""" Author: Michel Peltriaux Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de Created on: 04.10.21 """ from bootstrap_modal_forms.utils import is_ajax from dal import autocomplete from django import forms from django.contrib import messages from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy as _con, gettext_lazy as _ from codelist.models import KonovaCode from codelist.settings import CODELIST_BIOTOPES_ID, CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_ID, CODELIST_BIOTOPES_EXTRA_CODES_ID, \ CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_DETAIL_ID from compensation.models import CompensationDocument, EcoAccountDocument from konova.contexts import BaseContext from konova.forms import BaseModalForm, NewDocumentForm from konova.models import DeadlineType from konova.utils.message_templates import FORM_INVALID, ADDED_COMPENSATION_STATE, ADDED_DEADLINE, \ ADDED_COMPENSATION_ACTION class NewPaymentForm(BaseModalForm): """ Form handling payment related input """ amount = forms.DecimalField( min_value=0.00, decimal_places=2, label=_con("money", "Amount"), # contextual translation label_suffix=_(""), help_text=_("in Euro"), widget=forms.NumberInput( attrs={ "class": "form-control", "placeholder": "0,00", } ) ) due = forms.DateField( label=_("Due on"), label_suffix=_(""), required=False, help_text=_("Due on which date"), widget=forms.DateInput( attrs={ "type": "date", "data-provide": "datepicker", "class": "form-control", }, format="%d.%m.%Y" ) ) comment = forms.CharField( max_length=200, required=False, label=_("Comment"), label_suffix=_(""), help_text=_("Additional comment, maximum {} letters").format(200), widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ "rows": 5, "class": "form-control" } ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.intervention = self.instance self.form_title = _("Payment") self.form_caption = _("Add a payment for intervention '{}'").format(self.intervention.title) def is_valid(self): """ Checks on form validity. For this form we need to make sure that a date or a comment is set. If both are missing, the user needs to enter at least an explanation why there is no date to be entered. Returns: is_valid (bool): True if valid, False otherwise """ super_valid = super().is_valid() date = self.cleaned_data["due"] comment = self.cleaned_data["comment"] or None if not date and not comment: # At least one needs to be set! self.add_error( "comment", _("If there is no date you can enter, please explain why.") ) return False return super_valid def save(self): pay = self.instance.add_payment(self) self.instance.mark_as_edited(self.user, self.request) return pay class NewStateModalForm(BaseModalForm): """ Form handling state related input Compensation states refer to 'before' and 'after' states of a compensated surface. Basically it means: What has been on this area before changes/compensations have been applied and what will be the result ('after')? """ biotope_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( label=_("Biotope Type"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Select the biotope type"), queryset=KonovaCode.objects.filter( is_archived=False, is_leaf=True, code_lists__in=[CODELIST_BIOTOPES_ID], ), widget=autocomplete.ModelSelect2( url="codes-biotope-autocomplete", attrs={ "data-placeholder": _("Biotope Type"), } ), ) biotope_extra = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( label=_("Biotope additional type"), label_suffix="", required=False, help_text=_("Select an additional biotope type"), queryset=KonovaCode.objects.filter( is_archived=False, is_leaf=True, code_lists__in=[CODELIST_BIOTOPES_EXTRA_CODES_ID], ), widget=autocomplete.ModelSelect2Multiple( url="codes-biotope-extra-type-autocomplete", attrs={ "data-placeholder": _("Biotope additional type"), } ), ) surface = forms.DecimalField( min_value=0.00, decimal_places=2, label=_("Surface"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("in m²"), widget=forms.NumberInput( attrs={ "class": "form-control", "placeholder": "0,00" } ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.form_title = _("New state") self.form_caption = _("Insert data for the new state") def save(self, is_before_state: bool = False): state = self.instance.add_state(self, is_before_state) self.instance.mark_as_edited(self.user, self.request, ADDED_COMPENSATION_STATE) return state def process_request(self, request: HttpRequest, msg_success: str = _("Object removed"), msg_error: str = FORM_INVALID, redirect_url: str = None): """ Generic processing of request Wraps the request processing logic, so we don't need the same code everywhere a RemoveModalForm is being used +++ The generic method from super class can not be used, since we need to do some request parameter check in here. +++ Args: request (HttpRequest): The incoming request msg_success (str): The message in case of successful removing msg_error (str): The message in case of an error Returns: """ redirect_url = redirect_url if redirect_url is not None else request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "home") template = self.template if request.method == "POST": if self.is_valid(): # Modal forms send one POST for checking on data validity. This can be used to return possible errors # on the form. A second POST (if no errors occured) is sent afterwards and needs to process the # saving/commiting of the data to the database. is_ajax() performs this check. The first request is # an ajax call, the second is a regular form POST. if not is_ajax(request.META): is_before_state = bool(request.GET.get("before", False)) self.save(is_before_state=is_before_state) messages.success( request, msg_success ) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) else: context = { "form": self, } context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) elif request.method == "GET": context = { "form": self, } context = BaseContext(request, context).context return render(request, template, context) else: raise NotImplementedError class NewDeadlineModalForm(BaseModalForm): """ Form handling deadline related input """ type = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Deadline Type"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Select the deadline type"), choices=DeadlineType.choices, widget=forms.Select( attrs={ "class": "form-control" } ) ) date = forms.DateField( label=_("Date"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Select date"), widget=forms.DateInput( attrs={ "type": "date", "data-provide": "datepicker", "class": "form-control", }, format="%d.%m.%Y" ) ) comment = forms.CharField( required=False, max_length=200, label=_("Comment"), label_suffix=_(""), help_text=_("Additional comment, maximum {} letters").format(200), widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ "cols": 30, "rows": 5, "class": "form-control", } ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.form_title = _("New deadline") self.form_caption = _("Insert data for the new deadline") def save(self): deadline = self.instance.add_deadline(self) self.instance.mark_as_edited(self.user, self.request, ADDED_DEADLINE) return deadline class NewActionModalForm(BaseModalForm): """ Form handling action related input Compensation actions are the actions performed on the area, which shall be compensated. Actions will change the surface of the area, the biotopes, and have an environmental impact. With actions the before-after states can change (not in the process logic in Konova, but in the real world). """ from compensation.models import UnitChoices action_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( label=_("Action Type"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Select the action type"), queryset=KonovaCode.objects.filter( is_archived=False, is_leaf=True, code_lists__in=[CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_ID], ), widget=autocomplete.ModelSelect2( url="codes-compensation-action-autocomplete", attrs={ "data-placeholder": _("Action"), } ), ) action_type_details = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( label=_("Action Type detail"), label_suffix="", required=False, help_text=_("Select the action type detail"), queryset=KonovaCode.objects.filter( is_archived=False, is_leaf=True, code_lists__in=[CODELIST_COMPENSATION_ACTION_DETAIL_ID], ), widget=autocomplete.ModelSelect2Multiple( url="codes-compensation-action-detail-autocomplete", attrs={ "data-placeholder": _("Action Type detail"), } ), ) unit = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Unit"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Select the unit"), choices=UnitChoices.choices, widget=forms.Select( attrs={ "class": "form-control" } ) ) amount = forms.DecimalField( label=_("Amount"), label_suffix="", required=True, help_text=_("Insert the amount"), decimal_places=2, min_value=0.00, widget=forms.NumberInput( attrs={ "class": "form-control", "placeholder": "0,00", } ) ) comment = forms.CharField( required=False, max_length=200, label=_("Comment"), label_suffix=_(""), help_text=_("Additional comment, maximum {} letters").format(200), widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ "rows": 5, "class": "form-control", } ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.form_title = _("New action") self.form_caption = _("Insert data for the new action") def save(self): action = self.instance.add_action(self) self.instance.mark_as_edited(self.user, self.request, ADDED_COMPENSATION_ACTION) return action class NewCompensationDocumentForm(NewDocumentForm): document_model = CompensationDocument class NewEcoAccountDocumentForm(NewDocumentForm): document_model = EcoAccountDocument