* adds compensation detail view (WIP)
* adds includes dir for related objects, similar to interventions
* adds functionality for
* adding/removing before_states
* adding/removing after_states
* adding/removing deadlines
* adding/removing documents
* refactors usage of BaseModalForm
* holds now process_request() in base class for generic usage anywhere
* adds __str__() method for some models
* compensation__action is blank=True now
* renamed tooltips
* adds new routes for state/deadline/document handling inside of compensation/urls.py
* adds precalculation of before/after_states for detail view, so users will see directly if there are missing states
* removes unnecessary link for intervention detail payment
* adds missing tooltips for check and record icon on detail views
* refactors DeadlineTypeEnum into DeadlineType in konova/models.py, just as the django 3.x documentation suggests for model enumerations
* UuidModel id field is not editable anymore in the admin interface
* adds/updates translations
* adds access checks depending on the current group confgiguration of a user
* removes buttons for adding/editing or removing data if default group is not set for a user
* removes buttons for adding/removing related data in unshared interventions
* removes shared-user setting from share menu of an intervention if user is not zb or ets
* renames has_access() from intervention Model into is_shared_with() for more clarity
* fixes bug in group check in_group() from utils.py
* compensations won't be listed in index table if related intervention has been deleted
* adds functionality for intervention remove button
* adds outcommented code
* adds configurable redirect_url for RemoveModalForm's process_request method
* adds translation
* refactors base attributes created and deleted into UserActionLogEntry foreign keys
* refactors all related queries and process logic
* fixes binding_on into binding_date in intervention/detail/view.html
* adds basic __str__ for some models
* adds related eco account withdraw detail view to intervention detail view
* adds new route for removing withdraws using RemoveModalForm
* adds EcoAccountWithdraw model
* adds admin interfaces for EcoAccount and EcoAccountWithdraw
* adds message_templates.py to konova/utils for reusable messages
* splits related-documents.html and related-objects.html into separate templates for each related object type: compensations.html, documents.html, eco-account-withdraws.html and payments.html
* adds translations
* adds modal for rendering the share url
* adds new custom_widget text-to-clipboard-input.html
* provides a copy button for writing the text input's value into the client's clipboard
* adds translation
* adds access_token as new attribute
* adds generating of access_token
* adds new form
* adds two new routes for sharing an intervention
* adds translation
* adds render_submit to BaseModalForm which triggers rendering the modal footer
* splits Intervention model into main components
* Compensation (main object)
* ResponsibilityData (holds organizations and handler) - same as used for intervention
* This way data can be extended more easily in the future
* refactors deadlines
* splits Intervention model into three main components
* Intervention (main object)
* LegalData (holds legal dates, laws, etc.)
* ResponsibilityData (holds organizations and handler)
* This way data can be extended more easily in the future
* refactors admin.py and usages in templates
* introduces UuidModel as a base class for BaseResource
* adds UserActionLogEntry model to user/models.py
* wraps user and timestamp info
* can be extended for more information in the future
* refactors all filtering and accessing on values
* adds help texts to add payment form
* adds removing button for payments
* refactors user fetching into BaseForm
* adds generic RemoveModalForm which is intended to be used for every modal form which shall remove something
* adds translations
* removes unused html
* prepares payment amount field to be able to process german inputs like '1.000,50' which is not the international default
* adds modal form for adding payments
* generalizes generic_table_form.html for table-form-like usage in modal_form.html
* adds css enhancements for focused input fields
* adds BaseModalForm as specification to BaseForm, which inherits the BSModalForm class as well
* adds translations
* adds hint for empty map in case of missing geometry
* adds empty geometry workaround, so openlayers is rendered without digitalization tools
* adds translations
* adds related object overview in detail view
* adds comment field to payment model for 'Verwendungszweck'
* simplifies intervention urls
* adds translations
* adds (WIP) detail view for interventions
* renames typo in conservations_file_number to conservation_file_number
* adds simple has_access check for intervention objects for given users
* renames occurences of "Registered" to "Recorded" (verzeichnen)
* adds an informing message for detail view of intervention objects which are not editable for a user
* adds GeometryAdmin
* adds fallback DEFAULT_SRID for Geometry model
* adds translations
* adds user access relation to certain models
* adds pagination to tables
* adds checked_on/_by attributes to intervention model
* adds custom column rendering for checked and registered columns
* adds first simple index filtering of default interventions for user
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations
* No detailed permissions due to django constraints on model-based permissions
* instead: logic controlled permission by group membership
* adds translations