* implements 5) "Add 'Maßnahmentyp' for KOMs "
* prepares model and form fields as mixins for easy extension to eco accounts and emas (possibly in the future?)
* introduces bootstrap class form-control for proper html form input rendering
* fixes bug where missing shared users for an entry resulted in a None exception
* adds GenerateInput with template in generate-content-input.html, which provides a generate button for fetching server-side content
* adds/updates translations
* adds saving functionality for new intervention form
* refactors new identifier generating, so a pre-generated identifier from a new element form will be checked again before saving
* adds css fixes for disturbing input field:focus bugs
* adds missing csrf token to new collapsible form
* adds/updates translations
* introduces mark_as_deleted as only marking instead of using delete() which will really delete from the db
* adds proper boolean mapping to update_codelist
* differs between id and atom_id for KonovaCode since atomIds are not unique (could change in the future)
* adds is_selectable and is_archived to KonovaCode
* scales width of DAL form fields to 100% width
* adds table-responsive wrapping container for table forms to prevent unwanted rendering artifacts in case of table resizing due to long content
* adds autocomplete routes for law, registration offices and conservation offices
* adds help texts to add payment form
* adds removing button for payments
* refactors user fetching into BaseForm
* adds generic RemoveModalForm which is intended to be used for every modal form which shall remove something
* adds translations
* removes unused html
* prepares payment amount field to be able to process german inputs like '1.000,50' which is not the international default
* adds modal form for adding payments
* generalizes generic_table_form.html for table-form-like usage in modal_form.html
* adds css enhancements for focused input fields
* adds BaseModalForm as specification to BaseForm, which inherits the BSModalForm class as well
* adds translations
* adds related object overview in detail view
* adds comment field to payment model for 'Verwendungszweck'
* simplifies intervention urls
* adds translations
* adds user access relation to certain models
* adds pagination to tables
* adds checked_on/_by attributes to intervention model
* adds custom column rendering for checked and registered columns
* adds first simple index filtering of default interventions for user
* adds translations