* enhances filtering for Autocomplete -> parent_parent will be searched for match as well
* adds rendering of parent_parent group for BiotopeAutocomplete
* enhances ordering of registration office autocomplete
* improves the way parcel-geometry relations are stored on the DB
* instead of a numerical sequence we switched to UUID, so no sequence will run out at anytime (new model: ParcelIntersection)
* instead of dropping all M2M relations between parcel and geometry on each calculation, we keep the ones that still exist, drop the ones that do not exist and add new ones (if new ones exist)
* adds parcel district column for all major data objects
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on index view of compensations
* adds warning about intervention-revocation on detail view of related compensations
* adds more log details on adding/removing documents
* fixes bug in admin backend where restoring of non-compensation entries led to an error
* fixes bug where deleting of revocation without an attached file would lead to an error
* adds log details for adding/removing of compensations for intervention
* adds handy restore-deleted function for admin backend for alls BaseObject derivatives
* adds/updates translations
* adds support for payment adding/deleting to intervention log
* adds support for deduction adding/deleting to intervention/ecoaccount log
* improves code snippets
* drops add_deduction() methods for ecoaccount and intervention in favor of simpler creation in NewDeductionModalForm
* adds messages
* adds/updates translations
* removes admin backend views which are not important for production
* adds filtering functionalities on index views
* simplifies detail views on intervention, compensation, ecoaccount and ema
* adds autocomplete fields on detail views
* adds handy horizontal filter fields on detail views
* extends the detail view templates for all compensation related models to render extra CompensationState details as well
* reduces number of landing page news from 4 to 3
* improves .card-text in favor of .scroll-150
* improves .card font size
* adds support for DELETE method for all relevant objects
* improves get_obj_from_db functionality
* drops custom compensation logic for get_obj_from_db due to improvement of base method
* writes test for sharing using the API
* fixes bug on frontend form where an exception occured on generating a new API token if no token existed, yet
* adds permission constraint (default group) for using the api in general
* fixes default-group-only behaviour for sharing-API, so users can only add new users and not removing them, as long as they do not have any other group membership like registration or conservation office
* changes 'ksptoken' to 'Ksptoken' to match CGI standard for http header keys
* adds support for POST of new compensations
* adds shared_users property to BaseObject and Compensation to simplify fetching of shared users (Compensation inherits from intervention)
* extends compensation admin index
* modifies compensation manager which led to invisibility of deleted entries in the admin backend
* fixes bug in sanitize_db.py where CREATED useractions would be removed if they are not found on any log but still are used on the .created attribute of the objects
* adds new app to project
* adds relation between User model and new APIUserToken model
* adds first implementation for GET of intervention
* adds basic code layout for future extension by having new versions
* adds abstract is_ready_for_publish method to PublishableObjectMixin which needs to be implemented in subclasses
* adds implementation for intervention model
* adds publishable check to rendering report view
* adds/updates translations
* adds tab titles for compensations
* adds/updates translations
* optimizes identifier generating, so that one-digit months will be converted into two digits
* extends KonovaSSOClient for providing support of propagated user data from sso-server. For longterm, we hope to have this feature directly on django-simple-sso. Further details can be found here: https://github.com/divio/django-simple-sso/issues/67
* adds workaround in case of received WFS exception -> routine waits 1 second and tries to rerun for another time. If this does fail as well, the routine will end without a result
* adds mailto shortcut to contact button in footer for a quick fix
* adds mail sending if shared data is deleted
* adds/updates translations
* refactors recording mails into separate email template folder email/recording
* moves mail sending to celery worker using shared_task in konova/tasks.py
* adds mail sending for shared access given
* adds UserNotification settings checks for mail sending
* adds/updates translations
* enhances rendering of tables
* enhances rendering of filter section
* reorganizes table filter codes into konova/filters/ folder and splits into mixins and table_filters
* refactors XYTableFilter classes to hold query_filter and checkbox_filter which are separate instances of django_filter.FilterSets
* improves render ability for frontend
* refactors table filters by introducing AbstractTableFilter, GeoReferencedTableFilterMixin, ShareableTableFilterMixin and RecordableTableFilterMixin
* adds full filter functionality
* refactors TableFilter inheritances for all objects
* refactors default autocomplete into grouped autocompletes, if parents exist for grouping
* updates requirement for django-autocomplete-light due to an issue with an attribute in pip's default version 3.8.2. More info here: https://github.com/yourlabs/django-autocomplete-light/issues/1278
* adds celery to project
* adds celery background task for updating parcels
* adds parcel calculation to creating of new geometries as well
* tests outstanding!!!
* adds parcel displaying on public reports
* fixes bug in EMA where autocomplete js would not load for modal forms
* fixes bug where BaseContext cached data from last request and reused it, if not overwritten
* adds rendering for detail view
* adds new includable html snippet for parcel rendering
* refactors generic includables in konova/ app into konova/templates/includes/...
* fixes bug where parcels have been reused from the database due to wrong model structure
* adds get_underlying_parcels() for Geometry model
* adds get_underlying_parcels() for GeoReferencedMixin models
* fixes bug where missing geometry would lead to an error during geometry conflict check
* removes unused wfs attribute from AbstractWFSFetcher
* adds/updates translations
* extends sanitize db command to remove unrelated parcels and district from the database
* fixes bug where single parcel wfs match would lead to unexpected behaviour
* adds admin interface for parcels and districts
* adds updating of parcels in case of SimpleGeomForm saving
* refactors WFS fetching to proper POST handling
* adds authentication support to WFS handling
* reduces dummy geometry for tests to a small area to reduce test network traffic overhead
* fixes bug in GeometryConflict conflict checking
* WIP: introduces new konova/utils/wfs/spatial holding SpatialWFSFetcher, which can be fed any geometry and it returns found features
* WIP: adds tests for wfs fetching
* updates requirements.txt
* removes unused messages
* adds geometry conflict message rendering for KOM and OEK
* removes unused methods in GeoReferencedMixin
* generalizes geometrical lookup for conflicts from overlaps to intersects
* refactors geometry field into GeoReferencedMixin, holding more handy methods and used in all models, formerly holding the geometry field
* refactors backend admin configuration, so modified, deleted and created are not editable in the backend which also skips loading of all possible choices
* fixes typo in sanitize_db command
* introduces GeometryConflict model, holding a link between two geometries, where one overlaps the other
* adds first (WIP) messages into detail views of ema and intervention for test purposes
* changes the autocomplete route for user retrieving from _istartswith to full qualified check
* extends the help text for form to inform about full qualified username needed
* updates translation
* adds file mime type check on NewDocumentForm
* adds file size check on NewDocumentForm
* adds is_xy_valid methods as classmethods on AbstractDocument
* adds translations for error messages
* updates help text on NewDocumentForm file field
* moves updating of shared access users into ShareableObjectMixin
* renames ShareInterventionModalForm to ShareModalForm since it's used for EMA and eco accounts as well
* renames model ResponsibilityData into Responsibility
* renames model LegalData into Legal
* moves form->object saving logic into model
* refactors NewDocumentForm into special types for intervention, compensation, eco account and ema
* implements 5) "Add 'Maßnahmentyp' for KOMs "
* prepares model and form fields as mixins for easy extension to eco accounts and emas (possibly in the future?)
* adds tests for compensations (WIP)
* refactors some dummy data generating into base test class
* fixes bugs detected by testing
* adds important requirements.txt change for itsdangerous package (<1.0.0 for compatibility to django-simple-sso)
* refactors CheckableMixin and RecordableMixin into CheckableObject and RecordableObject
* adds ShareableObject for wrapping share related fields and functionality
* adds share functionality to EcoAccount and EMA, just like Intervention
* adds quality check logic for EcoAccount with EcoAccountQualityChecker
* adds/updates translations
* adds quality check logic for EMA with EmaQualityChecker
* adds AbstractQualityChecker as base for all quality checker instances
* adds InterventionQualityChecker, inheriting from AbstractQualityChecker
* adds functionality to InterventionQualityChecker
* adds/updates translations
* refactors: attached files can only be downloaded by users with shared access
* adds hint on unshared data being unshared for compensation, ema, eco-account
* minor optical enhancement for user contact form
* adds index form for selecting timespan and office of interest
* adds timespan support for TimespanReport
* fixes naive datetime issues
* fixes missing error message css tag
* adds/updates translations
* optimizes the db fetching for all index views and detail views
* introduces usage of managers.py in all necessary apps for wrapping basic fetch settings
* moves comment.html to comment_card.html under /konova/templates/konova/
* adds/updates translations
* fixes document typos
* drops comment rendering in public reports
* opens public reports in new tabs if button is clicked from the detail view
* adds public report rendering for intervention model
* adds new routes for report
* adds new public_base.html and public_navbar.html
* adds lookup table for zoom levels for lanis link generating
* moves qr code generating into utils/generators.py
* adds EditEcoAccountForm
* adds placeholders for some form fields
* changes comment card in detail view into rlp-grayish
* adds eco account detail view comment box
* removes unnecessary loading of dal scripts in view.html
* refactors generated identifier for data objects (10 digits to 6 uppercase letter-digit combination)
* improves generate_random_string() method by adding more options for generation of strings
* adds/updates translations
* adds NewEcoAccountForm
* refactors NewCompensationForm into AbstractCompensationForm so main fields can be reused again
* fixes template bug in account detail view where the amount of deductions has been displayed instead of the available rest
* refactors _generate_new_identifier() into generate_new_identifier()
* refactors get_available_rest() into returning both, the total and relative amount
* improves saving of SimpleGeometryForm()
* adds/updates translations
* adds NewCompensationForm content and functionality
* reorganizes compensation forms into compensation/forms/forms.py and forms/modalForms.py
* adds new compensation html template in compensation/templates/compensation/new
* adds new default message template in message_templates.py: IDENTIFIER_REPLACED
* adds/updates translations
* extends KonovaCode filtering for parent objects matching given input
* renames data_form into form for easier template render support
* simplifies empty geometry form initialization
* introduces bootstrap class form-control for proper html form input rendering
* fixes bug where missing shared users for an entry resulted in a None exception
* adds GenerateInput with template in generate-content-input.html, which provides a generate button for fetching server-side content
* adds/updates translations
* adds saving functionality for new intervention form
* refactors new identifier generating, so a pre-generated identifier from a new element form will be checked again before saving
* adds css fixes for disturbing input field:focus bugs
* adds missing csrf token to new collapsible form
* adds/updates translations
* introduces mark_as_deleted as only marking instead of using delete() which will really delete from the db
* adds deductable_surface to EcoAccount model to provide an easy way to change the deductable amount from an account -> depends on external funding e.g. with AktionBlau or similar
* adds overview of deducted and deductable volume to detail view
* adds check to eco account model, so the deductable_surface can never be larger than the total amount of after_state surface sum
* adds german formating for python logic based number formating
* adds/updates translations
* increases max_size for FileFields --> triggers when the file name will be automatically changed during upload
* adds Http404 Exception in case document file does not exist anymore on the hard drive
* refactors documents and file upload to be distributed into different subfolders, depending on the type of document (InterventionDocument, RevocationDocument, ...)
* refactors Document model into AbstractDocument
* subclasses RevocationDocument, InterventionDocument, COmpensationDocument, EmaDocument and EcoAccountDocument from AbstractDocument to provide proper functionality for each
* adds new specialized routes for each new document type (opening, removing)
* drops generic get and remove routes for documents
* keeps responsible data in compensation model for potential future purposes
* refactors registration_office and conservation_office to map onto KonovaCodes instead of own Organization model
* adds str_as_office property-method to KonovaCode to provide an easy way of rendering template data
* adds missing highlighting in case of missing information about registration office and conservation office
* extends KonovaCode command update_codelist.py for CODELIST_PROCESS_TYPE_ID
* adds preselectors for konova codes in models of CompensationAction, Law and CompensationState
* adds prefiltering of withdraws --> excludes withdraws of as deleted flagged interventions
* renders intervention-recorded icon into eco account withdraws details view
* fixes bug in case of document deleting which does not contain any files
* renames RecordForm into RecordModalForm for more clarity
* adds proper boolean mapping to update_codelist
* differs between id and atom_id for KonovaCode since atomIds are not unique (could change in the future)
* adds is_selectable and is_archived to KonovaCode
* scales width of DAL form fields to 100% width
* adds table-responsive wrapping container for table forms to prevent unwanted rendering artifacts in case of table resizing due to long content
* adds autocomplete routes for law, registration offices and conservation offices
* improves rendering of codes as string (short names will be used if existing)
* reduces selectable konova codes to leafs (as discussed with experts)
* automatically resizes the width of modal form fields to w-100
* adds/updates translations
* adds codelist app
* adds KonovaCodeList and KonovaCode model for fetching and storing OSIRIS Codelisten entries
* adds update_codelist command for updating and fetching codes
* adds autocomplete route for using codelists in forms
* fixes created timestamp in detail views where modified needs to be displayed
* adds fallback timestamp if data has not been edited, yet --> show created timestamp
* fixes bug where deleting of certain data didn't redirect to the index view
* adds quality_check() method for EMA, needed for recording
* adds all functions which are provided for compensations to EMA
* adds/updates translations
* adds Ema model (basically Compensation inherited)
* adds index view for EMAs
* fixes drop-down link bug for menu 'More' in navbar
* refactors some more forms to use process_request()
* adds modified attribute to BaseResource for easy last_modified check
* adds setting of modified attribute in all places where UserAction.EDITED is added to log
* adds EmaAdmin to ema/admin.py
* fixes wrong title in intervention detail view html for revocations
* adds support for subtitle variable to BaseTable and generic_index.html
* drops next_version attribute from models
* adds/updates translations
* adds default ordering for UserActionLogEntry
* removes extra ordering in log modal rendering
* adds new POST functionality in NewStateModalForm, which does not use the super classes process_request() method
* adds explaining comments on the is_ajax() call
* updates translations
* removes WIKI_URL, replaces with HELP_LINK since it was the same before as well
* refactors modal form processing (process_request())
* modal form can now display errors directly inside the modal (as intended by the devs)
* modals now properly support the GET-POST workflow that is intended by the devs. More information here: https://github.com/trco/django-bootstrap-modal-forms/issues/183
* Improves label-field linking in generic_table_form_body.html
* removes isDeleteForm attribute from modal_form_script.html
* adds message for checking of intervention
* refactors sso message sending to handle an iterable of users
* adds specific method for sending object checking related messages
* adds label support for modal form for more simple clicking of checkboxes
* removes unused third party package from requirements.txt
* adds KonovaSSOClient as subclass of sso.Client for more control over login, e.g. which user data shall not be updated (found in konoa/sso/sso.py)
* adds Messenger class for communicating with SSO server (found in konova/utils/messenger.py)
* adds dynamic icon for recording and unrecording of data
* adds record view to intervention and eco accounts
* adds quality_check() method for Intervention and EcoAccount class which holds logic for data quality checking
* adds UserAction "unrecorded"
* adds functionality for withdraws from eco accounts in detail view of interventions and eco account as well
* adds get_surface() method to AbstractCompensation class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* adds get_surface_withdraws() method to EcoAccount class to provide a simple getter for a sql calculation
* renames some routes to match coherent rout naming
* adds logic check on NewWithdrawForm
* renames templates/table directory to templates/form, since there are form-table templates inside --> more clarity
* adds new autocomplete routes to konova/urls.py for Interventions and EcoAccounts
* adds/updates translations
* adds/updates template comments
* updates requirements.txt
* adds detail view for eco account
* adds withdraw detail view to eco acount detail
* generalizes compensation/includes templates to be reusable for eco-accounts
* moves is_shared_with() check to class BaseObject
* adds/updates translations
* renames eco_withdraws to withdraws
* adds EcoAccountTableFilter
* changes percentage withdraw to surface withdraw --> renames amount to surface
* updates EcoAccountTable
* adds column for rendering rest of available account using a progress bar
* adds progressbar.html to konova/custom_widgets
* adds/updates translations
* adds modal_generic.html template for generic usage
* adds M2M field log to BaseObject
* adds show log button to controls.html
* adds logging on adding related objects
* adds render log table using generic modal
* adds tooltip to missing values in detail views
* adds/updates translations
* adds functionality for check button
* adds highlighting of important data on detail view for intervention
* adds deleting logic to BaseObject model and BaseResource model
* adds RunCheckForm
* adds check_validity() method to Intervention class
* fixes wrong success msg for adding documents
* adds/updates translations
* adds Revocation model to interventions/models.py
* adds revocations to interventions detail view
* fixes duplicated ids in html includes
* refactors controls for detail view into included template files (controls.html)
* reduces max length for payment transfer notes from 1000 to 200
* adds RevocationAdmin to intervention/admin.py
* adds new form for adding a Revocation to an intervention's legal_data
* only one revocation per intervention possible
* removes add button in case of an existing revocation
* adds revocation routes to intervention app
* renames document field in Document model into file for more clarity
* adds/updates translations
* removes CompensationControl model
* adds comment field to CompensationAction
* adds max length of 200 for comment fields in forms
* adds rendering of error messages in case of invalid form input
* adds/updates translations
* moves diff_states message back to table top for direct presentation in compensation/detail/view.html
* removes diff_states rendering in deadline card in compensation/detail/view.html
* fixes before_state adding based on GET parameter
* refactors UserActionlogEntryEnum into a UserAction TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds ordering of compensation states depending on surface value
* refactors ServerMessageImportance from enum into TextChoice (Django 3.x)
* adds/updates translations
* adds compensation detail view (WIP)
* adds includes dir for related objects, similar to interventions
* adds functionality for
* adding/removing before_states
* adding/removing after_states
* adding/removing deadlines
* adding/removing documents
* refactors usage of BaseModalForm
* holds now process_request() in base class for generic usage anywhere
* adds __str__() method for some models
* compensation__action is blank=True now
* renamed tooltips
* adds new routes for state/deadline/document handling inside of compensation/urls.py
* adds precalculation of before/after_states for detail view, so users will see directly if there are missing states
* removes unnecessary link for intervention detail payment
* adds missing tooltips for check and record icon on detail views
* refactors DeadlineTypeEnum into DeadlineType in konova/models.py, just as the django 3.x documentation suggests for model enumerations
* UuidModel id field is not editable anymore in the admin interface
* adds/updates translations