* adds EditEcoAccountForm
* adds placeholders for some form fields
* changes comment card in detail view into rlp-grayish
* adds eco account detail view comment box
* removes unnecessary loading of dal scripts in view.html
* refactors generated identifier for data objects (10 digits to 6 uppercase letter-digit combination)
* improves generate_random_string() method by adding more options for generation of strings
* adds/updates translations
* adds NewEcoAccountForm
* refactors NewCompensationForm into AbstractCompensationForm so main fields can be reused again
* fixes template bug in account detail view where the amount of deductions has been displayed instead of the available rest
* refactors _generate_new_identifier() into generate_new_identifier()
* refactors get_available_rest() into returning both, the total and relative amount
* improves saving of SimpleGeometryForm()
* adds/updates translations
* adds NewCompensationForm content and functionality
* reorganizes compensation forms into compensation/forms/forms.py and forms/modalForms.py
* adds new compensation html template in compensation/templates/compensation/new
* adds new default message template in message_templates.py: IDENTIFIER_REPLACED
* adds/updates translations
* extends KonovaCode filtering for parent objects matching given input
* renames data_form into form for easier template render support
* simplifies empty geometry form initialization
* introduces bootstrap class form-control for proper html form input rendering
* fixes bug where missing shared users for an entry resulted in a None exception
* adds GenerateInput with template in generate-content-input.html, which provides a generate button for fetching server-side content
* adds/updates translations
* adds saving functionality for new intervention form
* refactors new identifier generating, so a pre-generated identifier from a new element form will be checked again before saving
* adds css fixes for disturbing input field:focus bugs
* adds missing csrf token to new collapsible form
* adds/updates translations
* introduces mark_as_deleted as only marking instead of using delete() which will really delete from the db
* adds deductable_surface to EcoAccount model to provide an easy way to change the deductable amount from an account -> depends on external funding e.g. with AktionBlau or similar
* adds overview of deducted and deductable volume to detail view
* adds check to eco account model, so the deductable_surface can never be larger than the total amount of after_state surface sum
* adds german formating for python logic based number formating
* adds/updates translations
* increases max_size for FileFields --> triggers when the file name will be automatically changed during upload
* adds Http404 Exception in case document file does not exist anymore on the hard drive
* refactors documents and file upload to be distributed into different subfolders, depending on the type of document (InterventionDocument, RevocationDocument, ...)
* refactors Document model into AbstractDocument
* subclasses RevocationDocument, InterventionDocument, COmpensationDocument, EmaDocument and EcoAccountDocument from AbstractDocument to provide proper functionality for each
* adds new specialized routes for each new document type (opening, removing)
* drops generic get and remove routes for documents
* keeps responsible data in compensation model for potential future purposes
* refactors registration_office and conservation_office to map onto KonovaCodes instead of own Organization model
* adds str_as_office property-method to KonovaCode to provide an easy way of rendering template data
* adds missing highlighting in case of missing information about registration office and conservation office
* extends KonovaCode command update_codelist.py for CODELIST_PROCESS_TYPE_ID
* adds preselectors for konova codes in models of CompensationAction, Law and CompensationState
* adds prefiltering of withdraws --> excludes withdraws of as deleted flagged interventions
* renders intervention-recorded icon into eco account withdraws details view
* fixes bug in case of document deleting which does not contain any files
* renames RecordForm into RecordModalForm for more clarity
* adds proper boolean mapping to update_codelist
* differs between id and atom_id for KonovaCode since atomIds are not unique (could change in the future)
* adds is_selectable and is_archived to KonovaCode
* scales width of DAL form fields to 100% width
* adds table-responsive wrapping container for table forms to prevent unwanted rendering artifacts in case of table resizing due to long content
* adds autocomplete routes for law, registration offices and conservation offices
* improves rendering of codes as string (short names will be used if existing)
* reduces selectable konova codes to leafs (as discussed with experts)
* automatically resizes the width of modal form fields to w-100
* adds/updates translations
* adds codelist app
* adds KonovaCodeList and KonovaCode model for fetching and storing OSIRIS Codelisten entries
* adds update_codelist command for updating and fetching codes
* adds autocomplete route for using codelists in forms
* fixes created timestamp in detail views where modified needs to be displayed
* adds fallback timestamp if data has not been edited, yet --> show created timestamp
* fixes bug where deleting of certain data didn't redirect to the index view
* adds quality_check() method for EMA, needed for recording
* adds all functions which are provided for compensations to EMA
* adds/updates translations
* adds Ema model (basically Compensation inherited)
* adds index view for EMAs
* fixes drop-down link bug for menu 'More' in navbar
* refactors some more forms to use process_request()
* adds modified attribute to BaseResource for easy last_modified check
* adds setting of modified attribute in all places where UserAction.EDITED is added to log
* adds EmaAdmin to ema/admin.py
* fixes wrong title in intervention detail view html for revocations
* adds support for subtitle variable to BaseTable and generic_index.html
* drops next_version attribute from models
* adds/updates translations
* adds default ordering for UserActionLogEntry
* removes extra ordering in log modal rendering
* adds new POST functionality in NewStateModalForm, which does not use the super classes process_request() method
* adds explaining comments on the is_ajax() call
* updates translations
* removes WIKI_URL, replaces with HELP_LINK since it was the same before as well
* refactors modal form processing (process_request())
* modal form can now display errors directly inside the modal (as intended by the devs)
* modals now properly support the GET-POST workflow that is intended by the devs. More information here: https://github.com/trco/django-bootstrap-modal-forms/issues/183
* Improves label-field linking in generic_table_form_body.html
* removes isDeleteForm attribute from modal_form_script.html
* adds message for checking of intervention
* refactors sso message sending to handle an iterable of users
* adds specific method for sending object checking related messages
* adds label support for modal form for more simple clicking of checkboxes
* removes unused third party package from requirements.txt
* adds KonovaSSOClient as subclass of sso.Client for more control over login, e.g. which user data shall not be updated (found in konoa/sso/sso.py)
* adds Messenger class for communicating with SSO server (found in konova/utils/messenger.py)
* adds dynamic icon for recording and unrecording of data
* adds record view to intervention and eco accounts
* adds quality_check() method for Intervention and EcoAccount class which holds logic for data quality checking
* adds UserAction "unrecorded"
* adds functionality for withdraws from eco accounts in detail view of interventions and eco account as well
* adds get_surface() method to AbstractCompensation class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* adds get_surface_withdraws() method to EcoAccount class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* renames some routes to match coherent rout naming
* adds logic check on NewWithdrawForm
* renames templates/table directory to templates/form, since there are form-table templates inside --> more clarity
* adds new autocomplete routes to konova/urls.py for Interventions and EcoAccounts
* adds/updates translations
* adds/updates template comments
* updates requirements.txt
* adds detail view for eco account
* adds withdraw detail view to eco acount detail
* generalizes compensation/includes templates to be reusable for eco-accounts
* moves is_shared_with() check to class BaseObject
* adds/updates translations
* renames eco_withdraws to withdraws
* adds EcoAccountTableFilter
* changes percentage withdraw to surface withdraw --> renames amount to surface
* updates EcoAccountTable
* adds column for rendering rest of available account using a progress bar
* adds progressbar.html to konova/custom_widgets
* adds/updates translations
* adds modal_generic.html template for generic usage
* adds M2M field log to BaseObject
* adds show log button to controls.html
* adds logging on adding related objects
* adds render log table using generic modal
* adds tooltip to missing values in detail views
* adds/updates translations
* adds functionality for check button
* adds highlighting of important data on detail view for intervention
* adds deleting logic to BaseObject model and BaseResource model
* adds RunCheckForm
* adds check_validity() method to Intervention class
* fixes wrong success msg for adding documents
* adds/updates translations
* adds Revocation model to interventions/models.py
* adds revocations to interventions detail view
* fixes duplicated ids in html includes
* refactors controls for detail view into included template files (controls.html)
* reduces max length for payment transfer notes from 1000 to 200
* adds RevocationAdmin to intervention/admin.py
* adds new form for adding a Revocation to an intervention's legal_data
* only one revocation per intervention possible
* removes add button in case of an existing revocation
* adds revocation routes to intervention app
* renames document field in Document model into file for more clarity
* adds/updates translations
* removes CompensationControl model
* adds comment field to CompensationAction
* adds max length of 200 for comment fields in forms
* adds rendering of error messages in case of invalid form input
* adds/updates translations
* moves diff_states message back to table top for direct presentation in compensation/detail/view.html
* removes diff_states rendering in deadline card in compensation/detail/view.html
* fixes before_state adding based on GET parameter
* refactors UserActionlogEntryEnum into a UserAction TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds ordering of compensation states depending on surface value
* refactors ServerMessageImportance from enum into TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds/updates translations