* adds workaround in case of received WFS exception -> routine waits 1 second and tries to rerun for another time. If this does fail as well, the routine will end without a result
* adds mailto shortcut to contact button in footer for a quick fix
* adds parcel displaying on public reports
* fixes bug in EMA where autocomplete js would not load for modal forms
* fixes bug where BaseContext cached data from last request and reused it, if not overwritten
* removes WIKI_URL, replaces with HELP_LINK since it was the same before as well
* refactors modal form processing (process_request())
* modal form can now display errors directly inside the modal (as intended by the devs)
* modals now properly support the GET-POST workflow that is intended by the devs. More information here: https://github.com/trco/django-bootstrap-modal-forms/issues/183
* Improves label-field linking in generic_table_form_body.html
* removes isDeleteForm attribute from modal_form_script.html
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations