sebastianpauli 81fa3bef48 LANIS Update:
-> compiled build + demo for LANIS only
-> geoportal / mobilemap + sources coming soon
-> config naming scheme changed to snake_case (see demo/lanis.html)
- container element attributes center lon, lat, zoom (overrides config)
- config layers / folders use id string instead of indices
- config folder radio buttons / single layer selection
- layer tree transparency sliders
- cut / buffer tool multi select features (shift + click)
- move vertex tool snapping
- config tools snapping (active, radius)
- draw tools config allowed area / bounds
- import initial geometry value as read-only (property "editable")
- import service check failing services / error alerts
- import geometry preview table / select features to load
- export geometry file of current drawing (geojson)
- map keep polygon area labels inside viewport
- fix: client read only mode ("data-editable=false")
2024-10-24 15:10:58 +02:00

390 lines
16 KiB

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<title>LANIS Demo | NetGIS Client</title>
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// Client Config
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"menu": true,
"layertree": true,
"map": true,
"controls": true,
"attribution": true,
"info": true,
"searchplace": true,
"searchparcel": true,
"toolbox": true,
"import": true,
"export": true
"header": "<a href='.' target='_self'>LANIS Demo</a>",
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{ "id": "searchparcel", "title": "<i class='fas fa-vector-square'></i><span>Flurstücke</span>" },
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{ "id": "kom", "title": "KOM Kompensationsmaßnahmen (gesperrt)", "parent": null },
{ "id": "alkis", "title": "ALKIS Liegenschaften (Zoom)", "parent": null },
{ "id": "test", "title": "Test", "parent": null, "radio": false },
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{ "id": "kom_lines","folder": "kom", "type": "WMS", "title": "KOM Linien", "url": "", "name": "kom_l" },
{ "id": "kom_polygons","folder": "kom", "type": "WMS", "title": "KOM Flächen", "url": "", "name": "kom_f" },
{ "id": "fwfs", "folder": "test", "order": 10, "minZoom": 17, "active": false, "type": "WFS", "title": "Flurstücke WFS", "url": "", "name": "flurstuecke", "format": "application/json" },
{ "id": "lika", "folder": "alkis", "type": "WMS", "active": false, "title": "LIKA", "url": "", "name": "lika", "order": 1100 },
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{ "id": "top_tiles", "folder": "bg", "order": 1, "type": "WMS", "tiled": true, "title": "TopPlusOpen Tiled", "attribution": "BKG", "url": "", "name": "web", "active": false },
{ "id": "top", "folder": "bg", "order": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "TopPlusOpen", "attribution": "BKG", "url": "", "name": "web", "active": false },
{ "id": "osm_human", "folder": "bg", "type": "XYZ", "title": "OSM Humanitarian", "attribution": "OSM", "url": "https://{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" },
{ "id": "osm", "folder": "bg", "active": true, "type": "OSM", "title": "Open Street Map", "attribution": "OSM", "order": 1, "min_zoom": 1, "max_zoom": 20 },
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"open": false,
"title": "Inhalte",
{ "id": "import_layer", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon fas fa-plus' style='font-size: 1em;'></i><span>Hinzufügen...</span>" }
{ "id": "zoom_in", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-plus'></i>", "title": "Zoom +" },
{ "id": "zoom_out", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-minus'></i>", "title": "Zoom -" },
{ "id": "zoom_home", "icon": "<i class='fas fa-home'></i>", "title": "Anfangsausdehung" }
"title": "Adresse...",
"url": "./proxy_raw.php?" + "{query}&name_startsWith={query}",
"zoom": 17,
"marker_color": "darkgray",
"marker_title": "Such-Ergebnis"
"open": false,
"name_url": "./proxy.php?{q}",
"parcel_url": "./proxy.php?{district}&fln={field}&fsn_zae={parcelA}&fsn_nen={parcelB}&export=json",
"type": "WFS",
"url": "",
"name": "vermkv:gemarkungen_rlp",
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{ "id": "view_prev", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-step-backward'></i><span>Vorherige Ansicht</span>" },
{ "id": "view_next", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-step-forward'></i><span>Nächste Ansicht</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_line", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-ruler'></i><span>Strecke messen</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_area", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-ruler-combined'></i><span>Fläche messen</span>" },
{ "id": "measure_clear", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-trash-alt'></i><span>Messung löschen</span>" },
{ "id": "draw_points", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-map-marker-alt'></i><span>Punkte zeichnen</span>" },
{ "id": "draw_lines", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-minus'></i><span>Linien zeichnen</span>" },
{ "id": "draw_polygons", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-vector-square'></i><span>Polygone zeichnen</span>" },
{ "id": "modify_features", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-arrows-alt'></i><span>Verschieben</span>" },
{ "id": "delete_features", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-eraser'></i><span>Löschen</span>" },
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{ "id": "cut_features", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-cut'></i><span>Ausschneiden</span>" },
{ "id": "import_layer", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-upload'></i><span>Importieren</span>" },
{ "id": "export", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-save'></i><span>Exportieren</span>" }
"title": "Puffern",
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{ "id": "buffer_submit", "type": "button", "title": "<i class='netgis-icon netgis-text-a fas fa-arrow-circle-right'></i><span>Akzeptieren</span>" }
"title": "Ebene hinzufügen",
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"width": 1.5
// Create Client Instance
var client = new netgis.Client( "container", config );