* fixes created timestamp in detail views where modified needs to be displayed
* adds fallback timestamp if data has not been edited, yet --> show created timestamp
* fixes bug where deleting of certain data didn't redirect to the index view
* adds quality_check() method for EMA, needed for recording
* adds all functions which are provided for compensations to EMA
* adds/updates translations
* adds Ema model (basically Compensation inherited)
* adds index view for EMAs
* fixes drop-down link bug for menu 'More' in navbar
* refactors some more forms to use process_request()
* adds modified attribute to BaseResource for easy last_modified check
* adds setting of modified attribute in all places where UserAction.EDITED is added to log
* adds EmaAdmin to ema/admin.py
* fixes wrong title in intervention detail view html for revocations
* adds support for subtitle variable to BaseTable and generic_index.html
* drops next_version attribute from models
* adds/updates translations
* adds default ordering for UserActionLogEntry
* removes extra ordering in log modal rendering
* adds dynamic icon for recording and unrecording of data
* adds record view to intervention and eco accounts
* adds quality_check() method for Intervention and EcoAccount class which holds logic for data quality checking
* adds UserAction "unrecorded"
* adds functionality for withdraws from eco accounts in detail view of interventions and eco account as well
* adds get_surface() method to AbstractCompensation class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* adds get_surface_withdraws() method to EcoAccount class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* renames some routes to match coherent rout naming
* adds logic check on NewWithdrawForm
* renames templates/table directory to templates/form, since there are form-table templates inside --> more clarity
* adds new autocomplete routes to konova/urls.py for Interventions and EcoAccounts
* adds/updates translations
* adds/updates template comments
* updates requirements.txt
* adds eco-account own includes for simpler maintainability instead of refactoring to generic includes for compensation app and predefining urls and stuff on the backend
* adds before-state, after-state, actions, deadlines, documents and withdraws to eco account detail view
* adds hint for invalid withdraw in intervention detail view in case of deleted eco account
* adds/updates translations
* adds detail view for eco account
* adds withdraw detail view to eco acount detail
* generalizes compensation/includes templates to be reusable for eco-accounts
* moves is_shared_with() check to class BaseObject
* adds/updates translations
* renames eco_withdraws to withdraws
* adds EcoAccountTableFilter
* changes percentage withdraw to surface withdraw --> renames amount to surface
* updates EcoAccountTable
* adds column for rendering rest of available account using a progress bar
* adds progressbar.html to konova/custom_widgets
* adds/updates translations
* reduce compensation/views.py file size by splitting into three sub view files in compensation/views/xy_views.py for compensation, eco-account and payment
* restructure urlpattern list by splitting into three smaller lists for a better overview and maintainability