""" Author: Michel Peltriaux Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de Created on: 09.02.22 """ from django.urls import reverse from django.test.client import Client from compensation.models import Payment from konova.settings import DEFAULT_GROUP from konova.tests.test_views import BaseViewTestCase class PaymentViewTestCase(BaseViewTestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls) -> None: super().setUpTestData() def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.payment = Payment.objects.get_or_create( intervention=self.intervention, amount=1, due_on="2020-01-01", comment="Testcomment" )[0] self.new_url = reverse("compensation:pay:new", args=(self.intervention.id,)) self.edit_url = reverse("compensation:pay:edit", args=(self.intervention.id, self.payment.id)) self.remove_url = reverse("compensation:pay:remove", args=(self.intervention.id, self.payment.id)) def test_anonymous_user(self): """ Check correct status code for all requests Assumption: User not logged in Returns: """ client = Client() success_urls = [ ] fail_urls = [ self.new_url, self.edit_url, self.remove_url, ] self.assert_url_success(client, success_urls) self.assert_url_fail(client, fail_urls) def test_logged_in_no_groups_shared(self): """ Check correct status code for all requests Assumption: User logged in and has no groups and data is shared Returns: """ client = Client() client.login(username=self.superuser.username, password=self.superuser_pw) self.superuser.groups.set([]) self.intervention.share_with_user_list([self.superuser]) # Since the user has no groups, it does not matter that data has been shared. There SHOULD not be any difference # to a user without access, since the important permissions are missing success_urls = [ ] fail_urls = [ self.new_url, self.edit_url, self.remove_url, ] self.assert_url_success(client, success_urls) self.assert_url_fail(client, fail_urls) def test_logged_in_no_groups_unshared(self): """ Check correct status code for all requests Assumption: User logged in and has no groups and data is not shared Returns: """ client = Client() client.login(username=self.superuser.username, password=self.superuser_pw) self.superuser.groups.set([]) # Sharing is inherited by base intervention for compensation. Therefore configure the interventions share state self.intervention.share_with_user_list([]) # Since the user has no groups, it does not matter that data is unshared. There SHOULD not be any difference # to a user having shared access, since all important permissions are missing success_urls = [ ] fail_urls = [ self.new_url, self.edit_url, self.remove_url, ] self.assert_url_success(client, success_urls) self.assert_url_fail(client, fail_urls) def test_logged_in_default_group_shared(self): """ Check correct status code for all requests Assumption: User logged in, is default group member and data is shared --> Default group necessary since all base functionalities depend on this group membership Returns: """ client = Client() client.login(username=self.superuser.username, password=self.superuser_pw) group = self.groups.get(name=DEFAULT_GROUP) self.superuser.groups.set([group]) # Sharing is inherited by base intervention for compensation. Therefore configure the interventions share state self.intervention.share_with_user_list([self.superuser]) success_urls = [ self.new_url, self.edit_url, self.remove_url, ] self.assert_url_success(client, success_urls) def test_logged_in_default_group_unshared(self): """ Check correct status code for all requests Assumption: User logged in, is default group member and data is NOT shared --> Default group necessary since all base functionalities depend on this group membership Returns: """ client = Client() client.login(username=self.superuser.username, password=self.superuser_pw) group = self.groups.get(name=DEFAULT_GROUP) self.superuser.groups.set([group]) # Sharing is inherited by base intervention for compensation. Therefore configure the interventions share state self.intervention.share_with_user_list([]) success_urls = [ ] fail_urls = [ self.new_url, self.edit_url, self.remove_url, ] self.assert_url_fail(client, fail_urls) self.assert_url_success(client, success_urls)