{% load i18n l10n fontawesome_5 %}
{{obj.before_states.count}} {% trans 'States before' %}
{% if is_default_member and has_access %} {% endif %}
{% if sum_before_states < sum_after_states %}
{% trans 'Missing surfaces according to states after: ' %}{{ diff_states|floatformat:2 }} m²
{% endif %}
{% for state in before_states %} {% empty %}
{% trans 'Missing' %}
{% endfor %}
{% trans 'Biotope type' %} {% trans 'Surface' %} {% trans 'Action' %}
{{ state.biotope_type.parent.long_name }} {% fa5_icon 'angle-right' %} {{ state.biotope_type.long_name }} ({{state.biotope_type.short_name}})
{% for detail in state.biotope_type_details.all %} {{ detail.parent.short_name }} > {{ detail.long_name }} {% empty %} {% trans 'No biotope type details' %} {% endfor %}
{{ state.surface|floatformat:2 }} m² {% if is_default_member and has_access %} {% endif %}