Math.PI * this.R));
      var q = asq + g;
      con = Math.PI * this.R * (m * q - al * Math.sqrt((msq + asq) * (asq + 1) - q * q)) / (msq + asq);
      if (lat >= 0) {
        //y = this.y0 + Math.PI * this.R * Math.sqrt(1 - con * con - 2 * al * con);
        y = this.y0 + con;
      else {
        //y = this.y0 - Math.PI * this.R * Math.sqrt(1 - con * con - 2 * al * con);
        y = this.y0 - con;
      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    /* Van Der Grinten inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    function inverse$23(p) {
      var lon, lat;
      var xx, yy, xys, c1, c2, c3;
      var a1;
      var m1;
      var con;
      var th1;
      var d;

      /* inverse equations
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      con = Math.PI * this.R;
      xx = p.x / con;
      yy = p.y / con;
      xys = xx * xx + yy * yy;
      c1 = -Math.abs(yy) * (1 + xys);
      c2 = c1 - 2 * yy * yy + xx * xx;
      c3 = -2 * c1 + 1 + 2 * yy * yy + xys * xys;
      d = yy * yy / c3 + (2 * c2 * c2 * c2 / c3 / c3 / c3 - 9 * c1 * c2 / c3 / c3) / 27;
      a1 = (c1 - c2 * c2 / 3 / c3) / c3;
      m1 = 2 * Math.sqrt(-a1 / 3);
      con = ((3 * d) / a1) / m1;
      if (Math.abs(con) > 1) {
        if (con >= 0) {
          con = 1;
        else {
          con = -1;
      th1 = Math.acos(con) / 3;
      if (p.y >= 0) {
        lat = (-m1 * Math.cos(th1 + Math.PI / 3) - c2 / 3 / c3) * Math.PI;
      else {
        lat = -(-m1 * Math.cos(th1 + Math.PI / 3) - c2 / 3 / c3) * Math.PI;

      if (Math.abs(xx) < EPSLN) {
        lon = this.long0;
      else {
        lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.PI * (xys - 1 + Math.sqrt(1 + 2 * (xx * xx - yy * yy) + xys * xys)) / 2 / xx);

      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$25 = ["Van_der_Grinten_I", "VanDerGrinten", "vandg"];
    var vandg = {
      init: init$24,
      forward: forward$23,
      inverse: inverse$23,
      names: names$25

    function init$25() {
      this.sin_p12 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      this.cos_p12 = Math.cos(this.lat0);

    function forward$24(p) {
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      var sinphi = Math.sin(p.y);
      var cosphi = Math.cos(p.y);
      var dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);
      var e0, e1, e2, e3, Mlp, Ml, tanphi, Nl1, Nl, psi, Az, G, H, GH, Hs, c, kp, cos_c, s, s2, s3, s4, s5;
      if (this.sphere) {
        if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 - 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //North Pole case
          p.x = this.x0 + this.a * (HALF_PI - lat) * Math.sin(dlon);
          p.y = this.y0 - this.a * (HALF_PI - lat) * Math.cos(dlon);
          return p;
        else if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 + 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //South Pole case
          p.x = this.x0 + this.a * (HALF_PI + lat) * Math.sin(dlon);
          p.y = this.y0 + this.a * (HALF_PI + lat) * Math.cos(dlon);
          return p;
        else {
          //default case
          cos_c = this.sin_p12 * sinphi + this.cos_p12 * cosphi * Math.cos(dlon);
          c = Math.acos(cos_c);
          kp = c ? c / Math.sin(c) : 1;
          p.x = this.x0 + this.a * kp * cosphi * Math.sin(dlon);
          p.y = this.y0 + this.a * kp * (this.cos_p12 * sinphi - this.sin_p12 * cosphi * Math.cos(dlon));
          return p;
      else {
        e0 = e0fn(this.es);
        e1 = e1fn(this.es);
        e2 = e2fn(this.es);
        e3 = e3fn(this.es);
        if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 - 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //North Pole case
          Mlp = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, HALF_PI);
          Ml = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, lat);
          p.x = this.x0 + (Mlp - Ml) * Math.sin(dlon);
          p.y = this.y0 - (Mlp - Ml) * Math.cos(dlon);
          return p;
        else if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 + 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //South Pole case
          Mlp = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, HALF_PI);
          Ml = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, lat);
          p.x = this.x0 + (Mlp + Ml) * Math.sin(dlon);
          p.y = this.y0 + (Mlp + Ml) * Math.cos(dlon);
          return p;
        else {
          //Default case
          tanphi = sinphi / cosphi;
          Nl1 = gN(this.a, this.e, this.sin_p12);
          Nl = gN(this.a, this.e, sinphi);
          psi = Math.atan((1 - this.es) * tanphi + this.es * Nl1 * this.sin_p12 / (Nl * cosphi));
          Az = Math.atan2(Math.sin(dlon), this.cos_p12 * Math.tan(psi) - this.sin_p12 * Math.cos(dlon));
          if (Az === 0) {
            s = Math.asin(this.cos_p12 * Math.sin(psi) - this.sin_p12 * Math.cos(psi));
          else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(Az) - Math.PI) <= EPSLN) {
            s = -Math.asin(this.cos_p12 * Math.sin(psi) - this.sin_p12 * Math.cos(psi));
          else {
            s = Math.asin(Math.sin(dlon) * Math.cos(psi) / Math.sin(Az));
          G = this.e * this.sin_p12 / Math.sqrt(1 - this.es);
          H = this.e * this.cos_p12 * Math.cos(Az) / Math.sqrt(1 - this.es);
          GH = G * H;
          Hs = H * H;
          s2 = s * s;
          s3 = s2 * s;
          s4 = s3 * s;
          s5 = s4 * s;
          c = Nl1 * s * (1 - s2 * Hs * (1 - Hs) / 6 + s3 / 8 * GH * (1 - 2 * Hs) + s4 / 120 * (Hs * (4 - 7 * Hs) - 3 * G * G * (1 - 7 * Hs)) - s5 / 48 * GH);
          p.x = this.x0 + c * Math.sin(Az);
          p.y = this.y0 + c * Math.cos(Az);
          return p;


    function inverse$24(p) {
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      var rh, z, sinz, cosz, lon, lat, con, e0, e1, e2, e3, Mlp, M, N1, psi, Az, cosAz, tmp, A, B, D, Ee, F, sinpsi;
      if (this.sphere) {
        rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
        if (rh > (2 * HALF_PI * this.a)) {
        z = rh / this.a;

        sinz = Math.sin(z);
        cosz = Math.cos(z);

        lon = this.long0;
        if (Math.abs(rh) <= EPSLN) {
          lat = this.lat0;
        else {
          lat = asinz(cosz * this.sin_p12 + (p.y * sinz * this.cos_p12) / rh);
          con = Math.abs(this.lat0) - HALF_PI;
          if (Math.abs(con) <= EPSLN) {
            if (this.lat0 >= 0) {
              lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, - p.y));
            else {
              lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 - Math.atan2(-p.x, p.y));
          else {
            /*con = cosz - this.sin_p12 * Math.sin(lat);
            if ((Math.abs(con) < EPSLN) && (Math.abs(p.x) < EPSLN)) {
              //no-op, just keep the lon value as is
            } else {
              var temp = Math.atan2((p.x * sinz * this.cos_p12), (con * rh));
              lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2((p.x * sinz * this.cos_p12), (con * rh)));
            lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x * sinz, rh * this.cos_p12 * cosz - p.y * this.sin_p12 * sinz));

        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;
      else {
        e0 = e0fn(this.es);
        e1 = e1fn(this.es);
        e2 = e2fn(this.es);
        e3 = e3fn(this.es);
        if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 - 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //North pole case
          Mlp = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, HALF_PI);
          rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
          M = Mlp - rh;
          lat = imlfn(M / this.a, e0, e1, e2, e3);
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, - 1 * p.y));
          p.x = lon;
          p.y = lat;
          return p;
        else if (Math.abs(this.sin_p12 + 1) <= EPSLN) {
          //South pole case
          Mlp = this.a * mlfn(e0, e1, e2, e3, HALF_PI);
          rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
          M = rh - Mlp;

          lat = imlfn(M / this.a, e0, e1, e2, e3);
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, p.y));
          p.x = lon;
          p.y = lat;
          return p;
        else {
          //default case
          rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
          Az = Math.atan2(p.x, p.y);
          N1 = gN(this.a, this.e, this.sin_p12);
          cosAz = Math.cos(Az);
          tmp = this.e * this.cos_p12 * cosAz;
          A = -tmp * tmp / (1 - this.es);
          B = 3 * this.es * (1 - A) * this.sin_p12 * this.cos_p12 * cosAz / (1 - this.es);
          D = rh / N1;
          Ee = D - A * (1 + A) * Math.pow(D, 3) / 6 - B * (1 + 3 * A) * Math.pow(D, 4) / 24;
          F = 1 - A * Ee * Ee / 2 - D * Ee * Ee * Ee / 6;
          psi = Math.asin(this.sin_p12 * Math.cos(Ee) + this.cos_p12 * Math.sin(Ee) * cosAz);
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.asin(Math.sin(Az) * Math.sin(Ee) / Math.cos(psi)));
          sinpsi = Math.sin(psi);
          lat = Math.atan2((sinpsi - this.es * F * this.sin_p12) * Math.tan(psi), sinpsi * (1 - this.es));
          p.x = lon;
          p.y = lat;
          return p;


    var names$26 = ["Azimuthal_Equidistant", "aeqd"];
    var aeqd = {
      init: init$25,
      forward: forward$24,
      inverse: inverse$24,
      names: names$26

    function init$26() {
      //double temp;      /* temporary variable    */

      /* Place parameters in static storage for common use
      this.sin_p14 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
      this.cos_p14 = Math.cos(this.lat0);

    /* Orthographic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    function forward$25(p) {
      var sinphi, cosphi; /* sin and cos value        */
      var dlon; /* delta longitude value      */
      var coslon; /* cos of longitude        */
      var ksp; /* scale factor          */
      var g, x, y;
      var lon = p.x;
      var lat = p.y;
      /* Forward equations
      dlon = adjust_lon(lon - this.long0);

      sinphi = Math.sin(lat);
      cosphi = Math.cos(lat);

      coslon = Math.cos(dlon);
      g = this.sin_p14 * sinphi + this.cos_p14 * cosphi * coslon;
      ksp = 1;
      if ((g > 0) || (Math.abs(g) <= EPSLN)) {
        x = this.a * ksp * cosphi * Math.sin(dlon);
        y = this.y0 + this.a * ksp * (this.cos_p14 * sinphi - this.sin_p14 * cosphi * coslon);
      p.x = x;
      p.y = y;
      return p;

    function inverse$25(p) {
      var rh; /* height above ellipsoid      */
      var z; /* angle          */
      var sinz, cosz; /* sin of z and cos of z      */
      var con;
      var lon, lat;
      /* Inverse equations
      p.x -= this.x0;
      p.y -= this.y0;
      rh = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);
      z = asinz(rh / this.a);

      sinz = Math.sin(z);
      cosz = Math.cos(z);

      lon = this.long0;
      if (Math.abs(rh) <= EPSLN) {
        lat = this.lat0;
        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;
      lat = asinz(cosz * this.sin_p14 + (p.y * sinz * this.cos_p14) / rh);
      con = Math.abs(this.lat0) - HALF_PI;
      if (Math.abs(con) <= EPSLN) {
        if (this.lat0 >= 0) {
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2(p.x, - p.y));
        else {
          lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 - Math.atan2(-p.x, p.y));
        p.x = lon;
        p.y = lat;
        return p;
      lon = adjust_lon(this.long0 + Math.atan2((p.x * sinz), rh * this.cos_p14 * cosz - p.y * this.sin_p14 * sinz));
      p.x = lon;
      p.y = lat;
      return p;

    var names$27 = ["ortho"];
    var ortho = {
      init: init$26,
      forward: forward$25,
      inverse: inverse$25,
      names: names$27

    // QSC projection rewritten from the original PROJ4
    // https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/blob/master/src/PJ_qsc.c

    /* constants */
    var FACE_ENUM = {
        FRONT: 1,
        RIGHT: 2,
        BACK: 3,
        LEFT: 4,
        TOP: 5,
        BOTTOM: 6

    var AREA_ENUM = {
        AREA_0: 1,
        AREA_1: 2,
        AREA_2: 3,
        AREA_3: 4

    function init$27() {

      this.x0 = this.x0 || 0;
      this.y0 = this.y0 || 0;
      this.lat0 = this.lat0 || 0;
      this.long0 = this.long0 || 0;
      this.lat_ts = this.lat_ts || 0;
      this.title = this.title || "Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube";

      /* Determine the cube face from the center of projection. */
      if (this.lat0 >= HALF_PI - FORTPI / 2.0) {
        this.face = FACE_ENUM.TOP;
      } else if (this.lat0 <= -(HALF_PI - FORTPI / 2.0)) {
        this.face = FACE_ENUM.BOTTOM;
      } else if (Math.abs(this.long0) <= FORTPI) {
        this.face = FACE_ENUM.FRONT;
      } else if (Math.abs(this.long0) <= HALF_PI + FORTPI) {
        this.face = this.long0 > 0.0 ? FACE_ENUM.RIGHT : FACE_ENUM.LEFT;
      } else {
        this.face = FACE_ENUM.BACK;

      /* Fill in useful values for the ellipsoid <-> sphere shift
       * described in [LK12]. */
      if (this.es !== 0) {
        this.one_minus_f = 1 - (this.a - this.b) / this.a;
        this.one_minus_f_squared = this.one_minus_f * this.one_minus_f;

    // QSC forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function forward$26(p) {
      var xy = {x: 0, y: 0};
      var lat, lon;
      var theta, phi;
      var t, mu;
      /* nu; */
      var area = {value: 0};

      // move lon according to projection's lon
      p.x -= this.long0;

      /* Convert the geodetic latitude to a geocentric latitude.
       * This corresponds to the shift from the ellipsoid to the sphere
       * described in [LK12]. */
      if (this.es !== 0) {//if (P->es != 0) {
        lat = Math.atan(this.one_minus_f_squared * Math.tan(p.y));
      } else {
        lat = p.y;

      /* Convert the input lat, lon into theta, phi as used by QSC.
       * This depends on the cube face and the area on it.
       * For the top and bottom face, we can compute theta and phi
       * directly from phi, lam. For the other faces, we must use
       * unit sphere cartesian coordinates as an intermediate step. */
      lon = p.x; //lon = lp.lam;
      if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.TOP) {
        phi = HALF_PI - lat;
        if (lon >= FORTPI && lon <= HALF_PI + FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;
          theta = lon - HALF_PI;
        } else if (lon > HALF_PI + FORTPI || lon <= -(HALF_PI + FORTPI)) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_1;
          theta = (lon > 0.0 ? lon - SPI : lon + SPI);
        } else if (lon > -(HALF_PI + FORTPI) && lon <= -FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_2;
          theta = lon + HALF_PI;
        } else {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_3;
          theta = lon;
      } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BOTTOM) {
        phi = HALF_PI + lat;
        if (lon >= FORTPI && lon <= HALF_PI + FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;
          theta = -lon + HALF_PI;
        } else if (lon < FORTPI && lon >= -FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_1;
          theta = -lon;
        } else if (lon < -FORTPI && lon >= -(HALF_PI + FORTPI)) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_2;
          theta = -lon - HALF_PI;
        } else {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_3;
          theta = (lon > 0.0 ? -lon + SPI : -lon - SPI);
      } else {
        var q, r, s;
        var sinlat, coslat;
        var sinlon, coslon;

        if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.RIGHT) {
          lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, +HALF_PI);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BACK) {
          lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, +SPI);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.LEFT) {
          lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, -HALF_PI);
        sinlat = Math.sin(lat);
        coslat = Math.cos(lat);
        sinlon = Math.sin(lon);
        coslon = Math.cos(lon);
        q = coslat * coslon;
        r = coslat * sinlon;
        s = sinlat;

        if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.FRONT) {
          phi = Math.acos(q);
          theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, r, area);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.RIGHT) {
          phi = Math.acos(r);
          theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, -q, area);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BACK) {
          phi = Math.acos(-q);
          theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, -r, area);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.LEFT) {
          phi = Math.acos(-r);
          theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, q, area);
        } else {
          /* Impossible */
          phi = theta = 0;
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;

      /* Compute mu and nu for the area of definition.
       * For mu, see Eq. (3-21) in [OL76], but note the typos:
       * compare with Eq. (3-14). For nu, see Eq. (3-38). */
      mu = Math.atan((12 / SPI) * (theta + Math.acos(Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(FORTPI)) - HALF_PI));
      t = Math.sqrt((1 - Math.cos(phi)) / (Math.cos(mu) * Math.cos(mu)) / (1 - Math.cos(Math.atan(1 / Math.cos(theta)))));

      /* Apply the result to the real area. */
      if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_1) {
        mu += HALF_PI;
      } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_2) {
        mu += SPI;
      } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_3) {
        mu += 1.5 * SPI;

      /* Now compute x, y from mu and nu */
      xy.x = t * Math.cos(mu);
      xy.y = t * Math.sin(mu);
      xy.x = xy.x * this.a + this.x0;
      xy.y = xy.y * this.a + this.y0;

      p.x = xy.x;
      p.y = xy.y;
      return p;

    // QSC inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat/long
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    function inverse$26(p) {
      var lp = {lam: 0, phi: 0};
      var mu, nu, cosmu, tannu;
      var tantheta, theta, cosphi, phi;
      var t;
      var area = {value: 0};

      /* de-offset */
      p.x = (p.x - this.x0) / this.a;
      p.y = (p.y - this.y0) / this.a;

      /* Convert the input x, y to the mu and nu angles as used by QSC.
       * This depends on the area of the cube face. */
      nu = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y));
      mu = Math.atan2(p.y, p.x);
      if (p.x >= 0.0 && p.x >= Math.abs(p.y)) {
        area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;
      } else if (p.y >= 0.0 && p.y >= Math.abs(p.x)) {
        area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_1;
        mu -= HALF_PI;
      } else if (p.x < 0.0 && -p.x >= Math.abs(p.y)) {
        area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_2;
        mu = (mu < 0.0 ? mu + SPI : mu - SPI);
      } else {
        area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_3;
        mu += HALF_PI;

      /* Compute phi and theta for the area of definition.
       * The inverse projection is not described in the original paper, but some
       * good hints can be found here (as of 2011-12-14):
       * http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsbits/saf.93/saf.9302
       * (search for "Message-Id: <9302181759.AA25477 at fits.cv.nrao.edu>") */
      t = (SPI / 12) * Math.tan(mu);
      tantheta = Math.sin(t) / (Math.cos(t) - (1 / Math.sqrt(2)));
      theta = Math.atan(tantheta);
      cosmu = Math.cos(mu);
      tannu = Math.tan(nu);
      cosphi = 1 - cosmu * cosmu * tannu * tannu * (1 - Math.cos(Math.atan(1 / Math.cos(theta))));
      if (cosphi < -1) {
        cosphi = -1;
      } else if (cosphi > +1) {
        cosphi = +1;

      /* Apply the result to the real area on the cube face.
       * For the top and bottom face, we can compute phi and lam directly.
       * For the other faces, we must use unit sphere cartesian coordinates
       * as an intermediate step. */
      if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.TOP) {
        phi = Math.acos(cosphi);
        lp.phi = HALF_PI - phi;
        if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_0) {
          lp.lam = theta + HALF_PI;
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_1) {
          lp.lam = (theta < 0.0 ? theta + SPI : theta - SPI);
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_2) {
          lp.lam = theta - HALF_PI;
        } else /* area.value == AREA_ENUM.AREA_3 */ {
          lp.lam = theta;
      } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BOTTOM) {
        phi = Math.acos(cosphi);
        lp.phi = phi - HALF_PI;
        if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_0) {
          lp.lam = -theta + HALF_PI;
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_1) {
          lp.lam = -theta;
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_2) {
          lp.lam = -theta - HALF_PI;
        } else /* area.value == AREA_ENUM.AREA_3 */ {
          lp.lam = (theta < 0.0 ? -theta - SPI : -theta + SPI);
      } else {
        /* Compute phi and lam via cartesian unit sphere coordinates. */
        var q, r, s;
        q = cosphi;
        t = q * q;
        if (t >= 1) {
          s = 0;
        } else {
          s = Math.sqrt(1 - t) * Math.sin(theta);
        t += s * s;
        if (t >= 1) {
          r = 0;
        } else {
          r = Math.sqrt(1 - t);
        /* Rotate q,r,s into the correct area. */
        if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_1) {
          t = r;
          r = -s;
          s = t;
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_2) {
          r = -r;
          s = -s;
        } else if (area.value === AREA_ENUM.AREA_3) {
          t = r;
          r = s;
          s = -t;
        /* Rotate q,r,s into the correct cube face. */
        if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.RIGHT) {
          t = q;
          q = -r;
          r = t;
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BACK) {
          q = -q;
          r = -r;
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.LEFT) {
          t = q;
          q = r;
          r = -t;
        /* Now compute phi and lam from the unit sphere coordinates. */
        lp.phi = Math.acos(-s) - HALF_PI;
        lp.lam = Math.atan2(r, q);
        if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.RIGHT) {
          lp.lam = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp.lam, -HALF_PI);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.BACK) {
          lp.lam = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp.lam, -SPI);
        } else if (this.face === FACE_ENUM.LEFT) {
          lp.lam = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp.lam, +HALF_PI);

      /* Apply the shift from the sphere to the ellipsoid as described
       * in [LK12]. */
      if (this.es !== 0) {
        var invert_sign;
        var tanphi, xa;
        invert_sign = (lp.phi < 0 ? 1 : 0);
        tanphi = Math.tan(lp.phi);
        xa = this.b / Math.sqrt(tanphi * tanphi + this.one_minus_f_squared);
        lp.phi = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a - xa * xa) / (this.one_minus_f * xa));
        if (invert_sign) {
          lp.phi = -lp.phi;

      lp.lam += this.long0;
      p.x = lp.lam;
      p.y = lp.phi;
      return p;

    /* Helper function for forward projection: compute the theta angle
     * and determine the area number. */
    function qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, y, x, area) {
      var theta;
      if (phi < EPSLN) {
        area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;
        theta = 0.0;
      } else {
        theta = Math.atan2(y, x);
        if (Math.abs(theta) <= FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_0;
        } else if (theta > FORTPI && theta <= HALF_PI + FORTPI) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_1;
          theta -= HALF_PI;
        } else if (theta > HALF_PI + FORTPI || theta <= -(HALF_PI + FORTPI)) {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_2;
          theta = (theta >= 0.0 ? theta - SPI : theta + SPI);
        } else {
          area.value = AREA_ENUM.AREA_3;
          theta += HALF_PI;
      return theta;

    /* Helper function: shift the longitude. */
    function qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, offset) {
      var slon = lon + offset;
      if (slon < -SPI) {
        slon += TWO_PI;
      } else if (slon > +SPI) {
        slon -= TWO_PI;
      return slon;

    var names$28 = ["Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube", "Quadrilateralized_Spherical_Cube", "qsc"];
    var qsc = {
      init: init$27,
      forward: forward$26,
      inverse: inverse$26,
      names: names$28

    // Robinson projection
    // Based on https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/blob/master/src/PJ_robin.c
    // Polynomial coeficients from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.proj-4.devel/6039

    var COEFS_X = [
        [1.0000, 2.2199e-17, -7.15515e-05, 3.1103e-06],
        [0.9986, -0.000482243, -2.4897e-05, -1.3309e-06],
        [0.9954, -0.00083103, -4.48605e-05, -9.86701e-07],
        [0.9900, -0.00135364, -5.9661e-05, 3.6777e-06],
        [0.9822, -0.00167442, -4.49547e-06, -5.72411e-06],
        [0.9730, -0.00214868, -9.03571e-05, 1.8736e-08],
        [0.9600, -0.00305085, -9.00761e-05, 1.64917e-06],
        [0.9427, -0.00382792, -6.53386e-05, -2.6154e-06],
        [0.9216, -0.00467746, -0.00010457, 4.81243e-06],
        [0.8962, -0.00536223, -3.23831e-05, -5.43432e-06],
        [0.8679, -0.00609363, -0.000113898, 3.32484e-06],
        [0.8350, -0.00698325, -6.40253e-05, 9.34959e-07],
        [0.7986, -0.00755338, -5.00009e-05, 9.35324e-07],
        [0.7597, -0.00798324, -3.5971e-05, -2.27626e-06],
        [0.7186, -0.00851367, -7.01149e-05, -8.6303e-06],
        [0.6732, -0.00986209, -0.000199569, 1.91974e-05],
        [0.6213, -0.010418, 8.83923e-05, 6.24051e-06],
        [0.5722, -0.00906601, 0.000182, 6.24051e-06],
        [0.5322, -0.00677797, 0.000275608, 6.24051e-06]

    var COEFS_Y = [
        [-5.20417e-18, 0.0124, 1.21431e-18, -8.45284e-11],
        [0.0620, 0.0124, -1.26793e-09, 4.22642e-10],
        [0.1240, 0.0124, 5.07171e-09, -1.60604e-09],
        [0.1860, 0.0123999, -1.90189e-08, 6.00152e-09],
        [0.2480, 0.0124002, 7.10039e-08, -2.24e-08],
        [0.3100, 0.0123992, -2.64997e-07, 8.35986e-08],
        [0.3720, 0.0124029, 9.88983e-07, -3.11994e-07],
        [0.4340, 0.0123893, -3.69093e-06, -4.35621e-07],
        [0.4958, 0.0123198, -1.02252e-05, -3.45523e-07],
        [0.5571, 0.0121916, -1.54081e-05, -5.82288e-07],
        [0.6176, 0.0119938, -2.41424e-05, -5.25327e-07],
        [0.6769, 0.011713, -3.20223e-05, -5.16405e-07],
        [0.7346, 0.0113541, -3.97684e-05, -6.09052e-07],
        [0.7903, 0.0109107, -4.89042e-05, -1.04739e-06],
        [0.8435, 0.0103431, -6.4615e-05, -1.40374e-09],
        [0.8936, 0.00969686, -6.4636e-05, -8.547e-06],
        [0.9394, 0.00840947, -0.000192841, -4.2106e-06],
        [0.9761, 0.00616527, -0.000256, -4.2106e-06],
        [1.0000, 0.00328947, -0.000319159, -4.2106e-06]

    var FXC = 0.8487;
    var FYC = 1.3523;
    var C1 = R2D/5; // rad to 5-degree interval
    var RC1 = 1/C1;
    var NODES = 18;

    var poly3_val = function(coefs, x) {
        return coefs[0] + x * (coefs[1] + x * (coefs[2] + x * coefs[3]));

    var poly3_der = function(coefs, x) {
        return coefs[1] + x * (2 * coefs[2] + x * 3 * coefs[3]);

    function newton_rapshon(f_df, start, max_err, iters) {
        var x = start;
        for (; iters; --iters) {
            var upd = f_df(x);
            x -= upd;
            if (Math.abs(upd) < max_err) {
        return x;

    function init$28() {
        this.x0 = this.x0 || 0;
        this.y0 = this.y0 || 0;
        this.long0 = this.long0 || 0;
        this.es = 0;
        this.title = this.title || "Robinson";

    function forward$27(ll) {
        var lon = adjust_lon(ll.x - this.long0);

        var dphi = Math.abs(ll.y);
        var i = Math.floor(dphi * C1);
        if (i < 0) {
            i = 0;
        } else if (i >= NODES) {
            i = NODES - 1;
        dphi = R2D * (dphi - RC1 * i);
        var xy = {
            x: poly3_val(COEFS_X[i], dphi) * lon,
            y: poly3_val(COEFS_Y[i], dphi)
        if (ll.y < 0) {
            xy.y = -xy.y;

        xy.x = xy.x * this.a * FXC + this.x0;
        xy.y = xy.y * this.a * FYC + this.y0;
        return xy;

    function inverse$27(xy) {
        var ll = {
            x: (xy.x - this.x0) / (this.a * FXC),
            y: Math.abs(xy.y - this.y0) / (this.a * FYC)

        if (ll.y >= 1) { // pathologic case
            ll.x /= COEFS_X[NODES][0];
            ll.y = xy.y < 0 ? -HALF_PI : HALF_PI;
        } else {
            // find table interval
            var i = Math.floor(ll.y * NODES);
            if (i < 0) {
                i = 0;
            } else if (i >= NODES) {
                i = NODES - 1;
            for (;;) {
                if (COEFS_Y[i][0] > ll.y) {
                } else if (COEFS_Y[i+1][0] <= ll.y) {
                } else {
            // linear interpolation in 5 degree interval
            var coefs = COEFS_Y[i];
            var t = 5 * (ll.y - coefs[0]) / (COEFS_Y[i+1][0] - coefs[0]);
            // find t so that poly3_val(coefs, t) = ll.y
            t = newton_rapshon(function(x) {
                return (poly3_val(coefs, x) - ll.y) / poly3_der(coefs, x);
            }, t, EPSLN, 100);

            ll.x /= poly3_val(COEFS_X[i], t);
            ll.y = (5 * i + t) * D2R;
            if (xy.y < 0) {
                ll.y = -ll.y;

        ll.x = adjust_lon(ll.x + this.long0);
        return ll;

    var names$29 = ["Robinson", "robin"];
    var robin = {
      init: init$28,
      forward: forward$27,
      inverse: inverse$27,
      names: names$29

    function init$29() {
        this.name = 'geocent';


    function forward$28(p) {
        var point = geodeticToGeocentric(p, this.es, this.a);
        return point;

    function inverse$28(p) {
        var point = geocentricToGeodetic(p, this.es, this.a, this.b);
        return point;

    var names$30 = ["Geocentric", 'geocentric', "geocent", "Geocent"];
    var geocent = {
        init: init$29,
        forward: forward$28,
        inverse: inverse$28,
        names: names$30

    var mode = {
      N_POLE: 0,
      S_POLE: 1,
      EQUIT: 2,
      OBLIQ: 3

    var params = {
      h:     { def: 100000, num: true },           // default is Karman line, no default in PROJ.7
      azi:   { def: 0, num: true, degrees: true }, // default is North
      tilt:  { def: 0, num: true, degrees: true }, // default is Nadir
      long0: { def: 0, num: true },                // default is Greenwich, conversion to rad is automatic
      lat0:  { def: 0, num: true }                 // default is Equator, conversion to rad is automatic

    function init$30() {
      Object.keys(params).forEach(function (p) {
        if (typeof this[p] === "undefined") {
          this[p] = params[p].def;
        } else if (params[p].num && isNaN(this[p])) {
          throw new Error("Invalid parameter value, must be numeric " + p + " = " + this[p]);
        } else if (params[p].num) {
          this[p] = parseFloat(this[p]);
        if (params[p].degrees) {
          this[p] = this[p] * D2R;

      if (Math.abs((Math.abs(this.lat0) - HALF_PI)) < EPSLN) {
        this.mode = this.lat0 < 0 ? mode.S_POLE : mode.N_POLE;
      } else if (Math.abs(this.lat0) < EPSLN) {
        this.mode = mode.EQUIT;
      } else {
        this.mode = mode.OBLIQ;
        this.sinph0 = Math.sin(this.lat0);
        this.cosph0 = Math.cos(this.lat0);

      this.pn1 = this.h / this.a;  // Normalize relative to the Earth's radius

      if (this.pn1 <= 0 || this.pn1 > 1e10) {
        throw new Error("Invalid height");
      this.p = 1 + this.pn1;
      this.rp = 1 / this.p;
      this.h1 = 1 / this.pn1;
      this.pfact = (this.p + 1) * this.h1;
      this.es = 0;

      var omega = this.tilt;
      var gamma = this.azi;
      this.cg = Math.cos(gamma);
      this.sg = Math.sin(gamma);
      this.cw = Math.cos(omega);
      this.sw = Math.sin(omega);

    function forward$29(p) {
      p.x -= this.long0;
      var sinphi = Math.sin(p.y);
      var cosphi = Math.cos(p.y);
      var coslam = Math.cos(p.x);
      var x, y;
      switch (this.mode) {
        case mode.OBLIQ:
          y = this.sinph0 * sinphi + this.cosph0 * cosphi * coslam;
        case mode.EQUIT:
          y = cosphi * coslam;
        case mode.S_POLE:
          y = -sinphi;
        case mode.N_POLE:
          y = sinphi;
      y = this.pn1 / (this.p - y);
      x = y * cosphi * Math.sin(p.x);

      switch (this.mode) {
        case mode.OBLIQ:
          y *= this.cosph0 * sinphi - this.sinph0 * cosphi * coslam;
        case mode.EQUIT:
          y *= sinphi;
        case mode.N_POLE:
          y *= -(cosphi * coslam);
        case mode.S_POLE:
          y *= cosphi * coslam;

      // Tilt 
      var yt, ba;
      yt = y * this.cg + x * this.sg;
      ba = 1 / (yt * this.sw * this.h1 + this.cw);
      x = (x * this.cg - y * this.sg) * this.cw * ba;
      y = yt * ba;

      p.x = x * this.a;
      p.y = y * this.a;
      return p;

    function inverse$29(p) {
      p.x /= this.a;
      p.y /= this.a;
      var r = { x: p.x, y: p.y };

      // Un-Tilt
      var bm, bq, yt;
      yt = 1 / (this.pn1 - p.y * this.sw);
      bm = this.pn1 * p.x * yt;
      bq = this.pn1 * p.y * this.cw * yt;
      p.x = bm * this.cg + bq * this.sg;
      p.y = bq * this.cg - bm * this.sg;

      var rh = hypot(p.x, p.y);
      if (Math.abs(rh) < EPSLN) {
        r.x = 0;
        r.y = p.y;
      } else {
        var cosz, sinz;
        sinz = 1 - rh * rh * this.pfact;
        sinz = (this.p - Math.sqrt(sinz)) / (this.pn1 / rh + rh / this.pn1);
        cosz = Math.sqrt(1 - sinz * sinz);
        switch (this.mode) {
          case mode.OBLIQ:
            r.y = Math.asin(cosz * this.sinph0 + p.y * sinz * this.cosph0 / rh);
            p.y = (cosz - this.sinph0 * Math.sin(r.y)) * rh;
            p.x *= sinz * this.cosph0;
          case mode.EQUIT:
            r.y = Math.asin(p.y * sinz / rh);
            p.y = cosz * rh;
            p.x *= sinz;
          case mode.N_POLE:
            r.y = Math.asin(cosz);
            p.y = -p.y;
          case mode.S_POLE:
            r.y = -Math.asin(cosz);
        r.x = Math.atan2(p.x, p.y);

      p.x = r.x + this.long0;
      p.y = r.y;
      return p;

    var names$31 = ["Tilted_Perspective", "tpers"];
    var tpers = {
      init: init$30,
      forward: forward$29,
      inverse: inverse$29,
      names: names$31

    var includedProjections = function(proj4){

    proj4$1.defaultDatum = 'WGS84'; //default datum
    proj4$1.Proj = Projection;
    proj4$1.WGS84 = new proj4$1.Proj('WGS84');
    proj4$1.Point = Point;
    proj4$1.toPoint = toPoint;
    proj4$1.defs = defs;
    proj4$1.nadgrid = nadgrid;
    proj4$1.transform = transform;
    proj4$1.mgrs = mgrs;
    proj4$1.version = '2.7.4';

    return proj4$1;


/*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */
/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */
var buffer = require('buffer')
var Buffer = buffer.Buffer

// alternative to using Object.keys for old browsers
function copyProps (src, dst) {
  for (var key in src) {
    dst[key] = src[key]
if (Buffer.from && Buffer.alloc && Buffer.allocUnsafe && Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow) {
  module.exports = buffer
} else {
  // Copy properties from require('buffer')
  copyProps(buffer, exports)
  exports.Buffer = SafeBuffer

function SafeBuffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
  return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length)

SafeBuffer.prototype = Object.create(Buffer.prototype)

// Copy static methods from Buffer
copyProps(Buffer, SafeBuffer)

SafeBuffer.from = function (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
  if (typeof arg === 'number') {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must not be a number')
  return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length)

SafeBuffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) {
  if (typeof size !== 'number') {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number')
  var buf = Buffer(size)
  if (fill !== undefined) {
    if (typeof encoding === 'string') {
      buf.fill(fill, encoding)
    } else {
  } else {
  return buf

SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) {
  if (typeof size !== 'number') {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number')
  return Buffer(size)

SafeBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) {
  if (typeof size !== 'number') {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number')
  return buffer.SlowBuffer(size)

// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

'use strict';


var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer;

var isEncoding = Buffer.isEncoding || function (encoding) {
  encoding = '' + encoding;
  switch (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase()) {
    case 'hex':case 'utf8':case 'utf-8':case 'ascii':case 'binary':case 'base64':case 'ucs2':case 'ucs-2':case 'utf16le':case 'utf-16le':case 'raw':
      return true;
      return false;

function _normalizeEncoding(enc) {
  if (!enc) return 'utf8';
  var retried;
  while (true) {
    switch (enc) {
      case 'utf8':
      case 'utf-8':
        return 'utf8';
      case 'ucs2':
      case 'ucs-2':
      case 'utf16le':
      case 'utf-16le':
        return 'utf16le';
      case 'latin1':
      case 'binary':
        return 'latin1';
      case 'base64':
      case 'ascii':
      case 'hex':
        return enc;
        if (retried) return; // undefined
        enc = ('' + enc).toLowerCase();
        retried = true;

// Do not cache `Buffer.isEncoding` when checking encoding names as some
// modules monkey-patch it to support additional encodings
function normalizeEncoding(enc) {
  var nenc = _normalizeEncoding(enc);
  if (typeof nenc !== 'string' && (Buffer.isEncoding === isEncoding || !isEncoding(enc))) throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + enc);
  return nenc || enc;

// StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of
// buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte
// characters.
exports.StringDecoder = StringDecoder;
function StringDecoder(encoding) {
  this.encoding = normalizeEncoding(encoding);
  var nb;
  switch (this.encoding) {
    case 'utf16le':
      this.text = utf16Text;
      this.end = utf16End;
      nb = 4;
    case 'utf8':
      this.fillLast = utf8FillLast;
      nb = 4;
    case 'base64':
      this.text = base64Text;
      this.end = base64End;
      nb = 3;
      this.write = simpleWrite;
      this.end = simpleEnd;
  this.lastNeed = 0;
  this.lastTotal = 0;
  this.lastChar = Buffer.allocUnsafe(nb);

StringDecoder.prototype.write = function (buf) {
  if (buf.length === 0) return '';
  var r;
  var i;
  if (this.lastNeed) {
    r = this.fillLast(buf);
    if (r === undefined) return '';
    i = this.lastNeed;
    this.lastNeed = 0;
  } else {
    i = 0;
  if (i < buf.length) return r ? r + this.text(buf, i) : this.text(buf, i);
  return r || '';

StringDecoder.prototype.end = utf8End;

// Returns only complete characters in a Buffer
StringDecoder.prototype.text = utf8Text;

// Attempts to complete a partial non-UTF-8 character using bytes from a Buffer
StringDecoder.prototype.fillLast = function (buf) {
  if (this.lastNeed <= buf.length) {
    buf.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed);
    return this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal);
  buf.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, buf.length);
  this.lastNeed -= buf.length;

// Checks the type of a UTF-8 byte, whether it's ASCII, a leading byte, or a
// continuation byte. If an invalid byte is detected, -2 is returned.
function utf8CheckByte(byte) {
  if (byte <= 0x7F) return 0;else if (byte >> 5 === 0x06) return 2;else if (byte >> 4 === 0x0E) return 3;else if (byte >> 3 === 0x1E) return 4;
  return byte >> 6 === 0x02 ? -1 : -2;

// Checks at most 3 bytes at the end of a Buffer in order to detect an
// incomplete multi-byte UTF-8 character. The total number of bytes (2, 3, or 4)
// needed to complete the UTF-8 character (if applicable) are returned.
function utf8CheckIncomplete(self, buf, i) {
  var j = buf.length - 1;
  if (j < i) return 0;
  var nb = utf8CheckByte(buf[j]);
  if (nb >= 0) {
    if (nb > 0) self.lastNeed = nb - 1;
    return nb;
  if (--j < i || nb === -2) return 0;
  nb = utf8CheckByte(buf[j]);
  if (nb >= 0) {
    if (nb > 0) self.lastNeed = nb - 2;
    return nb;
  if (--j < i || nb === -2) return 0;
  nb = utf8CheckByte(buf[j]);
  if (nb >= 0) {
    if (nb > 0) {
      if (nb === 2) nb = 0;else self.lastNeed = nb - 3;
    return nb;
  return 0;

// Validates as many continuation bytes for a multi-byte UTF-8 character as
// needed or are available. If we see a non-continuation byte where we expect
// one, we "replace" the validated continuation bytes we've seen so far with
// a single UTF-8 replacement character ('\ufffd'), to match v8's UTF-8 decoding
// behavior. The continuation byte check is included three times in the case
// where all of the continuation bytes for a character exist in the same buffer.
// It is also done this way as a slight performance increase instead of using a
// loop.
function utf8CheckExtraBytes(self, buf, p) {
  if ((buf[0] & 0xC0) !== 0x80) {
    self.lastNeed = 0;
    return '\ufffd';
  if (self.lastNeed > 1 && buf.length > 1) {
    if ((buf[1] & 0xC0) !== 0x80) {
      self.lastNeed = 1;
      return '\ufffd';
    if (self.lastNeed > 2 && buf.length > 2) {
      if ((buf[2] & 0xC0) !== 0x80) {
        self.lastNeed = 2;
        return '\ufffd';

// Attempts to complete a multi-byte UTF-8 character using bytes from a Buffer.
function utf8FillLast(buf) {
  var p = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed;
  var r = utf8CheckExtraBytes(this, buf, p);
  if (r !== undefined) return r;
  if (this.lastNeed <= buf.length) {
    buf.copy(this.lastChar, p, 0, this.lastNeed);
    return this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal);
  buf.copy(this.lastChar, p, 0, buf.length);
  this.lastNeed -= buf.length;

// Returns all complete UTF-8 characters in a Buffer. If the Buffer ended on a
// partial character, the character's bytes are buffered until the required
// number of bytes are available.
function utf8Text(buf, i) {
  var total = utf8CheckIncomplete(this, buf, i);
  if (!this.lastNeed) return buf.toString('utf8', i);
  this.lastTotal = total;
  var end = buf.length - (total - this.lastNeed);
  buf.copy(this.lastChar, 0, end);
  return buf.toString('utf8', i, end);

// For UTF-8, a replacement character is added when ending on a partial
// character.
function utf8End(buf) {
  var r = buf && buf.length ? this.write(buf) : '';
  if (this.lastNeed) return r + '\ufffd';
  return r;

// UTF-16LE typically needs two bytes per character, but even if we have an even
// number of bytes available, we need to check if we end on a leading/high
// surrogate. In that case, we need to wait for the next two bytes in order to
// decode the last character properly.
function utf16Text(buf, i) {
  if ((buf.length - i) % 2 === 0) {
    var r = buf.toString('utf16le', i);
    if (r) {
      var c = r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1);
      if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF) {
        this.lastNeed = 2;
        this.lastTotal = 4;
        this.lastChar[0] = buf[buf.length - 2];
        this.lastChar[1] = buf[buf.length - 1];
        return r.slice(0, -1);
    return r;
  this.lastNeed = 1;
  this.lastTotal = 2;
  this.lastChar[0] = buf[buf.length - 1];
  return buf.toString('utf16le', i, buf.length - 1);

// For UTF-16LE we do not explicitly append special replacement characters if we
// end on a partial character, we simply let v8 handle that.
function utf16End(buf) {
  var r = buf && buf.length ? this.write(buf) : '';
  if (this.lastNeed) {
    var end = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed;
    return r + this.lastChar.toString('utf16le', 0, end);
  return r;

function base64Text(buf, i) {
  var n = (buf.length - i) % 3;
  if (n === 0) return buf.toString('base64', i);
  this.lastNeed = 3 - n;
  this.lastTotal = 3;
  if (n === 1) {
    this.lastChar[0] = buf[buf.length - 1];
  } else {
    this.lastChar[0] = buf[buf.length - 2];
    this.lastChar[1] = buf[buf.length - 1];
  return buf.toString('base64', i, buf.length - n);

function base64End(buf) {
  var r = buf && buf.length ? this.write(buf) : '';
  if (this.lastNeed) return r + this.lastChar.toString('base64', 0, 3 - this.lastNeed);
  return r;

// Pass bytes on through for single-byte encodings (e.g. ascii, latin1, hex)
function simpleWrite(buf) {
  return buf.toString(this.encoding);

function simpleEnd(buf) {
  return buf && buf.length ? this.write(buf) : '';
(function (setImmediate,clearImmediate){(function (){
var nextTick = require('process/browser.js').nextTick;
var apply = Function.prototype.apply;
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var immediateIds = {};
var nextImmediateId = 0;

// DOM APIs, for completeness

exports.setTimeout = function() {
  return new Timeout(apply.call(setTimeout, window, arguments), clearTimeout);
exports.setInterval = function() {
  return new Timeout(apply.call(setInterval, window, arguments), clearInterval);
exports.clearTimeout =
exports.clearInterval = function(timeout) { timeout.close(); };

function Timeout(id, clearFn) {
  this._id = id;
  this._clearFn = clearFn;
Timeout.prototype.unref = Timeout.prototype.ref = function() {};
Timeout.prototype.close = function() {
  this._clearFn.call(window, this._id);

// Does not start the time, just sets up the members needed.
exports.enroll = function(item, msecs) {
  item._idleTimeout = msecs;

exports.unenroll = function(item) {
  item._idleTimeout = -1;

exports._unrefActive = exports.active = function(item) {

  var msecs = item._idleTimeout;
  if (msecs >= 0) {
    item._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function onTimeout() {
      if (item._onTimeout)
    }, msecs);

// That's not how node.js implements it but the exposed api is the same.
exports.setImmediate = typeof setImmediate === "function" ? setImmediate : function(fn) {
  var id = nextImmediateId++;
  var args = arguments.length < 2 ? false : slice.call(arguments, 1);

  immediateIds[id] = true;

  nextTick(function onNextTick() {
    if (immediateIds[id]) {
      // fn.call() is faster so we optimize for the common use-case
      // @see http://jsperf.com/call-apply-segu
      if (args) {
        fn.apply(null, args);
      } else {
      // Prevent ids from leaking

  return id;

exports.clearImmediate = typeof clearImmediate === "function" ? clearImmediate : function(id) {
  delete immediateIds[id];
(function (global){(function (){
'use strict';
let proj4 = require('proj4');
if (proj4.default) {
  proj4 = proj4.default;
const unzip = require('./unzip');
const binaryAjax = require('./binaryajax');
const parseShp = require('./parseShp');
const parseDbf = require('parsedbf');
const Promise = require('lie');
const Cache = require('lru-cache');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const URL = global.URL;

const cache = new Cache({
  max: 20

function toBuffer (b) {
  if (!b) {
    throw new Error('forgot to pass buffer');
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {
    return b;
  if (b instanceof global.ArrayBuffer) {
    return Buffer.from(b);
  if (b.buffer instanceof global.ArrayBuffer) {
    if (b.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 1) {
      return Buffer.from(b);
    return Buffer.from(b.buffer);

function shp (base, whiteList) {
  if (typeof base === 'string' && cache.has(base)) {
    return Promise.resolve(cache.get(base));
  return shp.getShapefile(base, whiteList).then(function (resp) {
    if (typeof base === 'string') {
      cache.set(base, resp);
    return resp;
shp.combine = function (arr) {
  const out = {};
  out.type = 'FeatureCollection';
  out.features = [];
  let i = 0;
  const len = arr[0].length;
  while (i < len) {
      type: 'Feature',
      geometry: arr[0][i],
      properties: arr[1][i]
  return out;
shp.parseZip = async function (buffer, whiteList) {
  let key;
  buffer = toBuffer(buffer);
  const zip = await unzip(buffer);
  const names = [];
  whiteList = whiteList || [];
  for (key in zip) {
    if (key.indexOf('__MACOSX') !== -1) {
    if (key.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'shp') {
      names.push(key.slice(0, -4));
      zip[key.slice(0, -3) + key.slice(-3).toLowerCase()] = zip[key];
    } else if (key.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'prj') {
      zip[key.slice(0, -3) + key.slice(-3).toLowerCase()] = proj4(zip[key]);
    } else if (key.slice(-4).toLowerCase() === 'json' || whiteList.indexOf(key.split('.').pop()) > -1) {
      names.push(key.slice(0, -3) + key.slice(-3).toLowerCase());
    } else if (key.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'dbf' || key.slice(-3).toLowerCase() === 'cpg') {
      zip[key.slice(0, -3) + key.slice(-3).toLowerCase()] = zip[key];
  if (!names.length) {
    throw new Error('no layers founds');
  const geojson = names.map(function (name) {
    let parsed, dbf;
    const lastDotIdx = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (lastDotIdx > -1 && name.slice(lastDotIdx).indexOf('json') > -1) {
      parsed = JSON.parse(zip[name]);
      parsed.fileName = name.slice(0, lastDotIdx);
    } else if (whiteList.indexOf(name.slice(lastDotIdx + 1)) > -1) {
      parsed = zip[name];
      parsed.fileName = name;
    } else {
      if (zip[name + '.dbf']) {
        dbf = parseDbf(zip[name + '.dbf'], zip[name + '.cpg']);
      parsed = shp.combine([parseShp(zip[name + '.shp'], zip[name + '.prj']), dbf]);
      parsed.fileName = name;
    return parsed;
  if (geojson.length === 1) {
    return geojson[0];
  } else {
    return geojson;

async function getZip (base, whiteList) {
  const a = await binaryAjax(base);
  return shp.parseZip(a, whiteList);
const handleShp = async (base) => {
  const args = await Promise.all([
    binaryAjax(base, 'shp'),
    binaryAjax(base, 'prj')
  let prj = false;
  try {
    if (args[1]) {
      prj = proj4(args[1]);
  } catch (e) {
    prj = false;
  return parseShp(args[0], prj);
const handleDbf = async (base) => {
  const [dbf, cpg] = await Promise.all([
    binaryAjax(base, 'dbf'),
    binaryAjax(base, 'cpg')
  return parseDbf(dbf, cpg);
const checkSuffix = (base, suffix) => {
  const url = new URL(base);
  return url.pathname.slice(-4).toLowerCase() === suffix;
shp.getShapefile = async function (base, whiteList) {
  if (typeof base !== 'string') {
    return shp.parseZip(base);
  if (checkSuffix(base, '.zip')) {
    return getZip(base, whiteList);
  const results = await Promise.all([
  return shp.combine(results);
shp.parseShp = function (shp, prj) {
  shp = toBuffer(shp);
  if (Buffer.isBuffer(prj)) {
    prj = prj.toString();
  if (typeof prj === 'string') {
    try {
      prj = proj4(prj);
    } catch (e) {
      prj = false;
  return parseShp(shp, prj);
shp.parseDbf = function (dbf, cpg) {
  dbf = toBuffer(dbf);
  return parseDbf(dbf, cpg);
module.exports = shp;

}).call(this)}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})