Block a user
Additional codes for biotopes
Additional codes for biotopes
Additional action types
There are additional action types as well, which can be added to regular action entries on the old system. Have been added now.
deleted branch 89_Ecoaccount_recorded_state_reset from IT-Naturschutz/konova
2022-01-31 10:18:51 +01:00
# 89 Ecoaccount recorded state reset (fix)
Ecoaccount recorded state reset
# 89 Ecoaccount recorded state reset (fix)
pushed to 89_Ecoaccount_recorded_state_reset at IT-Naturschutz/konova
2022-01-31 10:17:28 +01:00
Ecoaccount recorded state reset
Error does only occur if the deduction is created from the detail view of the ecoaccount itself. It seems that it's handled like any other change of the related data, which - of course- should reset…