mpeltriaux 6945b17117 # Optimizations and fixes
* drops identifier handling on all edit-forms (identifier editing has been disabled on the frontend for a while now)
* updates test cases
* updates form caption for checking and recording action (less intimidating)
* optimizes district column width
* fixes bug on frontend parcel fetching on detail view
* adds extended tooltip for title column on index tables
* retraslates 'Law' to 'Rechtsgrundlage'
2024-02-08 07:31:19 +01:00

301 lines
12 KiB

Author: Michel Peltriaux
Organization: Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Contact: michel.peltriaux@sgdnord.rlp.de
Created on: 07.02.22
import datetime
from django.contrib.gis.geos import MultiPolygon
from django.urls import reverse
from compensation.models import Compensation
from konova.settings import ZB_GROUP, ETS_GROUP
from konova.tests.test_views import BaseWorkflowTestCase
from user.models import UserAction
class CompensationWorkflowTestCase(BaseWorkflowTestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
def setUp(self) -> None:
# Give the user shared access to the dummy intervention -> inherits the access to the compensation
# Make sure the intervention itself would be fine with valid data
self.intervention = self.fill_out_intervention(self.intervention)
# Make sure the compensation is linked to the intervention
# Delete all existing compensations, which might be created by tests
# Create a fresh dummy (non-valid) compensation before each test
self.compensation = self.create_dummy_compensation()
def test_new(self):
""" Test the creation of a compensation
# Prepare url and form data to be posted
new_url = reverse("compensation:new")
test_id = self.create_dummy_string()
test_title = self.create_dummy_string()
test_geom = self.create_dummy_geometry()
geom_json = self.create_geojson(test_geom)
post_data = {
"identifier": test_id,
"title": test_title,
"geom": geom_json,
"intervention": self.intervention.id,
pre_creation_intervention_log_count = self.intervention.log.count()
# Preserve the current number of intervention's compensations
num_compensations = self.intervention.compensations.count()
response = self.client_user.post(new_url, post_data)
self.assertEqual(302, response.status_code)
self.assertEqual(num_compensations + 1, self.intervention.compensations.count())
new_compensation = self.intervention.compensations.get(identifier=test_id)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.identifier, test_id)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.title, test_title)
self.assert_equal_geometries(new_compensation.geometry.geom, test_geom)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.log.count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.created, new_compensation.modified)
# Expect logs to be set
self.assertEqual(pre_creation_intervention_log_count + 1, self.intervention.log.count())
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.log.count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.intervention.log.first().action, UserAction.EDITED)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.log.first().action, UserAction.CREATED)
def test_new_from_intervention(self):
""" Test the creation of a compensation from a given intervention
# Prepare url and form data to be posted
new_url = reverse("compensation:new", args=(self.intervention.id,))
test_id = self.create_dummy_string()
test_title = self.create_dummy_string()
test_geom = self.create_dummy_geometry()
geom_json = self.create_geojson(test_geom)
post_data = {
"identifier": test_id,
"title": test_title,
"geom": geom_json,
pre_creation_intervention_log_count = self.intervention.log.count()
# Preserve the current number of intervention's compensations
num_compensations = self.intervention.compensations.count()
self.client_user.post(new_url, post_data)
self.assertEqual(num_compensations + 1, self.intervention.compensations.count())
new_compensation = self.intervention.compensations.get(identifier=test_id)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.identifier, test_id)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.title, test_title)
self.assert_equal_geometries(new_compensation.geometry.geom, test_geom)
# Expect logs to be set
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.log.count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(new_compensation.log.first().action, UserAction.CREATED)
self.assertEqual(pre_creation_intervention_log_count + 1, self.intervention.log.count())
self.assertEqual(self.intervention.log.first().action, UserAction.EDITED)
def test_edit(self):
""" Checks that the editing of a compensation works
url = reverse("compensation:edit", args=(self.compensation.id,))
self.compensation = self.fill_out_compensation(self.compensation)
pre_edit_log_count = self.compensation.log.count()
old_identifier = self.compensation.identifier
new_title = self.create_dummy_string()
new_identifier = self.create_dummy_string()
new_comment = self.create_dummy_string()
new_geometry = MultiPolygon(
) # Create a geometry which differs from the stored one
geojson = self.create_geojson(new_geometry)
check_on_elements = {
self.compensation.title: new_title,
self.compensation.identifier: new_identifier,
self.compensation.comment: new_comment,
for k, v in check_on_elements.items():
self.assertNotEqual(k, v)
post_data = {
"identifier": new_identifier,
"title": new_title,
"intervention": self.intervention.id, # just keep the intervention as it is
"comment": new_comment,
"geom": geojson,
self.client_user.post(url, post_data)
check_on_elements = {
self.compensation.title: new_title,
self.compensation.comment: new_comment,
for k, v in check_on_elements.items():
self.assertEqual(k, v)
# Expect identifier to not be editable
self.assertEqual(self.compensation.identifier, old_identifier, msg="Identifier was editable!")
# Expect logs to be set
self.assertEqual(pre_edit_log_count + 1, self.compensation.log.count())
self.assertEqual(self.compensation.log.first().action, UserAction.EDITED)
self.assert_equal_geometries(self.compensation.geometry.geom, new_geometry)
def test_checkability(self):
This tests if the checkability of the compensation (which is defined by the linked intervention's checked
attribute) is triggered by the quality of it's data (e.g. not all fields filled)
We expect a compensation, missing required data, linked to an intervention to fail the intervention's quality
check performed in the checking action.
# Add proper privilege for the user
pre_check_log_count = self.compensation.log.count()
# Prepare url and form data
url = reverse("intervention:check", args=(self.intervention.id,))
post_data = {
"checked_intervention": True,
"checked_comps": True,
# Make sure the intervention is not checked
# Run the request --> expect fail, since the compensation is not valid, yet
self.client_user.post(url, post_data)
# Check that the intervention is still not recorded
# Now fill out the data for a compensation
self.compensation = self.fill_out_compensation(self.compensation)
# Rerun the request
self.client_user.post(url, post_data)
# Expect the linked intervention now to be checked
# Attention: We can only test the date part of the timestamp,
# since the delay in microseconds would lead to fail
checked = self.intervention.checked
self.assertEqual(self.superuser, checked.user)
self.assertEqual(UserAction.CHECKED, checked.action)
self.assertEqual(datetime.date.today(), checked.timestamp.date())
# Expect the user action to be in the log
self.assertIn(checked, self.compensation.log.all())
self.assertEqual(pre_check_log_count + 1, self.compensation.log.count())
def test_recordability(self):
This tests if the recordability of the compensation (which is defined by the linked intervention's recorded
attribute) is triggered by the quality of it's data (e.g. not all fields filled)
We expect a compensation, missing required data, linked to an intervention to fail the intervention's quality
check performed in the recording action.
# Add proper privilege for the user
pre_record_log_count = self.compensation.log.count()
# Prepare url and form data
record_url = reverse("intervention:record", args=(self.intervention.id,))
post_data = {
"confirm": True,
# Make sure the intervention is not recorded
# Run the request --> expect fail, since the compensation is not valid, yet
self.client_user.post(record_url, post_data)
# Check that the intervention is still not recorded
# Now fill out the data for a compensation
self.compensation = self.fill_out_compensation(self.compensation)
# Rerun the request
self.client_user.post(record_url, post_data)
# Expect the linked intervention now to be recorded
# Attention: We can only test the date part of the timestamp,
# since the delay in microseconds would lead to fail
recorded = self.intervention.recorded
self.assertEqual(self.superuser, recorded.user)
self.assertEqual(UserAction.RECORDED, recorded.action)
self.assertEqual(datetime.date.today(), recorded.timestamp.date())
# Expect the user action to be in the log
self.assertIn(recorded, self.compensation.log.all())
self.assertEqual(pre_record_log_count + 1, self.compensation.log.count())
def test_non_editable_after_recording(self):
""" Tests that the compensation can not be edited after being recorded
User must be redirected to another page
edit_url = reverse("compensation:edit", args=(self.compensation.id,))
response = self.client_user.get(edit_url)
has_redirect = response.status_code == 302
edit_url = reverse("compensation:edit", args=(self.compensation.id,))
response = self.client_user.get(edit_url)
has_redirect = response.status_code == 302