* splits konova/views.py into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /konova/views/...
* introduces first class based view AbstractLogView
* implemented for Ema, Intervention, Compensation and EcoAccount
* splits compensation/views/eco_account.py (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /compensation/views/eco_account/...
* splits compensation/views/compensation.py (+700 lines) into separate files in new module
* view files can now be found in /compensation/views/compensation/...
* refactors konova/autocompletes.py by splitting into individual files and moving them to fitting apps
* autocomplete files now live in APPNAME/autocomplete/...
* refactors intervention/forms and ../modalForms into individual files in separated packages
* forms.py has been renamed into intervention.py, now can be found as intervention/forms/intervention.py
* modalForms.py has been split into individual files living in modals package, can be found as intervention/forms/modals/...
* splits compensation/forms.py and /modalForms.py into individual files inside new packages
* general forms stay in new files in compensation/forms
* modal forms stay in new files in compensation/forms/modals
* adds needed migrations
* refactors forms.py (700+ lines) in main konova app
* splits into forms/ and forms/modals and single class/topic-files for better maintainability and overview
* fixes bug in main konova app migration which could occur if a certain compensation migration did not run before
* adds mail sending logic for new notification setting
* adds new templates for user and team based sending
* enhances all email template layout
* adds translations
* adds template message to indicate a finished-deadline is mandatory
* adds finished deadline existance to quality check of compensation-like entries
* adds proper warning to quality check result
* extends tests
* adds command sync_codelist
* provides updating of all codes to the newest version (id)
* must be run once on staging, can be dropped afterwards since the root for the problem has been resolved on the codelist management application
* adds model and form mixin for PIK
* integrates mixins for compensation, ema and ecoaccount
* adds migration files
* extends API
* extends API test data
* adds is_xy fields to compensation, ema and ecoaccount reports
* adds is_pik information to detail views
* adds/updates translations
* adds restorable delete functionality to Team model
* refactors minor code model parts by introducing DeletableObjectMixin
* only non-deleted Teams can be chosen for sharing
* deleted Teams can be restored using the proper function on the backend admin
* deleted Teams do not provide
* adds migration
* adds a second star icon on currently unchecked but previously checked entries
--> can be detected easier for another check run
* simplifies some related code parts
* moves some translation string into message_templates.py
* enables session timeout after 60 minutes
* improves comment card layout sizing
* adds/updates translations
* adds optional short_name rendering for selectable codes
* refactors autocomplete field for compensation state into custom js tree widget
* adds single select (radio) alternative to tree widget templates
* changes trigger for sending data to EGON: on each new payment, edited payment or deleted payment action, the data will be sent to EGON instead only once on "recording"
* refactors parcel table into a dynamic table, which does not show all content at once but rather supports pagination and a button which triggers loading of more content
* adds translation
* adds geometry validity checks for SimpleGeomForm is_valid()
* shows validity problems on the form if a feature is invalid
* optimizes merging of different features into one MultiPolygon
* further enhances tests
* adds as_feature_collection() method on Geometry model for converting geom MultiPolygon attribute into FeatureCollection json holding each polygon as an own feature -> makes each polygon selectable in new netgis map client
* adds geom back writing to form field in case of invalid geometry, so the invalid geometry will be shown again
* updates tests
* fixes bug where race condition of celery workers could lead to duplicates in parcels (needs migration)
* fixes InterventionAutocomplete bug, where team-shared entries would not pop up as valid option
* fixes bug where form opening for new compensation without direct intervention link resulted in 404
* adds intervention-recorded check on deduction forms: Form is invalid if intervention is currently recorded and therefore blocked for any editing
* extends basic check_for_recorded_instance() method to let some forms pass, e.g. deduction related forms on ecoaccounts which only have a reason to be rendered IF the entry is recorded
* adds/updates translations
* adds new modal form content template recorded_no_edit.html
* adds modal content change, such that no data can be edited on any form as long as the entry is recorded -> instead, users are informed on the form, that the recording state prohibits editing
* adds translations
* extends admin backend
* adds found_in_codelists to KonovaCodeAdmin to see where a KonovaCode can be found in
* improves rendering of after_states and before_states for all AbstractCompensationAdmins
* adds geometry_id to all major datatype admin backends
* adds st_area like calculation to geometry admin backend
* update_all_parcels
* orders geometries by size (small to big) to process smaller geometries first and bigger later
* adds more output to command for a better overview of what is just going on
* fixes bug where created timestamp has been displayed on modified attribute on detail views
* enhances localized date and datetime rendering
* reorders sub menus in user's profile hub
* improves frontend layout to display more details on district, municipal and parce group
* improves ordering of parcels
* refactors parcel related models
* improves parcel fetching
* extends and simplifies sanitize_db parcel related code
* adds tests for team sharing
* extends the API for team sharing support
* adds shared_teams property shortcut for ShareableObjectMixin
* adds full support for team-based sharing to all views and functions
* simplifies ShareModalForm
* adds/updates translations
* adds team sharing field to share form
* splits sharing logic into user based and teams based
* adds TeamAdmin for admin backend
* adds validity check on Team name -> only unused names shall be valid
* changes action_type from ForeignKey into M2M
* adds migration
* changes form widget
* WIP: changes rendering on detail view of compensation
* improves the way parcel-geometry relations are stored on the DB
* instead of a numerical sequence we switched to UUID, so no sequence will run out at anytime (new model: ParcelIntersection)
* instead of dropping all M2M relations between parcel and geometry on each calculation, we keep the ones that still exist, drop the ones that do not exist and add new ones (if new ones exist)
* adds parcel district column for all major data objects
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on index view of compensations
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on detail view of related compensations
* adds more log details on adding/removing documents
* fixes bug in admin backend where restoring of non-compensation entries led to an error
* fixes bug where deleting of revocation without an attached file would lead to an error
* adds log details for adding/removing of compensations for intervention
* adds handy restore-deleted function for admin backend for alls BaseObject derivatives
* adds/updates translations
* adds support for payment adding/deleting to intervention log
* adds support for deduction adding/deleting to intervention/ecoaccount log
* improves code snippets
* drops add_deduction() methods for ecoaccount and intervention in favor of simpler creation in NewDeductionModalForm
* adds messages
* adds/updates translations
* moves message rendering directly below navigation menu for a more closed look
* reworks message rendering on before_states and after_states for all compensation related datatypes
* reworks layout of action column on all related data card tables
* resizes certain attribute layouts on related data card tables
* reworks layout of details on CompensationState and CompensationAction rendering from own column into subgrouped placement of main type info
* drops align-middle placement for all related data card table contents
* removes admin backend views which are not important for production
* adds filtering functionalities on index views
* simplifies detail views on intervention, compensation, ecoaccount and ema
* adds autocomplete fields on detail views
* adds handy horizontal filter fields on detail views
* extends the API to support serializing and deserializing of action_details and biotope_details
* renames biotope_extra_types into biotope_type_details on CompensationState model for convenience reasons and to match CompensationAction's action_type_details
* extends the detail view templates for all compensation related models to render extra CompensationState details as well
* reduces number of landing page news from 4 to 3
* improves .card-text in favor of .scroll-150
* improves .card font size
* adds support for POST of new compensations
* adds shared_users property to BaseObject and Compensation to simplify fetching of shared users (Compensation inherits from intervention)
* extends compensation admin index
* modifies compensation manager which led to invisibility of deleted entries in the admin backend
* fixes bug in sanitize_db.py where CREATED useractions would be removed if they are not found on any log but still are used on the .created attribute of the objects