* adds admin column on team index view
* refactors Team model, so multiple members can become admins
* adds team migration for switch from fkey->m2m structure
* renames 'Group' to 'Permission' on user index view to avoid confusion between 'Groups' and Teams
* adds new autocomplete route for team-admin selection based on already selected members of the TeamForm
* adds a second star icon on currently unchecked but previously checked entries
--> can be detected easier for another check run
* simplifies some related code parts
* moves some translation string into message_templates.py
* enables session timeout after 60 minutes
* improves comment card layout sizing
* adds/updates translations
* adds button and functionality for leaving a team
* if the admin leaves the team, another user will be chosen as new admin automatically
* improves Team (django) admin backend
* better control over user adding-removing
* only added team members are selectable as admin
* fixes bug where created timestamp has been displayed on modified attribute on detail views
* enhances localized date and datetime rendering
* reorders sub menus in user's profile hub
* adds team sharing field to share form
* splits sharing logic into user based and teams based
* adds TeamAdmin for admin backend
* adds validity check on Team name -> only unused names shall be valid
* removes admin backend views which are not important for production
* adds filtering functionalities on index views
* simplifies detail views on intervention, compensation, ecoaccount and ema
* adds autocomplete fields on detail views
* adds handy horizontal filter fields on detail views
* writes test for sharing using the API
* fixes bug on frontend form where an exception occured on generating a new API token if no token existed, yet
* adds permission constraint (default group) for using the api in general
* fixes default-group-only behaviour for sharing-API, so users can only add new users and not removing them, as long as they do not have any other group membership like registration or conservation office
* changes 'ksptoken' to 'Ksptoken' to match CGI standard for http header keys
* adds new app to project
* adds relation between User model and new APIUserToken model
* adds first implementation for GET of intervention
* adds basic code layout for future extension by having new versions
* adds mail sending if shared data is deleted
* adds/updates translations
* refactors recording mails into separate email template folder email/recording
* moves mail sending to celery worker using shared_task in konova/tasks.py
* adds mail sending for shared access given
* adds UserNotification settings checks for mail sending
* adds/updates translations
* refactors: attached files can only be downloaded by users with shared access
* adds hint on unshared data being unshared for compensation, ema, eco-account
* minor optical enhancement for user contact form
* adds Ema model (basically Compensation inherited)
* adds index view for EMAs
* fixes drop-down link bug for menu 'More' in navbar
* refactors some more forms to use process_request()
* adds modified attribute to BaseResource for easy last_modified check
* adds setting of modified attribute in all places where UserAction.EDITED is added to log
* adds EmaAdmin to ema/admin.py
* fixes wrong title in intervention detail view html for revocations
* adds support for subtitle variable to BaseTable and generic_index.html
* drops next_version attribute from models
* adds/updates translations
* adds default ordering for UserActionLogEntry
* removes extra ordering in log modal rendering
* adds dynamic icon for recording and unrecording of data
* adds record view to intervention and eco accounts
* adds quality_check() method for Intervention and EcoAccount class which holds logic for data quality checking
* adds UserAction "unrecorded"
* adds functionality for withdraws from eco accounts in detail view of interventions and eco account as well
* adds get_surface() method to AbstractCompensation class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* adds get_surface_withdraws() method to EcoAccount class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* renames some routes to match coherent rout naming
* adds logic check on NewWithdrawForm
* renames templates/table directory to templates/form, since there are form-table templates inside --> more clarity
* adds new autocomplete routes to konova/urls.py for Interventions and EcoAccounts
* adds/updates translations
* adds/updates template comments
* updates requirements.txt
* adds modal_generic.html template for generic usage
* adds M2M field log to BaseObject
* adds show log button to controls.html
* adds logging on adding related objects
* adds render log table using generic modal
* adds tooltip to missing values in detail views
* adds/updates translations
* moves diff_states message back to table top for direct presentation in compensation/detail/view.html
* removes diff_states rendering in deadline card in compensation/detail/view.html
* fixes before_state adding based on GET parameter
* refactors UserActionlogEntryEnum into a UserAction TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds ordering of compensation states depending on surface value
* refactors ServerMessageImportance from enum into TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds/updates translations
* adds user/includes/contact_modal_button.html for calling contact data of a user
* adds user contact modal to intervention detail view
* adds translations
* adds UserActionLogEntry model to user/models.py
* wraps user and timestamp info
* can be extended for more information in the future
* refactors all filtering and accessing on values
* adds modal form for adding payments
* generalizes generic_table_form.html for table-form-like usage in modal_form.html
* adds css enhancements for focused input fields
* adds BaseModalForm as specification to BaseForm, which inherits the BSModalForm class as well
* adds translations
* adds (WIP) detail view for interventions
* renames typo in conservations_file_number to conservation_file_number
* adds simple has_access check for intervention objects for given users
* renames occurences of "Registered" to "Recorded" (verzeichnen)
* adds an informing message for detail view of intervention objects which are not editable for a user
* adds GeometryAdmin
* adds fallback DEFAULT_SRID for Geometry model
* adds translations