* removes admin backend views which are not important for production
* adds filtering functionalities on index views
* simplifies detail views on intervention, compensation, ecoaccount and ema
* adds autocomplete fields on detail views
* adds handy horizontal filter fields on detail views
* adds proper boolean mapping to update_codelist
* differs between id and atom_id for KonovaCode since atomIds are not unique (could change in the future)
* adds is_selectable and is_archived to KonovaCode
* scales width of DAL form fields to 100% width
* adds table-responsive wrapping container for table forms to prevent unwanted rendering artifacts in case of table resizing due to long content
* adds autocomplete routes for law, registration offices and conservation offices
* adds codelist app
* adds KonovaCodeList and KonovaCode model for fetching and storing OSIRIS Codelisten entries
* adds update_codelist command for updating and fetching codes
* adds autocomplete route for using codelists in forms