master #105

mpeltriaux wants to merge 0 commits from master into Docker

Updates docker

Updates docker
mpeltriaux added 18 commits 2022-02-04 13:56:58 +01:00
* adds bootstrap class to prevent link style rendering
* reorganizes templates for home view into separate quickstart templates
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#92
* fixes bug where recorded state of eco account has been reset, if a deduction is created from the detail view of the ecoaccount itself
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#94
* adds codelist 975 to project
* adds new form field for adding extra biotope information
* adds additional biotope konovaCodes to CompensationState model
* increases rpp for Autocompletion
* adds/updates translations
* extends the detail view templates for all compensation related models to render extra CompensationState details as well
* reduces number of landing page news from 4 to 3
* improves .card-text in favor of .scroll-150
* improves .card font size
* adds codelist 1035 for compensation action detail codes
* extends CompensationAction model
* extends NewActionForm
* extends detail view of compensation action related models
* add/updates translations
* adds autocomplete tests
* extends the API to support serializing and deserializing of action_details and biotope_details
* renames biotope_extra_types into biotope_type_details on CompensationState model for convenience reasons and to match CompensationAction's action_type_details
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#96
* splits konova/ file into more separate setting files in konova/sub_settings/
* configures server errors sending via mail
   * default for now is always 'ksp-servicestelle'
* includes improvements from #97
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#98
* removes admin backend views which are not important for production
* adds filtering functionalities on index views
* simplifies detail views on intervention, compensation, ecoaccount and ema
* adds autocomplete fields on detail views
* adds handy horizontal filter fields on detail views
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#102
initial migrations commit
* adds migration support for detail fields on CompensationState and CompensationAction
Reviewed-on: SGD-Nord/konova#103
mpeltriaux added 1 commit 2022-02-04 14:07:57 +01:00
mpeltriaux added 1 commit 2022-02-04 14:24:38 +01:00
mpeltriaux closed this pull request 2022-02-04 14:28:34 +01:00

Pull request closed

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