""" Author: Michel Peltriaux Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de Created on: 01.12.20 """ from konova.utils.message_templates import DATA_IS_UNCHECKED, DATA_CHECKED_ON_TEMPLATE, DATA_CHECKED_PREVIOUSLY_TEMPLATE from django.http import HttpRequest from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from compensation.filters import CompensationTableFilter, EcoAccountTableFilter from compensation.models import Compensation, EcoAccount from konova.utils.tables import BaseTable, TableRenderMixin import django_tables2 as tables class CompensationTable(BaseTable, TableRenderMixin): id = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Identifier"), orderable=True, accessor="identifier", ) t = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Title"), orderable=True, accessor="title", ) d = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Parcel gmrkng"), orderable=True, accessor="geometry", ) c = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Checked"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], accessor="intervention__checked", ) r = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Recorded"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], accessor="intervention__recorded", ) e = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Editable"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], accessor="intervention__users", ) lm = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Last edit"), orderable=True, accessor="modified__timestamp", ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap4.html" def __init__(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs): self.title = _("Compensations") self.add_new_url = reverse("compensation:new") qs = kwargs.get("queryset", None) self.filter = CompensationTableFilter( user=request.user, data=request.GET, queryset=qs, ) kwargs["queryset"] = self.filter.qs super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) def render_id(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the id column for a compensation Args: value (str): The identifier value record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ context = { "tooltip": _("Open {}").format(_("Intervention")), "content": value, "url": reverse("compensation:detail", args=(record.id,)), "has_revocations": record.intervention.legal.revocations.exists() } html = render_to_string( "table/revocation_warning_col.html", context ) return html def render_c(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the checked column for a compensation checked is set by the main object Intervention Args: value (str): The identifier value record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ html = "" checked = value is not None tooltip = DATA_IS_UNCHECKED previously_checked = record.intervention.get_last_checked_action() if checked: checked_on = value.get_timestamp_str_formatted() tooltip = DATA_CHECKED_ON_TEMPLATE.format(checked_on, record.intervention.checked.user) html += self.render_checked_star( tooltip=tooltip, icn_filled=checked, ) if previously_checked and not checked: checked_on = previously_checked.get_timestamp_str_formatted() tooltip = DATA_CHECKED_PREVIOUSLY_TEMPLATE.format(checked_on, previously_checked.user) html += self.render_previously_checked_star( tooltip=tooltip, ) return format_html(html) def render_d(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the parcel district column for a compensation Args: value (str): The geometry record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ parcels = value.get_underlying_parcels().values_list( "parcel_group__name", flat=True ).distinct() html = render_to_string( "table/gmrkng_col.html", { "entries": parcels } ) return html def render_r(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the registered column for a compensation Args: value (str): The identifier value record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ html = "" recorded = value is not None tooltip = _("Not recorded yet") if recorded: on = value.get_timestamp_str_formatted() tooltip = _("Recorded on {} by {}").format(on, record.intervention.recorded.user) html += self.render_bookmark( tooltip=tooltip, icn_filled=recorded, ) return format_html(html) def render_e(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the editable column for a compensation Args: value (str): The identifier value record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ has_access = record.is_shared_with(self.user) html = self.render_icn( tooltip=_("Full access granted") if has_access else _("Access not granted"), icn_class="fas fa-edit rlp-r-inv" if has_access else "far fa-edit", ) return format_html(html) class EcoAccountTable(BaseTable, TableRenderMixin): id = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Identifier"), orderable=True, accessor="identifier", ) t = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Title"), orderable=True, accessor="title", ) d = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Parcel gmrkng"), orderable=True, accessor="geometry", ) av = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Available"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], attrs={ "th": { "class": "w-20", } } ) r = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Recorded"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], accessor="recorded", ) e = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Editable"), orderable=True, empty_values=[], accessor="users", ) lm = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Last edit"), orderable=True, accessor="modified__timestamp", ) class Meta(BaseTable.Meta): template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap4.html" def __init__(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs): self.title = _("Eco Accounts") self.add_new_url = reverse("compensation:acc:new") qs = kwargs.get("queryset", None) self.filter = EcoAccountTableFilter( user=request.user, data=request.GET, queryset=qs, ) kwargs["queryset"] = self.filter.qs super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) def render_id(self, value, record: EcoAccount): """ Renders the id column for an eco account Args: value (str): The identifier value record (EcoAccount): The eco account record Returns: """ html = "" html += self.render_link( tooltip=_("Open {}").format(_("Eco-account")), href=reverse("compensation:acc:detail", args=(record.id,)), txt=value, new_tab=False, ) return format_html(html) def render_av(self, value, record: EcoAccount): """ Renders the available column for an eco account Args: value (str): The identifier value record (EcoAccount): The eco account record Returns: """ value_total, value_relative = record.get_available_rest() html = render_to_string("konova/widgets/progressbar.html", {"value": value_relative}) return format_html(html) def render_d(self, value, record: Compensation): """ Renders the parcel district column for a compensation Args: value (str): The geometry record (Compensation): The compensation record Returns: """ parcels = value.get_underlying_parcels().values_list( "parcel_group__name", flat=True ).distinct() html = render_to_string( "table/gmrkng_col.html", { "entries": parcels } ) return html def render_r(self, value, record: EcoAccount): """ Renders the recorded column for an eco account Args: value (str): The identifier value record (EcoAccount): The eco account record Returns: """ html = "" checked = value is not None tooltip = _("Not recorded yet. Can not be used for deductions, yet.") if checked: on = value.get_timestamp_str_formatted() tooltip = _("Recorded on {} by {}").format(on, record.recorded.user) html += self.render_bookmark( tooltip=tooltip, icn_filled=checked, ) return format_html(html) def render_e(self, value, record: EcoAccount): """ Renders the editable column for an eco account Args: value (str): The identifier value record (EcoAccount): The eco account record Returns: """ html = "" # Do not use value in here, since value does use unprefetched 'users' manager, where record has already # prefetched users data has_access = record.is_shared_with(self.user) html += self.render_icn( tooltip=_("Full access granted") if has_access else _("Access not granted"), icn_class="fas fa-edit rlp-r-inv" if has_access else "far fa-edit", ) return format_html(html)