master #412

mpeltriaux wants to merge 0 commits from master into Docker

Update Docker

  • adds .env implementation
  • adds dropping of django-simple-sso
Update Docker * adds .env implementation * adds dropping of `django-simple-sso`
mpeltriaux added 9 commits 2024-07-04 08:37:28 +02:00
* refactors settings into env usage
* adds proxy usage for schneider parcel fetching (using public web address instead of internal ip address)
* updates env.sample
* updates requirements.txt
* drops debug-toolbar
* updates requirements.txt
* drops django-simple-sso from codebase and requirements.txt
# Conflicts:
#	konova/sub_settings/
#	requirements.txt
* adds env usage for sso settings
* corrects config for geopackage import support
Reviewed-on: #410
Reviewed-on: #411

Had to be merged locally: f8c803b401

Had to be merged locally:
mpeltriaux closed this pull request 2024-07-04 09:33:37 +02:00

Pull request closed

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