master #313

mpeltriaux merged 3 commits from master into Docker 2023-03-16 08:14:37 +01:00
3 changed files with 88 additions and 33 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 7e847cf8cb - Show all commits

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@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.initInteractions = function()
this.interactions[ netgis.Modes.MODIFY_FEATURES ] =
new ol.interaction.Modify( { source: this.editLayer.getSource(), deleteCondition:, style: this.styleModify.bind( this ) } ),
//new ol.interaction.DragPan(),
new ol.interaction.DragPan( { condition: function( e ) { return ( e.originalEvent.which === 2 ); } } ),
new ol.interaction.MouseWheelZoom()
@ -596,6 +596,27 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.styleModify = function( feature )
var geom = feature.getGeometry();
if ( geom instanceof ol.geom.Polygon )
var area = geom.getArea();
text: [ netgis.util.formatArea( area, true ), "4mm sans-serif" ],
font: this.labelFont,
fill: new { color: this.client.config.styles.modify.stroke } ),
backgroundFill: new { color: "rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.5 )" } ),
padding: [ 2, 4, 2, 4 ]
return [ style, vertex ];
@ -1169,6 +1190,8 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onSingleClick = function( e )
this.editLayer.getSource().removeFeature( this.hover );
this.hover = null;
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.SET_MODE, netgis.Modes.VIEW );
@ -1246,6 +1269,8 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onCutFeatureDrawEnd = function( e )
this.splitMultiPolygons( this.editLayer );
this.editEventsSilent = false;
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.SET_MODE, netgis.Modes.VIEW );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onModifyFeaturesEnd = function( e )
@ -1328,30 +1353,43 @@ netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onDrawPointsEnd = function( e )
if ( preview )
var src = this.editLayer.getSource();
// Add Buffer Feature
src.addFeature( preview.clone() );
//TODO: remove sketch point ?
//this.editLayer.getSource().removeFeature( e.feature );
/*window.setTimeout( function() {
var features = src.getFeatures();
src.removeFeature( features[ features.length - 1 ] );
src.addFeature( preview.clone() );
}, 10 );*/
return false;*/
// Remove Sketch Feature
src.removeFeature( e.feature );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onDrawLinesEnd = function( e )
var preview = this.previewLayer.getSource().getFeatures()[ 0 ];
if ( ! preview ) return;
var src = this.editLayer.getSource();
src.addFeature( preview.clone() );
if ( preview )
var src = this.editLayer.getSource();
// Add Buffer Feature
src.addFeature( preview.clone() );
// Remove Sketch Feature
src.removeFeature( e.feature );
netgis.MapOpenLayers.prototype.onDrawBufferOn = function( e )

View File

@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.load = function()
this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ] = this.createToolbar();
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarButton( '<i class="fas fa-times"></i><span>Punkte zeichnen:</span>', this.onToolbarClose.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Einrasten", this.onSnapChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Puffern", this.onDrawBufferChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarInput( "Radius (Meter):", bufferDefaultRadius, this.onDrawBufferRadiusChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarInput( "Segmente:", bufferDefaultSegments, this.onDrawBufferSegmentsChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Puffern", this.onDrawBufferChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarInput( "Radius (Meter):", bufferDefaultRadius, this.onDrawBufferRadiusChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ], this.createToolbarInput( "Segmente:", bufferDefaultSegments, this.onDrawBufferSegmentsChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.root.appendChild( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ] );
this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ] = this.createToolbar();
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarButton( '<i class="fas fa-times"></i><span>Linien zeichnen:</span>', this.onToolbarClose.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Einrasten", this.onSnapChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Puffern", this.onDrawBufferChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarInput( "Radius (Meter):", bufferDefaultRadius, this.onDrawBufferRadiusChange.bind( this ) ) );
//this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarInput( "Segmente:", bufferDefaultSegments, this.onDrawBufferSegmentsChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarCheckbox( "Puffern", this.onDrawBufferChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarInput( "Radius (Meter):", bufferDefaultRadius, this.onDrawBufferRadiusChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ], this.createToolbarInput( "Segmente:", bufferDefaultSegments, this.onDrawBufferSegmentsChange.bind( this ) ) );
this.root.appendChild( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ] );
this.showDrawBufferOptions( false );
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.load = function()
this.root.appendChild( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.CUT_FEATURE_DRAW ] );
this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.MODIFY_FEATURES ] = this.createToolbar();
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.MODIFY_FEATURES ], this.createToolbarButton( '<i class="fas fa-times"></i><span>Features verschieben:</span>', this.onToolbarClose.bind( this ) ) );
this.append( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.MODIFY_FEATURES ], this.createToolbarButton( '<i class="fas fa-times"></i><span>Feature-Eckpunkte verschieben:</span>', this.onToolbarClose.bind( this ) ) );
this.root.appendChild( this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.MODIFY_FEATURES ] );
this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DELETE_FEATURES ] = this.createToolbar();
@ -196,8 +196,10 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.createToolbarInput = function( title, value, callback )
var input = document.createElement( "input" );
input.setAttribute( "type", "number" );
input.setAttribute( "min", 0 );
input.setAttribute( "step", 0.01 );
input.value = value;
input.addEventListener( "change", callback );
input.addEventListener( "keyup", callback );
label.appendChild( input );
return label;
@ -266,12 +268,12 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.onSetMode = function( e )
case netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES:
var checkbox = this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS ].getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 1 ];
if ( checkbox.checked )
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.DRAW_BUFFER_ON, null );
@ -496,6 +498,20 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.onDrawBufferChange = function( e )
this.client.invoke( on ? netgis.Events.DRAW_BUFFER_ON : netgis.Events.DRAW_BUFFER_OFF, null );
this.showDrawBufferOptions( on );
// Update Buffer Values
if ( on )
var points = true;
if ( ! this.toolbars[ netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ].classList.contains( "netgis-hide" ) ) points = false;
var inputs = this.toolbars[ points ? netgis.Modes.DRAW_POINTS : netgis.Modes.DRAW_LINES ].getElementsByTagName( "input" );
var radius = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 2 ].value );
var segments = Number.parseInt( inputs[ 3 ].value );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.DRAW_BUFFER_RADIUS_CHANGE, radius );
this.client.invoke( netgis.Events.DRAW_BUFFER_SEGMENTS_CHANGE, segments );
netgis.Toolbar.prototype.onDrawBufferRadiusChange = function( e )
@ -533,16 +549,16 @@ netgis.Toolbar.prototype.showDrawBufferOptions = function( on )
if ( on )
//pointsItems[ 3 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
//pointsItems[ 4 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
//linesItems[ 3 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
//linesItems[ 4 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
pointsItems[ 3 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
pointsItems[ 4 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
linesItems[ 3 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
linesItems[ 4 ].classList.remove( "netgis-hide" );
//pointsItems[ 3 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
//pointsItems[ 4 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
//linesItems[ 3 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
//linesItems[ 4 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
pointsItems[ 3 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
pointsItems[ 4 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
linesItems[ 3 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );
linesItems[ 4 ].classList.add( "netgis-hide" );

View File

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ netgis.util =
output = i + ( large ? " km²" : " m²" );
//NOTE: HTML Superscript / Unicode (&sup2; etc.) not supported in OL Labels
return output;