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mpeltriaux edited this page 2024-04-08 10:09:11 +02:00



  1. Features
  2. Technical documentation
  3. API
  4. EGON



Navigate to your project folder and clone the repository onto your machine

git clone https://git.naturschutz.rlp.de/SGD-Nord/konova.git

Create a virtual environment using python3. The venv does not need to be in the same folder as the code. For production installation it is recommended to keep the venv somewhere else. You can find more information about python virtual environments here.

python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

Open up the venv

source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

Install all requirements for this project

pip install -r requirements.txt

There might be issues with the installation of the package psycopg2 (python-postgresql package) which is not available on all linux distributions for building. If the installation for psycopg2 fails, rename the requirement to psycopg2-binary and rerun the command to use a pre-build version of this package.


If you are interested in running this project in a docker container, you may check out the Docker branch: https://git.naturschutz.rlp.de/SGD-Nord/konova/src/branch/Docker

Please read the README.md on this branch for a detailed instruction on how to run the dockered project.


On a fresh installation you need to create the postgresql database first:

create database "konova";

Afterwards open up the virtual environment (if not already opened)

source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

and run the konova setup command

python manage.py setup

This will create some basic groups and initial data, like a superuser, which can be used to work in the admin backend interface.