mipel cac223c922 New Form
* adds NewEmaForm and EditEmaForm
* refactors ResponsibilityData related form fields into reusable mixin CompensationResponsibleFormMixin
   * used in NewEcoAccountForm and NewEmaForm for easier maintaining and reducing amount of code
* refactors templates /xy/new/view.html into /xy/form/view.html since the same template file is used for new and edit forms
2021-10-06 16:00:17 +02:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

Author: Michel Peltriaux
Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de
Created on: 19.08.21
from django.urls import path
from ema.views import *
app_name = "ema"
urlpatterns = [
path("", index_view, name="index"),
path("new/", new_view, name="new"),
path("new/id", new_id_view, name="new-id"),
path("<id>", open_view, name="open"),
path('<id>/log', log_view, name='log'),
path('<id>/edit', edit_view, name='edit'),
path('<id>/remove', remove_view, name='remove'),
path('<id>/record', record_view, name='record'),
path('<id>/state/new', state_new_view, name='new-state'),
path('<id>/action/new', action_new_view, name='new-action'),
path('<id>/deadline/new', deadline_new_view, name="new-deadline"),
# Documents
# Document remove route can be found in konova/urls.py
path('<id>/document/new/', document_new_view, name='new-doc'),
path('document/<doc_id>', get_document_view, name='get-doc'),
path('document/<doc_id>/remove/', remove_document_view, name='remove-doc'),
# Generic state routes
path('state/<id>/remove', state_remove_view, name='state-remove'),
# Generic action routes
path('action/<id>/remove', action_remove_view, name='action-remove'),