mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 16:42:41 +01:00
Fix: Import of GeoJSON (crs), GML (custom parser), hidden input.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1112,10 +1112,15 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.updateEditOutput = function()
var features = this.editLayer.getSource().getFeatures();
// Output
var proj = this.client.config.map.projection;
var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
//var output = format.writeFeatures( features );
var output = format.writeFeaturesObject( features );
var output = format.writeFeaturesObject( features, { dataProjection: proj, featureProjection: proj } );
output[ "crs" ] =
"type": "name",
"properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:" + proj.replace( ":", "::" ) }
if ( ! this.editEventsSilent )
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.EDIT_FEATURES_CHANGE, output );
@ -1135,15 +1140,9 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.updateEditLayerItem = function()
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onEditFeaturesLoaded = function( e )
var json = e;
var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
var features = format.readFeatures( json );
this.editLayer.getSource().addFeatures( features );
//this.snapFeatures.push( e.feature );
if ( features.length > 0 )
this.view.fit( this.editLayer.getSource().getExtent(), { padding: [ 40, 40, 40, 40 ] } );
var json = e;
var self = this;
window.setTimeout( function() { self.createLayerGeoJSON( "Import", json ); }, 10 );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onDragEnter = function( e )
@ -1250,7 +1249,6 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onImportShapefile = function( e )
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.createLayerGeoJSON = function( title, data )
//var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON( { dataProjection: "EPSG:4326", featureProjection: this.client.config.map.projection /*"EPSG:3857"*/ } );
var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
var projection = format.readProjection( data );
var features = format.readFeatures( data, { featureProjection: this.client.config.map.projection } );
@ -1258,7 +1256,26 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.createLayerGeoJSON = function( title, data )
//NOTE: proj4.defs[ "EPSG:4326" ]
//NOTE: netgis.util.foreach( proj4.defs, function( k,v ) { console.info( "DEF:", k, v ); } )
//console.info( "Projection:", projection.getCode() );
var projcode = projection.getCode();
switch ( projcode )
case "EPSG:3857":
case "EPSG:4326":
case this.client.config.map.projection:
// Projection OK
//console.info( "Import Projection:", projcode );
// Projection Not Supported
console.warn( "Unsupported Import Projection:", projcode );
this.addImportedFeatures( features );
@ -1270,19 +1287,142 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.createLayerGML = function( title, data )
console.warn( "GML support is experimental!" );
var format = new ol.format.WFS( /*{ srsName: "EPSG:4326", featureType: "ogr:RLP_OG_utf8_epsg4326" }*/ );
//var format = new ol.format.GML3( { srsName: "EPSG::25832", featureType: "Test", featureNS: "http://www.opengis.net/gml" } );
//var format = new ol.format.GML( { featureNS: "ogr" } );
//var format = new ol.format.WFS( /*{ srsName: "EPSG:4326", featureType: "ogr:RLP_OG_utf8_epsg4326" }*/ );
//var format = new ol.format.GML( { featureNS: "ogr", featureType: "ogr:RLP_OG_utf8_epsg4326" } );
//var format = new ol.format.WFS();
//var format = new ol.format.WFS( { featureNS: "ogr", featureType: "RLP_OG_utf8_epsg4326" } );
var projection = format.readProjection( data );
//var projection = format.readProjection( data );
//var features = format.readFeatures( data, { dataProjection: "EPSG:4326", featureProjection: "EPSG:3857" } );
var features = format.readFeatures( data, { featureProjection: this.client.config.map.projection } );
//var features = format.readFeatures( data, { dataProjection: this.client.config.map.projection, featureProjection: this.client.config.map.projection } );
console.info( "GML:", projection, features );
//console.info( "GML:", projection, features, features[ 0 ].getGeometry() );
var features = [];
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xml = parser.parseFromString( data, "text/xml" );
// Features
var featureMembers = xml.getElementsByTagName( "gml:featureMember" );
for ( var f = 0; f < featureMembers.length; f++ )
var props = {};
var node = featureMembers[ f ];
var child = node.children[ 0 ];
// Attributes
for ( var a = 0; a < child.attributes.length; a++ )
var attribute = child.attributes[ a ];
props[ attribute.nodeName ] = attribute.nodeValue;
for ( var c = 0; c < child.children.length; c++ )
var childNode = child.children[ c ];
if ( childNode.nodeName === "ogr:geometryProperty" ) continue;
var parts = childNode.nodeName.split( ":" );
var k = parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
var v = childNode.innerHTML;
props[ k ] = v;
// Geometry
var geomprop = child.getElementsByTagName( "ogr:geometryProperty" )[ 0 ];
//for ( var g = 0; g < geomprop.children.length; g++ )
var geom = geomprop.children[ 0 ];
var proj = geom.getAttribute( "srsName" );
if ( proj && proj !== "EPSG:4326" && proj !== this.client.config.map.projection )
console.warn( "Unsupported Import Projection:", proj );
switch ( geom.nodeName )
case "gml:Polygon":
props[ "geometry" ] = this.gmlParsePolygon( geom, proj );
case "gml:MultiPolygon":
props[ "geometry" ] = this.gmlParseMultiPolygon( geom, proj );
var feature = new ol.Feature( props );
features.push( feature );
this.addImportedFeatures( features );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.gmlParsePolygon = function( node, proj )
var rings = [];
var linearRings = node.getElementsByTagName( "gml:LinearRing" );
for ( var r = 0; r < linearRings.length; r++ )
var ring = linearRings[ r ];
var coords = ring.getElementsByTagName( "gml:coordinates" )[ 0 ].innerHTML;
rings.push( this.gmlParseCoordinates( coords, proj ) );
return new ol.geom.Polygon( rings );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.gmlParseMultiPolygon = function( node, proj )
var polygons = [];
var polygonMembers = node.getElementsByTagName( "gml:polygonMember" );
for ( var p = 0; p < polygonMembers.length; p++ )
var polygonMember = polygonMembers[ p ];
var polygonNode = polygonMember.getElementsByTagName( "gml:Polygon" )[ 0 ];
polygons.push( this.gmlParsePolygon( polygonNode, proj ) );
return new ol.geom.MultiPolygon( polygons );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.gmlParseCoordinates = function( s, proj )
var coords = s.split( " " );
for ( var c = 0; c < coords.length; c++ )
// Split
coords[ c ] = coords[ c ].split( "," );
// Parse
for ( var xy = 0; xy < coords[ c ].length; xy++ )
coords[ c ][ xy ] = Number.parseFloat( coords[ c ][ xy ] );
// Transform
if ( proj ) coords[ c ] = ol.proj.transform( coords[ c ], proj, this.client.config.map.projection );
return coords;
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.createLayerShapefile = function( title, shapeData )
var self = this;
@ -1308,22 +1448,20 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.addImportedFeatures = function( features )
this.editLayer.getSource().addFeatures( features );
this.editEventsSilent = false;
// Create New Layer
var id = this.importLayerID;
this.importLayerID += 1;
var layer = new ol.layer.Vector( { source: new ol.source.Vector( { features: features } ), zIndex: id } );
this.map.addLayer( layer );
this.layers[ id ] = layer;
this.addSnapLayer( layer );
// Zoom Imported Features
if ( features.length > 0 )
this.view.fit( layer.getSource().getExtent(), {} );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.LAYER_CREATED, { id: id, title: title, checked: true, folder: "import" } );
var extent = features[ 0 ].getGeometry().getExtent();
for ( var f = 1; f < features.length; f++ )
ol.extent.extend( extent, features[ f ].getGeometry().getExtent() );
var padding = 40;
this.view.fit( extent, { duration: 300, padding: [ padding, padding, padding, padding ] } );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onImportWKT = function( e )
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