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<title>Geoportal Demo | NetGIS Client</title>
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<script type="text/javascript">
// Client Config
var config =
"menu": true,
"layertree": true,
"map": true,
"controls": true,
"attribution": true,
"legend": true,
"geolocation": true,
"info": true,
"searchplace": true,
"toolbox": true,
"import": true
"loading_text": "Geoportal Client wird geladen..."
"compact": true,
"header": "<a href='.' target='_self'>Geoportal Demo</a>",
"title": "<i class='fas fa-caret-down'></i><span>Ansicht</span>",
{ "id": "view_prev", "title": "<i class='fas fa-step-backward'></i><span>Vorherige</span>" },
{ "id": "view_next", "title": "<i class='fas fa-step-forward'></i><span>Nächste</span>" },
{ "id": "scales", "title": "<i class='fas fa-ruler-horizontal'></i><span>Maßstab</span><i class='fas fa-caret-right'></i>", "items": [ /*{ "id": "test1", "title": "Subitem 1" }, { "id": "test2", "title": "Subitem 2" }, { "id": "test3", "title": "Subitem 3" }*/ ] }
{ "id": "searchplace", "title": "<i class='fas fa-search'></i><span>Suche</span>" },
{ "id": "toolbox", "title": "<i class='fas fa-tools'></i><span>Werkzeuge</span>" },
{ "id": "layertree", "title": "<i class='fas fa-layer-group'></i><span>Inhalte</span>" }
[ "EPSG:25832", "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs" ]
"projection": "EPSG:25832",
"center": [ 329766.1782104631, 5513621.076679279 ],
"zoom": 14,
"min_zoom": 5,
"max_zoom": 19,
"scalebar": true,
"extent": [ 293315.97, 5423948.96, 464350.97, 5644103.06 ],
"scales": [ 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 8000, 10000, 15000, 25000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 250000, 500000, 1000000, 1500000, 2000000 ]
"url": "./proxy.php?https://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/php/mod_exportWmc2Json.php?confFileName=mobilemap2&epsg=25832&withHierarchy=1&wmc_id={id}"
// Use this to directly load a WMC by ID:
// "id": 27581
{ "id": "bg", "title": "Hintergrund", "parent": null, "radio": true }
// Background Layers
{ "id": "top_tiles", "folder": "bg", "order": 1, "type": "WMS", "tiled": true, "title": "TopPlusOpen Tiled", "attribution": "BKG", "url": "https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wms_topplus_open?", "name": "web", "active": false, "query": false },
{ "id": "top", "folder": "bg", "order": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "TopPlusOpen", "attribution": "BKG", "url": "https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wms_topplus_open?", "name": "web", "active": false, "query": false },
{ "id": "osm_human", "folder": "bg", "type": "XYZ", "title": "OSM Humanitarian", "attribution": "OSM", "url": "https://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" },
{ "id": "osm", "folder": "bg", "type": "OSM", "title": "Open Street Map", "attribution": "OSM", "active": false, "order": 1, "min_zoom": 1, "max_zoom": 20 },
{ "id": "bg_aerial", "folder": "bg", "order": 1, "title": "Luftbild", "type": "WMS", "url": "https://geo4.service24.rlp.de/wms/rp_dop20.fcgi", "tiled": true, "name": "rp_dop20", "query": false },
{ "id": "bg_hybrid", "folder": "bg", "active": true, "order": 1, "title": "Hybrid", "type": "TMS", "url": "https://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapcache/tms/1.0.0/test@UTM32/{z}/{x}/{-y}.jpeg", "projection": "EPSG:25832", "extent": "map", "scales": "map", "query": false },
// Hidden Layer For Height Queries
{ "id": "dem_hidden", "title": "Digitales Höhenmodell", "hidden": true, "active": true, "query": true, "type": "HIDDEN", "query_url": "./proxy.php?https://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/extensions/mobilemap2/scripts/heightRequest.php?&lang=de&coord={x},{y}" }
"open": false,
"title": "Inhalte",
{ "id": "import_layer", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon fas fa-plus' style='font-size: 1em;'></i><span>Hinzufügen...</span>" }
{ "id": "zoom_in", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-plus'></i>", "title": "Zoom +" },
{ "id": "zoom_out", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-minus'></i>", "title": "Zoom -" },
{ "id": "geolocation", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-crosshairs'></i>", "title": "Gerätestandort" },
{ "id": "zoom_home", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-home'></i>", "title": "Anfangsausdehung" },
{ "id": "legend", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-bars'></i>", "title": "Legende" }
"open": false
"marker_color": "#3480eb",
"marker_title": "Geräte-Standort"
"default_format": "text/plain"
"title": "Adresse...",
"url": "./proxy.php?https://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/geoportal/gaz_geom_mobile.php?outputFormat=json&resultTarget=web&searchEPSG=4326&maxResults=5&maxRows=5&featureClass=P&style=full&searchText={query}&name_startsWith={query}"
"open": false,
{ "id": "view", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-hand-paper'></i><span>Betrachten</span>" },
{ "id": "zoom_box", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-expand'></i><span>Zoom-Rechteck</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_line", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-ruler'></i><span>Strecke messen</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_area", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-ruler-combined'></i><span>Fläche messen</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_clear", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-trash-alt'></i><span>Messung löschen</span>" }
// TODO: make all this config here?
"title": "Puffern",
{ "id": "buffer_radius", "type": "integer", "title": "Radius (Meter)" },
{ "id": "buffer_segments", "type": "integer", "title": "Segmente" },
{ "id": "buffer_submit", "type": "button", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-arrow-circle-right'></i><span>Akzeptieren</span>" }
"title": "Ebene hinzufügen",
"preview": true,
"wms_options": [ "https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wms_topplus_open" ],
"wfs_options": [ "" ],
"wfs_proxy": "./proxy.php?",
"geopackage_lib": "/libs/geopackage/4.2.3/",
"geoportal_tab": true,
"geoportal_search_url": "./proxy.php?" + "https://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/php/mod_callMetadata.php?languageCode=de&resultTarget=web&maxResults=40&searchText={query}"
"line_color": "rgba( 255, 0, 0, 1.0 )",
"line_width": 3.0,
"line_dash": [ 5, 10 ],
"area_fill": "rgba( 255, 0, 0, 0.3 )",
"point_radius": 4.0,
"point_fill": "rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1.0 )",
"point_stroke": "rgba( 0, 0, 0, 1.0 )",
"text_color": "#871d33",
"text_back": "rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.7 )"
"prefix": "GEOPORTAL"
// Create Client Instance
var client = new netgis.Client( "container", config );