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# Konova
Konova is the successor of KSP. It's build using the python webframework Django,
the database postgresql and the css library bootstrap as well as the icon package
fontawesome for a modern look, following best practices from the industry.
## Background processes
### !!! For non-docker run
Konova uses celery for background processing. To start the worker you need to run
$ celery -A konova worker -l INFO
More info can be found [here](
Redis must be installed.
## Technical documentation
Technical documention is provided in the projects git wiki.
## User documentation
A user documentation is not available (and not needed, yet).
# Docker
To run the docker-compose as expected, you need to take the following steps:
1. Create a database containing docker, using an appropriate Dockerfile, e.g. the following
version: '3.3'
image: postgis/postgis
restart: always
container_name: postgis-docker
- 5433:5432
- db-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
- db-network-bridge
driver: "bridge"
This Dockerfile creates a Docker container running postgresql and postgis, creates the default superuser postgres,
creates a named volume for persisting the database and creates a new network bridge, which **must be used by any other
container, which wants to write/read on this database**.
2. Make sure the name of the network bridge above matches the network in the konova docker-compose.yml
3. Get into the running postgis container (`docker exec -it postgis-docker bash`) and create new databases, users and so on. Make sure the database `konova` exists now!
4. Replace all `CHANGE_ME_xy` values inside of konova/docker-compose.yml for your installation. Make sure the `SSO_HOST` holds the proper SSO host, e.g. for the arnova project `` (Arnova must be installed and the webserver configured as well, of course)
5. Take a look on konova/ and konova/sub_settings/ Again: Replace all occurences of `CHANGE_ME` with proper values for your installation.
1. Make sure you have the proper host strings added to `ALLOWED_HOSTS` inside of
6. Build and run the docker setup using `docker-compose build` and `docker-compose start` from the main directory of this project (where the docker-compose.yml lives)
7. Run migrations! To do so, get into the konova service container (`docker exec -it konova-docker bash`) and run the needed commands (`python makemigrations LIST_OF_ALL_MIGRATABLE_APPS`, then `python migrate`)
8. Run the setup command `python setup` and follow the instructions on the CLI
9. To enable **SMTP** mail support, make sure your host machine (the one where the docker container run) has the postfix service configured properly. Make sure the `mynetworks` variable is xtended using the docker network bridge ip, created in the postgis container and used by the konova services.
1. **Hint**: You can find out this easily by trying to perform a test mail in the running konova web application (which will fail, of course). Then take a look to the latest entries in `/var/log/mail.log` on your host machine. The failed IP will be displayed there.
2. **Please note**: This installation guide is based on SMTP using postfix!
3. Restart the postfix service on your host machine to reload the new configuration (`service postfix restart`)
10. Finally, make sure your host machine webserver passes incoming requests properly to the docker nginx webserver of konova. A proper nginx config for the host machine may look like this:
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:KONOVA_NGINX_DOCKER_PORT/;
proxy_set_header Host $host;