* fixes bug where compensations still appeared on the public report despite being marked as deleted
* fixes bug where eco account could be deducted into a negative account balance
* adds tests for compensations (WIP)
* refactors some dummy data generating into base test class
* fixes bugs detected by testing
* adds important requirements.txt change for itsdangerous package (<1.0.0 for compatibility to django-simple-sso)
* refactors CheckableMixin and RecordableMixin into CheckableObject and RecordableObject
* adds ShareableObject for wrapping share related fields and functionality
* adds share functionality to EcoAccount and EMA, just like Intervention
* adds quality check logic for EcoAccount with EcoAccountQualityChecker
* adds/updates translations
* adds quality check logic for EMA with EmaQualityChecker
* adds AbstractQualityChecker as base for all quality checker instances
* adds InterventionQualityChecker, inheriting from AbstractQualityChecker
* adds functionality to InterventionQualityChecker
* adds/updates translations
* refactors: attached files can only be downloaded by users with shared access
* adds hint on unshared data being unshared for compensation, ema, eco-account
* minor optical enhancement for user contact form
* adds index form for selecting timespan and office of interest
* adds timespan support for TimespanReport
* fixes naive datetime issues
* fixes missing error message css tag
* adds/updates translations
* optimizes the db fetching for all index views and detail views
* introduces usage of managers.py in all necessary apps for wrapping basic fetch settings
* moves comment.html to comment_card.html under /konova/templates/konova/
* adds/updates translations
* fixes document typos
* drops comment rendering in public reports
* opens public reports in new tabs if button is clicked from the detail view
* prevents Actions column in tables from being rendered if there would be no buttons inside due to permission checking
* enhances amount of sql requests for detail view and report view
* adds public report rendering for intervention model
* adds new routes for report
* adds new public_base.html and public_navbar.html
* adds lookup table for zoom levels for lanis link generating
* moves qr code generating into utils/generators.py