* adds needed migrations
* refactors forms.py (700+ lines) in main konova app
* splits into forms/ and forms/modals and single class/topic-files for better maintainability and overview
* fixes bug in main konova app migration which could occur if a certain compensation migration did not run before
* adds optional short_name rendering for selectable codes
* refactors autocomplete field for compensation state into custom js tree widget
* adds single select (radio) alternative to tree widget templates
* changes trigger for sending data to EGON: on each new payment, edited payment or deleted payment action, the data will be sent to EGON instead only once on "recording"
* changes action_type from ForeignKey into M2M
* adds migration
* changes form widget
* WIP: changes rendering on detail view of compensation
* adds parcel district column for all major data objects
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on index view of compensations
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on detail view of related compensations
* adds support for payment adding/deleting to intervention log
* adds support for deduction adding/deleting to intervention/ecoaccount log
* improves code snippets
* drops add_deduction() methods for ecoaccount and intervention in favor of simpler creation in NewDeductionModalForm
* adds messages
* adds/updates translations
* renames model ResponsibilityData into Responsibility
* renames model LegalData into Legal
* moves form->object saving logic into model
* refactors NewDocumentForm into special types for intervention, compensation, eco account and ema
* adds EditEcoAccountForm
* adds placeholders for some form fields
* changes comment card in detail view into rlp-grayish
* adds eco account detail view comment box
* removes unnecessary loading of dal scripts in view.html
* refactors generated identifier for data objects (10 digits to 6 uppercase letter-digit combination)
* improves generate_random_string() method by adding more options for generation of strings
* adds/updates translations
* adds NewCompensationForm content and functionality
* reorganizes compensation forms into compensation/forms/forms.py and forms/modalForms.py
* adds new compensation html template in compensation/templates/compensation/new
* adds new default message template in message_templates.py: IDENTIFIER_REPLACED
* adds/updates translations