You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
2.1 KiB

{ "folder": 0, "type": "WMS", "title": "KOM Punkte", "url": "", "name": "kom_p" },
{ "folder": 0, "type": "WMS", "title": "KOM Linien", "url": "", "name": "kom_l" },
{ "folder": 0, "type": "WMS", "title": "KOM Flächen", "url": "", "name": "kom_f" },
{ "folder": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "Lagebezeichnungen", "url": "", "name": "Lagebezeichnungen" },
{ "folder": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "Flurstücke", "url": "", "name": "Flurstueck" },
{ "folder": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "Gebäude / Bauwerke", "url": "", "name": "GebaeudeBauwerke" },
{ "folder": 1, "type": "WMS", "title": "Nutzung", "url": "", "name": "Nutzung" },
{ "folder": 2, "type": "WFS", "title": "Überschwemmungsgebiete WFS Test", "url": "", "name": "uesg:uesg_gesetzlich" },
{ "folder": 3, "type": "WMS", "title": "TopPlusOpen", "attribution": "BKG", "url": "", "name": "web", "active": true },
{ "folder": 3, "type": "OSM", "title": "Open Street Map", "attribution": "OSM" }
{ "title": "KOM Kompensationsmaßnahmen", "parent": -1 },
{ "title": "ALKIS Liegenschaften", "parent": -1 },
{ "title": "Test", "parent": -1 },
{ "title": "Hintergrund", "parent": -1 }
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"zoom": 8,
"attribution": "LANIS RLP"
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