592 lines
17 KiB
592 lines
17 KiB
"use strict";
var netgis = netgis || {};
* Modal Module
* Notes:
* - Putting all modals in here for ease of implementation
* - This may be split up into one class for each modal (?)
* @returns {netgis.Modal}
netgis.Modal = function()
this.client = null;
this.importGeoJSON = null;
this.importGML = null;
this.importShapefile = null;
this.exportPDF = null;
this.exportJPEG = null;
this.exportPNG = null;
this.exportGIF = null;
netgis.Modal.prototype.load = function()
this.root = document.createElement( "section" );
this.root.className = "netgis-modal";
this.root.addEventListener( "click", this.onRootClick.bind( this ) );
// Import
this.importGeoJSON = this.createImportGeoJSON();
this.root.appendChild( this.importGeoJSON );
this.importGML = this.createImportGML();
this.root.appendChild( this.importGML );
this.importShapefile = this.createImportShapefile();
this.root.appendChild( this.importShapefile );
// Export
this.exportPDF = this.createExportPDF();
this.root.appendChild( this.exportPDF );
this.exportJPEG = this.createExportJPEG();
this.root.appendChild( this.exportJPEG );
this.exportPNG = this.createExportPNG();
this.root.appendChild( this.exportPNG );
this.exportGIF = this.createExportGIF();
this.root.appendChild( this.exportGIF );
// Done
this.client.root.appendChild( this.root );
// Events
this.client.on( netgis.Events.IMPORT_GEOJSON_SHOW, this.onImportGeoJSONShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.IMPORT_GML_SHOW, this.onImportGMLShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.IMPORT_SHAPEFILE_SHOW, this.onImportShapefileShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.EXPORT_PDF_SHOW, this.onExportPDFShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.EXPORT_JPEG_SHOW, this.onExportJPEGShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.EXPORT_PNG_SHOW, this.onExportPNGShow.bind( this ) );
this.client.on( netgis.Events.EXPORT_GIF_SHOW, this.onExportGIFShow.bind( this ) );
netgis.Modal.prototype.createImportGeoJSON = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Import GeoJSON" );
this.createText( container, "Unterstützte Koordinatensysteme:", "<ul><li>World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG:4326)</li><li>ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832)</li></ul>" );
this.createInputFile( container, "Datei auswählen / ablegen:", ".geojson,.json", this.onImportGeoJSONChange.bind( this ) );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Importieren", this.onImportGeoJSONAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createImportGML = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Import GML" );
this.createText( container, "Unterstützte Koordinatensysteme:", "<ul><li>World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG:4326)</li><li>ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832)</li></ul>" );
this.createInputFile( container, "Datei auswählen / ablegen:", ".gml,.xml", this.onImportGMLChange.bind( this ) );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Importieren", this.onImportGMLAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createImportShapefile = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Import Shapefile" );
this.createText( container, "Unterstützte Koordinatensysteme:", "<ul><li>World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG:4326)</li><li>ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832)</li></ul>" );
this.createInputFile( container, "Datei auswählen / ablegen:", "application/zip", this.onImportShapefileChange.bind( this ) );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Importieren", this.onImportShapefileAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createExportPDF = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Export PDF" );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Breite (Pixel):", 800, 0, 4096 );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Höhe (Pixel):", 600, 0, 4096 );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Seitenränder (Millimeter):", 10, 0, 100 );
this.createInputCheckbox( container, "Querformat:", true );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Exportieren", this.onExportPDFAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createExportJPEG = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Export JPEG" );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Breite (Pixel):", 800, 0, 4096 );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Höhe (Pixel):", 600, 0, 4096 );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Exportieren", this.onExportJPEGAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createExportPNG = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Export PNG" );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Breite (Pixel):", 800, 0, 4096 );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Höhe (Pixel):", 600, 0, 4096 );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Exportieren", this.onExportPNGAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createExportGIF = function()
var container = this.createContainer( "Export GIF" );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Breite (Pixel):", 800, 0, 4096 );
this.createInputInteger( container, "Höhe (Pixel):", 600, 0, 4096 );
this.createSpace( container );
this.createButton( container, "<i class='fas fa-check'></i>Exportieren", this.onExportGIFAccept.bind( this ) );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.show = function( container )
this.root.classList.add( "netgis-show" );
// Active Container
var containers = this.root.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-dialog" );
for ( var i = 0; i < containers.length; i++ )
containers[ i ].classList.remove( "netgis-show" );
container.classList.add( "netgis-show" );
netgis.Modal.prototype.hide = function()
this.root.classList.remove( "netgis-show" );
netgis.Modal.prototype.createContainer = function( title )
var container = document.createElement( "section" );
container.className = "netgis-dialog netgis-shadow";
/*var header = document.createElement( "header" );
header.className = "netgis-primary";
var header = document.createElement( "header" );
var headerButton = document.createElement( "button" );
headerButton.setAttribute( "type", "button" );
headerButton.className = "netgis-primary netgis-hover-primary";
headerButton.innerHTML = "<h3>" + title + "</h3>";
headerButton.addEventListener( "click", this.onHeaderClick.bind( this ) );
header.appendChild( headerButton );
var headerIcon = document.createElement( "span" );
headerIcon.innerHTML = "<i class='fas fa-times'></i>";
headerButton.appendChild( headerIcon );
container.appendChild( header );
var content = document.createElement( "div" );
content.className = "netgis-modal-content";
container.appendChild( content );
var table = document.createElement( "table" );
content.appendChild( table );
return container;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createSpace = function( container )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
row.className = "netgis-space";
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.setAttribute( "colspan", 100 );
row.appendChild( cell );
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return cell;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createButton = function( container, title, callback )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.setAttribute( "colspan", 100 );
row.appendChild( cell );
var button = document.createElement( "button" );
button.setAttribute( "type", "button" );
button.className = "netgis-primary netgis-hover-primary";
button.innerHTML = title;
if ( callback ) button.addEventListener( "click", callback );
cell.appendChild( button );
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return button;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createInputText = function( container, title )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
//row.className = "netgis-hover-light";
var head = document.createElement( "th" );
head.className = "netgis-padding";
var label = document.createElement( "label" );
label.innerHTML = title;
head.appendChild( label );
row.appendChild( head );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.className = "netgis-padding";
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "text" );
cell.appendChild( input );
row.appendChild( cell );
label.htmlFor = input;
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return input;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createInputInteger = function( container, title, value, min, max )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
//row.className = "netgis-hover-light";
var head = document.createElement( "th" );
head.className = "netgis-padding";
var label = document.createElement( "label" );
label.innerHTML = title;
head.appendChild( label );
row.appendChild( head );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.className = "netgis-padding";
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "number" );
input.setAttribute( "min", min );
input.setAttribute( "max", max );
input.value = Number.parseInt( value );
cell.appendChild( input );
row.appendChild( cell );
label.htmlFor = input;
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return input;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createInputCheckbox = function( container, title, checked )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
//row.className = "netgis-hover-light";
var head = document.createElement( "th" );
head.className = "netgis-padding";
var label = document.createElement( "label" );
label.innerHTML = title;
head.appendChild( label );
row.appendChild( head );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.className = "netgis-padding";
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "checkbox" );
input.checked = checked;
cell.appendChild( input );
row.appendChild( cell );
label.htmlFor = input;
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return input;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createInputFile = function( container, title, filetypes, callback )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
//row.className = "netgis-hover-light";
var head = document.createElement( "th" );
head.className = "netgis-padding";
var label = document.createElement( "label" );
label.innerHTML = title;
head.appendChild( label );
row.appendChild( head );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.className = "netgis-padding";
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "file" );
input.setAttribute( "accept", filetypes );
if ( callback ) input.addEventListener( "change", callback );
cell.appendChild( input );
row.appendChild( cell );
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return input;
netgis.Modal.prototype.createText = function( container, title, text )
var row = document.createElement( "tr" );
//row.className = "netgis-padding";
var head = document.createElement( "th" );
head.className = "netgis-padding";
head.innerHTML = title;
row.appendChild( head );
var cell = document.createElement( "td" );
cell.className = "netgis-padding";
cell.innerHTML = text;
row.appendChild( cell );
var content = container.getElementsByClassName( "netgis-modal-content" )[ 0 ];
var table = content.getElementsByTagName( "table" )[ 0 ];
table.appendChild( row );
return cell;
netgis.Modal.prototype.onRootClick = function( e )
if ( e.target !== this.root ) return;
netgis.Modal.prototype.onHeaderClick = function( e )
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGeoJSONShow = function( e )
var input = this.importGeoJSON.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importGeoJSON.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
input.value = "";
button.disabled = true;
this.show( this.importGeoJSON );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGeoJSONChange = function( e )
var input = this.importGeoJSON.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importGeoJSON.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
if ( input.value && input.value.length > 0 )
button.disabled = false;
button.disabled = true;
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGeoJSONAccept = function( e )
var input = this.importGeoJSON.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var file = input.files[ 0 ];
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.IMPORT_GEOJSON, file );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGMLShow = function( e )
var input = this.importGML.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importGML.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
input.value = "";
button.disabled = true;
this.show( this.importGML );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGMLChange = function( e )
var input = this.importGML.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importGML.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
if ( input.value && input.value.length > 0 )
button.disabled = false;
button.disabled = true;
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportGMLAccept = function( e )
var input = this.importGML.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var file = input.files[ 0 ];
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.IMPORT_GML, file );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportShapefileShow = function( e )
var input = this.importShapefile.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importShapefile.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
input.value = "";
button.disabled = true;
this.show( this.importShapefile );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportShapefileChange = function( e )
var input = this.importShapefile.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var button = this.importShapefile.getElementsByTagName( "button" )[ 1 ];
if ( input.value && input.value.length > 0 )
button.disabled = false;
button.disabled = true;
netgis.Modal.prototype.onImportShapefileAccept = function( e )
var input = this.importShapefile.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
var file = input.files[ 0 ];
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.IMPORT_SHAPEFILE, file );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportPDFShow = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportPDF.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
inputs[ 0 ].value = this.client.map.getWidth();
inputs[ 1 ].value = this.client.map.getHeight();
inputs[ 2 ].value = this.client.config.export.defaultMargin;
inputs[ 3 ].checked = true;
//TODO: refactor into single export modal with format select?
this.show( this.exportPDF );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportJPEGShow = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportJPEG.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
inputs[ 0 ].value = this.client.map.getWidth();
inputs[ 1 ].value = this.client.map.getHeight();
//TODO: refactor into single export modal with format select?
this.show( this.exportJPEG );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportPNGShow = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportPNG.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
inputs[ 0 ].value = this.client.map.getWidth();
inputs[ 1 ].value = this.client.map.getHeight();
//TODO: refactor into single export modal with format select?
this.show( this.exportPNG );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportGIFShow = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportGIF.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
inputs[ 0 ].value = this.client.map.getWidth();
inputs[ 1 ].value = this.client.map.getHeight();
//TODO: refactor into single export modal with format select?
this.show( this.exportGIF );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportPDFAccept = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportPDF.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
var resx = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 0 ].value );
var resy = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 1 ].value );
var margin = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 2 ].value );
var mode = inputs[ 3 ].checked;
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.EXPORT_PDF, { resx: resx, resy: resy, mode: mode, margin: margin } );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportJPEGAccept = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportJPEG.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
var resx = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 0 ].value );
var resy = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 1 ].value );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.EXPORT_JPEG, { resx: resx, resy: resy } );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportPNGAccept = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportPNG.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
var resx = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 0 ].value );
var resy = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 1 ].value );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.EXPORT_PNG, { resx: resx, resy: resy } );
netgis.Modal.prototype.onExportGIFAccept = function( e )
var inputs = this.exportGIF.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
var resx = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 0 ].value );
var resy = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 1 ].value );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.EXPORT_GIF, { resx: resx, resy: resy } );