* improves filtering by gmrkng and krs
* implements deferred loading of parcels on spatial referenced data objects
* adds HTMX to project
* improves detail view layout (mainly interesting for smaller displays/mobile)
* extends KonovaCode filtering for parent objects matching given input
* renames data_form into form for easier template render support
* simplifies empty geometry form initialization
* refactors initializing and rendering of a map view into map/geom_form.html, which leads to simple includes on the detail views instead of redundant html
* refactors django-autocomplete-light form media links and scripts into dal/scripts.html, which can be included on the header blocks of detail views to support form modals using dal easier without the need for form.media
* changes filter behaviour on eco account index: instead of hiding recorded accounts (like in interventions), the filter option there has been replaced with "Show only unrecorded" which can be used to hide all recorded ones
* background: eco accounts shall be visible when recorded, since they can only be used for withdrawing if they are recorded. Hiding the recorded ones does not make any sense, just like in interventions
* updates some code documentation
* adds/updates translations