* adds eco account unit tests
* adds validity check to eco account form to check on existing deductions and potential conflict with reduced deductable surface
* improves geojson handling on SimpleGeomForm
* adds/updates translation
* simplifies geometries on SimpleGeomForm if threshold GEOM_MAX_VERTICES has been exceeded
* geometry is iteratively simplified to find a proper tolerance value which satisfies the GEOM_MAX_VERTICES threshold
* reduces number of queries performed on detail views of intervention, compensation and eco_account
* renders deductable_rest of eco account beneath progressbar on eco account index view
* clarifies ordering logic of related column
* splits compensation/views/eco_account.py (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /compensation/views/eco_account/...
* splits konova/views.py into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /konova/views/...
* introduces first class based view AbstractLogView
* implemented for Ema, Intervention, Compensation and EcoAccount
* splits compensation/views/eco_account.py (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /compensation/views/eco_account/...
* splits compensation/views/compensation.py (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /compensation/views/compensation/...
* refactors intervention/forms and ../modalForms into individual files in separated packages
* forms.py has been renamed into intervention.py, now can be found as intervention/forms/intervention.py
* modalForms.py has been split into individual files living in modals package, can be found as intervention/forms/modals/...
* splits compensation/forms.py and /modalForms.py into individual files inside new packages
* general forms stay in new files in compensation/forms
* modal forms stay in new files in compensation/forms/modals
* adds needed migrations
* refactors forms.py (700+ lines) in main konova app
* splits into forms/ and forms/modals and single class/topic-files for better maintainability and overview
* fixes bug in main konova app migration which could occur if a certain compensation migration did not run before
* adds template message to indicate a finished-deadline is mandatory
* adds finished deadline existance to quality check of compensation-like entries
* adds proper warning to quality check result
* extends tests
* adds a second star icon on currently unchecked but previously checked entries
--> can be detected easier for another check run
* simplifies some related code parts
* moves some translation string into message_templates.py
* enables session timeout after 60 minutes
* improves comment card layout sizing
* adds/updates translations
* fixes InterventionAutocomplete bug, where team-shared entries would not pop up as valid option
* fixes bug where form opening for new compensation without direct intervention link resulted in 404
* adds intervention-recorded check on deduction forms: Form is invalid if intervention is currently recorded and therefore blocked for any editing
* extends basic check_for_recorded_instance() method to let some forms pass, e.g. deduction related forms on ecoaccounts which only have a reason to be rendered IF the entry is recorded
* adds/updates translations
* adds new modal form content template recorded_no_edit.html
* adds modal content change, such that no data can be edited on any form as long as the entry is recorded -> instead, users are informed on the form, that the recording state prohibits editing
* adds translations
* adds team sharing field to share form
* splits sharing logic into user based and teams based
* adds TeamAdmin for admin backend
* adds validity check on Team name -> only unused names shall be valid
* adds more log details on adding/removing documents
* fixes bug in admin backend where restoring of non-compensation entries led to an error
* fixes bug where deleting of revocation without an attached file would lead to an error