* adds unit test for creating report
* fixes bug where new (>2018) eco accounts have not been fetched correctly from the db
* adds enhancements in the frontend
* improves test data setup
* adds clamping of 3D geometries to 2D geometries if uploaded using the map importer
* extends tests for payment-document linkage
* fixes bug in team-admin selection where autocomplete could not be resolved properly
* refactors konova/autocompletes.py by splitting into individual files and moving them to fitting apps
* autocomplete files now live in APPNAME/autocomplete/...
* adds template message to indicate a finished-deadline is mandatory
* adds finished deadline existance to quality check of compensation-like entries
* adds proper warning to quality check result
* extends tests
* adds admin column on team index view
* refactors Team model, so multiple members can become admins
* adds team migration for switch from fkey->m2m structure
* renames 'Group' to 'Permission' on user index view to avoid confusion between 'Groups' and Teams
* adds new autocomplete route for team-admin selection based on already selected members of the TeamForm
* adds geometry validity checks for SimpleGeomForm is_valid()
* shows validity problems on the form if a feature is invalid
* optimizes merging of different features into one MultiPolygon
* further enhances tests
* adds as_feature_collection() method on Geometry model for converting geom MultiPolygon attribute into FeatureCollection json holding each polygon as an own feature -> makes each polygon selectable in new netgis map client
* adds geom back writing to form field in case of invalid geometry, so the invalid geometry will be shown again
* updates tests
* fixes bug where race condition of celery workers could lead to duplicates in parcels (needs migration)
* adds tests for team sharing
* extends the API for team sharing support
* adds shared_teams property shortcut for ShareableObjectMixin
* adds full support for team-based sharing to all views and functions
* simplifies ShareModalForm
* adds/updates translations
* writes test for sharing using the API
* fixes bug on frontend form where an exception occured on generating a new API token if no token existed, yet
* adds permission constraint (default group) for using the api in general
* fixes default-group-only behaviour for sharing-API, so users can only add new users and not removing them, as long as they do not have any other group membership like registration or conservation office
* changes 'ksptoken' to 'Ksptoken' to match CGI standard for http header keys
* refactors WFS fetching to proper POST handling
* adds authentication support to WFS handling
* reduces dummy geometry for tests to a small area to reduce test network traffic overhead
* renames model ResponsibilityData into Responsibility
* renames model LegalData into Legal
* moves form->object saving logic into model
* refactors NewDocumentForm into special types for intervention, compensation, eco account and ema
* adds tests for compensations (WIP)
* refactors some dummy data generating into base test class
* fixes bugs detected by testing
* adds important requirements.txt change for itsdangerous package (<1.0.0 for compatibility to django-simple-sso)