* adds new modal form content template recorded_no_edit.html
* adds modal content change, such that no data can be edited on any form as long as the entry is recorded -> instead, users are informed on the form, that the recording state prohibits editing
* adds translations
* fixes bug in egon_export.py where missing payment date would result in non writing of gml
* fixes bug in egon_export.py which occured due to extension of parcel data fetching
* updates unavailable.html report content, such that users will understand why a recorded entry might not be visible, yet
* improves filtering by gmrkng and krs
* implements deferred loading of parcels on spatial referenced data objects
* adds HTMX to project
* improves detail view layout (mainly interesting for smaller displays/mobile)
* moves message rendering directly below navigation menu for a more closed look
* reworks message rendering on before_states and after_states for all compensation related datatypes
* reworks layout of action column on all related data card tables
* resizes certain attribute layouts on related data card tables
* reworks layout of details on CompensationState and CompensationAction rendering from own column into subgrouped placement of main type info
* drops align-middle placement for all related data card table contents
* adds workaround in case of received WFS exception -> routine waits 1 second and tries to rerun for another time. If this does fail as well, the routine will end without a result
* adds mailto shortcut to contact button in footer for a quick fix
* adds mail sending if shared data is deleted
* adds/updates translations
* refactors recording mails into separate email template folder email/recording
* moves mail sending to celery worker using shared_task in konova/tasks.py
* adds mail sending for shared access given
* adds UserNotification settings checks for mail sending
* adds/updates translations
* enhances rendering of tables
* enhances rendering of filter section
* reorganizes table filter codes into konova/filters/ folder and splits into mixins and table_filters
* refactors XYTableFilter classes to hold query_filter and checkbox_filter which are separate instances of django_filter.FilterSets
* improves render ability for frontend
* adds public report rendering for intervention model
* adds new routes for report
* adds new public_base.html and public_navbar.html
* adds lookup table for zoom levels for lanis link generating
* moves qr code generating into utils/generators.py
* extends KonovaCode filtering for parent objects matching given input
* renames data_form into form for easier template render support
* simplifies empty geometry form initialization
* adds saving functionality for new intervention form
* refactors new identifier generating, so a pre-generated identifier from a new element form will be checked again before saving
* adds css fixes for disturbing input field:focus bugs
* adds missing csrf token to new collapsible form
* adds/updates translations
* introduces mark_as_deleted as only marking instead of using delete() which will really delete from the db
* adds proper boolean mapping to update_codelist
* differs between id and atom_id for KonovaCode since atomIds are not unique (could change in the future)
* adds is_selectable and is_archived to KonovaCode
* scales width of DAL form fields to 100% width
* adds table-responsive wrapping container for table forms to prevent unwanted rendering artifacts in case of table resizing due to long content
* adds autocomplete routes for law, registration offices and conservation offices
* adds Ema model (basically Compensation inherited)
* adds index view for EMAs
* fixes drop-down link bug for menu 'More' in navbar
* refactors some more forms to use process_request()
* adds modified attribute to BaseResource for easy last_modified check
* adds setting of modified attribute in all places where UserAction.EDITED is added to log
* adds EmaAdmin to ema/admin.py
* fixes wrong title in intervention detail view html for revocations
* adds support for subtitle variable to BaseTable and generic_index.html
* drops next_version attribute from models
* adds/updates translations
* adds default ordering for UserActionLogEntry
* removes extra ordering in log modal rendering
* removes WIKI_URL, replaces with HELP_LINK since it was the same before as well
* refactors modal form processing (process_request())
* modal form can now display errors directly inside the modal (as intended by the devs)
* modals now properly support the GET-POST workflow that is intended by the devs. More information here: https://github.com/trco/django-bootstrap-modal-forms/issues/183
* Improves label-field linking in generic_table_form_body.html
* removes isDeleteForm attribute from modal_form_script.html
* adds message for checking of intervention
* refactors sso message sending to handle an iterable of users
* adds specific method for sending object checking related messages
* adds label support for modal form for more simple clicking of checkboxes
* refactors initializing and rendering of a map view into map/geom_form.html, which leads to simple includes on the detail views instead of redundant html
* refactors django-autocomplete-light form media links and scripts into dal/scripts.html, which can be included on the header blocks of detail views to support form modals using dal easier without the need for form.media
* changes filter behaviour on eco account index: instead of hiding recorded accounts (like in interventions), the filter option there has been replaced with "Show only unrecorded" which can be used to hide all recorded ones
* background: eco accounts shall be visible when recorded, since they can only be used for withdrawing if they are recorded. Hiding the recorded ones does not make any sense, just like in interventions
* updates some code documentation
* adds/updates translations
* adds functionality for withdraws from eco accounts in detail view of interventions and eco account as well
* adds get_surface() method to AbstractCompensation class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* adds get_surface_withdraws() method to EcoAccount class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* renames some routes to match coherent rout naming
* adds logic check on NewWithdrawForm
* renames templates/table directory to templates/form, since there are form-table templates inside --> more clarity
* adds new autocomplete routes to konova/urls.py for Interventions and EcoAccounts
* adds/updates translations
* adds/updates template comments
* updates requirements.txt