master #205

mpeltriaux merged 31 commits from master into Docker 2022-09-16 07:24:22 +02:00

Update Docker

Update Docker
mpeltriaux added 31 commits 2022-09-16 07:23:26 +02:00
* splits compensation/ and / into individual files inside new packages
    * general forms stay in new files in compensation/forms
    * modal forms stay in new files in compensation/forms/modals
* refactors intervention/forms and ../modalForms into individual files in separated packages
    * has been renamed into, now can be found as intervention/forms/
    * has been split into individual files living in modals package, can be found as intervention/forms/modals/...
* refactors user/ by splitting into modals package and regular forms
    * regular forms can now be found at user/forms/ and user/forms/
    * modal forms can now be found at user/forms/modals/...
* splits compensation into individual files for compensation table and eco account table
* refactors konova/ into individual files in konova/mixins/...
* refactors konova/ by splitting into individual files and moving them to fitting apps
     * autocomplete files now live in APPNAME/autocomplete/...
* splits of compensation and ema app into separate files in new /filters module
* optimizes entry search for multi keyword input
* splits intervention/ (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /intervention/views/...
* splits ema/ (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /ema/views/...
* splits compensation/views/ (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /compensation/views/compensation/...
* splits compensation/views/ (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /compensation/views/eco_account/...
* splits konova/ into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /konova/views/...
* introduces first class based view AbstractLogView
    * implemented for Ema, Intervention, Compensation and EcoAccount
* adds AbstractResubmissionView to konova app
    * implemented for all major data types
    * replaces function based views
* adds AbstractRecordView to konova/views/
    * implements for all major data types
* replaces function based views for creating, editing, removing and fetching documents with class based views
    * implemented for all major data types
* replaces function based views for deadlines with class based views
* replaces ema deadline views with class based
* replaces function based state views with class based
* replaces function based action views with class based
* splits compensation/views/ (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
    * view files can now be found in /compensation/views/eco_account/...
* replaces function based share views with class based
* improves team-share autocomplete search
* renames internal share url names
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#200
* adds new login_required_modal decorator
    * can be used before regular login_required decorator to return a proper session-timed-out message
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#201
* adds new version to sources
* fixes bug where initial geometry has not been rendered on client loading
* needs to be replaced asap by a proper bugfix from the original devs
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#203
* wraps check_for_conflicts() in celery based method
* fixes bug on InterventionEditForm where geometry's save() has been called twice
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#204
mpeltriaux merged commit bb3a538b57 into Docker 2022-09-16 07:24:22 +02:00
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